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Strange Flows,Spirits and Other Energy Secrets, Like SOURCE PTS.

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I was discussing this subject just last night with a friend and client who had picked something up in the left side of her energy field. I wanted her to get rid of it herself and wasn't sure how she was going to be able to. Soooo, we did drills, lots of them and then when her energies were flowing nicely I got her to celtic weave and aura fluff over and over with intention and 'zap!' the misplaced energy left her field. She felt it go and so did I cos it seemed to land in me, on my crown chakra.


The way I moved it out was to ask for the energies of my guide (of light love etc etc) to connect with me and to infuse my body with that energy. It seems to have gone - how would I test to make sure? It isn't the first time this has happened and I have been told that it is unusual to be able to get rid of "unwanted energy guests" without either the help of someone else or with the use of oils. Being an independent kind of chappie I hate the thought of being stuck with something just cos I didn't have the right oil or a helpful person nearby so I wanted to try and get rid of these things myself.


There, you asked for us to share......started the ball rolling...and there is more....




Friday, April 01, 2005 11:44 AM

Strange Flows,Spirits and Other Energy Secrets, Like SOURCE PTS.

, phornepax@m... wrote:> 93 > First, thank you everyone for the good advice on driving!> Please note:> Doc just gave me permission to post this question here on the > list: > I am curious. Can one use the heart flow to attract helpful >spirits to oneself such as Angels (i.e. Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, >and Auriel) before a Pentagram Ritual? > My intuition is that this would work.Hi Anthony,My intuition, and experience,is that it will work also!This is a real kool subject and is 100% energy.Especially the Donna Eden energy skills, and the Huna energy skills!It's also a bit on the fringe and may freak a few people out.But here goes a very small tidbit, just to see if anyone likes the stew, or not...While I was in Tulum (I've told this story before, so has Donna, so I'm sure it's okay for this healingenergies list), Donna accidently attracted "something" to her that was NOT her.Here's what happened......a group of us were visiting the Mayan ruins......I got bored (I saw all the topless women, so...) so I started walking back to the reception area.In front of me I see this "seemingly" real old/uncoordinated person staggering up the road in front of me, and she is wearing an orange dress, the dress that Donna was wearing, BUT it was NOT Donna!But it WAS Donna!So I started walking faster, finally catching up with this staggering "other" person, and I reach out and grad her right hand with both my hands and I said, "Donna, are you okay?"And Donna instantly came back, and "what-ever-the hell was there, entergitcally in her place", went away.Then she told me the story of what had just happened to her in the ruins...(More on that story later. It's a very kool story, and some might want to know what to do when that happens. It did also happen, in a different way to 3 people in Phoenix, AZ, at that seminar when doing the Source Point Drills, so...)The neat thing was, I'm so grounded that when I touched her, "she" regrounded into her own body......and because of that "regrounding" and my centeredness I was invited to the first Grid class.Now I do have my own stories and experiences about entities, angels and "real bad stuff" from that shadow zone, but let's have a few others share their clear details, experience and questions first, if we may?Staying, of course, on an energy topic!Nice question Anthony.ps. did anyone notice my post on this exact same topic 3 days ago?

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Hi all,


Behind my back garden there is a grass clearing and behind that

loads of trees, it is a very beautiful place, especially in the

summer. I take my dog out there everyday, where we play football

(or soccer depending on where you are from). Anyway just next door

is a small graveyard, when I go out there at night to exercise my

dog, I have got a little spooked.


On one occasion at night I was practising Hakalau, when all of a

sudden I was aware of a very large entity about 15 foot in front of

me, the outline reminded me of those large creatures in Lord of the

Rings, the ones that go into battle with the Orks. To be honest I

was a little freaked; I had some fear that something that size will

hurt me. Then I realised that is probably only true in the physical

world (or maybe just with this case). I then just felt it wasn't

going to hurt me, so I told it to go away (well - " Get the Fuck out

of here " to be precise) and it did.


During my Hakalau practising, in between going into that expanded

awareness I got a little spooked by seeing outlines, or shadows

moving, so I think my fear attracted that entity to me (the fear was

when I wasn't in Hakalau).


When I am out there and feel fine, I don't get anything bothering

me, especially in the day time. So I guess it comes down to the Law

of Attraction, especially since the only difference is that I have

got spooked only when it is dark, and never when I am there in the



Now when I go out I state my intention for going out there, the same

with driving, projects etc....


I also wake up during sleep and sometimes feel things in the room.

Does this happen to anyone else?


