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The Key to REAL Intuition, the Psychic Barometer

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Hi group,


The following are 3 posts about The Key to REAL Intuition, the Psychic

Barometer, that I've posted to another group.


Because of it's healing aspects, I thought it might be good for here also. Dr

John La Tourrette


1. >Is this a negative thought form? " Even though I've worried my family by

being >so sick, I'm still a good kid. "



That depends on what resonates with him on his subconscious level.


In fact the above does fit the parameters of Energy Psychology. The " even

though....I Love and appreciate myself " , and it fits it in a manner that he

might comprehend better on a subconscious level.


>I'd do a variation of that one with his mother and you and other family. For

him, >I'd do something like your first one, and " I no longer need this symptom

now >that I know my breathing can be slower and my health glorious. "


Why not just surrogate (distance) energy test to find the words that do resonate

with each person?


And I'd still stick with the " even though------I love and appreciate " , or go to

the Carrington Choices method of " even though----I choose to----(fill in blanks

with a specific behavior).... "


Either way, he is really on the mend, and that's what's important.


2. >I know I'm picking nits here, but it's the part about " I know I've worried

my family >by being sick " that I wondered about.


Hi Sue, Group,


This post is NOT about Killian (glad the baby and mom are home), but about the

" process " . The process to be effective is very important.


To remove the energy blockage that is in the meridians you need to state the

negative emotion in a way that matches their subconscious verbal patterning.


Being " positive " ignores the blockage.


When you ignore the blockage, then tapping will NOT work. In fact if it is

ignored then NOTHING works on it.


Isolating the specific blockage (the energy perturbation), the specific

" negative " emotions that caused disruptions not only in the brain but also in

the body's energy system is what Energy Psychology is all about.


The energy disruption must be mentally activated.


Then, tapping the correct energy points while thinking about the PROBLEM not

only balances the energy system in the moment, it also retrains your body to be

able to hold the thought and to be in the circumstance without the energy

disturbance and, therefore, without the unwanted emotional response.


Here's a few of those concepts:


See page 45 in " The Promise of Energy Psychology " .


See pages 24-25 in " The Energy Psychology Interactive " .


The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system.

Page 16-17 EFT manual.


When the memory does NOT cause the disruption in the body's energy system then

the negative emotion cannot occur. Page 19, EFT manual.


3. >But how does one know what a newborn is thinking? Do you intuit it? How do

>you pick the phrases to use? How do you separate a newborn's emotions

> from the mother, who is still so much part of a joint energy field?


Hi Sue,


Well, I guess I'll lose my scientific facts here and go with my training in EM,

EP, RVing, NLP, etc, and my experiences to answer those questions.


First, the child (almost all children) are psychic funnels up until the age of 4

years old. So if mom has a fear, the child knows it, feels it, and believes it

as if it is so. (See Peter Sander's book for proof. It's one of many)


So working with the mom's fears is a great way to interact energetically with

any of her children, REGARDLESS of their ages. There is that psychic link.


Just think " surrogate energy work " especially since Energy Psychology is as much

a form of energy work as Energy Medicine is. One comes from the physiology of

energy and the blockages in the energy field that causes illness.


The other one comes from perturbations in the energy fields with certain

thoughts and emotions that hinder them in their lives, and then eventually

affects the body’s organs and health.


Oh my gosh. They are the same, but from different angles!


Second, since I've been doing EM I've noticed that damn word " intuition "

cropping up again and again. And I also noticed that some very good people in

the field (namely Donna, Sandy and Kim) also have that same intuition (we need a

definition here) regarding energy.


Please understand that my definition of intuition is, " a psychic skill where

information is channeled from the super-conscious mind (the mind of the soul) to

the subconscious mind, and then (where there are properly built Bridges of

Awareness) to the conscious mind " .


Which means the practitioner needs to train to leave the ego behind and access

the information that comes through.


Most people do not do that and actually are accessing their own fears and

hallucinations when they think they are intuiting.




One started out seeing energies.


The other 2 need " the method " taught by Donna.


So I thought that they were accessing their intuition because of the many

different cases they'd worked over the years using energy testing. It's like

with P.P. Quimby and his friend Lucius back in the 1800's.


Quimby was a mesmerist and would hypnotize Lucius into a trance. Lucius would

then look inside people's bodies and tell what was wrong and how to fix

themselves. He was damned accurate.


After awhile, Quimby " noticed " that when he was with Lucius he also started

noticing the answers. He'd picked up the skill because of being in Lucius's

atmosphere (auric energy field) and learned how to do the remote viewing Remote

healing thing sort of by accident.


And he no longer needed Lucius.


So about 5 years back I took it upon myself to develop a program of systematic

study that did develop intuition. A systematic way to develop and hook up the

conscious mind with the subconscious mind so that it would easily and accurately

recognize " energy information " and have answers that would actually help. (No

more on this here since I don't want to do a sales pitch or write a book)


I'm pretty sure that Pat and many others who really work with people with their

skills (EEM, EFT, Hypnosis, NLP, etc) gain an experience in the esoteric realms

that can only be called " Systematically Trained Intuition " .


I'm also sure that most don't talk about it because they don't want to be

considered " crack-pots " .


Dr John La Tourrette

PS. If anyone does want more information about The Key to REAL Intuition, the

Psychic Barometer, I'll be teaching it (among a bunch of other skills) at the

BULLET-PROOF WALLET FATTENING INTENSIVE here in the back woods of OR at the end

of Feb on Feb 26, 27 & 28.

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