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1. About omega-3's: " ...relatively simple dietary changes achieved greater

reductions in risk of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality ...

than any of the cholesterol-lowering studies to date. This is emphasized by

the finding that the unprecedented reduction ... was not associated with

differences in total cholesterol levels. " This quote is from a landmark

editorial in Circulation about the 70% [!] reduction in deaths in those

given 2 tablespoons of canola oil per day, mainly as non-hydrogenated

margarine. In omega-3 (alpha-linolenic) this was equivelent to 1 measly

teaspoon of flax (linseed) oil. Flax, a unique nutritional power seed.

Here's a link to this editorial about the oil that prevents fatal heart

attacks while other data from the Lyon Diet Heart Study is here, here and

here (Lancet 1994: 1454-9; AmJClNutr; 1995: 1360S-6; Circ; 1999: 733-5 &

779-85). Read the full data [it's a little tough] and you'll agree that

this diet is best described as " The Canola Oil Diet " . Canola is one of the

world's cheapest oils and can be a great flavor maker. Not cheap, but cold

pressed unrefined canola tastes better than English-walnut oil, another rare

source of omega-3. P.S. There was also much less cancer in the canola group

while in a U.S. population canola may well lower the risk for stroke--as a

high omega-3 mustard oil trial in India, inspired by Lyon, just showed

similar impressive overall benefits. Still not convinced: here's the

journal Circulation of April 1 2003: 75% less heart attacks and " important

protection against cardiovascular disease " [with this omega-3].

Just a few grams of omega-3 per day prevent irregular heart beat

[arrhythmia] and decrease inflammation and promote blood flow and help keep

a by-pass open and protect you after a heart attack. In the long run,

omega-3 (most rapidly fish oil) safely lowers the need for COX-1+2

inhibitors like Aspirin and for COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx and Celebrex

(see point 18.). Omega-3 is the rediscovered half of what used to be called

vitamin F -with the F from Fat (Essential Fatty Acid). It takes omega-3 to

counter-balance the other half of vitamin F, the omnipresent omega-6 from

soy, corn, sunflower, safflower and cottonseed, Linoleic Acid (LA).

Polyunsaturate has become synonymous with omega-6 only, which now appears to

be part of a health disaster in heart disease, diabetes and cancer,

especially breast cancer, excessive blood clotting and immune system

problems including asthma. Making things worse since 1911, partial

hydrogenation trans-forms saturates, messing with their vitamin

and/or structural roles, raising bad-boy Lp(a). It preferentially zaps the

most precious oil of all: omega-3. Virgin olive is a healthy (omega-9) oil

but it has no omega-3.

Saturated fat (40% of grey matter brain-fat) has important roles and stays

naturally straight, providing anchor and structure. Mono unsaturates

(olive, canola) have molecules with one 60º bend, twice (poly) unsaturate

linoleic (corn, soy) has 2, alpha-linolenic (flax, canola) has 3, while EPA

and DHA (fish) have 5 and 6 such bends. The numbers 3, 6 or 9 with the

letter omega (or " n " ) indicate the location of the first bend from the fatty

(methyl) end. Partial hydrogenation stepwise straightens these bends,

leaving an oil unsaturated but with dozens of [biologically novel, but

active] electro-chemical kinks [cheers!], an ongoing industrial experiment

on you. All oils and fats are blends of various fatty acids, from 4 to 22

carbons long, ... and your health very much depends on the length and number

and locations of the bends.

Fats: carbon chains with a fat end on one side, an acid end on the other

10 to 12 carbons (short): saturates found in coconut and palm-kernel oils

(50%), in breast milk fat (10%) and in butter fat (5%). Not made in people

except for baby. Anti-virus, anti-bacterial and energy roles; easy to

digest.16 carbon saturate: the cholesterol-raising palmitic acid we

manufacture (with the aid of insulin) when we eat a surplus of sugar and

starch [as do cows, pigs, poultry, etc.]. We can stretch this 16 to an 18

carbon saturate and make mono [not poly] unsatutrates out of either, like

the ones dominating in olive, canola, and in " peanut, pork 'n poultry " .18

carbon polys: the " essential/must-eat " polys: omega-6 linoleic (always

excessive) and omega-3 alpha-linolenic (rare and beneficial; good mixes in

canola & flax).20 carbon polys: the omega-3 [EPA] and omega-6 [AA]

unsaturates we use to make (cell-wall generated) regulating-hormones

(clotting, unclotting, pain, cramping, inflammation, anti-inflammation,

etc.). The 3's prevent irregular heart beat (arrhythmia)

and they must balance the 6's. Used for nerve and cell-wall function (yes,

walls function). Fish or self-made from the 18 carbon omega-3 and 6.22

carbon poly: DHA, the very delicate omega-3 polyunsaturate found in fish.

This is the 8%-of-the-brain-fatty acid we use for thinking. It is

effectively the keyboard of the eyes, brain and nerve cells. From fatty

fish or self-made from other omega-3s.

Adults, but not babies, slowly change the omega-3 from seeds or leaf veggies

into the omega-3's found in fish. Those are the ones that are found in our

eyes, nerves and brain and that are key for hormonal and cardio-vascular

balance [and for full-term births]. Unlike human and horse milk, cow milk

and most vegetable oil based baby-formula don't have the omega-3s needed for

brain development between the last months before birth to age 2.

One of these fish oils -DHA- does much of the work after a signal hits the

brain/nerve cell while the other -EPA- is present in very small amounts to

control the beginning and end of this work; it controls a thought, motion,

depression or mood swing from start to finish. In fact, the over-activity

of certain brain-fats due to insufficiency of EPA [~1.8g/d?] may well

underlie schizophrenia and some types of depression [Fincastle],

Huntington's and post-partum (birth) depression. Depression also predicts

heart disease. Or, thinking " nutritional deficiency " (-made worse, trust

me, by masses of omega-6-), a lack of omega-3 [EPA] may be a common linking

cause in schizophrenia, (bipolar)/-depression, M.S., cancers, adult

diabetes, bone and heart disease [Horrobin et al]. Think: there's the DHA

of a 2 kg (5 lb) salmon in your head --and appropriately enough, the

molecule is shaped like a ? mark or fish-hook -in fact, it wiggles like a

worm on a hook, millions of times a second,

around that basic shape, making it arguably the brain's most versatile

molecule. This fat, DHA, is the keyboard of your eyes and the

processor-chip of the computer in your brain!

Another 1999 study found a 60% reduction in sudden heart deaths in the high

omega-3 oil group -when associated with high vitamin E or low trans fat

intakes: Am J Cl Nutr; May 99. Fish oil is high in omega-3 and dramatically

lowers blood triglycerides in people with very high starting levels: NEJM;

'85:1210-6 The original omega-3 heart studymay well have been the large

1959-71 U.S. supported Finnish Mental HospitalStudy where, in order to

reduce cholesterol, [milk] fat was replaced withsoybean oil which happens to

be also very high in omega-3. The omega-3increase (about 3.7 g/day) was

in-line with the Lyon Study as were the benefits observed. The benefits

were -I believe wrongly- attributed to the cholesterol lowering effect of

the omega-6linoleic in soy, this being the old theory that both

polyunsaturates(3 and 6) are heart-healthy (IntJEpid;1979,V8, 2: 99-118).

