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Inhumane Partial Birth Abortion, a Lucrative Racket

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theeagle-l , " csrs2003 " <csrs2003> wrote:

InformationRelay , " csrs2003 " <csrs2003>



By J. C. Willke, MD


After fighting abortion for 30 years I thought I had seen and heard

it all, but not so. Here is a new development, a coordinated high-

tech industry functioning for the specific purpose of obtaining and

selling high-quality fetal organs for research.


Partial-Birth abortions seemed to be so horrible that most of us

wondered how such procedures could be defended. Many of us chalked it

up to the fact that the pro-abortion advocates and the abortion

industry didn't want to give one inch for fear that their whole house

of cards will fold. I, among others, felt that their resistance to

forbidding this gruesome procedure was a fear of a domino effect. If

we stopped this one, then we'd stop the next and the next and the

next and they didn't want it to start. But now we have evidence of a

very clear additional reason why they want these late-term abortions

to continue. The reason is that this is the one method that gives

them intact fetal bodies from which they can obtain organs for



The other method of late-term abortion, D & E (Dilatation and

Evacuation), involves reaching up into the uterus and dismembering

the live baby. This delivers pieces of macerated organs that are

usually unsuitable for fetal research, transplantation etc. This may

be the main reason for their vehement defense of the practice of

Partial-Birth abortion.


The story was broken recently by Life Dynamics under the guidance of

its director, Mark Crutcher. A lady came to him with a story, which

he has verified. The name of the informant cannot be revealed, as she

is still involved in the work that she has exposed. Her story is

dramatically recorded in a video just released by Life Dynamics. In

it, this woman under the pseudonym, Kelly, tells her story. Her back

is to the camera and her voice is electronically altered to prevent

her identification. She worked for " an outside source, hired with a

team to go in [to late term abortion clinics] to dissect and procure

fetal tissue for high-quality sales. " Read on as Kelly describes her

macabre profession. " What we did was to have a contract with an

abortion clinic that would allow us to go there on certain days. We

would get a generated list each day to tell us what tissue

researchers, pharmaceutical companies and universities were looking

for. Then we would examine the patient charts. We would screen out the

ones we didn't want.


We did not use specimens that had STDs [sexually transmitted

diseases] or fetal abnormalities. We only wanted the most perfect

specimens that we could give to the researchers. " And the age of

these babies? The victims were up to and over 30-weeks gestation. " We

were looking for eyes, livers, brains, thymuses [lymphoid tissue],

cardiac blood, cord blood, blood from the liver, even blood from the

limbs. "


Only an estimated 2% of the late-term aborted babies had

abnormalities. " The rest were very healthy. 95% of the time, she was

just there to get rid of the baby. " How many of the late-term - the

ones around 30 weeks - would you see? " Probably 30 or 40 babies a

week. "


Kelly stated, " We would sell the tissue to private contractors. They

in turn would sell to other universities and researchers. There was a

high demand every week to buy such fetal tissues. It was shipped by

UPS, FedEx, Airborne and sometimes by special couriers. Sometimes we

would take the specimen in a box to the airport and put it on as

regular cargo, to be picked up at the destination. " And did these

shipping companies know they were transporting baby parts? " No. All

they knew was that it was just human cells. But it could be a

completely intact fetus. It might be a batch of eyes, or 30 or 40

livers going out that day, or thymuses


And the leftover parts? " We would usually put this down the garbage

disposal along with the placenta and the leftover blood material. If

it was too large to go down the drain, they had a special freezer and

when they accumulated 60 or 70 fetuses in one box, it would be picked

up for incineration. "


And then the obvious question. Kelly is still working for this

company, so why did she come and tell this story to a pro-life group?

