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Robert Dilts on Responsibility

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Saturday evening Robert Dilts, one of the 1970's

NLP geniuses, gave a 90 minute f*r*e*e presentation

near my home. I have been wanting to meet Robert

for over 10 years so it was an offer I couldn't refuse.


The focus was on wealth and on what you want and

what you might need to clear to get it. Or was it?


He told the story of his mother, Pat, who was

diagnosed with Stage 5 cancer (terminal) that

had spread throughout most if not all of her

body. The doctors gave her very little time to

live and had no suggestions about any kind

of healing.


The story I had heard from someone who

knows Robert well said he worked with Pat

to get her to a different place where she

COULD successfully heal herself. Saturday he

minimized any participation he himself might

have had.


Pat was able to heal herself of Stage 5 breast

cancer and Robert did not go into very many

specific details of how.


One thing is that Pat asked her body day by

day what would nourish it rather than taking

some existing " diet " and attempting to use

that. She easily changed her diet that way.


She lived for about 10 years after the death

sentence occurred.


There was a lot of focus on congruence and

personal responsibility as well as what can

get in the way. Robert talked about the cognizant

(conscious) mind and used body mind rather than

unconscious mind or Uni. The Uni would agree

that our minds must be on the same

page for almost anything to be effective.


I can still feel stuff bubbling up and around.

I am very glad I went.

Thanks, Robert.


Mary Nelson


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