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Night Sweats

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According to TCM theory Wei-Qi (defensive Qi) retires into the Yin at night,

so that when the Yin is deficient there is night sweating - the Yin nutitive

essences come out with the sweat. In addition Empty-heat cause the

evaporation of Yin fluids which come out at night as sweat. Night sweating

is different from daytime sweating because with nighttime sweats the Yin

nutritive essences are lost, whilst with daytime sweating yang essences are

lost. Night sweats are called " evaporation from the bones " whilst daytime

sweating is called " evaporation from the muscles " .

Have I just said the same thing in different words?

Maybe the question is not so much why sweat at night but what happens when a

person sweats at night.

Why a fever should get worse in the evening as opposed to the nighttime I'm

not sure



>Heiko <heiko


> night sweats

>Tue, 6 Feb 2001 19:44




>When I first read the question I relised that sometimes I do not

>understand things in TCM , that is I just know them. As is in this case

>, I always knew yin xu equals nightsweats but am not able to explain

>why. I am glad your student asked you and not one of my students asking



>I looked under Benski and Liu wei di huang wan and only found that " when

>the yin is deficient ,it is unable to retain substances during the

>night, which is the time associated with yin [and] this causes

>nightsweats "


>I ask then " is the yin responsible for holding things together at

>night? "


>In Benski under dang gui liu huang wan it says " during sleep the

>protective qi enters the yin ;when the yin is deficient ,it is unable

>to restrain the yang ,especially in the exterior.This leads to

>instability of the exterior, especially at night .The unrestrained yang

>and the

>fire from deficiency push the fluids out of the body in the form of

>sweat, which the deficient yin is unable to restrain [and] night sweats

>ensue "


>OK I admit it .......I read this a few times and I still don't really

>understand why the sweat is more at night.I ask something like " why does

>the yin xu molar flush get worse in the afternoon AND not at night? "


>Gary (Sydney) ,Z'ev , anyone ........???








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Night Sweating

from Spleen Vacuity Damp Encumbrance causes frequent night sweating with headache with swathed senation, fatigued cumbersome limbs, torpid intake, slimines in the mouth, thin slimy white tongue fur, pale tongue and soggy moderate pulse.

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>Question: Can night sweats be caused by Damp-Heat and if so how does this

>manifest? She does not present signs of Yin Deficiency, yet the sweating


>at night (Yin time). She gets hot flashes during the day at times but

>doesn't sweat much if at all during the day. She has a strong constitution

>but diet could stand improvement.


The number one cause of night sweats is Yin Deficiency. BUT, there are

other things that also can cause night sweats. These are Heart Blood

Insufficiency, Spleen Deficiency with Damp Obstruction, and mid-stage

pathogenic invasion. Three of these are Interior conditions, and the

mid-stage pathogenic invasion is an Exterior Evil invading to the Interior.

(Steven Clavey, Fluid Physiology and Pathology in Traditional Chinese

Medicine, pp.55-56.)


Clavey gives information on the different possibilities.


" Heart blood insufficiency. Frequent nightsweats, with palpitations,

insomnia, pallor, shortness of breath, tiredness and exhaustion, pale tongue

thin tongue coat, xu pulse (big, floating and weak).


" Yin deficiency and interior heat. Frequent night sweats, hot flushes in the

afternoon, malar " (blotchy) " flush, five hearts heat, thin body type, in

women irregular menstruation, in men spermatorrhea, red tongue body with

little coat, pulse thready and rapid.


" Spleen deficiency with damp obstruction. Frequent nightsweats, headache as

if wrapped up, heaviness of the limbs and general lethargy, poor appetite,

greasy feeling in the mouth, thin shite greasy tongue coat, pale tongue

body, languid ru (thready, floating, and weak) pulse.


" Mid-stage pathogenic invasion. Nightsweats of recent onset, alternating

chills and vere, thighness in the chest and flanks, bitter taste, nausea,

tongue coat thin white or thin yellow, wiry slippery or wiry rapid pulse. "

(pp. 55-56)






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In a message dated 03/05/2002 11:02:01 PM Pacific Standard Time,

victoria_dragon writes:


<< The number one cause of night sweats is Yin Deficiency. BUT, there are

other things that also can cause night sweats. These are Heart Blood

Insufficiency, Spleen Deficiency with Damp Obstruction, and mid-stage

pathogenic invasion. >>




Thank you so very much for all of the information, it did indeed help me to

confirm my suspicions.


