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Mineral Supplements: In regards to Absorption

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Mineral Supplements: In regards to Absorption JoAnn Guest

Oct 26, 2002 09:52 PDT


" JoAnn Guest " <angelpri-;

Sat Oct 26, 2002 12:26 pm

Mineral Supplements:

In regards to Absorption






The digestive tract goes like this:

mouth, esophagus, stomach, small

intestine, large intestine, and out.

Mineral absorption means

transferring the mineral from the digestive tract through the wall


the intestine, into the bloodstream.


You really have to picture this:

the digestive tract is just a long tube,

from one end to the other. As long as food and

nutrients are inside this tube,

they are actually considered to be still outside the body,

because they haven't been absorbed into the

bloodstream yet.


This is

an essential concept to understanding mineral absorption.

Minerals can't do any good unless they make it into the bloodstream.


This is exactly why most minerals bought

at the grocery store are almost

worthless: they pass right through the body -

in one end and out the other.


It's also why many nutritionists' and dieticians' advice is


they commonly pretend everything that is eaten is absorbed.


Two main reasons for lack of absorption:


- the pill never dissolved

- the mineral was in its elemental form (non-nutrient, e.g., iron




Let's say these problems are overcome;

neither is true.


Or let's say

the mineral is contained within some food, such as iron in molasses,

or potassium in bananas.


Food-bound minerals are attached or complexed

to organic molecules.

Absorption into the blood is vastly increased,

made easy.

The mineral is not just a foreign metal that has been ingested;

it is part of food.


Fruits and vegetables with high mineral content

are the best way to provide the body with adequate nutrition.


Food-bound minerals are the original mode.

As already cited above, however, sufficient mineral

content is an increasingly rare occurrence.


Foods simply don't have it.

How little,what portion of normal

depends on what studies one finds.


Soon the necessity for supplementation

becomes obvious: if the food

no longer has it,

and we need it, pass the supplements, please.


At that point, the marketplace assaults one's awareness

and we're almost back to the days of the

tonics, brews, toddies, and snake potions of yesteryear.




Let's look at the four types one by one.

Least beneficial are the

supplements containing minerals in the elemental form.

That means the mineral is just mentioned on the label.


It's not ionized, it's not

chelated,it's not complexed with an oxide or a carbonate or a

sulfate, or with a food.


Like under " ingredients " it just

says " iron " or " copper, " or " calcium, " etc.


Elemental minerals are obviously the cheapest to make.


A liquid would

only have to be poured over some nails to be said to contain iron.


Elemental minerals are the most common in grocery store supplements.


They may not be toxic, as long as only the minerals mentioned on

the label are included in the supplement.


The problem is absorption:

it's between 1 and 8 percent. The rest passes right through.


Not only a waste of money;

also a waste of energy:

it has to be processed out of the body.

This can actually use up available mineral stores.




Next comes ionic minerals.

Usually a step up.

Ionic means in the form of ions.

Ions are unstable molecules

that want to bind with other molecules.


An ion is an incomplete molecule.

There is a definite pathway for the

absorption of ionic minerals through the gut

(intestine) into the blood.

In fact, any percent of the elemental minerals

that actually got absorbed became ions first,

by being dissolved in stomach acids.


Ionic minerals are not absorbed through the intestine intact.


The model for mineral ion absorption

through the intestine is as follows.

Ions are absorbed through the gut

by a complicated process involving

becoming attached or chelated

to some special carrier proteins in

the intestinal wall.

Active transport is involved;

meaning, energy is required to bring

the ionic mineral from inside the intestine

through the lining, to be deposited in the bloodstream on the other



Ionic minerals may be a good source of nutrients for the body,

depending upon the type of ions, and on how difficult it is for the

ion to get free at the appropriate moment and location.


Minerals require an acidic environment for absorption.

Remember low pH (less than 7) is acidic;

high pH(above 7) is alkaline.

As the stomach contents at pH 2 empty into the small

intestine, the first few centimeters of the small intestine is the

optimum location for mineral absorption.


The acidic state is necessary for

ionization of the dissolved minerals.

If the pH is too alkaline, the

ions won't disassociate from whatever they're complexed with, and

will simply pass on through to the colon without being absorbed.


As the mineral ions are presented to the lining

of the intestine, if all conditions are right,

and there are not too much of competing

minerals present,

the ions will begin to be taken across the

intestinal barrier,making their way into the bloodstream.

This is a complicated, multi-step

process, beyond the scope of this article.


Simply, it involves the

attachment of the free mineral ion to some carrier proteins within

the intestinal membrane, which drag the ion across and free it into


bloodstream. A lot happens during the transfer, and much energy is

required for all the steps.


Just the right conditions and timing are necessary -

proper pH, presence of vitamins for some,

and the right section of the small intestine.


Iron, manganese, zinc, copper -

these ions are bound to the carrier

proteins which are embedded in the intestinal lining.

The binding is accomplished by a sort of chelation process,

which simply describes the type of binding which holds the ion.

The carrier protein or ligand hands off the

mineral to another larger carrier protein located deeper within the

intestinal wall.


After several other steps, if all conditions are

favorable,the ion is finally deposited on the other side of the

intestinal wall:

the bloodstream, now usable by the cells.


Ionic mineral supplements

do not guarantee absorption by their very

nature, although they are certainly more likely

to be absorbed than are

minerals in the raw, elemental state.


However, ionic minerals are in

the form required for uptake by the carrier proteins

that reside in the intestinal wall.


The uncertainties with ionic minerals include how many,

how much, and what else are the unstable ions likely

to become bound to before the carrier proteins pick them up.

All ionic supplements are not created equal.


Just because it's an ion doesn't mean a supplemental mineral will be



Too many minerals in a supplement will compete for absorption.

Too much of one mineral will crowd out the others.


The idea is to offer the body

an opportunity for balance; rather than to overload it with the hope

that somewill make it through somehow.


Minerals are biologically active in tiny amounts.




Speaking of overloading, the third type of supplemental minerals is

the one we hear the most about:



What does colloidal really mean?


Colloidal refers to a solution,

a dispersion medium in which mineral

particles are so well suspended that they never settle out:

you never have to shake the bottle.


The other part of the dictionary definition has

to do with diffusion through a membrane:


" will not diffuse easily through vegetable or animal membrane. "


Yet this is supposed to be the whole

rationale for taking colloidal minerals - their absorbability.



Colloidal guru Joel Wallach himself continuously claims that it is

precisely the colloidal form of the minerals that allows for easy

diffusion and absorption

across the intestinal membrane, because the particles are so small.



Wallach claims 98% absorption,

but cites no studies, experiments, journal

articles or research of any kind to back up this figure.

Why not?

Because there aren't any.

