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The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One

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Books Contact IMVA The Ultimate Mitochondrial CocktailMagnesium Bicarbonate – Part One There are good reasons many believe that there is nothing in mainstream medicine that addresses de-acidification, detoxification, fixing nutritional deficiencies, modulating and boosting the immune system, and increasing full body circulation. Medical science has failed in its attempts at curing degenerative, metabolic, or autoimmune diseases. Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely. Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens. It is time for allopathic medicine to understand that viruses, bacteria and fungi all thrive in acid conditions. Why is this so hard for orthodox doctors to understand? Tissues and cells are like factories with furnace mitochondria everywhere and everything gets very dirty with acid wastes that have to be cleared away every millisecond we are alive. There is no way around the reality that metabolism creates acid waste that can accumulate quite rapidly under the right conditions. Increased oxidative stress, whichcorrelates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, isespecially dangerous to the mitochondria,which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress. Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances. Patients receiving sodium bicarbonateachieved urine pH's of 6.5 asopposed to 5.6 with those receivingsodium chloride. This alkalinization istheorized to have a protective effectagainst the formation of free-radicalsthat may cause nephropathy.4 Dr. Michael Metro One of the fundamental approaches to medicine has to be the alkalinization of the body so it can dispose acids from our cells tissues, and organs. We can do this in many ways but often doctors have to do this in quick ways in emergency situations. Other times, when we have cooperative patients we can use food as medicines and accomplish things gradually with time. The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and it’s about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist. You just can’t beat the cell-restoring potential of green foods such as wheat, barley, kamut, alfalfa, and oat grasses along with spirulina and chlorella. These foods are all high in magnesium and act readily as food medicines. They are thousands of times more powerful than ordinary green vegetables, because they are super concentrated in chlorophyll, alkaline minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. My favourite has always been spirulina and I include it in all my protocols. Though I believe in the power of raw food diets and healing medical approaches like the Gerson Diet, today we need exceptionally powerful medicinal medicines that are not really medicines in the way we normally think of medicines. Both sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are common items that when not injected are considered foods safe for consumption. Luckily for everyone these two substances are affective for chronic and acute disorders when used orally and transdermally; we do not need to go to the emergency room for injections. This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. They offer a combination therapy that is natural, effective and safe and can be used readily with other protocol items, medicines and healing processes. Add some sun (vitamin D), iodine, ALA and Vitamin C and we will go a long way of helping the pharmaceutical giants to an early grave. Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific conditions. The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-. So, magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg (HCO3)2. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken at full strength with water at slightly separated times are an ideal way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonate ions to body cells. Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits. Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water.1 Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail. Good drinking water would contain approximately 125 mg of magnesium and 650 mg of bicarbonate per litre.2When consumed together magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate work very well together to combat basic physiological problems. When our tissues become too acidic and lacking in magnesium necessary for ATP production cellular metabolism drops off and this can lead to obesity and diabetes. Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other – they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. Magnesium influx is linked with bicarbonate transport according to the Dietary Reference Intakes guide from the Institute of Medicine. Magnesium transport into or out of cells requires the presence of carrier-mediated transport systems (Gunther, 1003; Romani et al., 1993).3 ATPase reaction has a broad pH optimum centering on neutral pH, with little significant activity above pH9.0 or below pH5.5.4 Thus anything that moves us from overall acid conditions toward alkaline that recover the neutral zone is going to enhance cell metabolism via mitochondrial optimization.Alkalosis enhances magnesium reabsorption in the juxtamedullary proximal nephron.5 It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated Unique Water which, it has been asserted, slowed the ageing process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett's theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease. Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. An excellent research group called Agua G is studying the overall benefits of bicarbonate in human physiology. Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it6. Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion. The problem is that few magnesium bicarbonate products are available; they are expensive and difficult to source. So using magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate individually in combination is idea. It is possible to make one’s own magnesium bicarbonate..7 This chapter does not recommend going out and buying magnesium bicarbonate or make it yourself as directed in this last footnote. A person gets much more control over both bicarbonate and magnesium physiology when magnesium is taken in its chloride form and the bicarbonate is taken as sodium bicarbonate. When using magnesium chloride for oral consumption you must use the highest quality sources.8 Sea water evaporation magnesium oils are not appropriate for this type of application.Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association directorSpecial Note: This is the end of part one of Magnesium Bicarbonate, which is a chapter in my book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. Part Two will take us more deeply into the physiology of both bicarbonate and magnesium in relation to the mitochondria. At some future time I will present magnesium thiosulfate, which is a cousin of sodium thiosulfate. Both of these chemicals can be purchases online and as my colleague Dr. Oleg Yasko says, drinking either before bed offers a wonderful relaxing detox. 1 Distilled water is not safe for long term use, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Yet it is an excellent aid in detoxification and chelation for it purity pulls on toxicities in the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in distilled water your body basically becomes acid. Long term acidity causes acid blood, which is like acid rain, causes the calcium from the bones to be leeched out and as a result, the tissues and organ have too much of calcium clogging the system. Therefore distilled water is generally not recommended as a regular drinking water, since most of our body usually receives bicarbonates from the water we drink than from the food we eat. But we can easily treat distilled water by adding bicarbonate and magnesium and then it is not really distilled water anymore. 2 http://www.uniquewater.com.au3http://www.amazon.com/Dietary-Reference-Phosphorus-Magnesium-Fluoride/dp/0309063507/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1227893156 & sr=11-14 Biochem J. 1977 August 1; 165(2): 355–365. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=11649085 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 243: F197-F203, 1982; 0363-6127/82 6 Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein 1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. 7 The method consists of using one tablespoon of magnesium carbonate to be dissolved with soda water. Buy a bottle of Carbonated Seltzer water - NO SODIUM, just carbonated "fizz" water, unflavored. Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Get another, larger bottle, and pour 2/3 of a capful of PLAIN (no-flavor) Philips Milk of Magnesia (which is Magnesium Oxide, an alkaline laxative) into the large bottle. (The bottle comes with a plastic measuring cup which is what I mean when I say 2/3 capful.) Now quickly open the bottle of carbonated water (water + carbonic acid) and empty it into the large bottle containing the 2/3 capful of Magnesia. Shake well. You will have a bottle of milky/cloudy liquid which is in the process of neutralization between the carbonic acid and the magnesium oxide-- leaving a neutral salt, Magnesium Bicarbonate.8 Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil and Bath Flakes are both pure enough for oral consumption even they are not sold for oral use.Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark SircusFeatured BooksSodium BicarbonateRich Man´s Poor Man´s Cancer Treatment Transdermal Magnesium Therapy Iodine – Bringing Backthe Universal Medicine Winning the War on Cancer Our mailing address is:IMVAArina Alvez de Melo177João Pessoa, Paraiba 58046310Our telephone:558332522195Add us to your address bookForwardthis email to a friend Update your profileUn from IMVA Medical News Commentaries list. IMVA International Medical Verciaitas Assotion 2008 all rights reserved