Of the above this woman would most closely fit the Spleen Deficiency with

Damp Obstruction ... yet she is not Spleen Deficient either! Ugh. But ...

Liver displays numerous signs of stagnation and too much Damp will restrict

the free flow of Liver Qi and create stagnation quickly. Her constitution is

such that she should restrict foods that create Damp and her diet is such

that it would create a good bit of it. She just doesn't show enough to

confirm any type of Yin Deficiency. Liver Blood Deficiency possible ... but

very little to signify Heart Blood Deficiency.


Very interesting. I can list all of her signs if you would like ... just for

others to learn (besides I could be wrong) ... I just don't want to bore

everyone to tears with all of the details. It does seem however that if Yin

Deficiency is involved ... it may be more of a Yin Fire type scenario

damaging the Kidneys or loss of essence due to age (she does have some low

back pain) and I will look at that more closely before deciding treatment.

But I think my safest option for the moment would be to dry the Spleen and

relieve Stagnation. This needs to be done first anyway yes? If Xiao Yao Wan

proves to be too drying overall, I'm thinking she could always add aloe vera

gel .... cooling Yin tonic ... yet shouldn't aggravate Damp conditions like

others, as long as it isn't taken alone. Aloe, since bitter, would also

target and calm the Heart (you mentioned sweat is a fluid of the Heart)

rather than sweet ones that contribute to creating Dampness in the Spleen.


Thanks so much again and thank you to KarateStan as well for the help. Off

I go into the wonderful world of actually attempting to treat someone .......




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>Night Sweating

>from Spleen Vacuity Damp Encumbrance causes frequent night sweating with

>headache with swathed senation, fatigued cumbersome limbs, torpid intake,

>slimines in the mouth, thin slimy white tongue fur, pale tongue and soggy

>moderate pulse.


For those new to TCM: Heavy limbs, a feeling of heaviness in the head, a

feeling of being " fogged in " , etc. point very strongly to Dampness problems.

So does a greasy or slimey tongue coating or greasy or slimey feeling in

the mouth.


Some people will describe the heavy limbs as saying it feels like their legs

and arms are encased in cement or it's like weights attached to their arms

and legs. Others will just say that their arms and legs feel heavy.


Thinking problems with a Root of Dampness often will be described as " brain

fog " .


People with Qi Stagnation problems sometimes (not always) will describe it

being like a lump or stone or peach pit stuck in the area.







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In a message dated 3/6/02 8:41:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, alstone writes:



I get this after sitting behind the computer for 8+ hours in one sitting.


I call it "computer damp". : )



Al, maybe in another 1,000 years this will be a syndrome taught in our school. Maybe they could call it Damp C



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Judy Fitzgerald wrote:


> Thinking problems with a Root of Dampness often will be described as " brain

> fog " .


I get this after sitting behind the computer for 8+ hours in one sitting.


I call it " computer damp " . : )



Al Stone L.Ac.




Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

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> > Thinking problems with a Root of Dampness often will be described as

> " brain

> > fog " .


>I get this after sitting behind the computer for 8+ hours in one sitting.


>I call it " computer damp " . : )


Not surprising considering that excessive thought and study can weaken the



I think the excessive studying connection is one reason mono is so common in

school settings. The studying, worrying about deadlines, research, etc.

sets people up to be more susceptible to Epstein Barr Virus or

Cytomegalovirus (the 2 main viruses involved in mono/ glandular fever).


I know when I sit and study too long I start to feel " boggy " . I need to get

up, move around, and do something that doesn't involve thinking a lot or







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Dear Lynn,


there has been a lot of interesting feedback on the night sweats.

Even so, especially if that symptom doesn't make much sense in the overall

picture, don't forget to ask about the obvious:

Is she using an (inappropriately) warm blanket, maybe even a down comforter,

wearing a thick flannel pyjama or does she sleep with the heating on in the



Sometimes what we consider to be a symptom is a healthy reaction to our



Best regards,

Rebecca :)

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  • 1 year later...

Dear Ken,


I do not know what exactly a lot of vitamins and herbs is, but the

body usually needs vitamins in sutained amounts during a 24 hour

period rather than a lot all at once.


It cannot utilize them in the best way possible if it gets them all

at once. We should try to imitate nature when taking vitamins daily.

Smaller amounts but continually over the course of a day.