The research on colloidal minerals has never been done.

It's not out there.


Senate Document 264 doesn't really cover it.


In reality, colloidal minerals are actually larger

than ionic minerals, as discussed by researcher Max Motyka, MS.


Because of the molecular size and suspension

in the colloid medium,

which Dorland's Medical dictionary describes as " like glue, "


is inhibited, not enhanced.


No less an authority than Dr. Royal Lee the man responsible for

pointing out the distinction between whole food vitamins and


vitamins, stated:


" A colloidal mineral is one that has been so altered that it will no

longer pass through cell walls or other organic membranes. "


Does that sound like easy absorption?


Stedman's Medical Dictionary talks about colloids

" resisting sedimentation, diffusion, and filtration "


Again, resisting diffusion seems

to indicate inhibition of absorption, not increased absorption,

wouldn't you think?


As Alexander Schauss and Parris Kidd both explain,

colloids are suspensions of minerals in clay and water.



Clay often has levels of aluminum as high as 3000 parts per million,

with safety levels set at 10 ppm or lower(Kidd).



Aluminum has been proven to kill nerve cells, which we now

see in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's.



Dr. Schauss characterizes the aluminum content as the big problem

with colloidal minerals.


He cites a standard geology reference text -


Dana's Manual of Mineralogy - describing clay as primarily aluminum:



" Clay minerals are essentially hydrous aluminum silicates. "

- Dana's Manual, p436


And another geology text:



" [clays] are essentially hydrous aluminum silicates and are usually

formed from the alteration of aluminum silicates. "


- Mineral Recognition p 273



Schauss finds references as high as 4400 PPM of aluminum in colloidal



Schauss states that he has done an exhaustive search for any

human studies using colloidal minerals


and after searching 2000 journals,

like everyone else, has come up with zero.


For a mineral to be absorbed, it must be either in the ionic state,

or else chelated, as explained above.


The percentage of colloidal minerals wich actually does get absorbed


to have been ionized somehow,

due to the acidic conditions in the small intestine.

Only then is

the mineral capable of being taken up by the carrier proteins in the

intestinal membrane, as mentioned above.

So why create the extra step?


Ionic minerals would be superior to colloidal, because they don't


to be dissociated from a suspension medium, which is by definition

non-diffusable. All this extra work costs the body in energy and



In an editorial in Am J of Nat Med, Jan 97, Alexander Schauss further

points out the error of Wallach's claims.



Wallach states that colloidals are negatively charged, and this


intestinal absorption.


The problem is his science is 180* backward:


Wallach claims the charge of the

intestinal mucosa is positive, but all other sources have known for

decades that the mucosal charge is negative. (Guyton, p13) This is

why ionic minerals are prsented to the intestinal surface as cations

(positively charged ions).


Opposites attract, like repels - remember?

Another big minus for colloidals.




Consistency of percentages of each mineral from batch to batch. Very

simply, there isn't any with the mega mineral supplements, as the

manufacturers will themselves admit.


The ancient lakes and glaciers

apparently have not been very accommodating

when it comes to percent cmposition.

Such a range of variation might be acceptable in, say,

grenade tossing or blood dilution in seawater necessary to attract a

shark, or IQ threshold of terrorists, or other areas where high

standards of precision are not crucial.


But a nutritional supplement that is supposed to

enhance healthby drinking it -

this is an area in which the details of

composition should be fairly visible, verifiable, the same every


In these 80-trace-mineral toddies, there is no way of testing

the presence or absence of many of the individual minerals.


Many established essential trace

minerals do not even have an agreed-upon recommended daily

allowance, for two reasons:


-the research has never been done


- the amounts are too small to be measured.



How much less is known about the amounts and toxicities of those

unknown minerals which have never been studied, but are claimed to be

present in these " miraculous " toddies?




Some essential minerals are toxic in excess,

but essential in small amounts.Iron, chlorine, sodium, zinc, and


are in this category.


Toxic levels have been established, and resulting pathologies have

been identified:

we know what diseases are caused by their excesses.


How risky is it to take in 40 or 50 minerals for which no toxicity

levels have ever been set?


The problem is selective utilization, as explained by Dr. Parris


toxic trace minerals may closely resemble the essential minerals in

atomic configuration.

The result is competition for enzyme sites by

two similar minerals only one of which is beneficial:


" aluminum competes with silicon

cadmium competes with zinc

tellurium competes with selenium

lanthanum competes with calcium "


- Kidd, p42


We also know that zinc competes with iron. (Erasmus)



A separate hoax is being played out with






used by many as a " natural antibiotic. "


Extremely uninformed

physicians recommend daily doses of colloidal silver, in order

to " prevent " colds,in the absence of any studies or trials



As Dr. Kidd points out:



" the body is not well-equipped to handle silver.


This element can poison the kidneys,

become deposited in the brain,

and even give to the skin gunmetal type of gloss. "



Doug Grant, a nutritionist, cites several minerals which frequently

appear on the ingredient labels of certain mega-mineral products -


they ctually admit their supplements contain or " may contain " some

of the

following: (the phrase " may contain " has always been scary for me.



they're not sure, then what else is there that this product " may

contain " that theydon't know about?)





Documented since the article in Lancet 14 Jan 1989 to be

associated with Alzheimer's Disease,

as well as blocking absorption

of esential minerals like calcium, iron, and fluoride.




questionable as a single-dose antibiotic,

consistent intake of silveraccumulates in the blood-forming organs -

spleen, liver, and bonemarrow-, as well as the skin, lungs, and




Serious pathologies have resulted-

blood disorders, cirrhosis, pulmonary edema, chronic bronchitis,

and a permanent skin condition known as argyria, to name just a few.



Silver isbetter left in the ancient lakes, and in tableware.


Gold: Manufacturers of mega-minerals hawk that " there's more gold in


ton of seawater than there is in a ton of ore. "


So what?


Our blood is not seawater-it evolved from seawater.

Gold used to be used to treat rheumatoid

arthritis, but has largely been abandoned when they proved that it

caused kidneycell destruction,

bone marrow suppression,

and immune abnormalities.



Rarely used as an antipsychotic medication, lithium

definitely cancause blackouts, coma, psychosis, kidney damage, and



Outside ofthat, it should be fine.


The list goes on and on.

These are just a few examples of mineral

toxicities about which we have some idea.

But for at least half the

minerals inthe mega toddies, we know nothing at all.




The fourth form of supplemental minerals is the chelated variety.


clarification of this term is immediately necessary. Chelated is a

generalterm that describes a certain chemical configuration, or

shape of a compound n which some molecule gets hooked up with some

other chemical structures.


When a mineral is bound or stuck to certain carrier molecules, which

are knownas chelating agents, or ligands, and a ring-like molecule

is theresult, we say that a chelate is formed.


