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Dr, Phil Vs. Dr. La Tourrette

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>>I'm new here


I can tell.


>>but the what the heck. I have an

>>opinion or two and I love energy healing, by the way



More below:


--- docspeed2001 <docspeed2001 wrote:


> (Hi group, I did reject this post, but after

> rejecting it, I thought

> it might be fun to look at his side of what he

> imagines. Who knows,

> I'm sure in his mind he might be right. What do you

> think? Doc. Ps.

> He is a good man.)


>>Just out of curiosity, what was your original reason

>>for not wanting to post this particular email?

I hope you got a chance to see Docs reply where he clearly answered

this question.


> > If someone was hanging of a cliff, and you are the

> only one that

> > can pull him up, or he will die, are you going to

> ask money for

> >it? All his belongings? Since I'm sure the service

> will be worth

> >it: it's either you save him or he dies? Just

> curious, as I got

> >the impression from earlier discussions that one

> should ask as much

> >ask you think you are worth.


>>hmmmm. don't hospitals sometimes do that? :)) No

>>insurance - whoops, sorry, we can't take you. But

>>perhaps in some states its a law where they have to

>>take the person anyways.


Whats your point?


>>Well, another thing is if a 300 lb. man was hanging

>>from a cliff and I didn't have a rope, would I try to

>>pick him up? I wouldn't want to go over that cliff

>>with the guy, so, as bad as I might feel, I doubt that

>>I'd be trying to pick him up. Maybe I could keep him

>>there a bit until someone else did, but bottom line,

>>I'm not going over with the dude.




>>As far as asking for the type of money you believe

>>you're worth, well, it depends on several factors.


According to who?


>>What the going rate is,


If i could take a course that would teach me how to: Solve every

problem in my life, Make me not only more attractive to girls but

also make picking them up effortless, Help me get any job I wanted,

Help me find out if my kids were doing something that isn't safe,

Finally get rid of black boxes in my past that are keeping me from

naturally growing to my full potential., Techniques that have kept me

from having to go to the doctor in 3 years, Making over $75,000 in a

weekend, and much more... (in one seminar!!!) It really wouldn't

matter what the going rate is. I don't care what some idiot is

charging that can't help me do those things, and even though it is a

large price tag for a college student, I would pay Doc's seminar fee

100x more, because thats what you get out of it. 100x what you put



>>how long you've been doing

>>whatever you do,


How many years expirence you have is important, but aside from

Teaching these techniques (which you can't get anywhere else) year

round, Doc is also constentantly attending other experts seminars and

learning great new stuff.


>>what your success factor is with



I will just speak from personal expirence even though i know there

are many, many, many people who have had their lives changed forever

by Dr. John La Tourrette. When I was young I was in the top 2% in

the country in test taking, I had been in the gifted program since

2nd grade and scored the highest score ever on their entrance exam. I

was getting letters from John Hopkins and Berkley asking me to attend

summer classes.

But when I was about 16 I fell from a cliff and landed on my head. I

had suffered my first major concussion. By the time I left high

school i had gotten another 3 from playing football. My grades

dropped as did my scores, mostly my confidence. Doc has spend many

hours working with me and I have gained back a lot of what I had.

Sometimes I wonder how it is even possible to do some of the drills

he does, but they ALWAYS work (if you do them right)

Sure I have watched Dr. Phil and felt really good and gung ho about

life afterward an episode. Wanting to get out and change my life!

haha But then the next day nothing had changed (the endorphins have

all worn off)

But the Drills doc teach can change you in a positive way forever!

And most of them take 5 minutes! Instead of years of Theropy. Ask

Walter Hubert.


>>and sometimes just plain ol' boldness or

>>timidness depending on how much you're asking for.


It is bold to charge what Doc charges, and it blows my mind every

seminar how he can deliver every penny back in pricessless knowledge

and drills.


>>Who would you choose as your therapist Dr. Phil or Dr.

>>La Tourrette (sorry had to ask that).


I like Dr. Phil, hes got a cool accent, and he tells people really

nice things. He makes you feel good. It would not be fair for Doc to

charge what he does if all he did was make you feel good. Doc

teaches YOU drills so YOU can change you life however you want it,

and the drills are so easy if you actually do them!

>>Hope that

>>doesn't cause any trouble :).


Why would it cause any trouble? you only compared a world renowned

Dr. who has helped and changed countless peoples lives to a TV



>> Point being that Dr.

>>Phil might ask a lot because he's a celebrity now,


Why would you want to pay more just becuase the guy is a celebrity?

Shouldn't the effectivness of his help be more valuable?


>> but

>>what if Dr. La Tourrette asked for the same price?

>>(Evie, I actually get MORE than Dr. Phil does;-)

>>Would the two be equal in worth? Of course, its their

>>viewpoints, but I'm asking for yours.


Do some reaserch, do the drills, ask around, read the back post,



If I am charged of a felony I don't go to Judge Judy, I consult

experts. Doc is an expert, certified under the top trainers in all

his fields.

I am just thankful to Doc for how much priceless information he does

give out in his seminars and my private lessons. I hope other

students and attendees will come forward and post about how they have

used his teachings to better their lives as well.


Thanks group!


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