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Toxins In Our Water- a cross posting

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A 10 minute Video excerpt from Dr. Hardy Limeback, BSc, PhD, DDS, Assoc. Professor & Head, School Of Preventive Dentistry, Univ. of Toronto You can see the full 29 minute version hereAs mentioned, most of the water is not used for drinking but goes out in the environment. See:Brent Foster - An Environmental Professional Speaks Out on Fluoridation (5 minute video) As we discussed removing bottled water is a laudable action and there should be nothing better than being able to do it, unfortunately, this may force many children and others to drink City water that uses an toxic industry waste product Hydrofluorosilicic acid (HSA)**, which includes traces of arsenic and lead, to fluoridate it - Fluoride also increases the up take of Aluminum and possibly other toxic metals! Fluoride itself is more toxic than lead yet they are knowingly putting it in our water! For more please see: Water Treatment With Silcofluorides And Lead Toxicity. Besides the progressive* damage that fluoride (along with its co contaminates) brings to all, some are allergic to it and are forced to find unfluoridated sources of water. Sadly the added toxins cannot be filtered out with simple carbon filters. Only the costly and wasteful reverse osmosis or distillation can be used by those who want to avoid or are allergic to fluoride. *Just like lead, once fluoride enters our body it stays in our body, accumulating inside us over our lifetime.Please read Bruce Spittle titled "Fluoride Fatigue" and subtitled "Fluoride Poisoning: is fluoride in your drinking water and from other sources making your sick?" book. You can download it free. See also: Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Statement on drinking water fluoridationA lot of bottled water in fact does come from municipal sources. And we are really getting ripped by the bottlers, and many of us hate being gouged not to mention waste of plastics and their attendant problems. However, much of the bottled water, with few exceptions, is treated via the wasteful reverse osmosis filters. One of the few filters that can remove much of the toxin** deliberately added by the City in our water. Hence the demand and often the necessity for bottled water for those sensitive and/or allergic to fluoride and those who understand the progressive nature of poisoning by fluoride and its co contaminants. **Hydrofluorosilicic acid is an inorganic fluoride on the CEPA (Canadian Environmental Protection Agency) list of toxic substances. It is toxic, bioaccumulative, anthropogenic and persistent. This chemical is scrubbed from the smoke stacks of the phosphate mining industry. It contains many other toxic substances such as arsenic, lead, mercury, radionuclides. It is categorized as a "hazardous waste" by Environment Canada and the US EPA. As such, you may not dispose of it directly into our source water.Without addressing the real reason behind the need for bottled we only make matters worse. Cleaning city water is the primary solution to rid us of bottled water. Polluting companies must pay $7,000/ton to dispose of the hazardous waste called hydrofluorosilicic acid safely. Instead, these companies receive $1,000/ton to dispose of this hazardous waste in municipal drinking water. (Source: Dr. Bill Hirzy, Senior US EPA chemist)For a detailed discussion please see links in: PUTTING HYDROFLUOROSILICIC ACID INTO OUR CLEAN DRINKING WATER . . . CALLING IT WATER 'FLUORIDATION'See Petition #221 to the Auditor General of Canada for more information: http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/pet_221_e_30308.html The lack of awareness on this issue is driving many to think that city water is safe for drinking by all. While the municipality's water is thoroughly tested for pathogens etc. its intentional contamination by industrial waste products forces many to seek other sources of cleaner water wether they like it or not. Many, particularly children, will be forced to start using Aluminum and/or questionable stainless along with proprietary supposed non toxic materials made in China. They could be getting a nice dollop of Manganese, Lead along with Aluminum etc. from these bottles, that is further chelated by HSA deliberately added in city water?Also as discussed the school board's concern is more about losing revenue from bottled water and they are addressing that issue with more bottled pop etc. Here is an excerpt from the Dec. 17 Board Bulletin. I can send you a copy if you like"Superintendent Brian Greene provided an update on the Board's current vending machinecontract and indicated he was confident that vending machines will continue to generatesignificant revenue for schools with or without water"What this means is that any losses by removing bottled water will be offset by other bottled beverages. Hence the use of plastic bottles will continue unabated. The beverages often too are already made from toxic city water, not to mention the health damaging effects of many of these drinks.Bottled water companies who continually object to bottle water bans - not one will mention - why people really buy bottled water. Unlike many they recognize the real reason why people spend oodles of money and are forced to waste so much plastic is to avoid the toxic city water! These companies covertly bank on this fact to gouge the public...You will also notice that bottled water companies never use the toxins in the city water argument to market their water even though one should think that this could be great for marketing. They realize - to do so would educate the public on the real reasons why bottled water is in demand. This in turn will put pressure on the city to clean up the water and once that occurs the sales of bottled water will plummet.If we could, through awareness and education, influence the city to remove the deliberate addition of HSA in our water. The success of this one action will remove not only the necessity for bottled water but also the waste of buying, maintaining and using filtration systems. Cleaning city water is necessary first step to remove bottled water from schools and elsewhere.Also see the letter: "Banning bottled water not the right way to go"Please feel free to call/email should you need anymore information and please pass this on to as many an you can. We desperately need to increase aware ness if we are to succeed in putting dent in the sales of bottled water.Many thanks,Chris Gupta, P. Eng919 Plantation RdLondon, Ont.Ph: 519 472-9515 «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»§ - PULSE ON 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE! §Subscribe send email to: - «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»

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