Special benefits of omega-3were not suspected or discussed. [ n=676

mid-agedmales; 2x 4.5y X-over; Intakes -incl.

processing losses: chol. 282 vs. 480mg/d; sat. fat 27 vs 55 g/d; n-3 oil

5.6 vs. 1.9 g/d; n-6 oil 34 vs. 11g/d. Results/change: total chol. 226 vs.

268 mg/dl; body weight, triglyc.:no change; CHD death or major ECG change:

4.2 vs 12.7 /1000 man-y = -67%;p=0.001] -This trial showed heart benefit but

other similar high omega-6 studies show subsequent increases in cancer

deaths. -->

An overview by Dr. Simopoulos of benefits of omega-3 and dangers of

excessive cholesterol lowering omega-6 linoleic (again: soy, corn,

sunflower, cottonseed and safflower) is here: Am J Cl Nutr; Sept '99. She

has a practical book the Omega Diet. Simply put: Balance Canola, Olive and

Flax --and Avoid the Rest. The Heavy Science is here, in pdf.



For more about this table, see ISSFAL, the " cream " of the world's fat

experts. This table is the standard to which all fats, mayos, margarines,

oils and their labels must be measured. If the label is bad, don't buy the

fat. They " ... do not recommend trans-fatty acids to be in the food supply

as a result of hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids. " [in layman's

terms: stop factory hydrogenation]. ISSFAL's FDA submission: " ..omega-3

fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. " [also, since

2002, an AHA scientific postion]



Time for an oil-change... to unhydrogenated canola, flax (lin)seed & fatty

fish. Unhydrogenated soybean might be o.k. but it's also high in omega-6

linoleic, already an excess in most Western diets (an average person already

stores over 1 kg -3 lb; see also points 29 and 30 below). Here's an omega-3

reference for the little heart disease [and depression] in Japan where the

oils are fish, canola and soy: AJCN; Jan. 2000, and here's the history of

omega-3 by pioneer Ralph Holman. P.S. You may want to add some vitamin E to

your oils and refrigerated them: they (like cholesterol) become harmful when

damaged by processing, heat or light. While motor oils are designed for

engine health, most " vegetable oils " are engineered for corporate health,

lack of flavor, clear appearance and shelf life.



2. Vitamin C's most important study was probably in the Canadian Medical

Association Journal of Sept. 23 1972. During 102 days (3.4 months) in

winter, 407 about 25 year old Canadians took 1 g/day + 3 g/day during the

first 3 days of any illness. An identical group of 411 on taste and

look-alike dummy pills had 40% more people seeking medical help (56 vs. 40),

58% more doctors visits [94 vs. 60] and a " similar[ly] " increased

prescription drug use. Statistically, many of the benefits were important,

such as the 99.9% probable decrease in days of disability. Sadly, drug use

and doctors visits, simple indicators of bad health, were not looked at in

the larger follow-up study that also proved benefit. For long-term benefits

of vitamin C: Epidem; May '92.

In science, if no effect is found, there was none, the study was badly

designed, or statistically unlucky. However, significant results from

proper studies stand until proven wrong by other studies.According to these

non refuted results, 1 g per day of vitamin C with an increase during

illness would change the face of everyday medical practice.Comment. About

1/5 g/d (200 mg; with some effort and cost obtainable from fruits and

veggies) will saturate the blood, and cells, in totally healthy people.

Illness and infection instantly makes the need for vitamin C skyrocket and

it is here, and in long-term health, that benefits of much higher amounts

are likely. The biochemistry is so complex -ProcNutrSoc; '99: 469-76- that

only practical indicators like doctors visits, drug use and days of sickness

or disability can give rapid answers about benefits.



3. " The current evidence suggests that people who take such supplements

and their children are healthier. " This quote is from the editorial " Eat

Right and Take a Multivitamin " in the New England Journal of Medicine of

April 9th, 1998. [Dr. G. Oakley from the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention talking about " standard " multivitamins with 400 mcg folic acid.]

Here's the effect in heart disease prevention.


4. The same major study found a 75% reduction in colon cancer risk (one of

the 4 biggies) after 15 years of multivitamin use and here is an intriguing

observation about long-term multivitamin use and reduced cervical cancer.

Just like it takes decades to cause cancer, it may take decades of

supplement use to prevent it. Here is one folic acid based theory how: J of

Nutr; Feb 2000. Folic acid (folate, folacin or B9) may well be the most

dangerous and common long-term vitamin deficiency around; liver, beans,

green veggies, multi-vitamins. Anything you do to foods specifically

destroys folic acid, and B6.

5. Few have a financial interest in supplements but you, your family and

your insurer -but supplements are taxed and you won't get a credit on your

premium. A life-time supply of folic acid (a cancer, Alzheimer's disease,

birth defect & artery damaging homocysteine risk reducing vitamin) is under

$10 (at LEF.org). The daily dose of 0.4 mg (400 mcg) weighs 1/10th of a

tiny flax seed and costs 0.02¢. And, as said before, being low in folic

acid is truly dangerous since it prevents many of life's diseases!

If every American would take a good quality multi, like Twinlab's Daily One

Caps, the U.S. would save about $100/yr per adult in hospital costs

regarding babies and heart disease alone (estimate Western J of Medicine;

May '97), not to mention savings in other diseases and suffering. New: the

Down's syndrome link.


6. Multi-level pyramid sales, patented or special formulations are rarely

cost effective, think: Coral Calcium. Another example is Ester-C,

chemically not an ester but a costly degraded mix of oxidized vitamin C.

>From their website: All of the .. studies are considered to be pilot or

preliminary, and although the results suggest a positive result, further

studies are necessary [but not for sales] to verify these conclusions. "

Eleven years after the patent the largest reported trial involved only 54

people during 1 day! Feel like wasting time, here's their patent. Such

practices based on deceptive research give the vitamin industry a bad name,

yet their very friendly watch dog, the Council for Responsible [sic]

Nutrition, refuses to bite this industry-wide profitable scam. This watch

dog -with 4 PhDs on staff- knows who buys the dog food. They happily

collect 0.1% of any member company's Ester-C sales. So much for " enhancing

consumer confidence in dietary supplements " . A

deceptive name for a common lobby group [-however, they are vital to help

keep vitamins legal and available -thank you]. How'bout patenting

pre-oxidized vitamin E, with real metabolites! Well, personally I like my

vitamins cheap, cold and un-oxidized. P.S. Now Ester-C is " fatty acid ester

free " ... Bonus! Shame on that industry already famous for price-fixing

(and making good multi's hard to find on store shelves) and which refuses to

self-police and weed out supplement scams.

7. Half of American men over age 40 are affected by degrees of impotence

due to local artery dysfunction, smokers 2x as often as nonsmokers. An

early warning for men only [sorry ladies] for his entire heart and vascular

system (CBS; 60 Minutes, Nov. 8, 1998; Health Canada, 2003). Smoking plus

not taking vitamins raises heart disease risk 12 fold! The shape of things

to come: nicotine gum, condoms and vitamins at the same store counter.