I have used the Archangels, in the alpha depossession drill from

Doc's tapes. It works very, very well - you have to do the DAMN

DRILL though :> I really should study the extra stuff Doc

recommended on the videos, to get a better understanding of

possession, eating companions etc.


I saw Constantine the other night, it was cool how Keanu punched

that demon in the face during the exorcism.








essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>



> ,

> phornepax@m... wrote:

> > 93

> > First, thank you everyone for the good advice on driving!

> > Please note:

> > Doc just gave me permission to post this question here on the

> > list:

> > I am curious. Can one use the heart flow to attract helpful

> >spirits to oneself such as Angels (i.e. Raphael, Gabriel,


> >and Auriel) before a Pentagram Ritual?

> > My intuition is that this would work.


> Hi Anthony,


> My intuition, and experience,is that it will work also!


> This is a real kool subject and is 100% energy.


> Especially the Donna Eden energy skills, and the Huna energy



> It's also a bit on the fringe and may freak a few people out.


> But here goes a very small tidbit, just to see if anyone likes the

> stew, or not...


> While I was in Tulum (I've told this story before, so has Donna,


> I'm sure it's okay for this healingenergies list), Donna


> attracted " something " to her that was NOT her.


> Here's what happened...


> ...a group of us were visiting the Mayan ruins...


> ...I got bored (I saw all the topless women, so...) so I started

> walking back to the reception area.


> In front of me I see this " seemingly " real old/uncoordinated


> staggering up the road in front of me, and she is wearing an


> dress, the dress that Donna was wearing, BUT it was NOT Donna!


> But it WAS Donna!


> So I started walking faster, finally catching up with this

> staggering " other " person, and I reach out and grad her right hand

> with both my hands and I said, " Donna, are you okay? "


> And Donna instantly came back, and " what-ever-the hell was there,

> entergitcally in her place " , went away.


> Then she told me the story of what had just happened to her in the

> ruins...


> (More on that story later. It's a very kool story, and some might

> want to know what to do when that happens. It did also happen, in


> different way to 3 people in Phoenix, AZ, at that seminar when


> the Source Point Drills, so...)


> The neat thing was, I'm so grounded that when I touched her, " she "

> regrounded into her own body...


> ...and because of that " regrounding " and my centeredness I was

> invited to the first Grid class.


> Now I do have my own stories and experiences about entities,


> and " real bad stuff " from that shadow zone, but let's have a few

> others share their clear details, experience and questions first,


> we may?


> Staying, of course, on an energy topic!


> Nice question Anthony.



> ps. did anyone notice my post on this exact same topic 3 days ago?

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I do have some familiarity on the Pentagram Ritual Anthony is refering to. And the number "93" signify's the greek word thelema which translated into English means "Will". I don't know the heart flow drill but I think it would work for enhancing the Pentagram ritual. For years I studied Crowley's and other's works on Ceremonial Magick. One thing that I found similar is how in Ceremonial Magick you summon dark spirits out of your unconciouss and with awareness integrate them into your consciouss. I have burnt many books on this subject because it was overwhelming at times. I thought maybe it was detrimental to my martial arts study. I had a teacher who was supposed to write a book with the late great Ed Parker, but unfortunately he died before they could do it. This teacher is a Grandmaster and I tried telling him about this Ceremonial Magick stuff and I got vibes from him that he didn't like it. One time I

told him I was learning yoga and he told me that the problem with it is you can't do anything with it. This compared to the Chinese arts which are beneficial to your health and they have martial applications too.


Brandon docspeed2001 <docspeed2001 wrote:

, phornepax@m... wrote:> 93 > First, thank you everyone for the good advice on driving!> Please note:> Doc just gave me permission to post this question here on the > list: > I am curious. Can one use the heart flow to attract helpful >spirits to oneself such as Angels (i.e. Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, >and Auriel) before a Pentagram Ritual? > My intuition is that this would work.Hi Anthony,My intuition, and experience,is that it will work also!This is a real kool subject and is 100% energy.Especially the Donna Eden energy skills, and the Huna energy skills!It's also a bit on the fringe and may freak a few

people out.But here goes a very small tidbit, just to see if anyone likes the stew, or not...While I was in Tulum (I've told this story before, so has Donna, so I'm sure it's okay for this healingenergies list), Donna accidently attracted "something" to her that was NOT her.Here's what happened......a group of us were visiting the Mayan ruins......I got bored (I saw all the topless women, so...) so I started walking back to the reception area.In front of me I see this "seemingly" real old/uncoordinated person staggering up the road in front of me, and she is wearing an orange dress, the dress that Donna was wearing, BUT it was NOT Donna!But it WAS Donna!So I started walking faster, finally catching up with this staggering "other" person, and I reach out and grad her right hand with both my hands and I said, "Donna, are you okay?"And Donna instantly came back, and "what-ever-the