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This is part one, of the mitochondrial cocktail enjoy.


Hugs Mary

- IMVA Publications


Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:51 AM

The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One











Books Contact IMVA







The Ultimate Mitochondrial CocktailMagnesium Bicarbonate – Part One


There are good reasons many believe that there is nothing in mainstream medicine that addresses de-acidification, detoxification, fixing nutritional deficiencies, modulating and boosting the immune system, and increasing full body circulation. Medical science has failed in its attempts at curing degenerative, metabolic, or autoimmune diseases. Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely.

Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens.

It is time for allopathic medicine to understand that viruses, bacteria and fungi all thrive in acid conditions. Why is this so hard for orthodox doctors to understand? Tissues and cells are like factories with furnace mitochondria everywhere and everything gets very dirty with acid wastes that have to be cleared away every millisecond we are alive. There is no way around the reality that metabolism creates acid waste that can accumulate quite rapidly under the right conditions.

Increased oxidative stress, whichcorrelates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, isespecially dangerous to the mitochondria,which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress.

Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances.

Patients receiving sodium bicarbonateachieved urine pH's of 6.5 asopposed to 5.6 with those receivingsodium chloride. This alkalinization istheorized to have a protective effectagainst the formation of free-radicalsthat may cause nephropathy.4 Dr. Michael Metro

One of the fundamental approaches to medicine has to be the alkalinization of the body so it can dispose acids from our cells tissues, and organs. We can do this in many ways but often doctors have to do this in quick ways in emergency situations. Other times, when we have cooperative patients we can use food as medicines and accomplish things gradually with time.

The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and it’s about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist.


You just can’t beat the cell-restoring potential of green foods such as wheat, barley, kamut, alfalfa, and oat grasses along with spirulina and chlorella. These foods are all high in magnesium and act readily as food medicines. They are thousands of times more powerful than ordinary green vegetables, because they are super concentrated in chlorophyll, alkaline minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. My favourite has always been spirulina and I include it in all my protocols.

Though I believe in the power of raw food diets and healing medical approaches like the Gerson Diet, today we need exceptionally powerful medicinal medicines that are not really medicines in the way we normally think of medicines. Both sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are common items that when not injected are considered foods safe for consumption. Luckily for everyone these two substances are affective for chronic and acute disorders when used orally and transdermally; we do not need to go to the emergency room for injections.

This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. They offer a combination therapy that is natural, effective and safe and can be used readily with other protocol items, medicines and healing processes. Add some sun (vitamin D), iodine, ALA and Vitamin C and we will go a long way of helping the pharmaceutical giants to an early grave.

Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific conditions. The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-. So, magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg (HCO3)2. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken at full strength with water at slightly separated times are an ideal way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonate ions to body cells.

Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits.

Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water.1 Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail. Good drinking water would contain approximately 125 mg of magnesium and 650 mg of bicarbonate per litre.2When consumed together magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate work very well together to combat basic physiological problems.

When our tissues become too acidic and lacking in magnesium necessary for ATP production cellular metabolism drops off and this can lead to obesity and diabetes.

Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other – they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. Magnesium influx is linked with bicarbonate transport according to the Dietary Reference Intakes guide from the Institute of Medicine. Magnesium transport into or out of cells requires the presence of carrier-mediated transport systems (Gunther, 1003; Romani et al., 1993).3 ATPase reaction has a broad pH optimum centering on neutral pH, with little significant activity above pH9.0 or below pH5.5.4 Thus anything that moves us from overall acid conditions toward alkaline that recover the neutral zone is going to enhance cell metabolism via mitochondrial optimization.

Alkalosis enhances magnesium reabsorption in the juxtamedullary proximal nephron.5

It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated Unique Water which, it has been asserted, slowed the ageing process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett's theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease.

Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. An excellent research group called Agua G is studying the overall benefits of bicarbonate in human physiology.

Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it6.

Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion. The problem is that few magnesium bicarbonate products are available; they are expensive and difficult to source. So using magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate individually in combination is idea. It is possible to make one’s own magnesium bicarbonate..7 This chapter does not recommend going out and buying magnesium bicarbonate or make it yourself as directed in this last footnote. A person gets much more control over both bicarbonate and magnesium physiology when magnesium is taken in its chloride form and the bicarbonate is taken as sodium bicarbonate. When using magnesium chloride for oral consumption you must use the highest quality sources.8 Sea water evaporation magnesium oils are not appropriate for this type of application.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association director

Special Note: This is the end of part one of Magnesium Bicarbonate, which is a chapter in my book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. Part Two will take us more deeply into the physiology of both bicarbonate and magnesium in relation to the mitochondria. At some future time I will present magnesium thiosulfate, which is a cousin of sodium thiosulfate. Both of these chemicals can be purchases online and as my colleague Dr. Oleg Yasko says, drinking either before bed offers a wonderful relaxing detox.


