Guest guest Posted February 24, 2002 Report Share Posted February 24, 2002 Saturday, February 23, 2002 10:39 PM Is Bush an Aspartame victim? Is President Bush An Aspartame Victim? ---- -------- ---- -------- Is President Bush An Aspartame Victim? From Rich Murray rmforall@e... 2-21-2 From Carol Guilford Carolg8@a... To Aspartame Support aspartame aspartameNM/message/809 2-21-2 The proof that George W. Bush, Jr. is a consumer of aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) is on the front page of the Chicago Sun Times, Thursday Sept. 27-- in color, a picture of the President with the mayor of the city (Daley), sitting at a booth in a coffee shop with their diet Cokes on full display. The President had a napkin over the top of his can, which in bar lingo means , " don't remove this-- I'm not finished. " Daley's face was bright beet red (a symptom of aspartame poisoning, also). An official story is Bush choked on a pretzel, while he watched a football game. In his own words, " I hit the deck. " Well, he may have choked, but, in my educated opinion, it wouldn't have mattered what he had in his mouth. On the list of 92 symptoms caused by aspartame that the FDA was forced to reveal in 1995, Difficulty Swallowing is No. 29. Fainting (which he did) is No. 36, Unconsciousness (the state he was in) and Coma is No. 56. H.J. Roberts, MD discusses 'unexplained blackouts' in his medical text, " Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic " I have read many aspartame poisoning cases recently, because I was in Atlanta with Betty Martini, founder of Mission Possible, the worldwide volunteer organization that warns the world about aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) poisoning. Betty and I faxed hundreds of 'seizure' and 'vision loss' and 'brain tumor' case histories to the lawyers who are handling the class-action lawsuit against aspartame. If you want to sign on, go to . There is a support group. It is possible the President could have had a seizure. There are 4 different kinds on the list. Phenylalanine (50% of aspartame) depletes serotonin in the brain, lowering the seizure threshold. Dr. Richard Wurtman testified to this at the 1986 Senate Aspartame Safety Hearings. dick@m... Another possible aspartame symptom George Bush displayed were lesions on his face, that were removed and explained by his doctors as, " Too much sun. " Rash is No. 12; Other Skin is No. 24. It is my opinion that the methanol (wood alcohol, 10% of aspartame) is attempting to leave the body through the skin. In 1984, Dr. Woodrow Monte predicted the dangers of the methanol in aspartame in his paper: " Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health " and in 1999, a study by Trocho et al in Barcelona confirmed Monte's nightmare by proving the methanol in aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde, which collects in the fatty tissues and liver. barcelona/index.html I read a letter to President Bush from Ken Lay, when he was CEO of Enron, and Dubya was Texas governor. Ken wished his friend George the best on his upcoming arthroscopic surgery on his knee. Some aspartame victims need this surgery even after they stop 'using', because aspartame harms the synovial fluid that bathes the joints. Joint and bone pain is No. 31 on the FDA list. After the surgery, Bush wrote to Lay that he was doing well, but that he would not be able to jog for a month. Most amazing about Bush and his aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) use, is that his Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, did not/has not told his Commander in Chief about the dangers of aspartame. Some friend. Donald Rumsfeld left the Ford White House to become CEO of Searle Laboratory. Rumsfeld told Searle, who owned the original aspartame patent, that he would " call in all his markers " to get aspartame approved. Approval had been denied, because it was a certainty the neurotoxic aspartame was causing brain tumors. That aspartame causes brain tumors, was proved by Dr. John Olney (Washington University), but he was media-blitzed, in 1996. The story of aspartame's approval is the crime of the 20th century. See my article: " No Hoax, Crime of the Century " , at and also see UPI reporter Gregory Gordon: 96K 3- part expose Oct 1987 The power that keeps the people poisoned is mighty; it controls the main-stream press, the medical hierarchy, the FDA. We are all of us, including presidents (Clinton was a diet Coke drinker, too), being poisoned by the neurotoxic bio-terrorist drug, aspartame-- now omnipresent in more than 10,000 food, drink and medicinal