Night sweats can be from a number of things but one can be your body

tring to detoxify itself when it has sufficient amoubts of nutrients

avalable to do so. It can also, be from the body trying to detoxify

from some diseases.


I suggest that you continue with your course of self education, to

determine root causes and to understand what is happening where

biochemically within your body. The more that you understand how it

works inside, the better will be your ability to give it what it

needs, in the amounts it needs, and at a time when it needs it, to

gain optimal health.


There are very few short answers that are also sufficient to give the

information needed.


Health and health education is a process rather than just a short










--- In

, " isell_discoverytoys "

<schw9883@b...> wrote:

> I take alot of vits/herbs sometimes at 8:00 PM or later. I sleep


> my stomach and wrap the blankets underneath as well as above. The

> room is always cool. I wake up in the middle of the noght and my

> chest area is wet with sweat. I am 57 and average weight and

> active. Any ideas what can cause this. Also once I wake in the

> middle of the night I cannot fall back to sleep as my mind has a

> million thoughts runnning through it.


> Thank you for the input


> Ken

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--- In

, " isell_discoverytoys "

<schw9883@b...> wrote:

> I take alot of vits/herbs sometimes at 8:00 PM or later. I sleep


> my stomach and wrap the blankets underneath as well as above. The

> room is always cool. I wake up in the middle of the noght and my

> chest area is wet with sweat. I am 57 and average weight and

> active. Any ideas what can cause this. Also once I wake in the

> middle of the night I cannot fall back to sleep as my mind has a

> million thoughts runnning through it.


> Thank you for the input

> Ken


Ken, Just curious as to why you take so many vitamins so late in the

evening. Supplements are normally taken earlier in the day and most

of them should be ingested with foods in order to obtain maximum

benefits. I would be interested to know your reasoning, if any,

behind this.



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  • 1 year later...

I highly recommend motherwort. It's an herb that is good for many things.

If you go to the message archives here and search on motherwort you'll find

lots of references.


I had horrible night sweats that came on very suddenly, started taking a

couple droppersful of the tincture 3-4 times a day, and especially before I

went to bed, and they diminished to warm flushes. I still throw the covers

off pretty often but am no longer waking up in a puddle of sweat. I've also

diminished the motherwort and now only take it if I need it.





> zengirl04 [zengirl04]


> I'm not having a lot of problem with this, but experiencing a mild

> case of night sweats - to the extent I can't quite tell if it is night

> sweats or just the weather.







Version: 7.0.306 / Virus Database: 265.8.7 - Release 2/10/2005

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Hi Karen,


Doc's Female Formula is THE remedy you need, and I can tell you from personal experience that it works wonderful!! The formula is in the files on the group's website.








herbal remedies

Monday, February 14, 2005 3:42 PM

Herbal Remedies - night sweats

I'm not having a lot of problem with this, but experiencing a mild case of night sweats - to the extent I can't quite tell if it is night sweats or just the weather. I sometimes feel hot and clamy.

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Bonnie, Lisa, and Sharyn -


Thanks. I'll try these remedies.


I also started going back to the chiropractor today. My adrenals

are part of the problem and my back is out of place that I know it's

affecting my organs.


I'm having very mild symptoms - I can't imagine waking up totally

soaked through. I want to avoid that experience if at all possible.



herbal remedies , " Sharyn E. Cerniglia "

<sharyn.cerniglia@v...> wrote:



> I highly recommend motherwort. It's an herb that is good for many


> If you go to the message archives here and search on motherwort

you'll find

> lots of references.


> I had horrible night sweats that came on very suddenly, started

taking a

> couple droppersful of the tincture 3-4 times a day, and especially

before I

> went to bed, and they diminished to warm flushes. I still throw

the covers

> off pretty often but am no longer waking up in a puddle of sweat.

I've also

> diminished the motherwort and now only take it if I need it.


> Sharyn


> >

> > zengirl04 [zengirl04]

> >

> > I'm not having a lot of problem with this, but experiencing a


> > case of night sweats - to the extent I can't quite tell if it is


> > sweats or just the weather.




> --



> Version: 7.0.306 / Virus Database: 265.8.7 - Release Date:


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Yes, you do!<G>





> zengirl04 [zengirl04]


> I can't imagine waking up

> totally soaked through. I want to avoid that experience if

> at all possible.







