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a list of books relating to this course


Lots of the material here will be from my own material

and notes &

studies and workshops I've taken and from books and

pamphlets that are

not in wide distribution.


I am using the book " Crystal Healing using the power

of health and

harmony "

by Simon Lilly as a sort of course outline It is not a

really great

book but has a page or two on most of the major areas

involved with

crystal work so I'm using it as a checklist so I

won't leave out a

major area (actually we have expanded way beyond this

outline )

other books that will be probably referred to


" Color and Crystals a journey through the chakras " by Joy Gardner

which is a

good small book for beginners

" Love is in the Earth, a Kaleidoscope of Crystals " by Melody

and the pictorial supplements and other books by Melody


" Love is in the Earth " is huge and virtually an

Encyclopedia of crystal


perhaps to the extent of being a bit over whelming

after about 500

pages it seems like every stone is good for everything


Three books by Katrina Raphael

" Crystalline transmission " , " Crystal enlightenment " and

" Crystal Healing


May be rather New Agey but has some good stuff has

some stuff that is

completely different than my experience too


" Healing with Gemstones and Crystals " Diane Stein


Scott Cunninghams " Crystal Gem and Metal Magic "


Una Silbeys " The complete crystal Guidebook "


Sela Randazzo's " I am Rock medicine " which has a pretty different

outlook and a system that is based on the chemical

content of specific

stones .


" Gemstones of the World " by Walter Schuman which has photographs and

information about the technical stuff like where the

stones come from

and hardness etc.

I expect to pick up copies soon of some books I've

read but don't

own currently .

I have the Elspeth book " Crystal Medicine " but have not used it so far


Another book that is interesting is called

" The Sacred Stones " don't recall the author but it is written by

someone who thinks the whole concept of crystal healing and energy is

the stupidest idea ever and it

is intended to thoroughly disprove and denounce

everything about crystal

work . She covers just about everything each stone has

ever been thought

to effect so its a pretty good reference if you can

ignore the

stridently hostile preaching

There are also a large number of books that are on

related subjects or

have sections about stones that I may refer too

I have a fairly large assortment of books (actually

when we moved we had

6000 pounds of books ) so I don't think anyone need try

to catch up.

part of what I'll be doing here is extracting some of

the " gems " from

varied sources and sharing them with you.


If you have any books or web sites that you would

recommend or that you

would warn against please share them on the list

and you can post

links on the web links section of our list pages

.. I prefer that

these not be primarily commercial sites .

About.com has a lot of links on crystal healing .


plus here is a list of a few other books not about crystals but perhaps

of interest


" Healing Yourself with light " by LaUna


Some great exercises for contacting your Solar Angel

visualizations For Healing

" Ask Your Angels " BY Daniel, Wyllie & Ramer


THE GUIDE to meeting angels,exercises, Angel



" Hands of Light " by Barbara Brennan The First detailed guide to energy

work not an easy read but of great value for the serious healer great

aura drawings

" Light Emerging " BY Barbara Brennan good studies of energy

interaction etc.


" The Healing Energy Of Your Hands " By Michael Bradford-


" A Gift For Healing " BY Debora Cowens (Therapuetic Touch) a good guide

to therapuetic touch easy to read


" Anatomy of the Spirit " , Caroline Myss Phd an Excellent work from

a medical intuitive


" Plant Spirit Medicine " , Eliot Cowen

The author's experience with Plant Spirits some great

material for self discovery


" Animal speak " , Ted Andrews Power animals


" Seeing With The Minds Eye " , Samuels & Samuels


" Mandala " , J.Cornell

creating Mandalas for transformation

" The Heart of Huna " , Laura K. Yardley

Hawaiian Spirituality

" The Urban Shaman " , Serge King

Kahuna, Hawaiian Spirituality



Peggy Solarraven



Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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