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Eudialyte - a few words...

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I sent a message to the group awhile back about information about the

Eudialyte stone, and no one has got back to me on this. Does anyone

out there know any information on this stone please?



There isn't much metaphysical information on this stone as it seems

to have just recently gained some attention in metaphysically

oriented circles. I think it's an absolutely beautiful and amazing

stone spirit. I'm running a little short on time at the moment, but

I'll share what I can here briefly...


Eudialyte is found at several locations around the world, though it

is a reasonably rare stone. Most of what you see at the moment comes

from Russia's Kola Peninsula, which is home to a variety of pretty

amazing minerals. As always, I believe that the location of the

mineral itself greatly impacts the energetic expression of that

particular stone.


One of the things I find interesting with the fact that eudialyte is

just recently becoming so popular is that this stone embodies a

unique color ray not found in too many other stones. While it can be

found in a variety of colors it is the rich magenta colors that are

always the most popular. I believe that the messages inherent in the

magenta spectrum are timely and keys to the next phase of evolution

as a species.


The magenta ray blends the red and blue frequency spectrum to produce

a higher octave of pink. The vibrant nature of magenta is due to the

mixture of red (passion) and blue (expression). The presence the

higher octave pink interfaces with our heart center (which I believe

is our spiritual center within our body) and elevates and expands the

metaphysical functions of this center. As such, eudialyte helps us

clearly, fully and passionate express our heart's desire.


As our modern cultures have shifted the dominant focus from soul

connectivity to commericial productivity it is no wonder that

depression and other related dis-eases are on the rise. When we

remain separated from our heart's desire for such a length of time

our physical and metaphysical organism begin to loose vitality until

their integrity is compromised to the point that they break down. The

increasing popularlity of eudialyte indicates our collective cry to

return to that which breaks us joy, bridging the vision of our Soul

with the day to day processes of our life. As such eudialyte is a

mineral of return, allowing us to reconnect with the vitality that

comes from our connection with our heart's desire and the fulfillment

that we experience when that desire burns so fully within us that we

cannot help but express it passionately in all we do.


The higher octave pink embodies in eudialyte also illustrates an

important lesson at this time in human history. We must expand our

capacity to love to a degree that is at once challenging and

profoundly necessary if we are move forward together. In a time when

polarization seems to be increasing daily eudialyte reminds us that

it is through a higher octave of love that transcends apparent

differences that we will be able to connect with the One in all of

life. Eudialyte unites the pulse of divinity that is shared

throughout all of creation through our heart center so that we may

realize divinity in others, even those who seem so different from

ourselves. In so doing we can eliminate some of the toxic thought

patterns of prejudice of all kinds and unite heart to heart in a

circle of True Love.


Eudialyte contains the rare earth element cerium and also often

contains yttrium. While I don't have the time or space to get into a

lengthy discussion about the enormous power of rare earth elements,

suffice it to say that these remain some of the most intense and

often challenging teachers for humanity. Working with eudialyte and

other rare earth minerals is a great responsibility because in our

process of connecting with these stones the spirits within

them " raise the bar " for our awareness and for the expression of that

awareness. They encourage us, sometimes gently and sometimes

intensely, to break from the fetters that lock us into unconscious

yet comfortable habits. They peel the veils from our eyes, which can

be liberating and also overwhelming. Eudialyte drives us to see what

stands in the way of loving fully, without condition or restriction.


When eudialyte is found with black arfvedsonite it provides a gateway

through which we may explore the subconscious facets of the self to

see how self-deating patterns remain active in our world. The

challenge is that we are not just given the opportunity to see them,

but are given the charge to address them and move beyond them. This

combination is one that imparts understanding but that refuses to

allow us to simply received understanding without acting upon it in a

transformative way.


Also often found in a white syenite matrix, eudialyte and syenite

create a " transformation loop " wherein dissonant energies within and

around the self, including one's living area, can be negated and

transformed - a sort of condensing energy release that sends all

dissonant frequency to the Light where they be transformed into more

useful, productive expression of energy. Syenite and eudialyte is

very powerful when integrated into a healing layout or a grid for a

particular area. The results are often dramatic and very tangible.


Because of the element of red in the magenta color of eudialyte it

relates to issues of personal power, but it also presents new models

regarding what being powerful means. The elevates pink octave and the

combination of the blue and red rays expands our awareness of

personal power to a degree that we realize that being powerful isn't

always about aggression or power struggles, rather it is about

maintaining integrity in your actions, holding fast to the higher

expression of Love even when it is easier to express something else.

When we live in love, consumed by our heart's desire, we reach a

place of personal power that no act of aggression or power struggle

can compromise. Eudialyte presents a new relationship to personal



I have to cut it short here, but I hope this is useful in some small



With love for all,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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