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Bullshit & Talking DON'T Cook the Rice!

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> I have a problem: I always test weak after a crown pull. I do the

> other daily drills first (3 thumps, cross crawl, wayne cook, flush

> tw, zip up) and test strong. Then try the crown pull and I'm weak.


> I do a " crown push " (sides up to middle), I'm strong.


> Any ideas what's going on here? What do I do to correct this?




The other post to you must NOT have been read.


Here's a bit more.


Forget the gobbly gook, the bullshit, the talkee talkee, and do the

Crown Hair Pull!


Do it!


Reach up and grab your hair and PULL UP firmly!


Start at the front.


Both sides. And the top.


Working your way front to back.


Then energy test to see if it worked.


And, I'll bet you money it does.


It's one of the best kept secrets in Energy Medicine.


Janee demonstrated it in Kiowa, and Donna whole-heartly recommended

it. And she gave the reasons " why " it was so good.


Forget the goobly gook. Talking don't cook the rice.


Turning on the stove. Getting a pot of water. Adding rice, cooks the



Action is the best method of getting results!



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