Chelate is from the Greek

word forclaw, suggested by the open v-shape of the two ligands on

each side, withthe mineral ion in the center.


Chelation occurs in many situations. Many things can be chelated,

including minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Minerals in food may be


with organic molecules in a chelated state. Many molecules in the

body arechelated in normal metabolic processes.


The carrier proteins in the

intestinal wall discussed above, whose job it is to transport ionic

minerals - these chelate the ions. Another sense of the word

chelation as

exemplified in a mainstream therapy for removing heavy metals from

the bloodis called chelation therapy. The toxic metals are bound to

a therapeuticamino acid ligand called EDTA. With a Pac-Man action,

the metals are thusremoved from the blood.


Molecular weight is measured in units called daltons. The ligands or

binding agents may very small (800 daltons) or very large (500,000


resulting in a many sizes of chelates. Mineral + ligand == chelate.


Generally the largest chelates are the most stable, and also the most

difficult to absorb. Ionic minerals absorbed through the intestine


chelated to the carrier proteins, at least two separate times.


Using the word chelated with respect to mineral supplements refers a

very specific type of chelation. The idea is to bind the mineral ion

toligands that will facilitate absorption of the mineral through the

intestineinto the bloodstream, bypassing the pathway used for ionic

mineralabsorption. Sometimes minerals prepared in this way are

described as

" pre-chelated " since any ionic mineral will be chelated anyway once

it istaken up by the intestinal membrane.



After decades of research at Albion Laboratories in Utah, it was

learned that small amino acids, especially glycine, are the best

ligands for chelatingminerals, for three reasons:



- bypasses the entire process of chelation by the intestine's own

carrier proteins


- facilitates absorption by an entirely different pathway of

intestinal absorption, skipping the intermediate steps which ionic


go through


- the chelate will be the at the most absorbable molecular weight

for intestinal transfer: less than 1500 daltons



It has also been established beyond controversy that certain pairs of

amino acids (dipeptides) are the easiest of all chelates to be


often easier than individual amino acids.


Proteins are made of amino acids.


Normal digestion presumably breaks down the proteins to its amino

acidbuilding blocks so they can be absorbed. But total breakdown is

not alwaysnecessary. It has long been known that many nutrient

chains of two or three

or even more amino acids may be absorbed just as easily as single


Food-bound copper, vitamin C with hemoglobin molecule, animal

proteinzinc, are some examples of amino acids chelates that are

easily absorbedintact.


To take another example, in abnormal digestion it is well known that

chains of amino acids - dipeptides, tripeptides, even polypeptide

proteins -

sometimes become absorbed intact in a pathology known to

gastroenterologistsas Leaky Gut Syndrome. Obviously it is not

healthy and has many adverseconsequences, but the point is that

amino acids chains are frequentlyabsorbed, for many different

reasons. It's not always like it says in the

boldface section headings in Guyton's Physiology.


The reason these dipeptide chelates are absorbed faster than ionic

minerals is that the chelated mineral was bonded tightly enough so

that it

did not dissociate in the acidic small intestine and offer itself for

capture by the intestinal membrane's carrier proteins. That whole

processwas thus avoided. The chelate is absorbed intact. An easier


This is a

vast oversimplification, and the most concise summary, of why

chelatedminerals may be superior to ionic, provided it's the right


Only a

specific chelate can resist digestion and maintain its integrity as

it isabsorbed through the gut. Again, all chelates are not created



Inferior chelates, used because they are cheaper to produce, include



- carbonates

- sulfates

- chlorides

- phosphates


If the label gives one of these chelates, it means the mineral is

bound either too strongly or not tightly enough, and will be

released at the

wrong time and the wrong place. Chelation of minerals in nutrient

supplements is a very precise science, yielding chelates superior to

those ccurring naturally in foods.


Intact absorption is faster, easier, and requires less metabolic

energy, provided the chelate is about 1500 daltons.


To compare chelated and ionic minerals, once the research is

presented, there is really not much of a dispute about which is


faster, ionic minerals or dipeptide-like amino acid chelates.


isotope testing has shown the following increases in percent

absorption ofchelates, as compared with ionic:


Iron 490% greater

Copper 580% greater

Magnesium 410% greater

Calcium 421% greater

Manganese 340% greater


- Source: Journal of Applied Nutrition 22:42 1970



Again, this is just the briefest glance at the prodigious amount of

research comparing ionic with chelated minerals, but the results are

uniform. The winner of the bioavailability contest is: chelated


provided the chelate was maintained as small as possible, generally

usingglycine as the amino acid ligands, at a total weight of about

1500 daltons.




Often you will hear this or that company claiming that " organic "

minerals contained in food are the best, cannot be improved upon,

and are

superior to all possible types of mineral supplements.

This is almost true.


The only exception is glycine-chelated minerals, for two reasons:


- the exact amount of minerals in any food is extremely variable and

difficult to measure, even if there is high mineral content of the



Pesticides destroy root organisms in the soil. These bugs play a

major rolein selective mineral absorption.


(Jensen p 55)



- the ligands that bind the mineral in the food chelate may be too

strong or too weak to dissociate

at exactly the right time for maximum absorption in the human

digestive tract.


Glycine chelates are uniform and easily measurable.

Noquestion about dosage.


Marketing is a wonderful thing - two different companies are now

attributing the longevity of the Hunza tribe in Pakistan to two

entirelydifferent properties of their water:


one, the minerals; the other,

molecularconfiguration. A classic error in logic is described

as " post hoc, ergopropter hoc " - after this, therefore because of



Maybe it was the

weather that made the Hunzas live longer, or their grains, or the

absence of

toothpaste or webservers or Marketing is the art of persuasion by



The average lifespan of an American is about 75 years. No one has


proven that taking mineral supplements will extend life. Many old


never took a mineral or a vitamin in their life.


It really comes down toquality of life. Incidence of disease during

the lifespan. For how many days

or months of the total lifespan was the person ill? We are the

walking petri

dishes of Alexis Carrel - remember?


Carrel was the French

biochemist, aNobel prize winner, who did the famous experiment in

which he kept chicken

heart cells alive in a petri dish for 28 years just by changing the

solutesevery day.


Could've gone longer, but figured he'd proven his point.

Mineralcontent factors largely in the quality of our solutes: the

blood - themilieu interior, the biological terrain.


The U.S. has the highest incidence of degenerative diseases of any

developed country on earth. In addition, the infectious diseases are

comingback; antibiotics are getting less effective every year.



confidence in prescription drugs is weakening. Allow me to disabuse

you ofunfounded hopes:


cancer and AIDS will never be cured by the

discovery ofsome new drug. It's not going to happen. There probably

will never beanother Alexander Fleming - turns out penicillin was

just a brief detouranyway. Bacteria have had 50 billion years to

figure out ways to adapt.



only way that anyone recovers from any illness is when the immune

system vercomes the problem. Allergy shots never cured an allergy -

people whotake allergy shots always have allergies.