1 Distilled water is not safe for long term use, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Yet it is an excellent aid in detoxification and chelation for it purity pulls on toxicities in the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in distilled water your body basically becomes acid. Long term acidity causes acid blood, which is like acid rain, causes the calcium from the bones to be leeched out and as a result, the tissues and organ have too much of calcium clogging the system. Therefore distilled water is generally not recommended as a regular drinking water, since most of our body usually receives bicarbonates from the water we drink than from the food we eat. But we can easily treat distilled water by adding bicarbonate and magnesium and then it is not really distilled water anymore.


2 http://www.uniquewater.com.au


3http://www.amazon.com/Dietary-Reference-Phosphorus-Magnesium-Fluoride/dp/0309063507/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1227893156 & sr=11-1


4 Biochem J. 1977 August 1; 165(2): 355–365. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1164908


5 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 243: F197-F203, 1982; 0363-6127/82


6 Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein 1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.


7 The method consists of using one tablespoon of magnesium carbonate to be dissolved with soda water. Buy a bottle of Carbonated Seltzer water - NO SODIUM, just carbonated "fizz" water, unflavored. Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Get another, larger bottle, and pour 2/3 of a capful of PLAIN (no-flavor) Philips Milk of Magnesia (which is Magnesium Oxide, an alkaline laxative) into the large bottle. (The bottle comes with a plastic measuring cup which is what I mean when I say 2/3 capful.) Now quickly open the bottle of carbonated water (water + carbonic acid) and empty it into the large bottle containing the 2/3 capful of Magnesia. Shake well. You will have a bottle of milky/cloudy liquid which is in the process of neutralization between the carbonic acid and the magnesium oxide-- leaving a neutral salt, Magnesium Bicarbonate.


8 Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil and Bath Flakes are both pure enough for oral consumption even they are not sold for oral use.


Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus









Featured Books

Sodium BicarbonateRich Man´s Poor Man´s Cancer Treatment Transdermal Magnesium Therapy Iodine – Bringing Backthe Universal Medicine Winning the War on Cancer



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Arina Alvez de Melo

177João Pessoa, Paraiba 58046310Our telephone:

558332522195Add us to your address bookForwardthis email to a friend Update your profileUn from IMVA Medical News Commentaries list.


Copyright © IMVA International Medical Verciaitas Assotion 2008 all rights reserved

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I am so low in magnesium and i thank you for the good info. Ozarka sells ro drinking water with added magnesium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. Yup, all in one container. I think this is good we need not measure, i am sure they know the right amount to put.





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Thanks for the info on transdermal magnesium. I've been looking at health food

stores for liquid magnesium chloride and no one has it. I guess i will have to

order the flakes via web.


When i usually feel low from low mag, i try to go to the ocean and bathe for

around two hours, and i feel perfect after that (under sun too) for around a

week or so, then i start feeling weak again.



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Ooh, I like this! Thanks Mary! Looking forward to Part Two.Blessings, Eva.--- On Fri, 1/16/09, Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon wrote:Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part Oneoleander soup Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 3:36 AM


This is part one, of the mitochondrial cocktail enjoy.


Hugs Mary

- IMVA Publications

mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au

Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:51 AM

The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One











Books Contact IMVA







The Ultimate Mitochondrial CocktailMagnesium Bicarbonate – Part One


There are good reasons many believe that there is nothing in mainstream medicine that addresses de-acidification, detoxification, fixing nutritional deficiencies, modulating and boosting the immune system, and increasing full body circulation. Medical science has failed in its attempts at curing degenerative, metabolic, or autoimmune diseases. Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely.

Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens.

It is time for allopathic medicine to understand that viruses, bacteria and fungi all thrive in acid conditions. Why is this so hard for orthodox doctors to understand? Tissues and cells are like factories with furnace mitochondria everywhere and everything gets very dirty with acid wastes that have to be cleared away every millisecond we are alive. There is no way around the reality that metabolism creates acid waste that can accumulate quite rapidly under the right conditions.

Increased oxidative stress, whichcorrelates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, isespecially dangerous to the mitochondria,which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress.

Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances.

Patients receiving sodium bicarbonateachieved urine pH's of 6.5 asopposed to 5.6 with those receivingsodium chloride. This alkalinization istheorized to have a protective effectagainst the formation of free-radicalsthat may cause nephropathy. 4 Dr. Michael Metro

One of the fundamental approaches to medicine has to be the alkalinization of the body so it can dispose acids from our cells tissues, and organs. We can do this in many ways but often doctors have to do this in quick ways in emergency situations. Other times, when we have cooperative patients we can use food as medicines and accomplish things gradually with time.

The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and it’s about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist.


You just can’t beat the cell-restoring potential of green foods such as wheat, barley, kamut, alfalfa, and oat grasses along with spirulina and chlorella. These foods are all high in magnesium and act readily as food medicines. They are thousands of times more powerful than ordinary green vegetables, because they are super concentrated in chlorophyll, alkaline minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. My favourite has always been spirulina and I include it in all my protocols.

Though I believe in the power of raw food diets and healing medical approaches like the Gerson Diet, today we need exceptionally powerful medicinal medicines that are not really medicines in the way we normally think of medicines. Both sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are common items that when not injected are considered foods safe for consumption. Luckily for everyone these two substances are affective for chronic and acute disorders when used orally and transdermally; we do not need to go to the emergency room for injections.

This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. They offer a combination therapy that is natural, effective and safe and can be used readily with other protocol items, medicines and healing processes. Add some sun (vitamin D), iodine, ALA and Vitamin C and we will go a long way of helping the pharmaceutical giants to an early grave.

Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific conditions. The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-. So, magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg (HCO3)2. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken at full strength with water at slightly separated times are an ideal way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonate ions to body cells.

Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits.

Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water.1 Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail. Good drinking water would contain approximately 125 mg of magnesium and 650 mg of bicarbonate per litre.2When consumed together magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate work very well together to combat basic physiological problems.

When our tissues become too acidic and lacking in magnesium necessary for ATP production cellular metabolism drops off and this can lead to obesity and diabetes.

Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other – they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. Magnesium influx is linked with bicarbonate transport according to the Dietary Reference Intakes guide from the Institute of Medicine. Magnesium transport into or out of cells requires the presence of carrier-mediated transport systems (Gunther, 1003; Romani et al., 1993).3 ATPase reaction has a broad pH optimum centering on neutral pH, with little significant activity above pH9.0 or below pH5.5.4 Thus anything that moves us from overall acid conditions toward alkaline that recover the neutral zone is going to enhance cell metabolism via mitochondrial optimization.

Alkalosis enhances magnesium reabsorption in the juxtamedullary proximal nephron.5

It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated Unique Water which, it has been asserted, slowed the ageing process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett's theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease.

Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. An excellent research group called Agua G is studying the overall benefits of bicarbonate in human physiology.

Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it6.

Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion. The problem is that few magnesium bicarbonate products are available; they are expensive and difficult to source. So using magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate individually in combination is idea. It is possible to make one’s own magnesium bicarbonate. .7 This chapter does not recommend going out and buying magnesium bicarbonate or make it yourself as directed in this last footnote. A person gets much more control over both bicarbonate and magnesium physiology when magnesium is taken in its chloride form and the bicarbonate is taken as sodium bicarbonate. When using magnesium chloride for oral consumption you must use the highest quality sources.8 Sea water evaporation magnesium oils are not appropriate for this type of application.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association director@naturalall opathic.com

Special Note: This is the end of part one of Magnesium Bicarbonate, which is a chapter in my book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. Part Two will take us more deeply into the physiology of both bicarbonate and magnesium in relation to the mitochondria.. At some future time I will present magnesium thiosulfate, which is a cousin of sodium thiosulfate. Both of these chemicals can be purchases online and as my colleague Dr. Oleg Yasko says, drinking either before bed offers a wonderful relaxing detox.


1 Distilled water is not safe for long term use, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Yet it is an excellent aid in detoxification and chelation for it purity pulls on toxicities in the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in distilled water your body basically becomes acid. Long term acidity causes acid blood, which is like acid rain, causes the calcium from the bones to be leeched out and as a result, the tissues and organ have too much of calcium clogging the system. Therefore distilled water is generally not recommended as a regular drinking water, since most of our body usually receives bicarbonates from the water we drink than from the food we eat. But we can easily treat distilled water by adding bicarbonate and magnesium and then it is not really distilled water anymore.


2 http://www.uniquewa ter.com.au


3http://www.amazon. com/Dietary- Reference- Phosphorus- Magnesium- Fluoride/ dp/0309063507/ ref=sr_11_ 1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1227893156 & sr=11-1


4 Biochem J. 1977 August 1; 165(2): 355–365. http://www.pubmedce ntral.nih. gov/articlerende r.fcgi?artid= 1164908


5 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 243: F197-F203, 1982; 0363-6127/82


6 Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein 1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.


7 The method consists of using one tablespoon of magnesium carbonate to be dissolved with soda water. Buy a bottle of Carbonated Seltzer water - NO SODIUM, just carbonated "fizz" water, unflavored. Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Get another, larger bottle, and pour 2/3 of a capful of PLAIN (no-flavor) Philips Milk of Magnesia (which is Magnesium Oxide, an alkaline laxative) into the large bottle. (The bottle comes with a plastic measuring cup which is what I mean when I say 2/3 capful.) Now quickly open the bottle of carbonated water (water + carbonic acid) and empty it into the large bottle containing the 2/3 capful of Magnesia. Shake well. You will have a bottle of milky/cloudy liquid which is in the process of neutralization between the carbonic acid and the magnesium oxide-- leaving a neutral salt, Magnesium Bicarbonate.


8 Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil and Bath Flakes are both pure enough for oral consumption even they are not sold for oral use.


Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus









Featured Books

Sodium BicarbonateRich Man´s Poor Man´s Cancer Treatment Transdermal Magnesium Therapy Iodine – Bringing Backthe Universal Medicine Winning the War on Cancer



Our mailing address is:



Arina Alvez de Melo

177João Pessoa, Paraiba 58046310Our telephone:

558332522195Add us to your address bookForwardthis email to a friend Update your profileUn from IMVA Medical News Commentaries list.


Copyright © IMVA International Medical Verciaitas Assotion 2008 all rights reserved

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Hey Eva.


It should be in you box by now.


Hugs Mary



Eva Klein-Otis

oleander soup

Monday, January 19, 2009 6:58 AM

Re: Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One







Ooh, I like this! Thanks Mary! Looking forward to Part Two.Blessings, Eva.--- On Fri, 1/16/09, Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au> wrote:

Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) .com.au> Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part Oneoleander soup Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 3:36 AM



This is part one, of the mitochondrial cocktail enjoy.


Hugs Mary

- IMVA Publications

mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au

Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:51 AM

The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One











Books Contact IMVA







The Ultimate Mitochondrial CocktailMagnesium Bicarbonate – Part One


There are good reasons many believe that there is nothing in mainstream medicine that addresses de-acidification, detoxification, fixing nutritional deficiencies, modulating and boosting the immune system, and increasing full body circulation. Medical science has failed in its attempts at curing degenerative, metabolic, or autoimmune diseases. Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely.

Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens.

It is time for allopathic medicine to understand that viruses, bacteria and fungi all thrive in acid conditions. Why is this so hard for orthodox doctors to understand? Tissues and cells are like factories with furnace mitochondria everywhere and everything gets very dirty with acid wastes that have to be cleared away every millisecond we are alive. There is no way around the reality that metabolism creates acid waste that can accumulate quite rapidly under the right conditions.

Increased oxidative stress, whichcorrelates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, isespecially dangerous to the mitochondria,which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress.

Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances.

Patients receiving sodium bicarbonateachieved urine pH's of 6.5 asopposed to 5.6 with those receivingsodium chloride. This alkalinization istheorized to have a protective effectagainst the formation of free-radicalsthat may cause nephropathy. 4 Dr. Michael Metro

One of the fundamental approaches to medicine has to be the alkalinization of the body so it can dispose acids from our cells tissues, and organs. We can do this in many ways but often doctors have to do this in quick ways in emergency situations. Other times, when we have cooperative patients we can use food as medicines and accomplish things gradually with time.