hell was there, entergitcally in her place", went away.Then she told me the story of what had just happened to her in the ruins...(More on that story later. It's a very kool story, and some might want to know what to do when that happens. It did also happen, in a different way to 3 people in Phoenix, AZ, at that seminar when doing the Source Point Drills, so...)The neat thing was, I'm so grounded that when I touched her, "she" regrounded into her own body......and because of that "regrounding" and my centeredness I was invited to the first Grid class.Now I do have my own stories and experiences about entities, angels and "real bad stuff" from that shadow zone, but let's have a few others share their clear details, experience and questions first, if we may?Staying, of course, on an energy topic!Nice question Anthony.ps. did anyone notice my post on this

exact same topic 3 days ago?

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At 02:46 PM 4/2/2005, you wrote:

>I do have some familiarity on the Pentagram Ritual Anthony is refering

>to. And the number " 93 " signify's the greek word thelema which translated

>into English means " Will " . I don't know the heart flow drill but I think

>it would work for enhancing the Pentagram ritual.


John Michael Greer, author of 'Circles of Power', sets forth a version of

the Middle Pillar ritual that involves the heart, and not the solar plexus

like Israel Regardie. Interesting take on the matter.


> For years I studied Crowley's and other's works on Ceremonial

> Magick. One thing that I found similar is how in Ceremonial Magick you

> summon dark spirits out of your unconciouss and with awareness integrate

> them into your consciouss.


That is a possible course of study with ceremonial (Golden Dawn) style

magic; you seem to to Crowley's proposition that the spirits are

manifestations of one's own unconscious mind. If you worked with

'traditional' Cabalistic magic you wouldn't necessarily work with the

qlippothic elements, especially in the beginning stages.


>I have burnt many books on this subject because it was overwhelming at times.


Depends on how you are proceeding with study and practice. IMO anything

will be overwhelming if it is not digested in as small chunks as is



To paraphrase the abovementioned JM Greer, you wouldn't expect to be a

proficient concert musician by getting together with friends once a week

and jamming some pieces for an hour or two. It requires dedicated, daily

practice; and attention to detail and improvement. So why would someone

think they can be proficient in magic if they do the LBRP once in a while,

or a Middle Pillar once a month?


And personally, I'd rather sell a book that burn it. Just because I don't

find the information useful doesn't mean that no one else will. And I'd be

getting money in return for passing on the knowledge, too.


>I thought maybe it was detrimental to my martial arts study. I had a

>teacher who was supposed to write a book with the late great Ed Parker,

>but unfortunately he died before they could do it.


The teacher died, or Ed Parker died?


> This teacher is a Grandmaster and I tried telling him about this

> Ceremonial Magick stuff and I got vibes from him that he didn't like it.


How does it follow that it would be detrimental to your martial arts study?


Did you believe everything the teacher told you?


> One time I told him I was learning yoga and he told me that the problem

> with it is you can't do anything with it. This compared to the Chinese

> arts which are beneficial to your health and they have martial

> applications too.


" You can't do anything with yoga. "


I suppose not. Health, longevity, improved digestion, strength,

flexibility, relaxation, posture, balance, coordination, subtle body

control, concentration, dissolution of unconscious muscle tension, psychic

activity and awakening... can't do anything with that. Wouldn't improve

one's martial applications, either, would it?


Must every activity have martial application before one can 'do something'

with it? Guess I should give up cooking. Cooking will make me healthy,

but apart from that I can't do anything with it.


Then again, there's nothing like a bit of FryPan-Fu to the noggin.




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> Now I do have my own stories and experiences about entities, angels

> and " real bad stuff " from that shadow zone, but let's have a few

> others share their clear details, experience and questions first,


> we may?


> Staying, of course, on an energy topic!






Hello Doc, that was an interesting story about Donna and the attached



I had an interesting experience about 5 years ago. (pre Eden, pre

UltraMind, Pre EFT, pre Qigong, pre Doc). If you care to read about

it. Maybe you can tell me if you think it was an entity or something

else I was dealing with here. (Hope this isn't too lengthy)


I suspect that " something " attached itself to me when I went to visit

someone close to me in the hospital who was very ill. After that

hospital visit I became sick with a cold and severely depleted of

energy for three months. I almost never catch colds and when I do

they are very mild and very short in duration. Drs. told me I just

had a stubborn cold and told me to take it easy.


