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Use Spiffing for Marketing Wash of the Brains

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Hey Doc,


docspeed2001 wrote:


>What you mentioned is a common and EFFECTIVE marketing tactic, " IF "

>the client is really, really enamoured with what you do.


>Then they can become a disciple so to speak...


>...just as I and many others on this group very highly recommend Donna.



May I use this stuff???


I've been reviewing my notes, and Free Reports, and Packages that you

gave away as a Freebie.


Im Teaching a 2 Day Workshop before I head up to Hunaland And Until it

becomes more natural, I thought I would Start Practicing...By asking the

12 MasterKey Questions you gave us, to start off at the start of the

training...and then Later on tomorrow night...Im going to review the

videos and use their answers to weave a really kick-ass detailed,

Anchor....to some of my Video and DVDs and to sign up for a 6 week

Mastermind- " in Training' Support Group. I don't think I've ever

reviewed videos from Day 1 in preparation for Day 2 Training....But I am

going to also throw in some of the other cool stuff...to

them...primarily just to see, If I have it down, for myself to use too.


>The tactic is called " spiffing " .


>One variation I use at my own place, is I give one of the following

>freebees to someone that recommends my place, and that person comes in

>for an interview, then signs up for a basic $39 intro.


>His choice of freebees are...


>1. A $97 product...(my hard cash out, $2 bucks)


>2. A $59 product...(my hard cash out, $22 bucks)


>3. Or a $25 pass to the movies. (my hard cash out, $25 bucks)


>It is worth it to me to pay up to $25 bucks for a client that will

>probably pay me between $1,500 to $4,000 bucks in a year.


>And the client is under no obligation, except his own greed, to do the



>...and the newbee gets to train with one of the best in the Pacific

>Northwest for peanuts.


>A triple win situation.


Oh My God...I love this Triple combo..I love Triple Combo's when I make

offers, but I hadn't thought of this one.....Ya know, with a little

different twist to making Real Estate offers, this would add some more

bucks, in a creative way...I may teach, what I have in mind,tomorrow.


See ya in a few Daze.













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, Richard

Cinta <richardc@w...> wrote:


> May I use this stuff???


Only if you buy me a Miller's each day of the seminar.


Then, go ahead!



> >The tactic is called " spiffing " .

> >

> >One variation I use at my own place, is I give one of the


> >freebees to someone that recommends my place, and that person

comes in

> >for an interview, then signs up for a basic $39 intro.

> >

> >His choice of freebees are...

> >

> >1. A $97 product...(my hard cash out, $2 bucks)

> >

> >2. A $59 product...(my hard cash out, $22 bucks)

> >

> >3. Or a $25 pass to the movies. (my hard cash out, $25 bucks)

> >

> >It is worth it to me to pay up to $25 bucks for a client that


> >probably pay me between $1,500 to $4,000 bucks in a year.

> >

> >And the client is under no obligation, except his own greed, to

do the

> >deed...

> >

> >...and the newbee gets to train with one of the best in the


> >Northwest for peanuts.

> >

> >A triple win situation.

> >

> Oh My God...I love this Triple combo..I love Triple Combo's when

I make

> offers, but I hadn't thought of this one.....Ya know, with a


> different twist to making Real Estate offers, this would add

some more

> bucks, in a creative way...I may teach, what I have in



> See ya in a few Daze.


> Richard

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--- docspeed2001 <docspeed2001 wrote:


> It is worth it to me to pay up to $25 bucks for a

> client that will probably pay me between $1,500 to

> $4,000 bucks in a year.


It's called " The Lifetime Value of a Client. " I was

just talking to Knippenberg yesterday and he reminded

me of this very important concept.


So I did take my " blinders " off. Or maybe I " pulled my

head out ... "


Whichever metaphor you prefer, right?


Thanks Jim!


Thanks Doc!









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