The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and it’s about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist.


You just can’t beat the cell-restoring potential of green foods such as wheat, barley, kamut, alfalfa, and oat grasses along with spirulina and chlorella. These foods are all high in magnesium and act readily as food medicines. They are thousands of times more powerful than ordinary green vegetables, because they are super concentrated in chlorophyll, alkaline minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. My favourite has always been spirulina and I include it in all my protocols.

Though I believe in the power of raw food diets and healing medical approaches like the Gerson Diet, today we need exceptionally powerful medicinal medicines that are not really medicines in the way we normally think of medicines. Both sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are common items that when not injected are considered foods safe for consumption. Luckily for everyone these two substances are affective for chronic and acute disorders when used orally and transdermally; we do not need to go to the emergency room for injections.

This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. They offer a combination therapy that is natural, effective and safe and can be used readily with other protocol items, medicines and healing processes. Add some sun (vitamin D), iodine, ALA and Vitamin C and we will go a long way of helping the pharmaceutical giants to an early grave.

Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific conditions. The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-. So, magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg (HCO3)2. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken at full strength with water at slightly separated times are an ideal way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonate ions to body cells.

Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits.

Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water.1 Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail. Good drinking water would contain approximately 125 mg of magnesium and 650 mg of bicarbonate per litre.2When consumed together magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate work very well together to combat basic physiological problems.

When our tissues become too acidic and lacking in magnesium necessary for ATP production cellular metabolism drops off and this can lead to obesity and diabetes.

Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other – they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. Magnesium influx is linked with bicarbonate transport according to the Dietary Reference Intakes guide from the Institute of Medicine. Magnesium transport into or out of cells requires the presence of carrier-mediated transport systems (Gunther, 1003; Romani et al., 1993).3 ATPase reaction has a broad pH optimum centering on neutral pH, with little significant activity above pH9.0 or below pH5.5.4 Thus anything that moves us from overall acid conditions toward alkaline that recover the neutral zone is going to enhance cell metabolism via mitochondrial optimization.

Alkalosis enhances magnesium reabsorption in the juxtamedullary proximal nephron.5

It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated Unique Water which, it has been asserted, slowed the ageing process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett's theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease.

Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. An excellent research group called Agua G is studying the overall benefits of bicarbonate in human physiology.

Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it6.

Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion. The problem is that few magnesium bicarbonate products are available; they are expensive and difficult to source. So using magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate individually in combination is idea. It is possible to make one’s own magnesium bicarbonate. .7 This chapter does not recommend going out and buying magnesium bicarbonate or make it yourself as directed in this last footnote. A person gets much more control over both bicarbonate and magnesium physiology when magnesium is taken in its chloride form and the bicarbonate is taken as sodium bicarbonate. When using magnesium chloride for oral consumption you must use the highest quality sources.8 Sea water evaporation magnesium oils are not appropriate for this type of application.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association director@naturalall opathic.com

Special Note: This is the end of part one of Magnesium Bicarbonate, which is a chapter in my book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. Part Two will take us more deeply into the physiology of both bicarbonate and magnesium in relation to the mitochondria.. At some future time I will present magnesium thiosulfate, which is a cousin of sodium thiosulfate. Both of these chemicals can be purchases online and as my colleague Dr. Oleg Yasko says, drinking either before bed offers a wonderful relaxing detox.


1 Distilled water is not safe for long term use, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Yet it is an excellent aid in detoxification and chelation for it purity pulls on toxicities in the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in distilled water your body basically becomes acid. Long term acidity causes acid blood, which is like acid rain, causes the calcium from the bones to be leeched out and as a result, the tissues and organ have too much of calcium clogging the system. Therefore distilled water is generally not recommended as a regular drinking water, since most of our body usually receives bicarbonates from the water we drink than from the food we eat. But we can easily treat distilled water by adding bicarbonate and magnesium and then it is not really distilled water anymore.


2 http://www.uniquewa ter.com.au


3http://www.amazon. com/Dietary- Reference- Phosphorus- Magnesium- Fluoride/ dp/0309063507/ ref=sr_11_ 1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1227893156 & sr=11-1


4 Biochem J. 1977 August 1; 165(2): 355–365. http://www.pubmedce ntral.nih. gov/articlerende r.fcgi?artid= 1164908


5 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 243: F197-F203, 1982; 0363-6127/82


6 Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein 1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.


7 The method consists of using one tablespoon of magnesium carbonate to be dissolved with soda water. Buy a bottle of Carbonated Seltzer water - NO SODIUM, just carbonated "fizz" water, unflavored. Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Get another, larger bottle, and pour 2/3 of a capful of PLAIN (no-flavor) Philips Milk of Magnesia (which is Magnesium Oxide, an alkaline laxative) into the large bottle. (The bottle comes with a plastic measuring cup which is what I mean when I say 2/3 capful.) Now quickly open the bottle of carbonated water (water + carbonic acid) and empty it into the large bottle containing the 2/3 capful of Magnesia. Shake well. You will have a bottle of milky/cloudy liquid which is in the process of neutralization between the carbonic acid and the magnesium oxide-- leaving a neutral salt, Magnesium Bicarbonate.


8 Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil and Bath Flakes are both pure enough for oral consumption even they are not sold for oral use.


Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus









Featured Books

Sodium BicarbonateRich Man´s Poor Man´s Cancer Treatment

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Iodine – Bringing Backthe Universal Medicine

Winning the War on Cancer



Our mailing address is:



Arina Alvez de Melo

177João Pessoa, Paraiba 58046310Our telephone:

558332522195Add us to your address bookForwardthis email to a friend Update your profileUn from IMVA Medical News Commentaries list.