products. ********************************************* Cptn. Eleanor C. " Connie " Marino, USN Physician to the President White House Medical Unit #105 Whashington., D.C. 20502 202-757-2481 2483 fax February 21, 2002 Dear Cptn. Marino: This post presents evidence that indicates that President Bush could be in danger right now from a not unusual toxicity reaction to a common food additive, aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), about 200 mg in every can of diet soda. To simplify, 10% of aspartame is methanol (wood alcohol), a component of the molecule, which is immediately released into the body after ingestion. This dose of methanol is thus 20 mg from each can, while the EPA limit for drinking water is 7.8 mg daily. Methanol is a deadly cumulative poison. So aspartame provides methanol, which converts to formaldehyde in the tissues, as proved in a 1998 radioactive tracer study in Spain: Life Sci 1998;63(5):337-49 Sra. Carme Trocho, Sra. Rosario Pardo, Dra. Immaculada Rafecas, Sr. Jordi Virgili, X. Remesar, Dr. Jose Antonio Fernandez-Lopez, Dr. Marià Alemany Fac. Biologia Tel.: (93)4021521, FAX: (93)4021559 alemany@p... bioq@s... Formaldehyde derived from dietary aspartame binds to tissue components in vivo. Trocho C, Pardo R, Rafecas I, Virgili J, Remesar X, Fernandez-Lopez JA, Alemany M, Departament de Bioquimica i Biologia Molecular, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. " It is concluded that aspartame consumption may constitute a hazard because of its contribution to the formation of formaldehyde adducts. " Woodrow C. Monte, Ph.D., Professsor of Food Science, of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 6411 South River Drive #61 Tempe, Arizona 85283-3337 Phone/Fax 001 602-965-6938 woody.monte@a... Dr. Woodrow C. Monte, " Aspartame: Methanol, and the Public Health, " Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 36, No. 1, pages 42-54, 1984. This study is available at: xt . Abstract: Aspartame (L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester), a new sweetener marketed under the trade name NutraSweet, releases into the human bloodstream one molecule of methanol for each molecule of aspartame consumed. This new methanol source is being added to foods that have considerably reduced caloric content and, thus, may be consumed in large amounts. Generally, none of these foods could be considered dietary methanol sources prior to addition of aspartame. When diet sodas and soft drinks, sweetened with aspartame, are used to replace fluid loss during exercise and physical exertion in hot climates, the intake of methanol can exceed 250 mg/day or 32 times the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended limit of consumption for this cumulative toxin (8). [EPA limit: 7.8 mg/day in water. A 12- oz can of diet soda gives 20 mg methanol.] There is extreme variation in the human response to acute methanol poisoning, the lowest recorded lethal oral dose being 100 mg/kg [10,000 mg for a 100 kg person] with one individual surviving a dose over ninety times this level (55). Humans, due perhaps to the loss of two enzymes during evolution, are more sensitive to methanol than any laboratory animal; even the monkey is not generally accepted as a suitable animal model (42). There are no human or mammalian studies to evaluate the possible mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic effects of chronic administration of methyl alcohol (55). The average intake of methanol from natural sources varies but limited data suggests an average intake of considerably less than 10 mg/day (8). [A 12-oz can of diet soda has 20 mg methanol.] Alcoholics may average much more, with a potential range of between 0 and 600 mg/day, depending on the source and in some cases the quality of their beverages (15). Ethanol, the classic antidote for methanol toxicity, is found in natural food sources of methanol at concentrations 5 to 500,000 times that of the toxin (Table 1). Ethanol inhibits metabolism of methanol and allows the body time for clearance of the toxin through the lungs and kidneys (40, 46). The question asked is whether uncontrolled consumption of this new sweetener might increase the methanol intake of certain individuals to a point beyond which our limited knowledge of acute and chronic human methanol toxicity can be extrapolated to predict safety. [end of Abstract] " Many of the signs and symptoms of intoxication due to methanol ingestion are not specific to methyl alcohol. For example, headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness, nausea and unsteady gait (inebriation), gastrointestinal disturbances, weakness, vertigo, chills, memory