One day when she was working, " A set of twins at 24 weeks gestation

was brought to us in a pan. They were both alive. The doctor came

back and said, `Got you some good specimens, twins.' I looked at him

and said, `There's something wrong here. They are moving. I don't do

this. This is not in my contract.' I told him I would not be part of

taking their lives. So he took a bottle of sterile water and poured it

in the pan until the fluid came up over their mouths and noses,

letting them drown. I left the room because I could not watch this. "

But she did go back and dissect them after they were dead. She said,

" That's when I decided it was wrong. I did not want to be there when

that happened. " And then it happened again and again. " At 16 weeks,

all the way up to sometimes even 30 weeks, and we had live births come

back to us. " And then? " Then the doctor would either break the neck

or take a pair of tongs and beat the fetus until it was dead. "


Did the abortionist ever alter the procedures to get you the type of

specimens you needed that day? Her answer was " Yes, before the

procedures they would want to see the list of what we wanted to

procure. The [abortionist] would get us the most complete, intact

specimens that he could. They would be delivered to us completely

intact. Sometimes the fetus appeared to be dead, but when we opened

up the chest cavity, the heart was still beating. " She was asked if

the type of abortion procedure was intentionally altered to deliver

to you an intact specimen, even if that meant giving you a live baby?

Her answer was, " Yes, that was so we could sell better tissue, so

that our company would make more money. At the end of the year, they

would give the clinic back more money because we got good specimens. "


The Partial-Birth abortion procedure involves inserting seaweed

laminaria into the cervix. This swells up, dilating the cervix. In

24 hours, new laminaria are inserted. This produces more swelling and

dilatation so that by the third day the baby can be extracted. During

the dilatation procedure she is sent to a nearby motel. Sometimes the

laminaria would fall out and she would go into labor and deliver the

baby. And then? " They would call the nurse, and the nurse would call

the doctor who would go to the motel room and pick up the woman and

the fetus. That's when they would call us and say, `Okay, we've got

a couple of specimens here,' or `We've got one specimen.' We would go

[to the clinic] and the specimen [the baby] would be in a bucket,

sometimes alive. When we opened the chest cavity the heart would

still be beating. Sometimes we could see movement in the bucket.

These babies had to come out alive. There's no way for them to be

coming out dead. They were all alive. How they killed them is

anyone's guess. My guess is that they had to kill them in the bucket

or put them in a corner and let them die slowly. " And that was

because the abortionist had seen how strongly you reacted to seeing

them killed in front of you? " That's correct. And he did not want to

repeat those instances but they kept happening anyway, and that's how

I came to call you guys [Life Dynamics]. "


Finally, Kelly related how sometimes a woman, halfway through the

dilatation procedure, would change her mind and say she did not want

the abortion. In such a case they would tell her that it's too late

now. " You're going to have the abortion. " Kelly said, " All of the

staff would gather around pressuring her to have the abortion. On the

second day, they're given an IV sedation, which kind of puts them

into what I call a Nyquil nap. They're just basically drowsy, not

thinking for themselves and that's basically how they are coerced

into continuing the procedure. "


Finally, in the interview, she notes that many of the employees of

the clinics were lesbians. When the mother was unconscious these

women would discuss her genitalia with degrading remarks and on

occasion even take the phone number off of her chart. Then they

would " call her weeks down the road and ask her out for a date. It

was not uncommon for women or men at the clinic to hit on these women

for dates. "


Now We Know Why


Now we know one of the major reasons why the abortion industry is

fighting so intensely to prevent a ban on Partial-Birth abortion from

being enacted. It's more than not giving any ground on abortion for

any reason. It's also because selling fetal parts is a very lucrative

part of the abortion business. These mothers pay large sums of money

for late-term abortions and the abortionists in turn are given big

money for these intact organs. The model specimens have to be: the

bigger - the better; the older - the better; the more alive - the



The above dialogue is from a video that has been produced by Life

Dynamics. If any of our readers would like a free copy of this

interview, while quantities last, feel free to contact us and we will

send you a copy. Send your request to: Life Issues Institute, 1721 W.

Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45239. Phone (513) 729-3600. Fax (513)

729-3636. E-mail lifeissues@a...


--- End forwarded message ---

--- End forwarded message ---

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My, what a fine piece of propaganda! Almost as many lies per paragraph as a

speech by Dubya.