Copyright © IMVA International Medical Verciaitas Assotion 2008 all rights reserved

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Thanks Mary. It actually found its way into my SPAM folder! Go figure?Blessings, Eva.--- On Sun, 1/18/09, Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon wrote:Maria Stathopoulos <mary1konRe: Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part Oneoleander soup Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 11:19 PM


Hey Eva.


It should be in you box by now.


Hugs Mary



Eva Klein-Otis

oleander soup

Monday, January 19, 2009 6:58 AM

Re: Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One







Ooh, I like this! Thanks Mary! Looking forward to Part Two.Blessings, Eva.--- On Fri, 1/16/09, Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au> wrote:

Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) .com.au> Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part Oneoleander soupFriday, January 16, 2009, 3:36 AM



This is part one, of the mitochondrial cocktail enjoy.


Hugs Mary

- IMVA Publications

mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au

Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:51 AM

The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One











Books Contact IMVA







The Ultimate Mitochondrial CocktailMagnesium Bicarbonate – Part One


There are good reasons many believe that there is nothing in mainstream medicine that addresses de-acidification, detoxification, fixing nutritional deficiencies, modulating and boosting the immune system, and increasing full body circulation. Medical science has failed in its attempts at curing degenerative, metabolic, or autoimmune diseases.. Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely.

Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens..

It is time for allopathic medicine to understand that viruses, bacteria and fungi all thrive in acid conditions. Why is this so hard for orthodox doctors to understand? Tissues and cells are like factories with furnace mitochondria everywhere and everything gets very dirty with acid wastes that have to be cleared away every millisecond we are alive. There is no way around the reality that metabolism creates acid waste that can accumulate quite rapidly under the right conditions.

Increased oxidative stress, whichcorrelates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, isespecially dangerous to the mitochondria,which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress.

Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances.

Patients receiving sodium bicarbonateachieved urine pH's of 6.5 asopposed to 5.6 with those receivingsodium chloride. This alkalinization istheorized to have a protective effectagainst the formation of free-radicalsthat may cause nephropathy. 4 Dr. Michael Metro

One of the fundamental approaches to medicine has to be the alkalinization of the body so it can dispose acids from our cells tissues, and organs. We can do this in many ways but often doctors have to do this in quick ways in emergency situations. Other times, when we have cooperative patients we can use food as medicines and accomplish things gradually with time.

The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and it’s about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist..


You just can’t beat the cell-restoring potential of green foods such as wheat, barley, kamut, alfalfa, and oat grasses along with spirulina and chlorella. These foods are all high in magnesium and act readily as food medicines. They are thousands of times more powerful than ordinary green vegetables, because they are super concentrated in chlorophyll, alkaline minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. My favourite has always been spirulina and I include it in all my protocols.

Though I believe in the power of raw food diets and healing medical approaches like the Gerson Diet, today we need exceptionally powerful medicinal medicines that are not really medicines in the way we normally think of medicines. Both sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are common items that when not injected are considered foods safe for consumption. Luckily for everyone these two substances are affective for chronic and acute disorders when used orally and transdermally; we do not need to go to the emergency room for injections.

This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. They offer a combination therapy that is natural, effective and safe and can be used readily with other protocol items, medicines and healing processes. Add some sun (vitamin D), iodine, ALA and Vitamin C and we will go a long way of helping the pharmaceutical giants to an early grave.

Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific conditions. The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-. So, magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg (HCO3)2. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken at full strength with water at slightly separated times are an ideal way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonate ions to body cells.

Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits.

Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water.1 Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail. Good drinking water would contain approximately 125 mg of magnesium and 650 mg of bicarbonate per litre.2When consumed together magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate work very well together to combat basic physiological problems.

When our tissues become too acidic and lacking in magnesium necessary for ATP production cellular metabolism drops off and this can lead to obesity and diabetes.

Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other – they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. Magnesium influx is linked with bicarbonate transport according to the Dietary Reference Intakes guide from the Institute of Medicine. Magnesium transport into or out of cells requires the presence of carrier-mediated transport systems (Gunther, 1003; Romani et al., 1993).3 ATPase reaction has a broad pH optimum centering on neutral pH, with little significant activity above pH9.0 or below pH5.5.4 Thus anything that moves us from overall acid conditions toward alkaline that recover the neutral zone is going to enhance cell metabolism via mitochondrial optimization.

Alkalosis enhances magnesium reabsorption in the juxtamedullary proximal nephron.5

It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated Unique Water which, it has been asserted, slowed the ageing process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett's theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease.

Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. An excellent research group called Agua G is studying the overall benefits of bicarbonate in human physiology.

Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it6.

Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion. The problem is that few magnesium bicarbonate products are available; they are expensive and difficult to source. So using magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate individually in combination is idea.. It is possible to make one’s own magnesium bicarbonate. .7 This chapter does not recommend going out and buying magnesium bicarbonate or make it yourself as directed in this last footnote. A person gets much more control over both bicarbonate and magnesium physiology when magnesium is taken in its chloride form and the bicarbonate is taken as sodium bicarbonate. When using magnesium chloride for oral consumption you must use the highest quality sources.8 Sea water evaporation magnesium oils are not appropriate for this type of application.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association director@naturalall opathic.com

Special Note: This is the end of part one of Magnesium Bicarbonate, which is a chapter in my book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. Part Two will take us more deeply into the physiology of both bicarbonate and magnesium in relation to the mitochondria. .. At some future time I will present magnesium thiosulfate, which is a cousin of sodium thiosulfate. Both of these chemicals can be purchases online and as my colleague Dr. Oleg Yasko says, drinking either before bed offers a wonderful relaxing detox.


1 Distilled water is not safe for long term use, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Yet it is an excellent aid in detoxification and chelation for it purity pulls on toxicities in the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in distilled water your body basically becomes acid. Long term acidity causes acid blood, which is like acid rain, causes the calcium from the bones to be leeched out and as a result, the tissues and organ have too much of calcium clogging the system. Therefore distilled water is generally not recommended as a regular drinking water, since most of our body usually receives bicarbonates from the water we drink than from the food we eat. But we can easily treat distilled water by adding bicarbonate and magnesium and then it is not really distilled water anymore.


