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Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Therapies

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The Oxidative Theory of Cancer Part One

The dogma of drug medicine holds that cancer results from gene mutation, and

assumes that once such mutation occurs, it is irreversible. This viewpoint is

tragically erroneous. Here, I briefly describe my theory that cancer is caused

by oxidative molecular damage.

The Oxidative Theory of Cancer Part Two

In the early part of the 20th century, Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his

studies that revealed that a cancer cell dislikes oxygen---is an " oxyphobe. "

....His findings provide the molecular basis of bio-oxidative therapies such as

ozone hemotherapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

The Oxidative Theory of Cancer Part Three

Cancer cells....produce prodigious amounts of hydrogen peroxide---one to two

hundred times as much as is produced in non-cancer cells...

The Oxidative Theory of Cancer Part Four

Each cancer cell has the capacity for " normalizing " its behavior. What is the

evidence for my viewpoint?...

Immune Boosting after Chemotherapy

Many people live in fear of cancer coming back after finishing chemotherapy.

That is understandable for two reasons: First, what caused cancer the first time

can also strike back....Second, chemotherapy weakens the immune system and so

makes the person more vulnerable.

Are the Chinese Slaying the Cancer Dragon

I have a theory that cancer is caused by oxidative molecular damage. Such damage

may involve some genes - the so-called oncogenes - or possibly, and more

frequently, the non-genetic cell innards such as enzymes and other proteins....

Saying No To Chemotherapy

Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy were considered scientifically proven,

effective therapies. The physician's word was gospel, and there was no room for

doubt. Decisions about cancer therapies were easy precisely because there was no


Spontaneous Remission of Cancer

In medical terminology, spontaneous remission of cancer refers to exceptional

and unexplained partial or complete disappearance of cancer without medical



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Is There an Alternative to Antibiotics, Should There Be One?

The prevailing mode of drug medicine creates fatigue in two effective ways:

First, at the slightest prompting, it feeds little babies broad-spectrum

antibiotics.... Second, it actively withholds from the sick effective, non-drug

nutritional and environmental therapies...

Exercise For Chronic Fatigue

....In tears, Jackie told me of her struggle to pull herself out of her

debilitating fatigue with heroic efforts to exercise even when it caused severe


Name tag diagnosis for CFS

People who suffer from chronic fatigue describe their suffering in many ways.

Physicians who treat chronic fatigue with drugs use many names for it.

Physicians who have written about chronic fatigue have been a creative lot.

The Oxidative Theory of Chronic Fatigue

That is what severe fatigue is. It is lacerated cell membranes. It is violated

cell innards. It is the hemorrhage of magnesium and potassium. It is

mitochondrial enzymes within the cells drowning in a calcium flood.

Hypothesis: Chronic Fatigue and Accelerated Oxidative Stress

Peer Reviewed Article.

The Mighty Mitochondria

As sources of cellular energy, mitochondria were recognized almost one hundred

years ago. In the past, these cellular organelles were of interest only to the

students of biology. The pandemic of the chronic fatigue syndrome, it seems to

me, will change this.

Read Chapter 1 From The Canary and Chronic Fatigue

Dr. Ali's introduction into understanding the non-drug reversal philosophy of

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

For years, most physicians dismissed chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as an

all-in-the-head problem. And most victims of CFS suffered the indignity of being

told that they were hypochondriacs, and that they merely imagined their three

main symptoms: 1) disabling fatigue; 2) persistent muscle and joint pain. 3)

severe problems of brain fog, irritability and depression.

18 Food Guidelines

The 18 recommendations that Dr. Majid Ali makes to his " human canaries " (people

who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).



Positive Results Achieved in 150 Fibromyalgia Patients

The data in this clinical outcome study document the efficacy of the

ecologic-integrative management protocols used in reversing fibromyalgia

(excellent or good outcome in 84.7%).

Trigger Points in Fibromyalgia

I do not know of many safe therapies that work as well and for as many people as

injections of ten to 15 drops of 50% glucose solution into trigger points (TP)

Three Fibro Furies

Dr. Ali calls oxidosis, dysoxygenosis, and acidosis the three furies of

fibromyalgia ( " the fibro furies " ) after the three evil Furies of Greek

mythology. Like the Greek Furies, each fibro fury has a killing mission. Each is

unrelenting in its pursuit...paralyzing all energy, digestive-absorptive, detox,

and neurotransmitter enzymes of the body.

Tired Children, Teenagers in Pain

" A parent can ignore a child's unexplained tiredness only at peril. To blame a

teenager's muscle pain (myalgia) on hormones is often a serious mistake. For a

doctor to dismiss tired children and teenagers in pain simply because lab tests

are negative is a grave error.... "

A Snapshot of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is often considered a medical mystery. Dr. Ali gives his

explanations as to What is fibromyalgia?

Simple Scientific Explanations of the Causes of Fibromyalgia

Majid Ali, M.D. explains Three Sets of Causes of Fibromyalgia, 1. Metabolic

oxidants; 2. Microbial oxidants; 3.Man-made oxidants (Oxidants are substances

that damage tissues.). Three Molecular Mechanisms of Fibromyalgia 1. Oxidosis

(too much oxidation); 2. Dysoxygenosis (too little oxygen); 3. Acidosis (too

much acidity) (Oxidosis is rapid breakdown. Dysoxygenosis [dys-oxy-gen-osis] is

abnormal oxygen metabolism.)





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