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British Vet Wins Gulf War Claim

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HERALD TRIBUNEhttp://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20030505 & Category=API & ArtNo=305050617 & Ref=AR & cachetime=5Article published May 5, 2003British Vet Wins Gulf War Syndrome ClaimBritain's Ministry of Defense said Monday it will compensate a Britishsoldier who claimed he suffered from Gulf War syndrome, though thegovernment still says there is no proof that the condition exists.Alex Izett, 33, won a judgment from the War Pensions Appeal Tribunal that hedeveloped osteoporosis because of a combination of inoculations he wasgiven. Izett did not serve in the 1991 Gulf War, but the injections wereidentical to those given to troops who have complained of problems followingtheir wartime duty."They have taken my dignity, my livelihood, but they are not going to takemy life as well. I just hope that this opens the floodgates for more casesto come forward," said Izett, who lives in Bersenbruck, Germany.Defense Minister Lewis Moonie said Monday there was no proof thatvaccinations were to blame Izett's problems, but said there was no legalbasis on which the ministry could appeal the tribunal's ruling."The tribunal is not competent to make that kind of decision," Moonie saidin an interview with British Broadcasting Corp. radio."The tribunal's purpose is to determine whether a war pension should beawarded or not, and it is awarded on the basis of whether we can show beyondall reasonable doubt that a condition was not due to a person's service."The reason they found was that we were unable to show that the injectionsdid not cause this problem," Moonie said.Veterans' advocated welcomed the tribunal's decision."The veterans finally have justice. We are now calling on the (ministry) toofficially confirm that we are ill because of the inoculations we weregiven," said Charles Plumridge, senior coordinator for the National Gulf WarVeterans Association.Liberal Democrat lawmaker Paul Tyler, a member of the Royal British LegionGulf War Group, said the ministry should now "cut the legal waffle andrecognize that our troops, who put their lives on the line, deserve better."Full recognition of the link between the injections and their illnesses,and then appropriate compensation, is the least they should expect," Tylersaid.Moonie refused to accept any link.=============================================News is a free service of the National Vaccine InformationCenter and is supported through membership donations. Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights http://www.909shot.comBecome a member and support NVIC's work https://www.909shot.com/order.htmTo sign up for a free e-mail subscription http://www.909shot.com/emaillist.htm To from this list, send an email to news-request and type UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the email.NVIC is funded through individual membership donations and does not receive government funding. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co-founder.NOTE: This is not an interactive e-mail list. Please do not respond to messages.

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