Guest guest Posted January 31, 2009 Report Share Posted January 31, 2009 NVIC Vaccine E-Newsletter January 30, 2009 Vaccine Plan Meetings Coming Up This week and in the next few months, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Institute of Medicine are holding public meetings to discuss the National Vaccine Plan as well as the draft Scientific Research Agenda of the CDC's Immunization Safety Office. Some of the meetings can be accessed through audio webcast or by telephone conferencing. Following is a schedule of those meetings and information about how to participate. Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences Monday, February 2, 20098:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Institute of MedicineCommittee on Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine PlanKeck Center of the National Academies500 Fifth St., Washington, D.C. 20001Meeting Purpose: This IOM workshop will focus on topics related to Goal 3 of the update to the National Vaccine Plan (support informed vaccine decision-making by the public, providers, and policy-makers) developed by federal agencies with coordination by the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO). Meeting Agenda: To view a draft agenda of the meeting: Listen to Meeting via Audio Webcast: To listen to the webcast, go to http://nationalacad Pre-registration is not necessary for the webcast.On Monday, Feb. 2, click "LIVE WEBCAST" (top- center of the webpage). This link will be activated at 8 a.m. EST and will be available until the meeting is adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Meeting Materials: Available PowerPoint presentations and audio files from the meeting will be posted to the project website after the meeting.Future Stakeholder Meetings: The following meeting dates for meetings of the Committee on Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine Plan:April 14, 2009: Fourth national stakeholder meeting, Washington, DCTopic: Goal 2 - Vaccine SafetyJune 4, 2009: Fifth national stakeholder meeting, location To Be Decided.Topic: Goal 5 - Global HealthTo View the draft National Vaccine Plan: The 2008 Draft Strategic National Vaccine Plan is available on the Department of Health and Human Services, National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) website at an/2008plan/draftvaccineplan.pdf To Submit Written Comments to IOM on the National Vaccine Plan: To share information with the Committee, send written comments by mail, fax or email via the Contact Information below. Any comments submitted to the Committee, including your name and identifying information, will not be kept confidential and will be included in a Public Access File as the National Academy of Sciences complies with Section 15 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The National Academies shall be authorized to use any such comments or submissions in accordance with the National Academies' Terms of Use Statement ( l)For More Information: Contact Institute of Medicine, 8th floor, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice Committee on Review of Priorities, National Vaccine Plan, Keck Center of the National Academies 500 5th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202-334-1361Fax: 202-334-2939Email: VaccinePlanWebpage: http://www.iom. edu/vaccineplan Department of Health & Human Services Wednesday, February 4, 20098:00 - 12:30 p.mNational Vaccine Advisory CommitteeVaccine Safety Working GroupHubert H. Humphrey Building - Room 800200 Independence Ave. SWWashington, D.C. 20201Meeting Purpose: To discuss outcomes of the three public engagement sessions in Birmingham, Alabama; Ashland, Oregon and Indianapolis, Indiana in which health officials from the CDC's Immunization Safety Office (ISO) solicited input from the public about vaccine safety research priorities. (Vicky Debold, PhD, RN, NVIC's Director of Patient Safety, attended all three public meetings and will provide comments on Feb. 4 at this meeting)What is the ISO? The ISO within the CDC has "significant responsibility for monitoring the safety or vaccines after they are licensed and used among children and adults in the U.S. ISO's research agenda identifies vaccine safety issues to consider for scientific study over the next five years, in addition to any new questions that may arise." The ISO is soliciting public input on the ISO's draft scientific agenda.ISO's Scientific Research Agenda may be viewed at: http://www.cdc. gov/vaccinesafety/00_pdf/draft_agenda_recommendati ons_080404.pdf and the addendum at accinesafety/00_pdf/draft_recommendations_add_080 410.To Attend the Feb. 4 NVAC Meeting: Contact Kirsten Vannice at kirsten.vannice. Public comment during the meeting is "first come, first serve as time allows." Indicate when contacting Kirsten Vannice by email if you want to provide public comment at the meeting.To Listen to Feb. 4 NVAC Meeting By Telephone: Call 888-469-2187. Participant Passcode: 2973732To Submit Written Comments About the ISO Scientific Agenda: ISO is seeking input from the public on the draft ISO scientific agenda including "concerns about vaccine safety overall; specific suggestions on the draft ISO scientific research agenda; the reasons and values that should be considered in determining why some concerns may be more important than others; and any other information, including personal experiences with vaccine safety concerns that people feel NVAC should be aware of." See: nt.html. Deadline is Monday, Feb. 2, 2009.Future NVAC Meetings:March 16 or 17, 2009 in Washington, D.C. (date to be determined)NVAC Vaccine Safety Working Group - Vaccine Stakeholder Meeting Purpose of Meeting: To summarize public input and progress on developing the ISO Scientific Research Agenda and to allow stakeholders to comment broadly on two areas: (1) the draft ISO research agenda and (2) options for developing priorities for the draft ISO research agenda. To attend or for more information: email kirsten.vannice.June 2-3, 2009 in Washington, D.C.National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) MeetingPurpose of Meeting: A meeting of the NVAC which will include a discussion of the ISO Draft Research AgendaGeneral Rules & Procedures for Attending NVAC Meetings:Photo identification is required, such as a driver's license, for admission to the building. A sign-in area for meeting attendees is located in the lobby behind the reception desk. Time is allotted at every meeting for public response and comment. Pre-registration is required for both public attendance and comment. Any individual who wishes to attend the meeting and/or participate in the public comment session should e- mail nvpo or call 202-690-5566. Written comments should be submitted at least five business days in advance to nvpo. For More Information: Go to nt.html. .... National Vaccine Information Center NVIC E-News is a free service of the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center and is supported through donations.NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co- founder.Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights Make a difference SUPPORT NVIC Quick Links... VACCINE AWAKENING BLOG ARE WE OVERVACCINATING OUR CHILDREN? Vaccine Safety Bulletin STATE LAWS AND EXEMPTIONS International Memorial For Vaccine Victims Military Biodefence Vaccine Project HPV VACCINE FACTS The Doctor's Corner Stand Up and Be Counted Campaign Age Of Autism Join our mailing list! email: news phone: 703-938-dpt3 web: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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