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Why external Insulin is bad!

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Nice article by Mercola on why taking external doses of insulin is bad and can spoil your health. He also explains what needs to be done to get away from diabetes and to good health. If you have the time read the articles (related to leptin) given as links and written by Dr. Ron Rosedale.


Did you know the rate of diabetes has increased by 700 percent in the last five decades?

That’s right. Right now, over 70 million people -- one in four Americans -- have either diabetes or pre-diabetes! 

It’s an epidemic of epic proportions that just keeps getting worse,

and yet it’s one of the most avoidable chronic diseases there is. 


Are You Headed for Diabetes?


First, it’s important to realize that there are two types of

diabetes. Type 1 is insulin-dependent diabetes, also commonly referred

to as juvenile diabetes. Type 2 is insulin-resistant diabetes, which is

far more common of the two.

90-95 percent of all diabetics have type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is diagnosed by a fasting blood sugar test. In the U.S.,

the measurement used is mg/dl, and if your fasting blood sugar is above

125 mg/dl, then you have full-blown diabetes. If your blood sugar is

between 110 to 125 mg/dl, you’re considered pre-diabetic.

However, I firmly believe that these criteria are not rigid enough

and that your blood sugar should not be in the triple digits. Ideally,

you’ll want it to be about 80 mg/dl to prevent health problems.  Once

you reach triple digits, you have a problem even though you’re not

officially diagnosed as diabetic or pre-diabetic.

Unfortunately, conventional physicians are largely ignorant about

diabetes, and do not understand how to properly treat it.  In fact, the

traditional recommendations from the conventional medical community are

causing people to die prematurely.


Why Conventional Treatment is Dead Wrong


What they fail to understand is that even though you’re diagnosed as

diabetic by a fasting blood sugar test, blood sugar is NOT the problem.

It’s merely a symptom that arises as your body attempts to keep itself

in balance.

The real, underlying problem is insulin resistance, along with

faulty leptin signaling. This is caused by miscommunication within and

between cells -- usually related to the communication between the

cellular receptors for insulin and leptin. 

When your blood sugar becomes elevated it is a signal for insulin to

be released to direct the extra energy into storage. A small amount is

stored as a starch called glycogen in your body, but the majority is

stored as your main energy supply -- fat. Thus, in this regard

insulin's major role is not to lower sugar, but to take the extra

energy and store it for future times of need.


Insulin lowers your blood sugar as a side effect of directing the extra energy into storage.


This is why treatments that concentrate merely on lowering blood sugar

for diabetes while raising insulin levels can actually worsen rather

than remedy the actual problem of metabolic miscommunication.

Please understand that if you only implement strategies to treat

your blood sugar level, you are destined for premature death. Taking

insulin is one of the WORST things you can do, as it will actually make

your insulin and leptin resistance worse over time. 

Dr. Ron Rosedale, an expert on leptin physiology

and one of my early mentors in this area, has written several great

articles for my site on this subject. He also developed the appropriate

acronym: D.I.E. to illustrate what’s happening in conventional diabetic


Doctor Induced Exacerbation.

Yes, most doctors make diabetes worse and accelerate the death process. 


Diabetes Can Significantly Reduce Your Lifespan and Quality of Life


Not only does type 2 diabetes increase your overall risk of heart

disease, the condition can also bring on fatal and non-fatal heart

attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular events an average of 15 years earlier than in those without diabetes.

And, aside from the potentially deadly side effects of diabetes drugs, the additional health complications that diabetes fosters are numerous, and quite serious, including:

Heart disease and stroke – Death from heart disease and risk for stroke is two to four times higher among people with diabetes High blood pressure – 75 percent of diabetics have high blood pressure (130/180 mm Hg or higher)

Blindness -- Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20 to 74 years Kidney disease

– Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. In 2005, more than

45,700 people began treatment for end-stage kidney disease in the U.S.

and Puerto Rico, and another 178,700 were living on chronic dialysis Nervous system disease

-- About 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes have mild to severe

forms of nervous system damage such as: impaired sensation or pain in

hands or feet, poor digestion, carpal tunnel syndrome and erectile

dysfunction Amputations – In 2004, 71,000 lower limb amputations due to diabetes were performed in the U.S. Dental disease -- Almost one-third of people with diabetes have severe periodontal disease

Pregnancy complications

-- Poorly controlled diabetes before conception and during the first

trimester of pregnancy among women with type 1 diabetes can cause major

birth defects in 5 to 10 percent of pregnancies, and spontaneous

abortions in 15 to 20 percent of pregnancies

Fortunately, nearly 100 percent of type 2 diabetics can be

successfully treated -- meaning you will no longer have the symptoms of

diabetes, or the high risk of developing the above health complications

-- if you are willing to implement the recommendations I provide below.


Type 2 Diabetes is Curable in Nearly Everyone Without Drugs!!


If one is compliant with these recommendations the likelihood of

successfully going off of drugs and having normal blood sugars is close

to 100%. Treating type 2 diabetes is simply a matter of implementing

some basic strategies to improve your insulin and leptin resistance:


Exercise. Exercise is an absolutely essential

factor, without which you’re highly unlikely to get this devastating

disease under control. It is clearly one of the most potent ways to

lower your insulin and leptin resistance.

I have put together an entire video of my recommendations for a very

comprehensive exercise program, which I will publish in the near

future, so stay posted.

Typically, however, you’ll need large amounts of exercise, until you

get your blood sugar levels under control. You may need up to an hour

or two a day. Naturally, you’ll want to gradually work your way up to

that amount, based on your current level of fitness.

Eliminate grains and sugars. For the last 50 years,

many people have been following the nutritional recommendations

dictated by conventional health agencies, which advise a high complex

carbohydrate, low saturated fat diet. The end result has been a 700

percent increase in diabetes in the same time frame and many have come

to view diabetes as an incurable chronic disease…

This is clearly not true, but it’s the inevitable result of seriously flawed dietary recommendations.

Instead, you’ll want to eliminate foods that your body will react to

by creating insulin, which includes all types of sugars and grains --

even “healthy” grains such as whole, organic grains. This means

avoiding all breads, pasta, cereals, rice, potatoes, and corn (which is

in fact a grain). You may even need to avoid fruits until your blood

sugar is under control.

Eat right for your nutritional type. Even doing all

of the above steps might not be enough unless you balance your protein,

carb and fat ratios for your unique and specific genetic biochemistry.

You can read more about nutritional typing here. 

Monitor your fasting insulin level. This

is every bit as important as your fasting blood sugar. You’ll want your

fasting insulin level to be between 2 to 4. The higher your level, the

worse your insulin receptor sensitivity is.

The recommendations mentioned above are the key steps you need to achieve this reduction.

Optimize your vitamin D level. Interestingly, optimizing your vitamin D levels can not only help improve type 2 diabetes if you have it, but can likely eliminate the risk of type 1 diabetes (along with autoimmune diseases and autism)

in your children if you are pregnant. It’s also vital for infants to

receive the appropriate amounts of vitamin D in their early years for

these same reasons.

Ideally, you’ll want to do this by exposing a large amount of your skin to appropriate amounts of sunshine (or a safe tanning bed) on a regular basis, year-round. Your body can safely create up to 20,000 units of vitamin D a day this way.

However, if neither of these options are available, you clearly want

to use an oral vitamin D3 supplement. But remember, if you chose to

take an oral supplement it’s essential that you get your levels tested

regularly by a proficient lab to make sure you’re not reaching toxic

levels, and are within the therapeutic range. Maintaining your vitamin D levels around 60-80 ng/ml can significantly help control your blood sugar.

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