2 http://www.uniquewa ter.com.au


3http://www.amazon. com/Dietary- Reference- Phosphorus- Magnesium- Fluoride/ dp/0309063507/ ref=sr_11_ 1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1227893156 & sr=11-1


4 Biochem J. 1977 August 1; 165(2): 355–365. http://www.pubmedce ntral.nih. gov/articlerende r.fcgi?artid= 1164908


5 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 243: F197-F203, 1982; 0363-6127/82


6 Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein 1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A..


7 The method consists of using one tablespoon of magnesium carbonate to be dissolved with soda water. Buy a bottle of Carbonated Seltzer water - NO SODIUM, just carbonated "fizz" water, unflavored. Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Get another, larger bottle, and pour 2/3 of a capful of PLAIN (no-flavor) Philips Milk of Magnesia (which is Magnesium Oxide, an alkaline laxative) into the large bottle. (The bottle comes with a plastic measuring cup which is what I mean when I say 2/3 capful.) Now quickly open the bottle of carbonated water (water + carbonic acid) and empty it into the large bottle containing the 2/3 capful of Magnesia. Shake well. You will have a bottle of milky/cloudy liquid which is in the process of neutralization between the carbonic acid and the magnesium oxide-- leaving a neutral salt, Magnesium Bicarbonate.


8 Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil and Bath Flakes are both pure enough for oral consumption even they are not sold for oral use.


Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus









Featured Books

Sodium BicarbonateRich Man´s Poor Man´s Cancer Treatment

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Iodine – Bringing Backthe Universal Medicine

Winning the War on Cancer



Our mailing address is:



Arina Alvez de Melo

177João Pessoa, Paraiba 58046310Our telephone:

558332522195Add us to your address bookForwardthis email to a friend Update your profileUn from IMVA Medical News Commentaries list.


Copyright © IMVA International Medical Verciaitas Assotion 2008 all rights reserved

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Yes it happens to me to, sometimes Eva enjuy.


Hugs Mary



Eva Klein-Otis

oleander soup

Monday, January 19, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One







Thanks Mary. It actually found its way into my SPAM folder! Go figure?Blessings, Eva.--- On Sun, 1/18/09, Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au> wrote:

Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au>Re: Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part Oneoleander soup Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 11:19 PM



Hey Eva.


It should be in you box by now.


Hugs Mary



Eva Klein-Otis

oleander soup

Monday, January 19, 2009 6:58 AM

Re: Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One







Ooh, I like this! Thanks Mary! Looking forward to Part Two.Blessings, Eva.--- On Fri, 1/16/09, Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au> wrote:

Maria Stathopoulos <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) .com.au> Fw: The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part Oneoleander soupFriday, January 16, 2009, 3:36 AM



This is part one, of the mitochondrial cocktail enjoy.


Hugs Mary

- IMVA Publications

mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au

Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:51 AM

The Ultimate Mitochondrial Cocktail - Part One











Books Contact IMVA







The Ultimate Mitochondrial CocktailMagnesium Bicarbonate – Part One


There are good reasons many believe that there is nothing in mainstream medicine that addresses de-acidification, detoxification, fixing nutritional deficiencies, modulating and boosting the immune system, and increasing full body circulation. Medical science has failed in its attempts at curing degenerative, metabolic, or autoimmune diseases.. Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without providing the essential nutritional building blocks like magnesium, the body will not be able to heal completely.

Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught. With most allopathic medicines themselves being mitochondrial poisons, what happens is that they often change the symptom picture that then almost always drives disorders into a deeper chronic state. When the body’s tissues and cells become too acidic in conjunction with mitochondrial deficiency we set the stage for tissue inflammation and degeneration as we become breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens..

It is time for allopathic medicine to understand that viruses, bacteria and fungi all thrive in acid conditions. Why is this so hard for orthodox doctors to understand? Tissues and cells are like factories with furnace mitochondria everywhere and everything gets very dirty with acid wastes that have to be cleared away every millisecond we are alive. There is no way around the reality that metabolism creates acid waste that can accumulate quite rapidly under the right conditions.

Increased oxidative stress, whichcorrelates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, isespecially dangerous to the mitochondria,which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress.

Many in the alternative health field believe that there is not one drug on the market that reduces the acidity of the body or addresses any king of nutritional deficiency. This is not true! There happens to be two exceptional medicines that are excellent in addressing most of the issues mentioned above. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are both considered medicines in their injectable forms and both provide almost immediate relief to physiological disturbances.

Patients receiving sodium bicarbonateachieved urine pH's of 6.5 asopposed to 5.6 with those receivingsodium chloride. This alkalinization istheorized to have a protective effectagainst the formation of free-radicalsthat may cause nephropathy. 4 Dr. Michael Metro

One of the fundamental approaches to medicine has to be the alkalinization of the body so it can dispose acids from our cells tissues, and organs. We can do this in many ways but often doctors have to do this in quick ways in emergency situations. Other times, when we have cooperative patients we can use food as medicines and accomplish things gradually with time.

The most powerful alkalizing foods on the planet are the ones that are highest in chlorophyll. In Magnesium Medicine, my third magnesium book due out soon, is a chapter called The Lamp of Life and it’s about the central role that magnesium has in life. It is also the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Without magnesium, without chlorophyll, life simply does not exist..


You just can’t beat the cell-restoring potential of green foods such as wheat, barley, kamut, alfalfa, and oat grasses along with spirulina and chlorella. These foods are all high in magnesium and act readily as food medicines. They are thousands of times more powerful than ordinary green vegetables, because they are super concentrated in chlorophyll, alkaline minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. My favourite has always been spirulina and I include it in all my protocols.

Though I believe in the power of raw food diets and healing medical approaches like the Gerson Diet, today we need exceptionally powerful medicinal medicines that are not really medicines in the way we normally think of medicines. Both sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride are common items that when not injected are considered foods safe for consumption. Luckily for everyone these two substances are affective for chronic and acute disorders when used orally and transdermally; we do not need to go to the emergency room for injections.