lapses, numbness and shooting pains in the lower extremities hands and forearms, behavioral disturbances, and neuritis (55). " Stephen K. Van Den Eeden, T.D. Koepsell, W.T. Longstreth, Jr, G. van Belle, J.R. Daling, B. McKnight, " Aspartame ingestion and headaches: a randomized crossover trial, " 1994, Neurology, 44, 1787-93: Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program 3505 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94611-5714 skv@d... 510-526-6020 510-596-6100 In their introduction, they commented: " In addition, the FDA had received over 5,000 complaints as of July, 1991 in a passive surveillance system to monitor adverse side effects. (17) Neurologic problems constitute the primary complaints in these and several other case series, with headaches accounting for 18 to 45 %, depending on the case series reported. (17- 19) " A fairly complete list of the usual symptoms in the many cases includes: * headaches, all kinds of body and joint pain (or burning, tingling, tremors, twitching, spasms, or numbness) * " mind fog " , " feel unreal " , poor memory, confusion, anxiety, irritability, depression, mania, insomnia, dizziness, slurred speech, ringing in ears, sexual problems, nausea, seizures, poor vision, hearing, or taste * fatigue, weakness * red face, itching, rashes, burning eyes or throat * hair loss * obesity, bloating, poor or excessive hunger or thirst * diarrhea or constipation * breathing problems, asthma * racing heart, high blood pressure, erratic blood sugar levels. Obviously, the neurotoxicological impairments are critical concerns in the case of a war-time President. Ralph G. Walton, M.D., Ph.D., Prof. of Clinical Psychology, Northeastern Ohio Universities, College of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry, Youngstown, OH 44501, and Chairman, The Center for Behavioral Medicine, Northside Medical Center, 500 Gypsy Lane, P.O. Box 240 Youngstown, OH 44501 330-740- 3621 rwalton193@a... " Seizure and mania after high intake of aspartame, " 1986, Psychosomatics, 27: 218-20: An age 54 woman with 20 years of depression had been stable for 11 years with medication. She had a grand mal seizure, followed by mania, insomnia, flight of ideas, and irritability. A brief hospitalization and CT scan found no apparent cause. After three weeks, this led to psychiatric hospitalization. Two days later, it was found that during the several weeks before the seizure and onset of mania, she had started using aspartame in place of sugar in her iced tea, a gallon daily. Four days later, the mania subsided, and 13 months later she continued to function well, and enjoying her large amounts of iced tea, with sugar, not aspartame. " The possible role of aspartame in seizure induction, " 1987, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Phenylalanine and the Brain, Wortman, RJ, Walker E (eds.), Center for Brain Sciences and Metabolism Charitable Trust, Cambridge, England: Nine cases, ages 19 to 91, briefly summarized: " Case 4: A 61 year-old woman had been in excellent health until she began consuming an average of half a gallon per day of sugar-free beverages prepared with " Crystal Light " mixes. She experienced the onset of headaches, in the absence of a previous headache history. After three months of daily headaches, she experienced a generalized seizure and was hospitalized. CAT scan and EEG were normal. After discontinuing the use of all aspartame-containing products, she has been headache- and seizure-free. " 5-page review " Aspartame (NutraSweet) Addiction " H.J. Roberts in " Townsend Letter " , Jan 2000 HJRobertsMD@a... sunsentpress@a... Sunshine Sentinel Press P.O.Box 17799 West Palm Beach, FL 33416 800-814-9800 561-588-7628 561-547-8008 fax aspartameNM/message/669 1038-page medical text " Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic " published May 30 2001 $ 85.00 postpaid data from 1200 cases available at over 600 references from standard medical research 34 chapters aspartameNM/message/790 RTM: Moseley: Journal of Neurosurgery: review Roberts " Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic " 2.7.2 rmforall aspartameNM/message/652 Ann Pharmacother 2001 Jun;35(6):702-6 Relief of fibromyalgia symptoms following discontinuation of dietary excitotoxins. terpening@f... cterpeni@u... Smith JD, Terpening CM, Schmidt SO, Gums JG. Malcolm Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Gainesville, FL, USA. gums@f... siggy@h... aspartameNM/message/782 RTM: Smith, Terpening, Schmidt, Gums: full text: aspartame, MSG, fibromyalgia 1.17.2 rmforall aspartameNM/message/804 RTM: Hetle & Eltervaag: 2001 thesis