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* Deva, Shoten Zenjin , Angels, Fairies , Nature Spirits , Gods

(Major and Minor), these are some of many names for the/those

consciousness who are the guides, guardians, conscious mind and spirit

, messengers, beings who oversee and implement the Cosmic/Divine order

/plan .



* The concept of Nature- Spirit is that everything is alive and

has consciousness. Everything is one entity and all beings , things,

feelings, experiences, are aspects or parts of that One Unified

Isness. Those apparent parts are also each individual consciousness

and beings whether of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual substance.*


* One Definition or explanation of Deva is as protective forces of

the universe, as builders of the movement of life energy from Spirit

and energy into Form and Physical and of the return or pulsing of the

form into spirit.*


* You may find the term Angel and Deva to be used somewhat


*Others interpret Angels as being non Physical beings who oversee the

evolution and communication of Humankind and their relationship with the

Divine or Unified Essence (God/dess) and Deva as being non Physical

beings which oversee the evolution and communication of all other

entities (including crystals as well as plants ,animals , Elements,

weather systems etc.) with the Divine and with humankind and all other

beings. When you accept everything as being facets of One Entirety of

consciousness, the distinction between Angel and Deva may be somewhat



*Crystal Deva are Nature spirits of the order of all that is or can

manifest as crystal ,stone or mineral. The overseers of the aspect of

the cosmic plan/order as it relates to crystals etc..*


* Crystal Deva are the consciousness of the crystals, the spirits ,

the minds and souls of the stones .They are individual spiritual,

mental, and emotional aspects of each crystal or stone. They are the

collective mind of each kind of stone. Crystal Deva are the over

lighting essence and unified consciousness of all crystals and stones

and all that pertains or relates to stones . Crystal Deva are/is a

manifestation of the undifferentiated creative source law, rhythm,

power, of the universe.



* They are aware, conscious, energy of the crystals manifesting in a

way that enables us to better communicate or understand or at least

conceive of what it is they are and how to work with them and the

physical form of the rocks crystals and minerals**.



* Crystal deva, crystals and stone are also associated With the

planet Saturn and Saturn energies. So that the Saturn Angel ,Deva or

Logos is considered by many to also be the over lighting intelligence

as related to Stones in this Galactic area. This is not something I

know and it is certainly not the whole of the truth but it is said.*


* I experience the Crystal and Rock Deva as being the spirit of the

crystals , the soul and intelligence. You may sense communication with

them them as energy , receive words or images ,colors music or just an

intuitive knowing. You may not consciously sense the deva yet may still

be interacting with them often sudden insights are the result of

assistance from deva.*


* Meditation and observation on and with nature including the stones

and crystals that you encounter are gateways to awaking this communion

and communication.*


* It is possible to experience the Deva as mind/spirit essence

providing an overview of the spirit of Stone .During this you may feel

an embrace of energy which may or may not be accompanied by messages

perceived in words or visions and colors and physical and emotional

sensations. Sometimes this has been a very dramatic experience but more

often it is quite subtle and manifests in the background .*


* The traditional interpretation of the Devic beings or

intelligence's of nonphysical planes has been expressed in a very

hierarchical way. A contemporary understanding is that such hierarchy

is more a matter of an ordering for our limited understanding in body

than a true matter of absolute rank. In Part, this is because each

Devic aspect or entity may at any time be merged with the whole and can

also be presenting as an individual or group of conscious entities*, *So

that there may be Deva of plants ,Deva of specific plants , say a

Strawberry plant Deva but you may also encounter a strawberry leaf

Deva, a Strawberry flower deva and a Strawberry fruit deva or even a

strawberry root deva.



* These may just be seen as the aspect that provides the template for

the physical form of each part but may also give you specific

information about the meanings and purposes of the part of the plant or

the whole plant or of plants of that kind. Everything , every aspect of

everything, even thought and emotions can be said to have Deva or




*There are Deva of All stones and crystals, of specific kinds or

classes of stones and crystals, Deva of specific types of stones and

crystals and Deva of each single stone or crystal.



* *

* Some people see or sense Deva in a mental image or even in the

outside environment .*

*The form seen is usually taken from the mind of the viewer and the

collective mind/record to assist in the communication. The nearest to

an actual form of most deva would probably the glowing orbs or ribbons

of light that are sometimes sensed*.

* *

* Going into meditation and communing with individual crystals and

with crystal Deva is a way of receiving energy and information

pertaining to life and the crystals.



* Crystal Deva often carry and convey ancient records and wisdom via

the crystals . The Deva can really help with your healing and spiritual

evolution and you can help them in the harmonizing and achievement of

the highest evolution of manifest reality.*


* People have recently (the last couple of thousand years or so )

not been very receptive to accepting to or appreciative of The Deva.

This lack of communion has not had quite as much adverse effect in

most cases with the relationship of the stone people and humankind to

the extent that it has with some other Deva.



* Though some people might still pick up sadness , pain or even

anger from the Deva and stones of areas where the land has been

disturbed by reckless blasting or other human actions with negative

impact. The Stones also sometime reflect back the emotions of the

person or people around them or of events that they have recorded in

some way.*


* When you approach Deva and or are open to receive contact with a

respectful and appreciative heart and mind then such transient

sensations if any usually are brief before a deeper communion and

communication is entered into.* *This communication may be quite

subtle at first (not always) do not be disappointed if you do not have

the kind of immediate connection you might get when you strike up a

conversation with an old acquaintance.*


* Be open to contact , Be open not only in meditation but as you walk

in nature, as you hold and gaze on the crystals throughout each moment

of life, because communication can occur at any time.



* You may meet Deva in your dreams or under the most ordinary of

circumstances*. *Ask what you may do for the Deva but do not promise to

do something that you cannot do. Tell the Deva what you wish to know ,

pay attention to all information and sensation that occurs Thank the

Deva for the contact.



* When you have returned to normal consciousness you may want to

ground yourself and you might wish to make notes to record your

memories and impression while they are fresh. Some people even learn to

make notes or to speak into a tape recorder during communication.*


* As long as you continue to be open to messages from beneficial non

physical beings you will be strengthening your ability to connect with

energy and information from the Deva.*


* As with angels and Other Spirit guides, you will probably wonder

at first if the contact is is real or only your imagination. Then you

will begin to realize the quality and validity of the information Then

you may begin to sense the various Deva that awareness may become more

concrete and you may even become aware of a feeling of union with the

Deva and all live and the divine however you perceive it and you will

come to have trust and confidence in the communication and know that you

are never alone.*



*Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven*

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