Our only hope of better health is to do everything possible to build

up our natural immune system. One of these preventative measures is

nutritional supplementation. It may not be dramatic, but daily

deposits to

the immune system bank account will pay off down the road. Healthy

peopledon't get sick.


With respect to minerals, then, what are our goals? My opinion is


having once realized the necessity for mineral supplementation, our

objectives should be simple:


- Take only the minerals we absolutely need

- Take the smallest amounts possible

- Nothing left over ( no metabolic residue)


Some of the above ideas may seem strange and difficult to understand,

on first reading. But it is truly a very simplified version of what

actuallytakes place.


Most of the technical details were omitted for the sake

ofclarity and brevity. However, the correctness of the above basic

frameworkis verifiable.




We are living in the age of the Junk Science Hustle. Everybody's an

expert, often quoting shaky sources, shaky facts, and shaky claims

which mayhave no foundation in physical reality.

--- End forwarded message ---


JoAnn Guest








-Wisdom of the past,Food of the future-

" Health is not a Medical Issue "

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OMG. Just when I figured I had it figured out.


I've been going broke using these www.vitalearth.org for my dog and myself.

She needs them more than I do, but sometimes they really help me with my

kidney problems of 52 years. dx when I was 20.


Does anyone here think there is any benefit in the fulvic acid? The way

they explain it, it makes sense to me. I'm thinking it ups absorption and

I take less digestive enzymes because of it.


BTW, I bought humic acid liquid from a different company and none of the

animals would eat 3-4 drops of it on their food. I took some myself and got

my first case of BO, but only on the left side. Quit laughing. It

happened every time.






" JoAnn Guest " <angelprincessjo


Saturday, October 26, 2002 9:56 AM

Mineral Supplements: In regards to Absorption



> Mineral Supplements: In regards to Absorption JoAnn Guest

> Oct 26, 2002 09:52 PDT


> " JoAnn Guest " <angelpri-;

> Sat Oct 26, 2002 12:26 pm

> Mineral Supplements:

> In regards to Absorption






> The digestive tract goes like this:

> mouth, esophagus, stomach, small

> intestine, large intestine, and out.

> Mineral absorption means

> transferring the mineral from the digestive tract through the wall

> of

> the intestine, into the bloodstream.


> You really have to picture this:

> the digestive tract is just a long tube,

> from one end to the other. As long as food and

> nutrients are inside this tube,

> they are actually considered to be still outside the body,

> because they haven't been absorbed into the

> bloodstream yet.


> This is

> an essential concept to understanding mineral absorption.

> Minerals can't do any good unless they make it into the bloodstream.


> This is exactly why most minerals bought

> at the grocery store are almost

> worthless: they pass right through the body -

> in one end and out the other.


> It's also why many nutritionists' and dieticians' advice is

> valueless;

> they commonly pretend everything that is eaten is absorbed.


> Two main reasons for lack of absorption:


> - the pill never dissolved

> - the mineral was in its elemental form (non-nutrient, e.g., iron

> filings)



> Let's say these problems are overcome;

> neither is true.


> Or let's say

> the mineral is contained within some food, such as iron in molasses,

> or potassium in bananas.


> Food-bound minerals are attached or complexed

> to organic molecules.

> Absorption into the blood is vastly increased,

> made easy.

> The mineral is not just a foreign metal that has been ingested;

> it is part of food.


> Fruits and vegetables with high mineral content

> are the best way to provide the body with adequate nutrition.


> Food-bound minerals are the original mode.

> As already cited above, however, sufficient mineral

> content is an increasingly rare occurrence.


> Foods simply don't have it.

> How little,what portion of normal

> depends on what studies one finds.


> Soon the necessity for supplementation

> becomes obvious: if the food

> no longer has it,

> and we need it, pass the supplements, please.


> At that point, the marketplace assaults one's awareness

> and we're almost back to the days of the

> tonics, brews, toddies, and snake potions of yesteryear.




> Let's look at the four types one by one.

> Least beneficial are the

> supplements containing minerals in the elemental form.

> That means the mineral is just mentioned on the label.


> It's not ionized, it's not

> chelated,it's not complexed with an oxide or a carbonate or a

> sulfate, or with a food.


> Like under " ingredients " it just

> says " iron " or " copper, " or " calcium, " etc.


> Elemental minerals are obviously the cheapest to make.


> A liquid would

> only have to be poured over some nails to be said to contain iron.


> Elemental minerals are the most common in grocery store supplements.


> They may not be toxic, as long as only the minerals mentioned on

> the label are included in the supplement.


> The problem is absorption:

> it's between 1 and 8 percent. The rest passes right through.


> Not only a waste of money;

> also a waste of energy:

> it has to be processed out of the body.

> This can actually use up available mineral stores.


> 2. IONIC


> Next comes ionic minerals.

> Usually a step up.

> Ionic means in the form of ions.

> Ions are unstable molecules

> that want to bind with other molecules.


> An ion is an incomplete molecule.

> There is a definite pathway for the

> absorption of ionic minerals through the gut

> (intestine) into the blood.

> In fact, any percent of the elemental minerals

> that actually got absorbed became ions first,

> by being dissolved in stomach acids.


> Ionic minerals are not absorbed through the intestine intact.


> The model for mineral ion absorption

> through the intestine is as follows.

> Ions are absorbed through the gut

> by a complicated process involving

> becoming attached or chelated

> to some special carrier proteins in

> the intestinal wall.

> Active transport is involved;

> meaning, energy is required to bring

> the ionic mineral from inside the intestine

> through the lining, to be deposited in the bloodstream on the other

> side.


> Ionic minerals may be a good source of nutrients for the body,

> depending upon the type of ions, and on how difficult it is for the

> ion to get free at the appropriate moment and location.


> Minerals require an acidic environment for absorption.

> Remember low pH (less than 7) is acidic;

> high pH(above 7) is alkaline.

> As the stomach contents at pH 2 empty into the small

> intestine, the first few centimeters of the small intestine is the

> optimum location for mineral absorption.


> The acidic state is necessary for

> ionization of the dissolved minerals.

> If the pH is too alkaline, the

> ions won't disassociate from whatever they're complexed with, and

> will simply pass on through to the colon without being absorbed.


> As the mineral ions are presented to the lining

> of the intestine, if all conditions are right,

> and there are not too much of competing

> minerals present,

> the ions will begin to be taken across the

> intestinal barrier,making their way into the bloodstream.