One day near the end of those three months, when I was getting really

pissed-off about having that cold for so long, I yelled out

something like " I've had it! What's causing this, and what can I do

to eliminate it?!! If I remember right I also inserted a few crude

well expressed words too.


Right after that I could " see " these black cloudy blotches in the

space where my aura would be. I could feel that they

were " heavy " , " weighing me down " , " draining my energy " . It was very

weird that I could see, as well as feel so clearly, what was probably

the cause of my ailment, in my aura. That was the first time this

ever happened...and the last.


Anyway, now that I knew this dark energy was there attached to me I

took immediately actions to eliminate it. I won't go into every

detail about what I did, but in a nutshell I informed the " dark

energy " outloud and forcefully that it was no longer welcome, that I

had never given it permission to attach to me, and that I wanted it

to leave Immediately!! With that it started to fade away and I felt

much lighter.


I then vividly visualized myself being filled with and surrounded by

intense gold light and with a sharp burst of bright light I had the

light expand outward in every direction. I wasn't about to let

anything unwanted into my aura again! I must have slept for about 12

hours after that. I woke up feeling significantly improved, and over

the next couple of days I quickly regained my health. What took me so

long to realize it was more than a cold, I don't know, but I am more

aware now from that experience.


Whether it was an energy sucking " entity " or just some type of

negative energy or thought form I picked up I don't know. Have you

ever seen this type of dark cloudy energy or do you have an

explanation for what the dark clouds could have been?


Are there other way's to eliminate unwanted energies, besides the way

I came up with, and to protect oneself against attracting them?


I guess I can think of one very good way and that is those UM

Centering drills you keep reminding me about.





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HI Chris,

My thoughts,, as far as using the right oil...it could help, but the oil has energy (as does everything) so if you just tap into using the "correct energy" , then my belief is, that is all you need. seems like you found out what worked for you. Since you felt the energy land on you, you seem to be sensitive, so I would think that you would "know/feel" if the energy has left you also. Just ask your higherself if the energy has left.


As far as "needing " someone else to help you get rid of it...taking your example, your friend was the one who attracted it. she didnt' know how to get rid of it, so you helped. now she knows the drills you did with her and it helped. so next time, she may be able to do this herself. The underlying situation though, has to be addressed. How and why is she attracting these things to her. she may be consciouly or unconsciouly attracting them. If she continues to work on these drills and strengthens her energy body and zips up, this will help. she also needs to have the intention to allow only her energy to occupy her body.. this at times can be a challange if you are an energy worker, since you can be working very intimately with your client. It is always best to clear yourself when you are finished working with someone.


I have had several times were I was "possessed" with another's energy.one expample was in a doctor's office. Being sensitive, I felt it enter my crown chakra..but being in the doctor's office and getting an accupuncture treatment, and inviting healing energies into my bodies, I thought it was "good"...I was consciouly inviting it in. Days later I started acting differently, and thinking differently. I accepted this, thinking is was good. my friends noticed. weeks went by. I was not myself and realized that this was not "good". since I didnt' know how to get rid of this energy and was frankly freaked out by the whole situation, I called several people to help me get them out of me.Vince was one of them that helped. I did my own work in ridding them also. I could feel them leave my body one by one. It took about a week. there were 4 of them. I learned a big lesson from all of this...so you can look at this situation-the energies being inside of

me, as "good". I learned that my body is for MY energy and if other entities have issues they want to work on, they can get their own bodies. I learned that I have control over who and what inhabits my body.


There is energy all around us. if you are sensitive, you can feel it, and communicate with it. I do it all the time. Just know that as there are different "levels'-intelligence, integrity etc- on the physical plane, there is the same on the subtle energy planes. The "others" can trick you and say that they are nice and then they can turn on you when you least expect it. The best thing to do is be aware at all times and get to know your energy body so you know if it is you thinking and feeling these things or it is someone else inside of you that you are feeilng, and thinking their thoughts. We all have our own unique "signiture" that is us, and it is up to us to know it.




"hunter.cris" <hunter.cris wrote:


I was discussing this subject just last night with a friend and client who had picked something up in the left side of her energy field. I wanted her to get rid of it herself and wasn't sure how she was going to be able to. Soooo, we did drills, lots of them and then when her energies were flowing nicely I got her to celtic weave and aura fluff over and over with intention and 'zap!' the misplaced energy left her field. She felt it go and so did I cos it seemed to land in me, on my crown chakra.