8. In women, the no-alcohol + low-folic acid group had 4.5x the heart

disease deaths of the highest-alcohol + highest-folic acid group (JAMA;

'98-2-4). Another study found almost 2x the cardio-risk at the lowest

intake of nuts, a risk that increased if no multi or vitamin E supplement

was used (BMJ; '98-11-14).

9. More-studies-are-needed. While there will never be certainty, there is

sufficient data to send the optimum-nutrition case to the jury with

instructions that, in life, a hung jury is not an option. This website is

one such analysis. Here's one by Nutrition Science News. Here's another

but more technical analysis by AltMedRev; '96: 132. Any doctor not having

read the latter and the Feb. 16 '99 issue of Circulation about omega-3's and

McCully's homocysteine book has dangerous information deficiencies.

McCully's contribution is establishing the link, via the blood chemical

homocysteine, between many diseases and poor nutrition (low B-vitamin

intake). This link is the mc² [think McC-ully] of low micro-nutrient intake

and disease: higher than minimal homocysteine proves malnutrition (in each

of us and in groups). This scientific link, for which he should be on the

short-list for a Nobel Prize, also supports some of Adelle Davis' views of

the early research... like eating

B-vitamin and methyl group supplying eggs and liver against heart disease

(--research like the pioneering work of Lester Morrison and of Charles

" insulin " Best before that; see also points 11 and 24. below).

10. Imagine ... that just maybe a friend's colon cancer or Alzheimer's

disease was caused by low folic acid, breast or prostate cancer by low

selenium or fatal irregular heart beat by low magnesium, potassium or

omega-3. Imagine most heart disease is caused by micronutrient

deficiencies. Imagine how cheap and easy it would have been to avoid ...

and how hard to undo. The list gets longer while we wait for " conclusive "


Low vitamins D, C, B1, B3 or iodine respectively cause rickets, scurvy,

beriberi, pellagra and goiter (to the disbelief of the medical world at the

time). The next section tells you why long-term low B6, B12 and folic acid

(general malnutrition or Western diets) causes much of heart disease,

cancer, early aging and Alzheimer's. Here's a teaser: 400 versus 100 mcg

folic acid intake, and 19 years later, 20% less cardiovascular disease and


11. Homocysteine lowering is fast, cheap and easy using a multi with

slightly higher than RDA/DV amounts of B vitamins [this author in Arch Int

Med]. Raising B vitamin intake and thus dropping homocysteine is proven to

stop and reverse artery plaque formation [see Spence, below] and help blood

flow and " balloon " (angioplasty) operation success rates.

The effects of the 4 main agents [folic acid (folacin or B9), B6, B12 &

betaine**] are cumulative and together probably lower by ½ the risk of

heart, blood vessel and Alzheimer's disease (AJCN; Jan. '01; Alzheimer's).

The graph on the left was modified from NEJM, Feb. 14, 2002. It (over)

simplifies the study about homocysteine levels in 1100 elderly and the %

getting dementia and Alzheimer's, many years later. High homocysteine is

and proves low B vitamin status: NEJM: " The simple addition to a normal diet

of large doses of folacin, vitamin B12, or betaine will substantially reduce

plasma homocysteine in most people. " [magnesium and other B vitamins also

play roles].

Even if in real life only half these benefits materialize this would

still be a massive reduction in suffering. Other benefits of these

nutrients (directly and through homocysteine) are in birth defects,

pregnancy complications, (significant) cancer prevention and artery

relaxation. These effects are the best rationale for taking a high-dose

multi vitamin. The book Methyl Magic is a fine reference. High

homocysteine is the best indicator of malnutrition and vitamin deficiency

(the shameful rule in the home-bound elderly).

" Good " homocysteine is: below 8 in mid-age and below 10 when elderly;

the lower the better with below being 6 ideal. In the above [Framingham]

Alzheimer's study, average values were 11.5 at age 60-65 to 22.5 above age

90 but in all seven age categories were people with ideal values below 6 !

Pennies per day for the multi and zero risk! Add vitamins C and E,

fiber, minerals, omega-3 oils and eat low processed foods** and you'll

reduce your statistical chances of early heart and mental ill-health to a

fairly low level, independently of your genetics. Smoking and possibly

unfiltered coffee may increase this blood toxin [good news for coffee in

diabetes, and Parkinson's, however].

Homocysteine lowering is especially important for the about one third of

us with a genetic tendency to higher levels. For some reason, most people

with heart disease have " desirable " cholesterol levels. Quoting McCully:

" [in 2/3rds of autopsies with severe atherosclerosis] ...the disease

developed without evidence of elevated ... cholesterol, diabetes, or

hypertension. " Could low omega-3, mineral, antioxidant and homocysteine

lowering nutrients cause that difference --or does your MD, heart specialist

or lipidologist [yes, a " blood-fat-specialist " ] have a better theory?

Since half of you reading this website have or will have heart and blood

vessel diseases, this question is worth asking.

**Betaine [be-tai-ïne, bee-tain or TMG] and choline are about 0.5% and

0.25% respectively of wheat bran or germ -leaving refined flour with only

about 0.06% (Cereal Chem; 1-'67: 48-60). The new 5-2003 Journal of

Nutrition analysis for wheat germ and bran is even higher. Both nutrients

have similar vitamin-like roles that are crucial for artery health (this

author in AJCN). Choline (eggs, liver, soy, wheat bran/germ, meat, fish,

and self-made from lecithin) turns into betaine (3 methyl groups stuck onto

the amino acid glycine; beets, spinach, wheat bran/germ, shrimp & beer)

that, after donating a methyl group (like the famous and expensive SAMe)

turns into DMG, still a donor of methyl groups, and related to what some

used to call vitamin B15.

These nutrients lower toxic homocysteine and also protect your blood

fats, brain and liver by other mechanisms. Methyl groups do hundreds of

(mainly good) things, and sticking methyl onto the sulfur of homocysteine

(re-)generates the essential amino acid methionine, taming the beast.

Methionine, lecithin, choline and betaine are the " lipotropes " , that is,

they help the body deal with fats [and " fatty-liver " ]. Morrison found a 22%

reduction in cholesterol with betaine in a small trial and 50 years later we

have the first trial (ArchIntMed 2000-9-11:160) of betaine lowering

homocysteine by 15% in normal people: different mechanisms but in the same

healthy direction.

Nutrient information won't come from a cardiologist. For example, the

Consensus Recommendations for Heart Failure from the American College of

Cardiology is about drugs. The only mention of any nutrient is: " Physicians

should monitor [which is difficult] and correct any deficiencies in potassiu

m and magnesium, since these may cause ... arrhythmias [irregular heart

beat] " .

Another 1999 consensus panel's Guide to Preventive Cardiology for Woman

states: " Diets rich in antioxidant ...nutrients and folate are preferred

over supplements. " (J Am Coll Cardiol; May 1999: 1751-5). This statement is

misleading because you can well do both. In fact, folic acid or folate (B9)

and B12 are vitamins that are much better absorbed from supplements. For

example, 1 in 8 Americans over age 60 is B12 deficient (yet able to absorb

B12 from a pill) because of low or drug-reduced stomach acid. This is the

group doctors like to inject with B12. In a different " vein " (sorry),

vitamin E from food plus a multi will not get you, as all cardiologists

know, the about 200 IU's linked with a 40% lowered risk of heart disease.