>theeagle-l , " csrs2003 " <csrs2003> wrote:

>InformationRelay , " csrs2003 " <csrs2003>



>By J. C. Willke, MD


>After fighting abortion for 30 years I thought I had seen and heard

>it all, but not so. Here is a new development, a coordinated high-

>tech industry functioning for the specific purpose of obtaining and

>selling high-quality fetal organs for research.


>Partial-Birth abortions seemed to be so horrible that most of us

>wondered how such procedures could be defended. Many of us chalked it

>up to the fact that the pro-abortion advocates and the abortion

>industry didn't want to give one inch for fear that their whole house

>of cards will fold. I, among others, felt that their resistance to

>forbidding this gruesome procedure was a fear of a domino effect. If

>we stopped this one, then we'd stop the next and the next and the

>next and they didn't want it to start. But now we have evidence of a

>very clear additional reason why they want these late-term abortions

>to continue. The reason is that this is the one method that gives

>them intact fetal bodies from which they can obtain organs for



>The other method of late-term abortion, D & E (Dilatation and

>Evacuation), involves reaching up into the uterus and dismembering

>the live baby. This delivers pieces of macerated organs that are

>usually unsuitable for fetal research, transplantation etc. This may

>be the main reason for their vehement defense of the practice of

>Partial-Birth abortion.


>The story was broken recently by Life Dynamics under the guidance of

>its director, Mark Crutcher. A lady came to him with a story, which

>he has verified. The name of the informant cannot be revealed, as she

>is still involved in the work that she has exposed. Her story is

>dramatically recorded in a video just released by Life Dynamics. In

>it, this woman under the pseudonym, Kelly, tells her story. Her back

>is to the camera and her voice is electronically altered to prevent

>her identification. She worked for " an outside source, hired with a

>team to go in [to late term abortion clinics] to dissect and procure

>fetal tissue for high-quality sales. " Read on as Kelly describes her

>macabre profession. " What we did was to have a contract with an

>abortion clinic that would allow us to go there on certain days. We

>would get a generated list each day to tell us what tissue

>researchers, pharmaceutical companies and universities were looking

>for. Then we would examine the patient charts. We would screen out the

>ones we didn't want.


>We did not use specimens that had STDs [sexually transmitted

>diseases] or fetal abnormalities. We only wanted the most perfect

>specimens that we could give to the researchers. " And the age of

>these babies? The victims were up to and over 30-weeks gestation. " We

>were looking for eyes, livers, brains, thymuses [lymphoid tissue],

>cardiac blood, cord blood, blood from the liver, even blood from the

>limbs. "


>Only an estimated 2% of the late-term aborted babies had

>abnormalities. " The rest were very healthy. 95% of the time, she was

>just there to get rid of the baby. " How many of the late-term - the

>ones around 30 weeks - would you see? " Probably 30 or 40 babies a

>week. "


>Kelly stated, " We would sell the tissue to private contractors. They

>in turn would sell to other universities and researchers. There was a

>high demand every week to buy such fetal tissues. It was shipped by

>UPS, FedEx, Airborne and sometimes by special couriers. Sometimes we

>would take the specimen in a box to the airport and put it on as

>regular cargo, to be picked up at the destination. " And did these

>shipping companies know they were transporting baby parts? " No. All

>they knew was that it was just human cells. But it could be a

>completely intact fetus. It might be a batch of eyes, or 30 or 40

>livers going out that day, or thymuses


>And the leftover parts? " We would usually put this down the garbage

>disposal along with the placenta and the leftover blood material. If

>it was too large to go down the drain, they had a special freezer and

>when they accumulated 60 or 70 fetuses in one box, it would be picked

>up for incineration. "


>And then the obvious question. Kelly is still working for this

>company, so why did she come and tell this story to a pro-life group?