> This is a complicated, multi-step

> process, beyond the scope of this article.


> Simply, it involves the

> attachment of the free mineral ion to some carrier proteins within

> the intestinal membrane, which drag the ion across and free it into

> the

> bloodstream. A lot happens during the transfer, and much energy is

> required for all the steps.


> Just the right conditions and timing are necessary -

> proper pH, presence of vitamins for some,

> and the right section of the small intestine.


> Iron, manganese, zinc, copper -

> these ions are bound to the carrier

> proteins which are embedded in the intestinal lining.

> The binding is accomplished by a sort of chelation process,

> which simply describes the type of binding which holds the ion.

> The carrier protein or ligand hands off the

> mineral to another larger carrier protein located deeper within the

> intestinal wall.


> After several other steps, if all conditions are

> favorable,the ion is finally deposited on the other side of the

> intestinal wall:

> the bloodstream, now usable by the cells.


> Ionic mineral supplements

> do not guarantee absorption by their very

> nature, although they are certainly more likely

> to be absorbed than are

> minerals in the raw, elemental state.


> However, ionic minerals are in

> the form required for uptake by the carrier proteins

> that reside in the intestinal wall.


> The uncertainties with ionic minerals include how many,

> how much, and what else are the unstable ions likely

> to become bound to before the carrier proteins pick them up.

> All ionic supplements are not created equal.


> Just because it's an ion doesn't mean a supplemental mineral will be

> absorbed.


> Too many minerals in a supplement will compete for absorption.

> Too much of one mineral will crowd out the others.


> The idea is to offer the body

> an opportunity for balance; rather than to overload it with the hope

> that somewill make it through somehow.


> Minerals are biologically active in tiny amounts.




> Speaking of overloading, the third type of supplemental minerals is

> the one we hear the most about:

> colloidal.


> What does colloidal really mean?


> Colloidal refers to a solution,

> a dispersion medium in which mineral

> particles are so well suspended that they never settle out:

> you never have to shake the bottle.


> The other part of the dictionary definition has

> to do with diffusion through a membrane:


> " will not diffuse easily through vegetable or animal membrane. "


> Yet this is supposed to be the whole

> rationale for taking colloidal minerals - their absorbability.



> Colloidal guru Joel Wallach himself continuously claims that it is

> precisely the colloidal form of the minerals that allows for easy

> diffusion and absorption

> across the intestinal membrane, because the particles are so small.



> Wallach claims 98% absorption,

> but cites no studies, experiments, journal

> articles or research of any kind to back up this figure.

> Why not?

> Because there aren't any.

> The research on colloidal minerals has never been done.

> It's not out there.


> Senate Document 264 doesn't really cover it.


> In reality, colloidal minerals are actually larger

> than ionic minerals, as discussed by researcher Max Motyka, MS.


> Because of the molecular size and suspension

> in the colloid medium,

> which Dorland's Medical dictionary describes as " like glue, "

> absorption

> is inhibited, not enhanced.


> No less an authority than Dr. Royal Lee the man responsible for

> pointing out the distinction between whole food vitamins and

> synthetic

> vitamins, stated:


> " A colloidal mineral is one that has been so altered that it will no

> longer pass through cell walls or other organic membranes. "


> Does that sound like easy absorption?


> Stedman's Medical Dictionary talks about colloids

> " resisting sedimentation, diffusion, and filtration "


> Again, resisting diffusion seems

> to indicate inhibition of absorption, not increased absorption,

> wouldn't you think?


> As Alexander Schauss and Parris Kidd both explain,

> colloids are suspensions of minerals in clay and water.



> Clay often has levels of aluminum as high as 3000 parts per million,

> with safety levels set at 10 ppm or lower(Kidd).



> Aluminum has been proven to kill nerve cells, which we now

> see in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's.



> Dr. Schauss characterizes the aluminum content as the big problem

> with colloidal minerals.


> He cites a standard geology reference text -


> Dana's Manual of Mineralogy - describing clay as primarily aluminum:



> " Clay minerals are essentially hydrous aluminum silicates. "

> - Dana's Manual, p436


> And another geology text:



> " [clays] are essentially hydrous aluminum silicates and are usually

> formed from the alteration of aluminum silicates. "


> - Mineral Recognition p 273



> Schauss finds references as high as 4400 PPM of aluminum in colloidal

> clay.


> Schauss states that he has done an exhaustive search for any

> human studies using colloidal minerals


> and after searching 2000 journals,

> like everyone else, has come up with zero.


> For a mineral to be absorbed, it must be either in the ionic state,

> or else chelated, as explained above.


> The percentage of colloidal minerals wich actually does get absorbed

> has

> to have been ionized somehow,

> due to the acidic conditions in the small intestine.

> Only then is

> the mineral capable of being taken up by the carrier proteins in the

> intestinal membrane, as mentioned above.

> So why create the extra step?


> Ionic minerals would be superior to colloidal, because they don't

> have

> to be dissociated from a suspension medium, which is by definition

> non-diffusable. All this extra work costs the body in energy and

> reserves.


> In an editorial in Am J of Nat Med, Jan 97, Alexander Schauss further

> points out the error of Wallach's claims.



> Wallach states that colloidals are negatively charged, and this

> enhances

> intestinal absorption.


> The problem is his science is 180* backward:


> Wallach claims the charge of the

> intestinal mucosa is positive, but all other sources have known for

> decades that the mucosal charge is negative. (Guyton, p13) This is

> why ionic minerals are prsented to the intestinal surface as cations

> (positively charged ions).


> Opposites attract, like repels - remember?

> Another big minus for colloidals.




> Consistency of percentages of each mineral from batch to batch. Very

> simply, there isn't any with the mega mineral supplements, as the

> manufacturers will themselves admit.


> The ancient lakes and glaciers

> apparently have not been very accommodating

> when it comes to percent cmposition.

> Such a range of variation might be acceptable in, say,

> grenade tossing or blood dilution in seawater necessary to attract a

> shark, or IQ threshold of terrorists, or other areas where high

> standards of precision are not crucial.


> But a nutritional supplement that is supposed to

> enhance healthby drinking it -

> this is an area in which the details of

> composition should be fairly visible, verifiable, the same every

> time.

> In these 80-trace-mineral toddies, there is no way of testing

> the presence or absence of many of the individual minerals.


> Many established essential trace

> minerals do not even have an agreed-upon recommended daily

> allowance, for two reasons:


> -the research has never been done


> - the amounts are too small to be measured.



> How much less is known about the amounts and toxicities of those

> unknown minerals which have never been studied, but are claimed to be

> present in these " miraculous " toddies?




> Some essential minerals are toxic in excess,

> but essential in small amounts.Iron, chlorine, sodium, zinc, and

> copper

> are in this category.