A warning about such consensus panels --or websites, including this one,

as Dr. JRA Mitchell once said: " What passes for knowledge is often no more

than well-organised ignorance. " and " The alternative to scientific

experiment is the expert committee. Unfortunately, just as one cannot be

sure of the relationship between risk factors and disease, we cannot be sure

of the relationship between the opinion of the committee and the truth: the

opinion of the committee will depend on who is selected for it. " Wise




12. First Try and Maintain Optimal Nutrition underlies the medical

principle of first and foremost not to cause harm. In other words, first

insure that an illness cannot be cured or helped by nutrition. Nutritional

medicine is also called naturopathic or orthomolecular medicine or

psychiatry. The idea that a " well balanced diet " gives optimum amounts of

all the nutrients you need is based on dogma but not on science. While a

balanced & varied diet with lots of fruits, veggies & whole-grains is truly

a superb idea (JNCI; 00-1-19), no scientist can say that even such diet (and

more importantly your actual diet) has your optimum amounts of selenium,

magnesium, calcium, potassium, vanadium, silicon, molybdenum, chromium,

vitamins C, E, etc.

13. People don't readily change eating patterns shaped by taste, family,

habit, price, availability, restaurants, vending machines, corporate profit,

religion and custom --and 1/3rd of Americans get 45% of their calories from

" Energy-Dense, Nutrient-Poor " [junk] foods -AJCN; Oct. 2000. This, like

rain, being a scientific and human reality, taking a few supplements (a good

multi, C, E, calcium / magnesium and omega-3 in the diet) is an effective,

cheap and easy thing anyone can do about the known nutrients.

14. Selenium is crucial in heart disease and cancer prevention --or put the

other way, many heart conditions and cancers are, at least in part, selenium

deficiency diseases. Selenium is found in US or Canadian wheat flour at 1

to 120 mcg/100g depending on where it was grown, making it either a good or

a terrible source (you need about 200 mcg/day).

Since 1984, ultra-low selenium and ultra-high heart disease Finland

supplements its fertilizers with selenium. Rather than supplementing

fertilizer or flour with minerals or vitamins and hoping you'll get optimum

nutrients, your chances are much improved with a well targeted

vitamin-mineral supplement. Sure, it looks like a pill but it's really a

food concentrate. P.S. Here's the latest about an ongoing selenium study

with impressive results about cancer prevention. And, surprise, surprise,

selenium is an anti-inflammatory in rheumatoid arthritis and it may reduce

infection rates in HIV / AIDS and in other virus diseases.


15. Dog food contains a vitamin and mineral supplement, even the

canned-meat variety. This lack of added supplements explains the veterinary

dogma that your dinner leftovers are bad for a dog! Animal science accepted

years ago that a supplement is an essential food group for dogs, cats, zoo,

farm & lab animals. Farm science also proved that supplements are vital to

crop health because plants may not get all the nutrients they need from the

soil. As your pet and crop get supplemental micro nutrients, what are the

chances you get them from restaurant or supermarket foods?

16. Food-pyramids of the various food groups are made by portion size and

some relative importance. However the 1995 U.S. Dietary Guidelines and

Pyramid do little to prevent disease according to 2 studies here and here.

These Harvard studies call for a review of the guidelines... A suggestion:

promote whole and unprocessed foods, omega-3 oils and a multi ... refined

rapidly absorbed carbs, now the base of the pyramid would move up, into the

use sparingly area. Part of the very base of an improved pyramid would be

fruits and vegetables that would share this base with a category for omega-3

oil and a micro-nutrient supplement. This was in fact the comment of one of

U.S.'s top senior scientists at the May 2001 Linus Pauling Institute

nutrition conference ... while a second top scientist commented that a multi

is the most conservative thing one should consider for a hospitalized




17a. UNDER-dose of nutrients affects most people. The most common ones are:

calories, protein, iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc,

selenium & vitamins A, B, C, D, E, omega-3 oils (fish -% varies, flax -57%,

unhydrogenated regular canola -9%, unhydrogenated soy -7%, wheat germ -5% &

unrefined walnut -5%) and last but not least: folic acid. Anything you do

to foods (freeze, can, boil, age) specifically lowers 2 homocysteine

lowering vitamins: folic acid and B6.

17b. OVER-dose of nutrients, apart from things like calories, omega-6,

iron and copper are rare and usually benign. About fluoride however, the

" do not swallow " , supervise-your-kids and " use only a pea-sized amount "

warnings on toothpaste are ominous, and valid. Fluoride is nearly as toxic

as arsenic. Fluoride causes aging, dark skin blotches, white-spotted teeth,

cancer, collagen and DNA damage, " unwanted " bone growth (in cartilage and in

artery walls and as spurs on bones), and it may not even prevent tooth

decay long term --ref's 1 & 2. Applied to growing teeth, it forms

fluor-apatite, , a bone-hard mineral also found in bone-hard calcified

arteries. Promoted as if it could be a nutrient by money and bad science,

fluoride is the toxin that raised permanent " mottle " tooth damage in U.S.

kids (fluorosis = permanent white spots) from about 6 to 30%: CDC/JADA; Feb.

2002. Here is an important Canadian summary: directly applied to growing

permanent teeth, there might be a

small benefit in one (1) age-group (age 7 to 12 ?) but ingested in any

form --from toothpaste, water, drinks or very high tea intake (leaves)--

there is long-term risk to all. P.S. The title of Dr. Leo Spira's 1953 book

with the first 25 years of science is: The Drama of Fluorine, Arch Enemy of

Mankind. Fluoride anyone?

17c. PRESCRIBED-doses of drugs in hospitals daily kill a jumbo-jet full of

Americans (300) and cause 6000 [very] " serious " adverse reactions: JAMA;

'98-4-15. Serious was defined as: permanent disability, [re/more]

hospitalization, or causing death. This is 1 U.S. doctor prescribed FDA

approved drug death and 20 extremely serious reactions every 5 minutes!

(Why worry about Anthrax ... as the world-wide medical and drug intervention

toll surpasses that of the World Trade Center calamity, each and every day.