This chapter is specifically about the dynamics of using these two substances together. They offer a combination therapy that is natural, effective and safe and can be used readily with other protocol items, medicines and healing processes. Add some sun (vitamin D), iodine, ALA and Vitamin C and we will go a long way of helping the pharmaceutical giants to an early grave.

Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific conditions. The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-. So, magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg (HCO3)2. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken at full strength with water at slightly separated times are an ideal way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonate ions to body cells.

Magnesium and bicarbonate rich mineral waters are easily absorbed and have many health benefits.

Likewise, in small doses, the two together make up an ideal treatment system for distilled and reverse osmosis water.1 Adding these two substances to taste not only will remineralise highly processed water but will provide the body with a constant supply of the ultimate mitochondrial cocktail. Good drinking water would contain approximately 125 mg of magnesium and 650 mg of bicarbonate per litre.2When consumed together magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate work very well together to combat basic physiological problems.

When our tissues become too acidic and lacking in magnesium necessary for ATP production cellular metabolism drops off and this can lead to obesity and diabetes.

Few clinicians are aware how these two substances work to enhance each other – they are mutually reinforcing because magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells. And bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. Magnesium influx is linked with bicarbonate transport according to the Dietary Reference Intakes guide from the Institute of Medicine. Magnesium transport into or out of cells requires the presence of carrier-mediated transport systems (Gunther, 1003; Romani et al., 1993).3 ATPase reaction has a broad pH optimum centering on neutral pH, with little significant activity above pH9.0 or below pH5.5.4 Thus anything that moves us from overall acid conditions toward alkaline that recover the neutral zone is going to enhance cell metabolism via mitochondrial optimization.

Alkalosis enhances magnesium reabsorption in the juxtamedullary proximal nephron.5

It was actually the dedicated work of Dr Russell Beckett, a veterinarian with a PhD in biochemical pathology that paved the way to understand the significance of bicarbonate acting in conjunction with magnesium. He has formulated Unique Water which, it has been asserted, slowed the ageing process and increased the length of life of humans and other mammals and could be used to treat all inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Unique Water is water containing magnesium bicarbonate at an alkaline pH value. Dr. Beckett's theoretical and experimental research has resulted in the understanding how important both of bicarbonate and magnesium ions are in human physiology and how they work together to optimize human health and the ability to recover from disease.

Bicarbonate ions working alongside magnesium would naturally create the conditions for increased glucose transport across cell plasma membranes. Bicarbonate ions without doubt create the alkaline conditions for maintaining the enzyme activity of pancreatic secretions in the intestines. Bicarbonate neutralize acid conditions required for inflammatory reactions hence sodium bicarbonate would be of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. An excellent research group called Agua G is studying the overall benefits of bicarbonate in human physiology.

Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it6.

Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondrion, but if plenty of bicarbonate is available the bicarbonate will act as transport into the mitochondrion. The problem is that few magnesium bicarbonate products are available; they are expensive and difficult to source. So using magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate individually in combination is idea.. It is possible to make one’s own magnesium bicarbonate. .7 This chapter does not recommend going out and buying magnesium bicarbonate or make it yourself as directed in this last footnote. A person gets much more control over both bicarbonate and magnesium physiology when magnesium is taken in its chloride form and the bicarbonate is taken as sodium bicarbonate. When using magnesium chloride for oral consumption you must use the highest quality sources.8 Sea water evaporation magnesium oils are not appropriate for this type of application.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association director@naturalall opathic.com

Special Note: This is the end of part one of Magnesium Bicarbonate, which is a chapter in my book Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment. Part Two will take us more deeply into the physiology of both bicarbonate and magnesium in relation to the mitochondria. .. At some future time I will present magnesium thiosulfate, which is a cousin of sodium thiosulfate. Both of these chemicals can be purchases online and as my colleague Dr. Oleg Yasko says, drinking either before bed offers a wonderful relaxing detox.


1 Distilled water is not safe for long term use, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Yet it is an excellent aid in detoxification and chelation for it purity pulls on toxicities in the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in distilled water your body basically becomes acid. Long term acidity causes acid blood, which is like acid rain, causes the calcium from the bones to be leeched out and as a result, the tissues and organ have too much of calcium clogging the system. Therefore distilled water is generally not recommended as a regular drinking water, since most of our body usually receives bicarbonates from the water we drink than from the food we eat. But we can easily treat distilled water by adding bicarbonate and magnesium and then it is not really distilled water anymore.


2 http://www.uniquewa ter.com.au


3http://www.amazon. com/Dietary- Reference- Phosphorus- Magnesium- Fluoride/ dp/0309063507/ ref=sr_11_ 1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1227893156 & sr=11-1


4 Biochem J. 1977 August 1; 165(2): 355–365. http://www.pubmedce ntral.nih. gov/articlerende r.fcgi?artid= 1164908


5 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 243: F197-F203, 1982; 0363-6127/82


6 Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein 1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A..


7 The method consists of using one tablespoon of magnesium carbonate to be dissolved with soda water. Buy a bottle of Carbonated Seltzer water - NO SODIUM, just carbonated "fizz" water, unflavored. Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Get another, larger bottle, and pour 2/3 of a capful of PLAIN (no-flavor) Philips Milk of Magnesia (which is Magnesium Oxide, an alkaline laxative) into the large bottle. (The bottle comes with a plastic measuring cup which is what I mean when I say 2/3 capful.) Now quickly open the bottle of carbonated water (water + carbonic acid) and empty it into the large bottle containing the 2/3 capful of Magnesia. Shake well. You will have a bottle of milky/cloudy liquid which is in the process of neutralization between the carbonic acid and the magnesium oxide-- leaving a neutral salt, Magnesium Bicarbonate.


8 Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil and Bath Flakes are both pure enough for oral consumption even they are not sold for oral use.


Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus









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