> Toxic levels have been established, and resulting pathologies have

> been identified:

> we know what diseases are caused by their excesses.


> How risky is it to take in 40 or 50 minerals for which no toxicity

> levels have ever been set?


> The problem is selective utilization, as explained by Dr. Parris

> Kidd.

> toxic trace minerals may closely resemble the essential minerals in

> atomic configuration.

> The result is competition for enzyme sites by

> two similar minerals only one of which is beneficial:


> " aluminum competes with silicon

> cadmium competes with zinc

> tellurium competes with selenium

> lanthanum competes with calcium "


> - Kidd, p42


> We also know that zinc competes with iron. (Erasmus)



> A separate hoax is being played out with






> used by many as a " natural antibiotic. "


> Extremely uninformed

> physicians recommend daily doses of colloidal silver, in order

> to " prevent " colds,in the absence of any studies or trials

> whatsoever.


> As Dr. Kidd points out:



> " the body is not well-equipped to handle silver.


> This element can poison the kidneys,

> become deposited in the brain,

> and even give to the skin gunmetal type of gloss. "



> Doug Grant, a nutritionist, cites several minerals which frequently

> appear on the ingredient labels of certain mega-mineral products -


> they ctually admit their supplements contain or " may contain " some

> of the

> following: (the phrase " may contain " has always been scary for me.


> If

> they're not sure, then what else is there that this product " may

> contain " that theydon't know about?)



> Aluminum:


> Documented since the article in Lancet 14 Jan 1989 to be

> associated with Alzheimer's Disease,

> as well as blocking absorption

> of esential minerals like calcium, iron, and fluoride.


> Silver:


> questionable as a single-dose antibiotic,

> consistent intake of silveraccumulates in the blood-forming organs -

> spleen, liver, and bonemarrow-, as well as the skin, lungs, and

> muscles.



> Serious pathologies have resulted-

> blood disorders, cirrhosis, pulmonary edema, chronic bronchitis,

> and a permanent skin condition known as argyria, to name just a few.



> Silver isbetter left in the ancient lakes, and in tableware.


> Gold: Manufacturers of mega-minerals hawk that " there's more gold in

> a

> ton of seawater than there is in a ton of ore. "


> So what?


> Our blood is not seawater-it evolved from seawater.

> Gold used to be used to treat rheumatoid

> arthritis, but has largely been abandoned when they proved that it

> caused kidneycell destruction,

> bone marrow suppression,

> and immune abnormalities.


> Lithium:

> Rarely used as an antipsychotic medication, lithium

> definitely cancause blackouts, coma, psychosis, kidney damage, and

> seizures.


> Outside ofthat, it should be fine.


> The list goes on and on.

> These are just a few examples of mineral

> toxicities about which we have some idea.

> But for at least half the

> minerals inthe mega toddies, we know nothing at all.




> The fourth form of supplemental minerals is the chelated variety.

> Some

> clarification of this term is immediately necessary. Chelated is a

> generalterm that describes a certain chemical configuration, or

> shape of a compound n which some molecule gets hooked up with some

> other chemical structures.


> When a mineral is bound or stuck to certain carrier molecules, which

> are knownas chelating agents, or ligands, and a ring-like molecule

> is theresult, we say that a chelate is formed.


> Chelate is from the Greek

> word forclaw, suggested by the open v-shape of the two ligands on

> each side, withthe mineral ion in the center.


> Chelation occurs in many situations. Many things can be chelated,

> including minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Minerals in food may be

> bound

> with organic molecules in a chelated state. Many molecules in the

> body arechelated in normal metabolic processes.


> The carrier proteins in the

> intestinal wall discussed above, whose job it is to transport ionic

> minerals - these chelate the ions. Another sense of the word

> chelation as

> exemplified in a mainstream therapy for removing heavy metals from

> the bloodis called chelation therapy. The toxic metals are bound to

> a therapeuticamino acid ligand called EDTA. With a Pac-Man action,

> the metals are thusremoved from the blood.


> Molecular weight is measured in units called daltons. The ligands or

> binding agents may very small (800 daltons) or very large (500,000

> daltons)

> resulting in a many sizes of chelates. Mineral + ligand == chelate.


> Generally the largest chelates are the most stable, and also the most

> difficult to absorb. Ionic minerals absorbed through the intestine

> are

> chelated to the carrier proteins, at least two separate times.


> Using the word chelated with respect to mineral supplements refers a

> very specific type of chelation. The idea is to bind the mineral ion

> toligands that will facilitate absorption of the mineral through the

> intestineinto the bloodstream, bypassing the pathway used for ionic

> mineralabsorption. Sometimes minerals prepared in this way are

> described as

> " pre-chelated " since any ionic mineral will be chelated anyway once

> it istaken up by the intestinal membrane.



> After decades of research at Albion Laboratories in Utah, it was

> learned that small amino acids, especially glycine, are the best

> ligands for chelatingminerals, for three reasons:



> - bypasses the entire process of chelation by the intestine's own

> carrier proteins


> - facilitates absorption by an entirely different pathway of

> intestinal absorption, skipping the intermediate steps which ionic

> minerals

> go through


> - the chelate will be the at the most absorbable molecular weight

> for intestinal transfer: less than 1500 daltons



> It has also been established beyond controversy that certain pairs of

> amino acids (dipeptides) are the easiest of all chelates to be

> absorbed,

> often easier than individual amino acids.


> Proteins are made of amino acids.


> Normal digestion presumably breaks down the proteins to its amino

> acidbuilding blocks so they can be absorbed. But total breakdown is

> not alwaysnecessary. It has long been known that many nutrient

> chains of two or three

> or even more amino acids may be absorbed just as easily as single

> aminoacids.

> Food-bound copper, vitamin C with hemoglobin molecule, animal

> proteinzinc, are some examples of amino acids chelates that are

> easily absorbedintact.


> To take another example, in abnormal digestion it is well known that

> chains of amino acids - dipeptides, tripeptides, even polypeptide

> proteins -

> sometimes become absorbed intact in a pathology known to

> gastroenterologistsas Leaky Gut Syndrome. Obviously it is not

> healthy and has many adverseconsequences, but the point is that

> amino acids chains are frequentlyabsorbed, for many different

> reasons. It's not always like it says in the

> boldface section headings in Guyton's Physiology.


> The reason these dipeptide chelates are absorbed faster than ionic

> minerals is that the chelated mineral was bonded tightly enough so

> that it

> did not dissociate in the acidic small intestine and offer itself for

> capture by the intestinal membrane's carrier proteins. That whole

> processwas thus avoided. The chelate is absorbed intact. An easier

> form.

> This is a

> vast oversimplification, and the most concise summary, of why

> chelatedminerals may be superior to ionic, provided it's the right

> chelate.