In life, it's not the danger, it's the perceived danger that motivates



18. ASPIRIN daily kills about 46 Americans, as many as die from AIDS

(NEJM; June 17 '99) but an ultra low dose (~1/4th of a high strength pill

(125 mg) every 2nd day -but not if you take ibuprofen first) can be

anti-clot + anti-inflammation heart healthy (for those at high-risk -see the

FDA) and about 160 times more bang for your buck than cholesterol lowering

statin drugs (BMJ; Dec. 5 '98). Aspirin however is linked to 200,000 U.S.

hospitalisations for congestive heart failure [ " NSAIDs should be used with

caution in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease. " ] and internal

bleeding. " Aspirin, like all other drugs, is a poison " is the title of this

editorial in BMJ that concludes that " ..it may be more appropriate for some

people to eat an apple rather than an aspirin a day. " [here's the Jan. 2002

update and discussion]. Then there is Tylenol which like its parent,

phenacetin, and aspirin to a lesser degree, may damage your kidneys and

combined with alcohol is disaster

for your liver --and it should therefore not be sold in bars, or used for



Aspirin, Tylenol and super expensive Celebrex & Vioxx work by reducing

inflammation and pain from omega-6 oil-based molecules. The omega-3 family

of oils, and most effectively fish oil, does the same but more gently, more

safely and with more flavor (some would say: with too much flavor). These

omega-3 effects are from " COX-regulation " in addition to the

electro-chemical effects of the oil itself. These omega-3 benefits are

evident in heart disease, in gut diseases like colitis and Crohn's, in

arthritis, and in health in general. An " unexpected " cautionary flag was

raised in JAMA about COX-2 inhibitors and heart health: they also reduce one

of the really " good " prostaglandins ... oops! [and they prevent bones from


Simply put: the aspirins prevent clotting but cause bleeding while the

vioxxes may lower bleeding but promote clotting --and slow surgical, bone

and wound healing. CycloOXygenases (proteins clinging to fat-based cell

membranes) put the loop (Cycle) into and the OXygen onto several already

bent 20 carbon long fatty acids (removed from the host-membrane). This

turns them into prostaglandins. Inhibitors prevent this, which can be good

(for pain, inflammation and blood flow) or bad (for clotting, bleeding,

kidney, blood-pressure, heart failure, etc.). Such anti-inflammatories and

pain killers, from Aspirin to Prednisone, are little nuclear weapons against

the fat-based machinery of your system, the effects of which will not be

understood for decades [and now there are P-COX-1a, P-COX-1b, COX-3, and


All COX-1 and some COX-2 reside in a small sub-cell inside each cell and

make the cell work properly. Other COX-2 sits around your DNA and tells it

what to do and how to behave but most COX-2 is made in inflammation and

infection, hopefully only when needed (otherwise it promotes cancer,

arthritis and heart disease, and possibly Alzheimer's). Let me guess ...

this is more than you wanted to know.




19. Nutrient modification by processing is little questioned: pick any

supermarket shelf. This includes Europe where the foods are no better and

where the nutrition labels are terrible. Since the recent addition in the

U.S. of dirt-cheap folic acid to flour and breakfast cereals, many highly

processed products are now endorsed as sources of folic acid --NEJM; May 13

'99. While fortification helps a little, about 90% of the world eats non

supplemented refined grain and rice products --and nobody replaces the 80 -

100% of removed magnesium, zinc or vitamin E to name but a few lost

nutrients. Low magnesium alone is linked to 11% of U.S. heart mortality

(Int. J. Epid; 1999).



20. The combined supplements --E, C, the B's, minerals, CoQ10, flax or

fish oil & niacin if needed & throw in ~1/4th of a high strength aspirin

every other day (in non-hypertensives)-- are cheaper and a heart-healthier

package than any of the cholesterol lowering statin drugs. After about 50+

billion $ in sales and related costs (JAMA; '00-4-12: $2.2-$5/day), drug

companies still aren't allowed to say they will improve or prolong life for

most users --unlike niacin (Nutr Rev; Aug. '93: 246-52 and J Am Coll

Cardiol; Dec. '86: 1245-55).

Mega-niacin does take some medical guidance [for the first few days it

will give a harmless but frightening hot-flush] but it's the only drug

suggested by the AHA to raise HDL and it's 1 of 3 to lower LDL. Here's a

write-up and table about no-flush niacin by Thorne and here's one about how

niacin keeps your blood fluid (Am Heart J; '00-10-14).

21. CHOLESTEROL PILLS, statins, -Pravachol, Lipitor, Zocor, Mevacor,

Lescol, Crestor- [ " .. if diet and exercise alone are not enough.. " ] are

expensive, easy to take and make part of the lab report look better. This

makes families poorer but more at ease and doctors aren't yet getting blamed

for prescribing them. They hardly raise HDL and slash the production of

CoQ10 by the same % as LDL, forcing your heart, in fact all cells, to work

with less energy. Their limited effect is clearly not from cholesterol but

from lowering inflammation (2nd ref.) and blood clotting, and by changing

artery function, as do, more cheaply, aspirin, omega-3 oils and several



Some statin fine-print warns " The effects of ... on cardio vascular

morbidity [illness] or mortality [death] ... have not [!] been established. "

And: " Significant decreases in circulating ubiquinone [CoQ10] levels in

patients treated with X or other statins have been observed [happens in all

users, and this does] .. lead to impaired cardiac function [heart failure;

nerve death] .. " . Also: " ..in some patients the beneficial effects of

lowered... cholesterol may be partially " blunted " [canceled] by a

concomitant [linked] increase in Lp(a) levels. "



Most advertising omits such warnings while Medscape, after listing over

100 side effects, manages to miss the CoQ10 problem altogether, as does

MedlinePlus. Scary stuff. Simply put, statins:

1. Probably good: inflammation, clotting and nitric oxide effects;

2. No effect: from what they do to cholesterol [lipids];

3. Certainly bad: muscle pain/weakness, less CoQ10, more Lp(a), cost;

4. Misleading: scary promotions without sound science [Lipitor, Zocor];

5. The problem: they don't prolong survival; cancer and long-term risk:

Massive benefits proclaims Oxford University about its Heart Protection

Study, " the world's largest cholesterol-lowering trial " . 75% of heart

attacks still happen and 300 people on the drug for 12 months to postpone

the death of just 1 of them. Massive drug use, few lives saved. The other

large 2002 European study, claiming benefit in high-risk elderly, PROSPER,

found only 6 lives saved -and more cancer deaths and more new cancers in

each of 4 years, in a group with 52 fewer smokers. Zero " anything " benefit

was next found in the ALLHAT trial in a 10 year younger North American

group: 1 death postponed per 1.1 million pills swallowed! Next came

Lipitor's 2003 ASCOT study: also no mortality benefit, see graph below.


" Ask your doctor if " X " is right for you " prompt the TV ads and websites

.... but vital information is hard to come by for you and your doctor (paving

the way for criminal investigations* and lawsuits). Statins, fibrates and

high intakes of the common cholesterol-lowering polyunsaturated " vegetable "

oils are linked to more cancer. Canadian ads always and U.S. ads never

warned about the dramatic lowering of CoQ10 by statins... there's your

muscle pain! Few studies were done on women and elderly, groups where high

LDL has no evident link to mortality [low HDL does have such link, but HDL

is best raised by, for example, exercise, moderate alcohol use or

mega-niacin]. No mortality studies were done in people taking a good multi,

whole foods and omega-3 oil. Statin plus B-vitamin (homocysteine) studies

are underway, yet several are designed to allow statins to take credit for

the vitamin effects. This paves the way for combination therapy: statins +

niacin and/or aspirin and/or

fish oil and/or multi-B-vitamins ... if statins alone are not enough ...