>One day when she was working, " A set of twins at 24 weeks gestation

>was brought to us in a pan. They were both alive. The doctor came

>back and said, `Got you some good specimens, twins.' I looked at him

>and said, `There's something wrong here. They are moving. I don't do

>this. This is not in my contract.' I told him I would not be part of

>taking their lives. So he took a bottle of sterile water and poured it

>in the pan until the fluid came up over their mouths and noses,

>letting them drown. I left the room because I could not watch this. "

>But she did go back and dissect them after they were dead. She said,

> " That's when I decided it was wrong. I did not want to be there when

>that happened. " And then it happened again and again. " At 16 weeks,

>all the way up to sometimes even 30 weeks, and we had live births come

>back to us. " And then? " Then the doctor would either break the neck

>or take a pair of tongs and beat the fetus until it was dead. "


>Did the abortionist ever alter the procedures to get you the type of

>specimens you needed that day? Her answer was " Yes, before the

>procedures they would want to see the list of what we wanted to

>procure. The [abortionist] would get us the most complete, intact

>specimens that he could. They would be delivered to us completely

>intact. Sometimes the fetus appeared to be dead, but when we opened

>up the chest cavity, the heart was still beating. " She was asked if

>the type of abortion procedure was intentionally altered to deliver

>to you an intact specimen, even if that meant giving you a live baby?

>Her answer was, " Yes, that was so we could sell better tissue, so

>that our company would make more money. At the end of the year, they

>would give the clinic back more money because we got good specimens. "


>The Partial-Birth abortion procedure involves inserting seaweed

>laminaria into the cervix. This swells up, dilating the cervix. In

>24 hours, new laminaria are inserted. This produces more swelling and

>dilatation so that by the third day the baby can be extracted. During

>the dilatation procedure she is sent to a nearby motel. Sometimes the

>laminaria would fall out and she would go into labor and deliver the

>baby. And then? " They would call the nurse, and the nurse would call

>the doctor who would go to the motel room and pick up the woman and

>the fetus. That's when they would call us and say, `Okay, we've got

>a couple of specimens here,' or `We've got one specimen.' We would go

>[to the clinic] and the specimen [the baby] would be in a bucket,

>sometimes alive. When we opened the chest cavity the heart would

>still be beating. Sometimes we could see movement in the bucket.

>These babies had to come out alive. There's no way for them to be

>coming out dead. They were all alive. How they killed them is

>anyone's guess. My guess is that they had to kill them in the bucket

>or put them in a corner and let them die slowly. " And that was

>because the abortionist had seen how strongly you reacted to seeing

>them killed in front of you? " That's correct. And he did not want to

>repeat those instances but they kept happening anyway, and that's how

>I came to call you guys [Life Dynamics]. "


>Finally, Kelly related how sometimes a woman, halfway through the

>dilatation procedure, would change her mind and say she did not want

>the abortion. In such a case they would tell her that it's too late

>now. " You're going to have the abortion. " Kelly said, " All of the

>staff would gather around pressuring her to have the abortion. On the

>second day, they're given an IV sedation, which kind of puts them

>into what I call a Nyquil nap. They're just basically drowsy, not

>thinking for themselves and that's basically how they are coerced

>into continuing the procedure. "


>Finally, in the interview, she notes that many of the employees of

>the clinics were lesbians. When the mother was unconscious these

>women would discuss her genitalia with degrading remarks and on

>occasion even take the phone number off of her chart. Then they

>would " call her weeks down the road and ask her out for a date. It

>was not uncommon for women or men at the clinic to hit on these women

>for dates. "


>Now We Know Why


>Now we know one of the major reasons why the abortion industry is

>fighting so intensely to prevent a ban on Partial-Birth abortion from

>being enacted. It's more than not giving any ground on abortion for

>any reason. It's also because selling fetal parts is a very lucrative

>part of the abortion business. These mothers pay large sums of money

>for late-term abortions and the abortionists in turn are given big

>money for these intact organs. The model specimens have to be: the

>bigger - the better; the older - the better; the more alive - the



>The above dialogue is from a video that has been produced by Life

>Dynamics. If any of our readers would like a free copy of this

>interview, while quantities last, feel free to contact us and we will

>send you a copy. Send your request to: Life Issues Institute, 1721 W.

>Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45239. Phone (513) 729-3600. Fax (513)

>729-3636. E-mail lifeissues@a...


>--- End forwarded message ---



Neil Jensen: neil

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