> Only a

> specific chelate can resist digestion and maintain its integrity as

> it isabsorbed through the gut. Again, all chelates are not created

> equal.


> Inferior chelates, used because they are cheaper to produce, include

> thefollowing:


> - carbonates

> - sulfates

> - chlorides

> - phosphates


> If the label gives one of these chelates, it means the mineral is

> bound either too strongly or not tightly enough, and will be

> released at the

> wrong time and the wrong place. Chelation of minerals in nutrient

> supplements is a very precise science, yielding chelates superior to

> those ccurring naturally in foods.


> Intact absorption is faster, easier, and requires less metabolic

> energy, provided the chelate is about 1500 daltons.


> To compare chelated and ionic minerals, once the research is

> presented, there is really not much of a dispute about which is

> absorbed

> faster, ionic minerals or dipeptide-like amino acid chelates.

> Meticulous

> isotope testing has shown the following increases in percent

> absorption ofchelates, as compared with ionic:


> Iron 490% greater

> Copper 580% greater

> Magnesium 410% greater

> Calcium 421% greater

> Manganese 340% greater


> - Source: Journal of Applied Nutrition 22:42 1970



> Again, this is just the briefest glance at the prodigious amount of

> research comparing ionic with chelated minerals, but the results are

> uniform. The winner of the bioavailability contest is: chelated

> minerals,

> provided the chelate was maintained as small as possible, generally

> usingglycine as the amino acid ligands, at a total weight of about

> 1500 daltons.




> Often you will hear this or that company claiming that " organic "

> minerals contained in food are the best, cannot be improved upon,

> and are

> superior to all possible types of mineral supplements.

> This is almost true.


> The only exception is glycine-chelated minerals, for two reasons:


> - the exact amount of minerals in any food is extremely variable and

> difficult to measure, even if there is high mineral content of the

> soil.


> Pesticides destroy root organisms in the soil. These bugs play a

> major rolein selective mineral absorption.


> (Jensen p 55)



> - the ligands that bind the mineral in the food chelate may be too

> strong or too weak to dissociate

> at exactly the right time for maximum absorption in the human

> digestive tract.


> Glycine chelates are uniform and easily measurable.

> Noquestion about dosage.


> Marketing is a wonderful thing - two different companies are now

> attributing the longevity of the Hunza tribe in Pakistan to two

> entirelydifferent properties of their water:


> one, the minerals; the other,

> molecularconfiguration. A classic error in logic is described

> as " post hoc, ergopropter hoc " - after this, therefore because of

> this.


> Maybe it was the

> weather that made the Hunzas live longer, or their grains, or the

> absence of

> toothpaste or webservers or Marketing is the art of persuasion by

> suspendinglogic.


> The average lifespan of an American is about 75 years. No one has

> ever

> proven that taking mineral supplements will extend life. Many old

> people

> never took a mineral or a vitamin in their life.


> It really comes down toquality of life. Incidence of disease during

> the lifespan. For how many days

> or months of the total lifespan was the person ill? We are the

> walking petri

> dishes of Alexis Carrel - remember?


> Carrel was the French

> biochemist, aNobel prize winner, who did the famous experiment in

> which he kept chicken

> heart cells alive in a petri dish for 28 years just by changing the

> solutesevery day.


> Could've gone longer, but figured he'd proven his point.

> Mineralcontent factors largely in the quality of our solutes: the

> blood - themilieu interior, the biological terrain.


> The U.S. has the highest incidence of degenerative diseases of any

> developed country on earth. In addition, the infectious diseases are

> comingback; antibiotics are getting less effective every year.


> Americans'

> confidence in prescription drugs is weakening. Allow me to disabuse

> you ofunfounded hopes:


> cancer and AIDS will never be cured by the

> discovery ofsome new drug. It's not going to happen. There probably

> will never beanother Alexander Fleming - turns out penicillin was

> just a brief detouranyway. Bacteria have had 50 billion years to

> figure out ways to adapt.


> The

> only way that anyone recovers from any illness is when the immune

> system vercomes the problem. Allergy shots never cured an allergy -

> people whotake allergy shots always have allergies.


> Our only hope of better health is to do everything possible to build

> up our natural immune system. One of these preventative measures is

> nutritional supplementation. It may not be dramatic, but daily

> deposits to

> the immune system bank account will pay off down the road. Healthy

> peopledon't get sick.


> With respect to minerals, then, what are our goals? My opinion is

> that

> having once realized the necessity for mineral supplementation, our

> objectives should be simple:


> - Take only the minerals we absolutely need

> - Take the smallest amounts possible

> - Nothing left over ( no metabolic residue)


> Some of the above ideas may seem strange and difficult to understand,

> on first reading. But it is truly a very simplified version of what

> actuallytakes place.


> Most of the technical details were omitted for the sake

> ofclarity and brevity. However, the correctness of the above basic

> frameworkis verifiable.




> We are living in the age of the Junk Science Hustle. Everybody's an

> expert, often quoting shaky sources, shaky facts, and shaky claims

> which mayhave no foundation in physical reality.

> --- End forwarded message ---


> JoAnn Guest

> jgu-

> Friendsforhea-

> DietaryTi-

> http://www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/Melanoma.html

> http://www.geocities.com/mrsjoguest/AIM.html


> *theaimcompanies*

> -Wisdom of the past,Food of the future-

> " Health is not a Medical Issue "





> Getting well is done one step at a time, day by day, building health

> and well being.


> list or archives: Gettingwell


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>Wallach states that colloidals are negatively charged, and >this


>intestinal absorption.


This is another thing. When my husband had brain cancer, it proliferated

with each surgery when the oxygen got on it from having his skull open. I

had always heard that oxygen is lethal to cancer.


Now that it's too late, I've learned that it is only the positive oxygen

ions that are harmful and the negative ones would have been beneficial.

There were just too many positive oxygen ions in the OR.


I'm so confused, LOL,




" JoAnn Guest " <angelprincessjo



> Mineral Supplements: In regards to Absorption JoAnn Guest

> Oct 26, 2002 09:52 PDT


> " JoAnn Guest " <angelpri-;

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Gettingwell, " Starris " <starrisg@i...> wrote:

> >Wallach states that colloidals are negatively charged, and >this

> >enhances

> >intestinal absorption.


> This is another thing. When my husband had brain cancer, it


> with each surgery when the oxygen got on it from having his skull

open. I

> had always heard that oxygen is lethal to cancer.


> Now that it's too late, I've learned that it is only the positive


> ions that are harmful and the negative ones would have been


> There were just too many positive oxygen ions in the OR.