An early TV ad exclaimed [picture a good-looking elderly couple]:

" Lipitor did it! .. Treatment " targets " for pain killers are clear. However

for drugs that drop blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol, ask your

doctor if real health benefits are proven or simply assumed. Ask to see

those studies.

the lower numbers you're looking for. " Notice they weren't saying: " The

less heart disease and better health you're looking for. " One year into the

campaign a text was added with: " Lipitor has not been shown to prevent

heart disease or heart attacks. " Isn't that what people expect when taking

the drug? And how about this couple in a 2003 TV ad: " Oh, Jessie, I love

you too! " [...Zocor, Be There!]. While " up to " 87% of Baycol* patients drop

to " target levels " [picture an eagle and a target or a dropping elephant]

they reported that effects on disease and death had not been established.

They're targeting you with dummy targets: the " surrogate end-point "

[non-disease marker] of less LDL, and not with real wellness goals like less

illness, fewer doctors visits or reduced drug use. *)Baycol a.k.a. Lipobay

was taken off the market in 2001 for causing unexpected deaths: here's an

important comment about all statins.

The Journal Club on the Web has two good statin study analysis here and

here: A typical participant would have to be treated for over 200 years at a

drug cost of $200 000 to prevent one cardiac " event " . In one of these

studies (WOSCOPS), 160 000 men invited, 6600 selected, half treated -but

after 5 years and 30% giving up on the drug, the total death rate was not

quite statistically different. The other study (CARE) found " .. no

significant differences in overall mortality .. " . A comment in NEJM;

99-4-8:1115 about a 3rd major study (LIPID): " Pravastatin has no particular

advantage over placebo [dummy-pill]. " The poster-child of the statin

studies (4S) did save men but tended to harm women, and some unusual things

are reported in the mortality statistics. Eventually doctors will get

blamed for prescribing statins [to fix the " landscape " of your " dys " arranged

blood-fat emulsion].

If you are on a statin, learn the facts. From the ALLHAT study website:

" ..trials demonstrating a reduction in [heart disease] from cholesterol

lowering have not demonstrated a net reduction in mortality. " MedlinePlus /

Reuters about ALLHAT: " ..people taking pravastatin were no less likely to

die or develop heart disease than people receiving usual care. " Lipitor's

mortality result are no different -- 5168 people on statin, 5 million pills

swallowed and the mortality curves touch after 3 years [and with cancers,

quality of life and muscle pain not reported] :

Statins ain't " cholesterol lowering therapy " , they lower mevalonate, the

mother-molecule that also makes squalene, CoQ10 and other useful stuff

[ " cholesterol synthesis intermediates " ]. Similarly, aspirin is not simply

" anti-clot therapy " , it rearranges your " hormonal balance " , that is, all

your fat-based " house keeping " , pain and signal machinery. The effects of

statins and aspirin are from reductions in key molecules, hampering

fundamental body processes. The good comes with the bad. On the other

hand, high dose vitamin B3, niacin, is a promoter in hundreds of processes.

Niacin has few harmful side effects in most since it stimulates body

processes, like all vitamins. However, also niacin is just a partial answer

to heart disease --but it has added other health benefits.



Bottom Line: At 10 - 36x the price of generic niacin (1.2 kg for $50 or

80¢/week here)*, in some types of heart patients, some statins may reduce

the risk of cardiac events by one fifth after 5 years of use [but you have

to scrape the statistical barrel]. This leaves no less than 4/5ths of the

risk. To deal with the larger under lying problem, remember that fat

substitutions have proven of little value, apart from those involving

omega-3 oils, and that whole-foods and supplements cheaply lower most risk

factors -and survival chances. *(tel. 1.800.544.4440 or 1.954.766.8433;

product 94.)A doctor putting you on a statin and not first using niacin + a

good multi vitamin and without tracking both your homocysteine and

Lp(a) -and without giving you replacement CoQ10- is practicing dangerous



22. The blood pressure debate. The Seven Countries Study tracked 49 year

old men who curiously enough had (in all these varied countries) average

systolic blood pressures of 138 plus or minus 3%. They found (after 25

years) that heart-mortality in northern Europe and the U.S. was 4 times

higher than in coastal south-east Europe or southern Japan (NEngJMed; Jan 6

'00: p1). At identical blood pressures, death by heart disease " varied

greatly between populations. " This is not what you want in a reliable risk

barometer --and incidentally, the same factor 4 difference in heart deaths

was also found at identical cholesterol levels.

Within each location however people with heart disease were found to have

higher blood pressures. The report and editorial interpret this link in the

sense of blood pressure causing heart disease (thus the potential for drug

treatment). The reverse is more logical: the heart pumping into hardened

arteries evidently causes higher pressures than if pumping into healthy

ones. As told by Dr. Kendrick: High Blood Pressure: it's a Symptom, not a

Disease, Stupid!, in The Joy of Hypertension Trials or in Guidelines and

Alice in Wonderland. In short, if you're nice to your arteries with

nutrition, you automatically help even the " new " disease of Pre-Hypertension

[perspective by Paul Rosch].

Bottom line. High blood pressure is not good for anything. A high or

increasing pressure is an important warning for possible heart, artery and

kidney disease. The type of diet is the important risk factor for both

heart disease and blood pressure. If cholesterol or blood pressure are not

risk factors in your case, simply lowering the numbers with drugs is like

painting a car while ignoring the oil change.

There seems to be medical agreement that drugs are possibly only warranted

in very high blood pressure (and those with added diabetes), and that in all

cases nutrition is of primary importance and of proven worth [--as can be


All blood pressure drugs have serious side effects. If you have a drug

name, check RxList. You may also want to find out about lowering salt and

increasing high potassium foods (fruits and veggies) and increasing omega-3

oils and about the amino acid arginine which makes (with help from vitamin

C) the artery relaxant nitric oxide (found in: lean meat, eggs, low fat

dairy, nuts, whole grains, wheat germ or nitroglycerin -think: dynamite).

There are several other nutritional approaches (see book 1 in links). Here

are 2 link about the complexities of drugs in heart conditions: BMJ; Feb. 12

'00 and about some blood pressure drugs causing heart failure: Ann Int. Med;

Sept 3 '02.



23. The AHA is a 1/2billion$/year organization with 3.8 million

volunteers. Unfortunately, most of its prevention approach is slanted by

soft-money from interest groups [big Pharma... treating to " targets " ,

reaching number " goals " in lab reports]. The focus is prevention by

lowering fat and cholesterol " as part of a balanced eating plan " . Its

website recommends in general not to take supplements while among the foods

suggested are water bagels, molasses cookies, angel cake and [check for

yourself] ... frankfurter buns. These are all refined-starch, finely ground

flour-based foods, that are high-glycemic, that trigger insulin and that

therefore promote obesity and type 2 diabetes which eventually leads to

heart disease and stroke.