abstract: aspartame brain damage in mice: Sonnewald 1995 study full text 2.17.2 rmforall aspartameNM/message/752 Headache 2001 Oct;41(9):899-901 Migraine MLT-Down: An Unusual Presentation of Migraine in Patients With Aspartame-Triggered Headaches. [Merck 10-mg Maxalt-MLT, for migraine, has 4 mg aspartame, while 12 oz diet soda has 200 mg.] Newman LC, Lipton RB. RLipton@I... Headache Institute, St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York NY Department of Neurology Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY Innovative Medical Research aspartameNM/message/346 WebMD: Barclay: Barth: survey shows aspartame hurts memory in students 11.9.00 Timothy M. Barth Department of Psychology t.barth@t... Texas Christian University TCU Box 298920 Fort Worth, TX 76129 Chairman, Physiological Psychology 817-921-7410 aspartameNM/message/802 RTM: CBN: Totheroh & Robertson: aspartame expose 2.13.2 rmforall aspartameNM/message/805 RTM: Ive: UK Daily Mirror Magazine: aspartame toxicity 2.18.2 rmforall ********************************************************** Gore Drinks 6 Can Of Diet Coke Daily - Aides Admit He's Hooked aspartameNM/message/512 Whitworth: Gore drinks 6 cans Diet Coke daily The Times - London 11-4-00,,30131,00.html Aides admit Gore Is hooked On Coke By Damian Whitworth It may not be his most pressing concern but one has to wonder about the state of Al Gore's teeth. The Vice-President is awake each day before 6am. Within half an hour he is meeting his campaign staff and cracking open his first Diet Coke. By the time he goes to bed again half a dozen or more of the sticky drinks will have been sluiced down. " Okay, so it might not be the kind of breakfast you or I would have, " says a campaign aide. " But these are high-caffeine days. He needs his fuel to get through them. " A presidential election campaign is a colossal logistical exercise mounted by an army that marches on its constantly pepped-up blood sugar levels. If Mr Gore is awake then all his staff are awake too " along with the travelling press corps, the Secret Service and the hundreds of people involved in every single event in each 19-hour day. In fact many of the travelling Gore staff are awake long before the man himself, talking to the campaign war-room in Nashville, plotting strategies to suggest to the candidate and compiling a briefing book of press cuttings and talking points that runs to more than 100 pages every day. Both candidates are trying to visit as many states as possible before election day. Mr Gore was in Missouri, Iowa and Tennessee yesterday; Mr Bush, whose schedule is slightly less insane, in Michigan and West Virginia. Every time Air Force 2 and its following press plane land, the routine is the same. A motorcade of about 30 vehicles is waiting on the runway: a limousine, or heavy sports utility vehicle for the candidate, another with an open back carrying Secret Service officers armed with machineguns, and then a long train of other security vehicles, police cars, staff minivans and four coaches carrying the press. The Vice-President then scorches across the countryside like a Roman emperor down cleared, sealed-off roads. The Secret Service and an advance team of campaign workers usually arrive at each site four days before the event takes place. The Secret Service ensures that every police officer in the area is on duty in order to keep the roads clear. The campaign workers, often in teams of just six, organise the staging of the events. Contractors are hired to build stages, set up lights, provide sound systems, confetti-blowing machines and fireworks. School cafeterias or, as in Los Angeles this week, a vacant shop, are commandeered as press-filing centres where the installation of dozens of phone lines is supervised by a phone company executive who travels permanently with the campaign. Photocopiers and faxes must be installed so that schedules and press releases can be printed off and distributed immediately to reporters. Caterers are hired to feed the press and staff. The advance team relies on scores of volunteers from the local campaign office, and unions often provide drivers and control crowds. Telephone banks are set up to call registered Democrats and pull in a crowd. For the huge rallies fliers are distributed across town and campaign officials make themselves available to local radio and television stations. Mr Gore has been using celebrities such as the rock star Jon Bon Jovi and the comedian Bill Cosby to attract an audience and get it warmed up. Music blaring across a small town ensures that eventually most people come down to find out what is going on. The