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Tai Chi is for Water elements, and Metal elements too.

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Here are just a few reasons to practice Tai Chi:1. Longevity.  Master Liang, a disciple of Cheng man-Ching was told he would die at around 45. He had a great many ailments - serious diseases. They said he was a dead man. He started learning Tai Chi in his forties. He lived to 100. Just like rusty said, the meridian channels opened. And there is something to be said for Tai Chi turning the body into an alchemical laboratory as well. The natural emissions develop the Elixir.2. It's an exercise where you get to practice the figure 8 energies going from the bottom to the top of the body. You learn minute control over the entire body.3. It teaches connecting from the earth to the heavens, from K-1 to the top of the head. It teaches true grounding.4. You can alter your own bone structure through the control of the body's own electrical processes. It's called Marrow-Washing. And even if you don't believe this, at the very least you are learning to strengthen your tendons.5. You don't have to bust your knees up if you don't want to.Finally, I can't argue with LaTourette's Kenpo, which includes energy medicine, nlp, and huna. I have his DVDs on Dragon Lines. He is mindful of the body's energy systems. I can't tell you Tai Chi is better. It depends on what you want use the art for. If you want to kick the shit out of people then do Kenpo. I can tell you that Water and Metal elements are drawn to Taiji. I'm a Water with a lot of Metal in me so I love it.Anthony VanWagnerThe Astral Atlaswww.astralatlas.comOn Apr 26, 2007, at 11:49 AM, rusty wrote:And the restorative effects of Tai Chi are due to one primary reason. Here is the reason.The slow movements and stretches reconnect the top of the body, thearms, and the legs all energetically.-  That reason is a common one with Hatha Yoga. Chi is fluid; like water it fills all hollows and like air it fills all open spaces, but it will NOT go through blocked or clenched channels. Therefore, any muscle clenching inhibits the flow of chi and  stretching exercises will open those clenched and blocked channels. But, IMO, the prime effect of tai chi comes from Mindfulness;  Mindful of the continuous state of relaxation of the muscles and maintaining a constant state of fluidity throughout the body.All taichi starts with Sung and stays there.rustyrty- docspeed2001mindmastery-essentialskills Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 6:38 PM[mindmastery-essentialskills] Tai Chi is just for sissies, right?

Do any of you practice any Tai Chi exercises asan addition to your Kenpo routine either in the "warm up" or "cooldown" phases of your training.I've been increasing this portion of my workout due to therestorative effects of Tai Chi on aching muscles, joints andligaments.Does anyone share my belief in the value of Tai Chi or do you believeit is just for sissies?
Nelson,I'm sure it's just for sissies.Want to dance?Any way,I assume you are referring to only the restorative effects beingvalid. If so I agree with you.And the restorative effects of Tai Chi are due to one primary reason.Here is the reason.The slow movements and stretches reconnect the top of the body, thearms, and the legs all energetically.So if the Belt Line flow is constricted doing the Kata will stretchthe stomach area so that the Belt line flow reconnects properly again.If the energies are clogged in the knees, when the back of the kneesare stretched, the energy that is collected there will be dispersedand new vital force can easily flow through them.Back in the late 70's, early 80's I learned Yang style from TimByrne. About 9 years ago I learned energy medicine from Donna Eden.Now I just do the energy drills instead of Tai Chi.©
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>It's an exercise where you get to practice the figure 8 energies going from the bottom to the top of the body.


And the converse is also true, Anthony; Energy Medicine's figure 8s will deliver much of what you attribute to the tai chi.

But both also require focused intent.

Donna's drills look easy but they must be done correctly to gain optimum effect.

The first thing to engage is the mind; focused intent. Separating Heaven and Earth, for example, is much more effective when one relaxes completely and holds each pose long enough to complete the stretch and prevent any Bounce back into a clench. In QiGong that would be for about 50 heartbeats. Yoga would suggest one minute.


The figure eights should be smooth and steady like in QiGong's silk reeling.

Silk reeling in Tai chi, however, can also mean a deadly martial Art form of taiji.

Energy medicine is for many purposes but there is no underlying application for Martial Arts.


Unlike Tai chi, QiGong drills are not necessarily Martial art based.

For example, that Silk reeling done in qigong is very similar to figure eights.

I have no intention of spamming doc's group so I have no commercial links posted with this video where I demonstrate QiGong silk reeling . Notice the figures eights embedded throughout the demo:




And FYI, Here's my good buddy, Earl Montague, demonstrating the Taiji martial Art version of silk reeling.

Quite different from the QiGong drill; the only connection is that, once launched, the attack continues through a few moves in a smooth, uninterrupted, connected flow:










Mind Mastery List ; speedhitting-essentialskills ; ; astralatlas

Saturday, April 28, 2007 10:23 PM

Tai Chi is for Water elements, and Metal elements too.

Here are just a few reasons to practice Tai Chi:


1. Longevity.


Master Liang, a disciple of Cheng man-Ching was told he would die at around 45. He had a great many ailments - serious diseases. They said he was a dead man. He started learning Tai Chi in his forties. He lived to 100.


Just like rusty said, the meridian channels opened. And there is something to be said for Tai Chi turning the body into an alchemical laboratory as well. The natural emissions develop the Elixir.


2. It's an exercise where you get to practice the figure 8 energies going from the bottom to the top of the body. You learn minute control over the entire body.


3. It teaches connecting from the earth to the heavens, from K-1 to the top of the head. It teaches true grounding.


4. You can alter your own bone structure through the control of the body's own electrical processes. It's called Marrow-Washing. And even if you don't believe this, at the very least you are learning to strengthen your tendons.


5. You don't have to bust your knees up if you don't want to.


Finally, I can't argue with LaTourette's Kenpo, which includes energy medicine, nlp, and huna. I have his DVDs on Dragon Lines. He is mindful of the body's energy systems. I can't tell you Tai Chi is better. It depends on what you want use the art for. If you want to kick the shit out of people then do Kenpo.


I can tell you that Water and Metal elements are drawn to Taiji. I'm a Water with a lot of Metal in me so I love it.




Anthony VanWagner

The Astral Atlas



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