There are 3 AHA " heart-checks " on Lipton's " Promise Ultra Fat Free

Nonfat Margarine " which has " 0% fat " , zero protein, zero etc. Some Promise,

2 of the 50 nutrients you need: water and supplemented vitamin A. Telling

you not to supplement, they endorse an imitation margarine for its

supplemented vitamin A. And how about " Smart Beat Fat Free American

Flavor Non-Dairy Slices " ? Cheers! Also endorsed is the Breakfast Candy

listed below, because it contains a piece of a multi-vitamin. Such

" nutrient-fortified and enriched starches " [sic] are in evident conflict

with the CHD-Taskforce and AHA Dietary Guidelines: " ...individuals should

choose foods and beverages low in sugars, particularly added sugars.

AHA endorsements are sold for a yearly fee and include Frosted Flakes

(42% sugar and only 1 g fiber), Cocoa Krispies ( " chocolatey sweetened rice

cereal " ), Cookie Crisp (sugar and hydrogenated oils) and Cocoa Puffs (1st

ingredient sugar: 47% + 0.2 g fiber, 1/125th of your daily requirement --I m

anaged to grow mold on it so it does support life). Then, there's scary

Count Chocula, synthesized from de-germed corn meal (corn starch), sugar and

marshmallow bits, a hydrogenated Frankenfood through marriage to the equally

spooky Frankenberry (95% carbs and 0.2 g fiber -not certified). No joke,

but no yolk! No AHA scientists could possibly suggest that Count Chocula or

spreads like Promise " fight heart disease and stroke " .

If a food has as much as 1/11th of an egg [a whole food with all the

nutrients to make a new chicken and no evidence of harm], it won't be

endorsed but sawdust with over 10% of 1 of only 6 required nutrients (fiber)

qualifies. Endorsements based on low saturated fat and cholesterol and the

presence of only one added nutrient is irresponsible. America's most

reliable source of heart-health information [according to itself] must

change its orientation if it doesn't want to remain part of the core

problem. Using its dedicated volunteers and doctors and without corporate

money, simple science based advise should be given, endorsing all healthy

foods, even without industrial sponsors. One good step: AHA's new position

on omega-3 oils (flax, canola, fish-oil). If only the AHA could ban the use

of the word cholesterol -that horse has been dead for about 30 years, and it

was finally buried by last year's trials that found no fewer deaths from

cholesterol lowering.

Cholesterol-thinking is poisoning heart associations world-wide; it's time

to face these facts, and tell the people.

Donations: Until the AHA gets nutrient-wise and stops endorsing stuff

like Cocoa Puffs and puts your donation supported 5 journals free on the

Internet [access to Circulation alone is $15/day or $236/yr while for

example the great member-financed BMJ is free], Americans and their estates

might consider donating instead to the nutrition dedicated Linus Pauling

Institute with their free news-letter. Why donate to the AHA, or any

similar group, for corporate soft-money tainted drug or or food advice that

may well have helped cause illness in the first place? At least the Pauling

people are moving forward with practical research and relevant advice. [The

AHA gets $90 million per year from estates but spends $100 million on

fund-raising alone!]


24. Avoiding liver or fresh eggs for their cholesterol is most often bad

for your heart since they also provide protein, lecithin, choline and B

vitamins. Liver is low in fat and it happens to be the best source of

heart-healthy folic acid (B9), B6, B12, choline and of most other B

vitamins, while its betaine (trimethylglycine or TMG) may soon become a

heart health food. High cholesterol shrimp are in fact suggested as

heart-healthy in AJCN; Nov. '96 (but I'd avoid any trans-fat filled batter,

and dried egg product).

The late Adelle Davis, America's most celebrated nutritionist [according

to her publisher**] suggested: " ..eggs.. should never be restricted in the

diets of persons with atherosclerosis. " In a chapter with 170 references

about cholesterol problems she also suggests eating liver [4 oz or 110 g/d].

Remember, it is now, 35 years later, pretty well unanimously agreed that

unoxidized cholesterol is not toxic while oxidized, highly refined,

hydrogenated -trans- or deep fried fats definitely are toxic. It is also

agreed that antioxidants prevent toxic blood fat oxidation and that the

vitamins in liver lower your homocysteine.

About half of the brain, your hormones, nerves and cell walls are various

types of fats and cholesterol. It is thus logical that even slightly

modified or lacking fats or cholesterol have major effects on physical, and

mental, health. Since your brain is basically a machine made of fats

(directing other fats and proteins), it is for its own protection not

primarily equipped to burn fats (like your heart) and it constantly needs

glucose for energy --dying quickly when this blood sugar supply stops

(called: a stroke). The brain also protects itself from oxidized

cholesterol, the dried egg product variety, by making all of its own


It is amazing that 35 years ago Davis suggested the amount of omega-3 now

proven as cardio-protective, 1 tblsp. flax/lin or 2 tblsp. unhydrogenated

soy or of the later developed canola. She was also right that high omega-6

safflower, sunflower and corn don't have such benefit. She was wrong with

the theory of the day that people can turn omega-6 into omega-3 [there may

be good biological reason to keep these 2 systems separate]. **The same

publisher who 6 years after her death concocted " her " to-be-avoided book

Let's Stay Healthy. Her original 1965 Let's Get Well with 2280 scientific

references however could be a text book in a course Treasures of the First

50 Years of Nutrition Sciences (mistakes and foresight included). A similar

book with parallel thinking and 1100 references is Nutrition Against Disease

by vitamin discoverer R.J. Williams.



25. This chart illustrates the great underlying puzzle. Some areas [and

here] still have no heart disease while others suffer steep increases like

several former East Block countries. The steep part of the curve follows:

1.) the use of long shelf-life [low nutrient] processed [low fiber] foods;

2.) the invent of hydrogenated fats; 3.) the exploded use of added sugars

and refined starches and 4.) the decreased use of eggs and other whole

foods. Recently leveling rates follow cereal/flour fortification

(particularly voluntary B6 additions since about 1962) and the ever

increasing supplement and canola use.

The American Heart Association directed the fat and cholesterol phobia

and an about 7 fold disease rate increase [which was strangely similar to

the cancer rate increase].** Considering this track record, food

endorsements that include Cocoa Puffs and Count Chocula [high glycemic index

foods - here's a full list], and heavy reliance on drugs, the role and

direction of the AHA beg for an inquiry -now there is a worthy project for

U.S. vice-president and heart patient Cheney. Imagine a private business or

executive with such record! **More in sudden heart deaths where, in 1912,

as Procter & Gamble imported hydrogenation into the U.S. (Crisco 1911 and

1912), a certain Dr. Herrick presented 6 heart attacks in JAMA (Dec. 12:

2015-20 -with mostly German references). Angina, nitroglycerin and

digitalis were known but heart attacks were rare and journal worthy. Today,

1 Brit and 6 Americans suffer heart attacks every 2 minutes. This is part

of the Law of Unexpected Consequences,

the If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will --principle of the nutritional

changes during the last century.

26. Carotenoids are " functional pigments " related to vitamin A of which

beta-carotene and lycopene [ .org ] are 2 out of over 600. They are best

eaten in lightly steamed carrots, tomato (or tomato paste), and in all

deeply colored fruits and veggies. Without some oil in the same meal they

won't be well absorbed! Lack of vitamin A in some Asian and African

countries is the major cause of blindness and one major cause of death in

kids. In Western countries, low antioxidants and low carotenoids lutein

(the yellow in yolk, and in green-leaf veggies) and zeaxanthin (corn,

spinach, greens, fruits) are linked to macular [central vision] blindness in

older people (JAMA; 1994: 1413-20) and to adult onset diabetes (AJCN;

4-'00). Low lycopene (tomato/paste, watermelon, grapefruit, guava and

apricot) is linked to heart disease and prostate cancer (many studies).