smaller-scale events are invitation-only, with guests carefully screened to ensure they are sympathetic or relevant to the theme of the day. Whatever the subject of his speech Mr Gore, like Mr Bush, has to have a mix of people, young and old, black and white, standing behind him. Before he arrives the audience is given its orders. " This is a serious event not a rally, so no jumping up and down, " a campaign aide told an audience of 200 on a beach in Michigan this week. " And when you clap, take your gloves off " it makes a better sound. " Many of the events staged by the campaign are not officially staged at all. " We just decided to stop and these people were here, " a staffer said after the entire motorcade had pulled off a road in Michigan this week. Mr Gore chatted in front of the cameras with a cluster of voters who just happened to be carrying Gore- Liberman posters and be standing behind a rope line. Once the candidate has left, the focus turns to getting out the vote. The Democrats have distributed more than half a million placards in the key states, and by election day will have made 50 million phone calls to voters, sent 40 million pieces of mail and 30 million e-mails to supporters. Some 50,000 volunteers will work in those states on election day. The Republicans will have sent out 1.6 million placards, made 62 million phone calls and distributed 110 million articles of mail. There is a certain machismo about the length of the hours worked. " Our campaign consists of a lot of long days and a lot of short nights, " Chris Lehane, the Gore campaign spokesman, said. " While some candidates may look for their feather pillows, Al Gore is looking for every single undecided voter he can find. " Sometimes Mr Gore will end the day sipping a beer with his brother-in-law and best friend, Frank Hungar, but usually he calls one of the Air Force 2 stewards, or goes to the hotel minibar and requests one more can of a certain brand of cola. ********************************************************** So, 6 cans gives over 2 liters of Diet Coke, 120 mg methanol, from which a certain amount of formaldehyde, a deadly cumulative toxin, accumulates in all body cells. Bill Clinton is also well known for copious consumption of diet sodas for the last decade. The EPA limit for methanol in drinking water is 7.8 mg daily. Aspartame was FDA approved in 1981 by Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes, appointed by the new President Reagan. Reagan always carried blue packets of Equal in his pockets... Dr. Woodrow C. Monte, " Aspartame: Methanol, and the Public Health, " Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 36, No. 1, pages 42-54, 1984. (62 references) Professsor of Food Science Director of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 6411 South River Drive #61 Tempe, Arizona 85283-3337 602-965-6938 woody.monte@a... The methanol from 2 L of diet soda, 5.6 12-oz cans, 20 mg/can, is 112 mg, 10% of the aspartame. The EPA limit for water is 7.8 mg daily for methanol (wood alcohol), a deadly cumulative poison. Many users drink 1-2 L daily. The reported symptoms are entirely consistent with chronic methanol toxicity. (Fresh orange juice has 34 mg/L, but, like all juices, has 16 times more ethanol, which strongly protects against methanol.) A radioactive tracer study proves that the methanol from a low dose of of aspartame binds formaldehyde, a deadly cumulative poison, into tissues: Trocho C et al, June 26 1998, Life Sci, 63(5), 337-349. m/barcelona/index.html Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Canderel, Benevia) is reported by scientific studies and case histories to be toxic: headaches; many body and joint pains (or burning, tingling, tremors, twitching, spasms, cramps, or numbness); " mind fog " , " feel unreal " , poor memory, confusion, anxiety, irritability, depression, mania, insomnia, dizziness, slurred speech, ringing in ears, sexual problems, nausea, seizures, poor vision, hearing, or taste; fever, fatigue; red face, itching, rashes, burning eyes or throat, dry mouth or eyes, mouth sores; hair loss; obesity, bloating, edema, poor or excessive hunger or thirst, anorexia; coldness; diarrhea or constipation; breathing problems; racing heart, high blood pressure, erratic blood sugar levels; sweating; birth defects; brain cancers; addiction. UPI reporter Gregory Gordon: 96K 3-part expose Oct 1987: ___________ Rich Murray, MA Room For All rmforall@e... 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe NM USA 87505 505-986-9103 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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