The way I moved it out was to ask for the energies of my guide (of light love etc etc) to connect with me and to infuse my body with that energy. It seems to have gone - how would I test to make sure? It isn't the first time this has happened and I have been told that it is unusual to be able to get rid of "unwanted energy guests" without either the help of someone else or with the use of oils. Being an independent kind of chappie I hate the thought of being stuck with something just cos I didn't have the right oil or a helpful person nearby so I wanted to try and get rid of these things myself.


There, you asked for us to share......started the ball rolling...and there is more....




Friday, April 01, 2005 11:44 AM

Strange Flows,Spirits and Other Energy Secrets, Like SOURCE PTS.

, phornepax@m... wrote:> 93 > First, thank you everyone for the good advice on driving!> Please note:> Doc just gave me permission to post this question here on the > list: > I am curious. Can one use the heart flow to attract helpful >spirits to oneself such as Angels (i.e. Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, >and Auriel) before a Pentagram Ritual? > My intuition is that this would work.Hi Anthony,My intuition, and experience,is that it will work also!This is a real kool subject and is 100% energy.Especially the Donna Eden energy skills, and the Huna energy skills!It's also a bit on the fringe and may freak a few people out.But here goes a very small tidbit,

just to see if anyone likes the stew, or not...While I was in Tulum (I've told this story before, so has Donna, so I'm sure it's okay for this healingenergies list), Donna accidently attracted "something" to her that was NOT her.Here's what happened......a group of us were visiting the Mayan ruins......I got bored (I saw all the topless women, so...) so I started walking back to the reception area.In front of me I see this "seemingly" real old/uncoordinated person staggering up the road in front of me, and she is wearing an orange dress, the dress that Donna was wearing, BUT it was NOT Donna!But it WAS Donna!So I started walking faster, finally catching up with this staggering "other" person, and I reach out and grad her right hand with both my hands and I said, "Donna, are you okay?"And Donna instantly came back, and "what-ever-the hell was there, entergitcally in her place", went

away.Then she told me the story of what had just happened to her in the ruins...(More on that story later. It's a very kool story, and some might want to know what to do when that happens. It did also happen, in a different way to 3 people in Phoenix, AZ, at that seminar when doing the Source Point Drills, so...)The neat thing was, I'm so grounded that when I touched her, "she" regrounded into her own body......and because of that "regrounding" and my centeredness I was invited to the first Grid class.Now I do have my own stories and experiences about entities, angels and "real bad stuff" from that shadow zone, but let's have a few others share their clear details, experience and questions first, if we may?Staying, of course, on an energy topic!Nice question Anthony.ps. did anyone notice my post on this exact same topic 3 days


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In a message dated 4/1/05 4:46:07 AM, docspeed2001 writes:



Now I do have my own stories and experiences about entities, angels

and "real bad stuff" from that shadow zone, but let's have a few

others share their clear details, experience and questions first, if

we may?



I'm not freaked by this. I came to this kind of work via spiritual dowsing.

Have worked with energies, entities, plenty of woo woo stuff.

I have often invoked the help of angels and guides to locate and isolate

detrimental energies/entities and to escort them harmlessly into the

universe where they will be dealt with appropriately.

In preparation for such dowsing, one starts with making a connection

with Spirit and clearing oneself of all of the many detrimental influences

one may have picked up oneself.

During this time, I think I am working with qi and with meditative

brain states. I also ask that energy from Source be used

through me, not by me, so I don't get depleted. EM has helped

me stay balanced and to start each day not running on empty.


Harold McCoy of the Ozark Research Institute does some

wonderful RV and remote healing. His images are fascinating. There are

so many different and amazing people working with energy, often from

different starting points, but all converging. I did a workshop and some

private work once with a woman named Betty Miller (at an ORI meeting)

and pound for pound she was the most awesome dynamo ever. She works

out of a small town in Ohio. Energy crackles around her like lightning

sometimes. She is not a young woman, but is very fit. Some of the

things she does are like Donna's, but I don't think she learned them from


That was a long answer to say that I think preparaing yourself energetically

can help you call upon your angels and guides and do every other darn thing

I can think of, too.






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I too have gone through possessions before. I still continue to

argue with them from time to time. Has anyone had any physical

changes due to possession. I find my eyes change color. My eyes most

of the time are like green/blue hazel, but then sometimes the center

of my eyes go brown and green. when they do that I feel as though I

am staring at a stranger in the mirror. I see tiny little white

balls come into the side of my head and had one that would go in my

heart.I have most of my trouble around a 60 mile radius of my house.

Once I go beyond that, I see the white balls leave and all goes back

to normal until I return and then they come back. I do enjoy the

vivid dreams every night. I travel all over the planet and spend my

night living vicariously through different people.


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