Version: 7.0.306 / Virus Database: 265.8.7 - Release 2/10/2005

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Hi Karen,

Could it be a filler in the product that you muscle tested for

possibly? I take the black cohosh and it helps me alot with

irratibility too. Two things if I may ask you please..can you

describe how to muscle test for something I would love to know how

to do that...and how long did it take for the St. John's wort to be

affective? thankyou much Debbie





herbal remedies , " zengirl04 " <zengirl04>




> I'm not having a lot of problem with this, but experiencing a mild

> case of night sweats - to the extent I can't quite tell if it is

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First, my nutritionist was muscle testing me for Black Cohosh. At

the time I was taking Wild Yam and lots of other supplements for my

thyroid, hormone balance, etc. My body just didn't want the Black

Cohosh and since then have not tested strong for it.


Muscle testing is difficult to describe and it is easier if someone

does it for you ... or at least shows you how. One simple way you

can do it for yourself is place the tips of your thumb and middle

fingers together. Don't clench, but keep them together. Place your

other hand's thumb and index fingers inside the circle formed by the

other hand and try to push the fingers apart that are creating the

circle. This will tell you how strong your muscles are - don't force

just see how much pressure it take to keep the circle formed. Always

test without having anything in your energy field. Then place a

supplment or food in your energy field - hold it with the palm of

one of your hands, place it under your arm, etc. Then re-test. If

your body doesn't like a substance your energy field will weaken and

it won't take as much force to open the circle. There are other

methods, but this one works.




herbal remedies , " devorah91 "

<devorah888@s...> wrote:



> Hi Karen,

> Could it be a filler in the product that you muscle tested for

> possibly? I take the black cohosh and it helps me alot with

> irratibility too. Two things if I may ask you please..can you

> describe how to muscle test for something I would love to know how

> to do that...and how long did it take for the St. John's wort to


> affective? thankyou much Debbie





> herbal remedies , " zengirl04 "


> wrote:

> >

> >

> > I'm not having a lot of problem with this, but experiencing a


> > case of night sweats - to the extent I can't quite tell if it is

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Karen & Debbie,

Black Cohosh has estrogenic properties and I'd sure be afraid to take it or use it if it were an ingredient. There's a study going on right now that Black Cohosh may stimulate

the estradiol level in a woman's breast tissue. Check out this site. http://www.a-zbreastcancer.com/articles/aBlkCoh.htm

I take a natural progesterone cream that is fairly pure. This is one of my pet peeves, they give us the progesterone cream but put estrogenic herbs and glycerin and petroleum jelly and

black cohosh or dong quai in them. It just doesn't make sense. My irritability factor has gone from a 500 to a 30 with the progesterone cream, B vitamins & E used twice a day. I take a 7

day break and can feel the frustration coming back every month during that break. Check out advisers at your local HFS and read the ingredients!



devorah91 [devorah888]Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:54 PMherbal remedies Subject: Herbal Remedies - Re: night sweatsHi Karen,Could it be a filler in the product that you muscle tested for possibly? I take the black cohosh and it helps me alot with irratibility too. Two things if I may ask you please..can you describe how to muscle test for something I would love to know how to do that...and how long did it take for the St. John's wort to be affective? thankyou much Debbieherbal remedies , "zengirl04" <zengirl04> wrote:> > > I'm not having a lot of problem with this, but experiencing a mild > case of night sweats - to the extent I can't quite tell if it is Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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Hello Malinda,

Doc's Female Formula, which works to re-balance the female hormones, contains Black Cohosh. I am therefore sure that this study you mention is part of the usual scare tactics to get people to use pharmaceuticals and not natural herbal remedies. This is being tried by various methods: blacklisting herbs and other natural resources to dealing with one's health, to scare you into not using them. I wouldn't pay too much attention to this. Herbs can safely be used if used with common sense.






Malinda Jackson

herbal remedies

Thursday, February 17, 2005 12:10 AM

RE: Herbal Remedies - Re: night sweats



Karen & Debbie,

Black Cohosh has estrogenic properties and I'd sure be afraid to take it or use it if it were an ingredient. There's a study going on right now that Black Cohosh may stimulate

the estradiol level in a woman's breast tissue. Check out this site. http://www.a-zbreastcancer.com/articles/aBlkCoh.htm


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  • 1 month later...
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Hello Everyone,


I have another question. My husband gets very hot when he sleeps, he

sweats a lot when he's sleeping. He's had this problem since he can



Is this actually normal?


Another thing, my husband started developing some kind of redness on

his face. It looks like rosasea. Could this be related to the sweats?


Thank you,


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