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Which methods work best???

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" Mary " wrote:


> It is interesting the more that people are in this

> field, frequently the less sure they are about what is working!


First let me start this out with praise for the book " The Energy Of Belief " . I

loved it and I still refer to it. Thank you and Sheila for that book.


And " thank you Fred " for your questions and your explanations (may I quote





Hunnn? Mary...


I've NOT seen what you've stated above.


And I'm sure that we have massively different filters that help us make up our

realities. So I'll go through mine and what I've noticed as a Wood/Metal.


So I'm sure we are talking different levels and universes here.


Here are a few of my thoughts on what I've seen and experienced.


Normally it's, " the more skilled we become the better at the skill we become " .


It's the primary 4 + 1 (teaching leads to much higher levels of Competency!)

Levels of Competency all over again, is it not?


When we are in level 4 (Unconscious Competency), we no longer need to follow the

learned process but to observe what is actually there as we do the processes?


But if one is in level 3, maybe they better read the script and get the script



THEN, by the rote tapping will be more effective than 'winging it'.


And if someone needs convincing, a totally different process is involved that

shows " those guys from Missouri " that tapping is working and is working



(NOTE: I no longer ET them, but have them self-energy test using a 10lb weight

<For most average men. Women need a lesser weight, and are NOT so inclined to

mis-match>. Then they cannot accuse the tester of cheating, since it's them and



> Like Fred speaks of, I have used a focusing type approach always >with my



That's the only way it works, isn't it? No matter which of the many EP's being



>because I found that when people are attuned to the body sensations >they

dissociated less and then the methods worked better.


I thought that dissociation was a done primarily with the submodalities of the

primary senses.


And a body sensation is not the same as associating into a memory with the

proper VAKOG.


>We know with trauma, panic and many other overwhelming emotions >consciousness

dissociates from the body (the now) and gets stuck >there (in the past).


Well we have many different focuses that fit our Reality Strategies.


And in this objective material world one of those realities is this " objective

world " which does have past, present and future.


And those different time lines, even the ones where we seem to have trauma

located do not affect us unless we access them with something similar, or we

tend to return to those memories and dwell on them.


> Working with Sai Maa, I have also come to know how very powerful we are to

direct energy.


I don't see the connection with Sai Maa???


Then again, 32 years ago I did not believe NLP worked...14 years ago I thought

Donna and her ladies were faking it...12 years ago I knew EP was no good...


....now I know that when my first assumption is, " it's no good, or fake " , I

should maybe put my skepticism on a shelf behind me to my left side above my

head, do the drills and then look at my own evidence procedures.


I learn better that way.


> Let us not forget either the energy field of the therapist, and >the impact

that has.




I've learned from DE that when your own Radiant Circuits are flowing, they do

affect those around you (seen it, done it).


A very powerful process that seems to be similar to the " Rosenthal effect " on



> Might it also be the longer we ourselves have been doing energy >psychology

methods on our own fears, the fewer we have and therefore >the higher our

vibration is.


I don't know.


I do know that just working on fears seems to cause transderivational search

processes for more and more fears...


Which to me seems to be very counter-productive for getting anything done.


Following the formula of knowing what you don't want leads to knowing what you

do want. Noticing what stops you emotionally, clearing that.


Noticing if you have the know-how to get it done, or not.


Then adding a charge to what you do want, and the emotional drivers of

competency, self-value, self-respect, and self-esteem.


Then find a credible model and do the processes necessary.


I personally do use tapping (and NLP and Belief Change Drills and EM, etc)on

virtually all the aspects above to one degree or another.


Sometimes its the 2-10 Second Peak Performance blow-out...


Sometimes it's the Ez Energy Quickie (about 32 seconds)...


Sometimes it's a major energetic overhaul.


It depends of the desire, the lack (level of) know-how, and the knowing the

first step to take without massive internal resistance (fear, lack of

self-confidence, etc).


For example before filming a DVD I'll mind map the process to be taught...


....then just before presenting I'll erase the " confusion " ...


....I'll tap in, " I know my subconscious mind works very well with my conscious

mind, and I am doing a damn good job! " (about 32 seconds for the entire



Then I'll do a Wayne Cook (about a 15 breath cycle)...


And the results are " WOW " !


But I'm a hands-on fellow.


> Maybe that is why (if we have continued to do our own work)

> we don't need to use the meridians as much. Our vibration is >higher and

like a tuning fork it impacts the client. Remember Jesus >didn't need to tap



Well, the internal processes, because they are now " habits " seem to need less

and less to get better and better.


I do not think that any amount of tapping will allow me to walk on water, or to

raise the dead.


I think that Jesus was on a totally different level than anyone before or after.

(not a religious confrontation here)


> What I don't do however is split myself anymore into " is it this or is it

that " .


Isn't that statement a statement of Unconscious Competency? A statement of

" knowing " caused by much practice, observation and awareness?


Most people are not at that level, but at the lower levels. Some even read a

script to go through the drills.


In fact all of us follow a script when we first learn a new process, do we not?


>For me, the bottom line is we are light we are energy. Science

> has already proven it.


It seems to me that we are still attempting to add " practicality " into that

above statement. (Lynn McTaggart has done a good job here. William Tiller

confuses me.)


Which is why I study practical and verifiable methods of EM and EP. Learn it. Do

it. Experience it. Verify what works, and what needs more practice to make it

work. Then I teach it.


> I love our tapping methods, but also found that using the touch and

> breathe method that it is much more mindful. As you bring breath >(prana-

life force) into the body and touch the meridians while you >are focusing on the

distress there is a gentle release. And I do >credit those eye movements

with helping the brain to rewire.


Same here. I did go through a period of " distrust " because when I originally saw

EP the practitioners did NOT use a method of verification, so I doubted it.


And the " if " and " when " is very important to which variation is done.


(see my example above)


When going to sleep I don't tap but I do touch and breath (John Diepold



....or I visualize and " feel " the points as I do the sequence.


Or I just put the left hand on the chest/throat triple-warmer lymphatic as I put

the right palm on the 2nd chakra.


Or sometimes I just " open focus " and relax mentally and fall fast asleep.


And, isn't the method used dependent upon the meta-programs (Rodger Bailey,

Leslie Cameron Bandler)of the ones we are working with? I personally love the

thumping drills more than the T & B. But I'm Wood-Metal.


And it's all contextual, right?


> I don't think it is superfluous. I think you can write a letter >and send it

with a stamp or you can use email. Adding meridians or >chakras or focusing on

the biofield with intention (remember you are >powerful!) to me is like email.

Much faster and less costly (no >stamp!). And working with a therapist who has

done their work is >like the difference between dial up and road runner.


I love your metaphors. I've never seen the metaphor of letters versus email.


My comparison is, " you can ride a Honda 50 (pointing to old resource), or you

can ride The 1200 Harley Sportster " (anchoring to new and better resource), the

choice is up to you.


Another one is, " You can take a tug boat across the Atlantic Ocean, or you can

take the Queen Mary and get there faster, and in a much more elegant way " .


And I'm very much in " teaching them to do for themselves " , so I search for

methods they can do...they can verify...that are effective for what they want to

get done.


Most in my field are NOT into Nirvana or Religion but into " getting results

right now " .


Thank you Mary for giving me so much to think about.


Love your book!


John La Tourrette, PhD


> Much love to you all!!


> Mary

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