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> I strongly recommend that you find

> another

> practitioner, this time one that has enough clinical

> experience, who

> is NOT an M.D. as well, and that you can hear

> recommendations of his

> skill.

> Shmuel Halevi Ph.D

> http://www.acumedico.com


Just curious, why do you so strongly recommend against

seeing an MD? Also, what about an MD-acupuncturist?

Just curious.


Bernard Kim




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Smuel is capable of answering for himself.


Being an activist on these issues both here in Florida and nationally.....the

typical MD who claims to perform acupuncture has NOT the faintest idea what

they are doing nor did they have ANY training to speak about. The

MD-Acupuncturists have a mechanism for self certification and which consists of

only 350+/-

hours of which 250 hours is home video which they might never even watch.

What could the average busy MD learn from a video?


And as Smuel says.....ask abou their skills and accomplishments and pleeeeze

don;t listen to the propaganda that BECAUSE they are an MD they are 'king of

the hill'. Western medical trainging doesn;t get them very far in the world of



As often is pointed out....the World Health Organization did a study back in

1996 that clearly states that for an MD or DO to practice UP TO THE level of

the qualified acupuncturist they need at least 1500 hours of clinical/didactic

education and then take a substantially recognized test. The failure of W.H.O.

was to say that if an MD wanted to sort of fool around (italics are my words)

with acupuncture and use it adjunctively they would only need 200 hours of

clinical/didactic education.


Let's get real here.


Of course there is always an exception. Could there be an MD who might be

better than the best qualified (non-MD) acupuncturist? Absolutely a resounding

YES. But don't believe that there are too many.




Richard A. Freiberg, OMD, NMD

Founder/Director AOMNC




> I strongly recommend that you find

> another

> practitioner, this time one that has enough clinical

> experience, who

> is NOT an M.D. as well, and that you can hear

> recommendations of his

> skill.

> Shmuel Halevi Ph.D

> http://www.acumedico.com


Just curious, why do you so strongly recommend against

seeing an MD? Also, what about an MD-acupuncturist?

Just curious.


Bernard Kim




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acupuncture , Berns <bernard_m_kim> wrote:

> > I strongly recommend that you find

> > another

> > practitioner, this time one that has enough clinical

> > experience, who

> > is NOT an M.D. as well, and that you can hear

> > recommendations of his

> > skill.

> > Shmuel Halevi Ph.D

> > http://www.acumedico.com


> Just curious, why do you so strongly recommend against

> seeing an MD? Also, what about an MD-acupuncturist?

> Just curious.


> Bernard Kim



I probably didn't phrase it right. I recommend seeing a Chinese

medicine practitioner who is not an M.D. Not that I am against seing

an M.D., of course. The reason is that most of them, in my

experience, have a problem interpreting medical disorders into

Chinese medical concepts and understanding. They usually define the

problem in Western terms, i.e. cystitis and not Damp-Heat pouring

into the bladder for instance, and treat it symptomatically. I also,

unfortunately, did not meet an M.D. who practices acupuncture that I

could say: ah, this guy meets the standards of practice and results

that I expect of Chinese medical practitioner per se.



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