While vital to good health, especially if pregnant or smoking, I'd avoid

supplements with over about 10,000IU (6 mg) of

beta-carotene. Lycopene is the predominant carotenoid in the prostate, as

are lutein and zeaxanthin in the eye where these " macular pigments " have

protective antioxidant roles --AJCN June 2000: 1555-62.

27. Bone loss (osteo-arthritis / fracture): eat bone (45% water, 10% fat,

20% protein, and 25% mineral that is 96% calcium based). It is surprising

that not all research about low bone density first suggests to eat more bone

and/or calcium. Think: when your tire has low air density, you give it air.

Amazing: women at age 84 building stronger bones when given 1.2g calcium +

800 IU vitamin D per day: NEJM; '92-12-3. Low vitamin D is big factor in

many hip fractures (JAMA; '99-4-28) and BMJ; '03-2-27, with 22% fewer

fractures with a 3x/year vitamin D supplement [equivalent to 800 IU/day].

Surprise, it may well be the D, as much as the calcium, giving the benefit.

Another bone-density risk factor is low vitamin K intake (green leaf

veggies, broccoli and cabbage: 2/3rd reduced hip fractures in high vs. low

intake --AJCN; May 2000). Please note that Coumad®in / Warfarin and

antibiotics interfere with vitamin K (think: Koagulation, Klotting, Kalcium

and Koumad®in).

P.S. #1 If you can now afford a broken hip or wrist, you could have

afforded the 1.5 g calcium, 3/4 g magnesium, 800 IU vitamin D and daily

green leaf or cabbage type veggie for vitamin K to have prevented this

fracture or indeed today's bad back --and there may even be a colon and

breast cancer benefit.

P.S. #2 High protein (even milk) or soft-drink intakes eats calcium from

your bones unless you also ingest sufficient extra calcium-type minerals or

alkali buffers (fruits and veggies).

P.S. #3 High omega-3 (fish oil) helps grow bone! [2001 ref's.: T. Terano

and B.A. Watkins et al.]

P.S. #4 Paradox: the faster bone loss in bone, the faster it [bone]

grows in arteries. In the lab, this is explained by the presence of

oxidized LDL-cholesterol !

28. Similarly, in the case of cartilage loss (again: arthritis): eat

cartilage (when purified, called glucosamine -shells of crustaceans- and

chondroitin -shark and animal cartilage- sulfates) and a lesser source, soft

bone itself. Biochemically not surprisingly, research links cartilage

health with artery health and heart disease survival (Morrison/Schjeide,

medical library book WG300 M879c 1973 and Angiology 1973; 24(5):269-87).

The chondroitin taken for cartilage (joint) health may well help the

cartilage (connective tissue) of your arteries.






29. People and animals store the types of fat they eat. For example a

rare 15 carbon fat in blood cells is indicative for milk use while 20 mg of

butt-fat ( " adipose tissue aspirate " ) scientifically reveals your long-term

consumption of animal and plant type fats. Feed chickens flaxseed or

fish(!), their eggs go omega-3. Eat solid partially hydrogenated or

heat-damaged fats and one may speed up premature stiffness; with flax oil

the skin stays smooth, while lecithin and fish oil keep things " fluid " .

Naturally saturated tropical fats [link under palm-tree], tallow and

butter are much healthier -and certainly for frying- than the common

" vegetable " oils, margarines and shortening (think: French fry and donut) as

shown in the interesting Figure 1 in NEJM. Surprise, fats are as important

as protein: surrounding and controlling every cell and every factory in and

on each cell. There are hundreds of fat combinations in the miscellaneous

cell walls that " host " this machinery: channels, proteins, enzymes and some

DNA -all of which these fats control. They, the fats of the host-membranes,

control where the guest proteins go, how they behave and fats may perform

tasks for the guest proteins. Fats, in a balance between omega-3 and -6,

control every motion, emotion, pain and heart beat, with your brain

effectively a glob of smart fat ... so much for the lowly fat!

30. Omega-3 is a problem to food processors as they are liquid and quick to

spoil. This is why this vitamin F that prevents death by -and in- a heart

attack is eliminated by hydrogenation. This turns it into toxic trans fat,

a double nutritional whammy underlying heart-disease that is found in ½ of

N. American vegetable (read: seed) oils. Omega-3 type vitamin F can also be

eliminated from the plant, like in the low omega-3 (yellow, not brown)

flax/linseed Linola or soy cross-breed Soyola. There is no guarantee that

these nutritionally inferior stains can be kept separate in the plant

kingdom. Regardless, they reduce the few available plant sources of


For deep-fat frying low omega-3 strains are still not as safe as

saturated fat but they are safer than hydrogenated canola or soy -however at

what risk to the long-term omega-3 type vitamin F supply? The key in all

plant and food engineering is extreme caution and long-term public interest.

This is clearly not served by vitamin F removal. Superb omega-3 and trans

labels are coming to Canada: here's the one proposed for soy. That won't

fix the fact that in the U.S. up to 0.49 g " per serving " [there's your

loophole] will continue to be advertised as zero trans, like I Can't Believe

It's Not Butter! margarine (You Wouldn't Believe How Much Trans). Trans

warnings on labels and menus would give consumers important health options

(until governments ban hydrogenation altogether). Until then a handy tip:

if the sum of the listed fats does not add up to the total fat listed, the

balance is trans fat -and don't buy the stuff [in the label example: 14

equals 2+1+7+4, ergo: no

trans]. 167 º 171 ½ 172 ¼ 241 ±-->

31. Eddie's Muesli " The Breakfast Mix " : 1/3 no-fat yogurt +1/3 fruits

(currants, raisins, apple, banana, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe,

apricot, prune, papaya) + 1/4 whole rye (cook 1-2 min.) & oat kernels, oat

bran & wheat germ ( & /or rolled oats or low-fat granola type cereal) + 1/6

lecithin, flax seeds, flax oil, sunflower seeds, Brazil & walnuts (better

oil than pecans and almonds). Powdered vitamin C keeps things fresh. Mix

in 1 gal. (4 l) container. Let sit for 12 hours. Refrigerate & eat within

7 days. Good & delicious breakfast and snack food; increase the fruits and

you'll get a dessert -vary to taste.


Eddie Vos, M Eng, waiving copyright for non-commercial use. With thanks

to: WebMaven://Marlene S, Dawn McK, Stephen & Susan G, Gail P, Steve Meyers

LBNL, Sorey PT, Geoff F & many Others, and to ArtToday.com and

Arachnophilia, a fine HTML editor. Feel free to critique, help spread or

quote. Be critical and use your own judgment when using this information

and if you like to read disclaimers, here's a worthy one. Made in Canada.

Good health! July 8th, 2003. index startspan ALT= " Site Meter " -->var

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