> I'm so confused, LOL,

> Starris




In order for oxygen to penetrate tumors, it must be

converted into ozone (O3), introduced into the bloodstream where it

converts to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that reaches the inner layers

of the blood vessels which causes them to dilate allowing oxygen to

pass into ischemic areas such as tumors.


I am including a link to Oasis Hospital in Southern Ca. founded by

Ernesto Contreras M.D where oxygenation therapy has been

successfully used in various types of cancers. This facility boasts

17% to 67% success depending on the " stage " in which the treatment

began. Allopathic medicine's success rate is only 3 to 4% if even

that. Very informative article...




> Extra-Corporeal Systemic Oxygenation (ESO)

JoAnn Guest

Oct 26, 2002 12:30 PDT




Extra-Corporeal Systemic Oxygenation (ESO)

after the initial three weeks at the


Dr. Otto Warburg demonstrated that malignant cells proliferate in an

anaerobic environment whereas normal cells require oxygen to


The solution to cancer seems simple : introduce oxygen directly to


malignant cells. If only it were that easy. Tumors have a mechanism

that reduces the presence of oxygen within them which causes the

cells lining the inside of blood vessels (endothelial cells) to

release " Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor " (VEGF). VEGF stimulates

the reproduction of blood vessels. The increase in blood vessels

allows tumors to grow.


the number of blood vessels around tumors increase, they become

restricted or collapsed which also makes it very difficult for

oxygen or even cancer drugs to reach the tumor. This is the ideal

condition for unrestricted multiplication of malignant cells.


Many different ways have been devised to deliver oxygen to tumors.


inhalation consumption, infusion or insufflations of oxygen, ozone

and hydrogen peroxide in liquid and gas forms have met with limited



Mechanical delivery systems such as tubes, needles and respirators


not produced sufficient results. What has been required is a

biochemical delivery system.


In order for oxygen to penetrate tumors, it must be

converted into ozone (O3), introduced into the bloodstream where it

converts to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that reaches the inner layers

of the blood vessels which causes them to dilate allowing oxygen to

pass into ischemic areas such as tumors. Why not introduce O2

instead of O3?

O2 does not create the biochemical reaction needed. Why not infuse


The required doses of H2O2 to make the biochemical mechanism


are toxic.


Mechanism of Action


O3 therapy is completely non-toxic because the O3 induces the


biochemical mechanism without producing and undesirable residue or

byproduct. O3 decomposes in blood water and reacts immediately with

several substances generating a cascade of reactive oxygen species


as H2O2 that have longer lifetimes than ozone and if unquenched

penetrate blood cells. Owing to the fact that blood is a sort of

universe containing so many different cells and compounds, it has


possible to understand why ozonated blood displays different


and therapeutic activities.


First, when H2O2 penetrates red cells and endothelial cells (the


lining of blood vessels) it leads to 1) an increase in delivery and

release of oxygen by hemoglobin toward the tissues (including


2) an increase in vasodilatation in ischemic areas and reduction of

hypoxia (this means that oxygen penetrates tumors), and 3) an


of the formation of new blood vessels due to the improvement of

oxygenation of the neoplastic tissue due to ozone's action, thus

restraining tumor growth.


Second, when H2O2 penetrates leukocytes, it induces the production

of a

special type of substance called cytokines such as interferon,

interleukin and others, which can stimulate an array of immune


such as activation of macrophages and neutrophils which retard the

cancer progression in immuno-depressed patients.


Third, an exciting new aspect is that ozone, being a strong


stimulates efficiency of antioxidant systems in the long term.


after six to ten sessions of introducing O3 into the bloodstream,


begin to experience relief from oxidative stress. These findings may

have an important practical implication because aging, chronic viral

infections, cancer, and autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases


accompanied by a pro oxidant state with a progressive decay of

intracellular detoxification so that the system of reduction-


become unbalanced (towards oxidation).


O3 treatment also eliminates viruses, bacteria and fungus which also

relieves a burden from the immune system allowing for faster


from illness.


Anti-tumor properties of O3 thus depend on O3 concentration and


of exposure. All these effects have an O3 dose threshold and there


also a toxicity threshold. Between the two, there is a window in


ozone could have therapeutic effects. The sudden rise of H2O2 in the

cytoplasm must reach a certain threshold in order to activate

biochemical pathways, and this implies that if the dose O3 is too


no activation will ensue and only a placebo effect could take place.


the other hand, if the H2O2 level is too high owing to an

inappropriately excessive O3 dose, the specter of oxidation and the

damage to vital intracellular components occurs.


Extra-Corporeal Systemic Oxygenation


Dr. Francisco Contreras of the Oasis of Hope has been working with


and O3 for twenty years. But until recently, he and his staff had


found a way to control the duration and saturation level of O3

adequately in order to induce a therapeutic effect. In 1999, the


of Hope began utilizing an extra corporeal loop much like that used


kidney dialysis. An O3 generator is attached to the loop and the


rate of O3, blood saturation level and duration are monitored and

controlled. The patient's entire blood volume is exposed to O3 for


duration that is required and the oxygen levels in the bloodstream


be increased up to 650 percent if necessary. The experience at the


of Hope of introducing O3 into the bloodstream has produced


objective results in many patients and complete eradication of

cancer in

a number of patients.


For more information please call 1-888-500-HOPE



JoAnn Guest








-Wisdom of the past,Food of the future-

" Health is not a Medical Issue "


> -

> " JoAnn Guest " <angelprincessjo>



> > Mineral Supplements: In regards to Absorption JoAnn Guest

> > Oct 26, 2002 09:52 PDT

> >

> > " JoAnn Guest " <angelpri-;

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Ingesting dietary grade clay may have some great benefits regarding a

natural source for mineral uptake that is effective in re-mineralizing

the body naturally. It's also an excellent absorbing agent for toxins.

Particularly green illite from France. I have been fascinated by some

of the research lately surrounding French Green Illite and it's effect

on an incurable ulcer in Africa (Buruli Ulcer).


Illite apparently is able to pass though the cellular wall and enter

into the blood stream due to its unique porcupine needle like

structure and apparently travels throughout the body via the skin

(transdermal), blood stream and lymphatic system. This may explain why

it is also an excellent deliverer of mineral salts and trace elements.


There's a very interesting page about it here:


http://burulibusters.com/White%20Papers/Unraveling%20Clay's%20Secrets.htm " >


I don't know how much fulvic acid green illite clay contains but it

should provide a natural source for it.


Warm Regards,




Gettingwell, " JoAnn Guest " <angelprincessjo> wrote:

> Gettingwell, " Starris " <starrisg@i...> wrote:

> > >Wallach states that colloidals are negatively charged, and >this

> > >enhances

> > >intestinal absorption.

> >

> > This is another thing. When my husband had brain cancer, it

> proliferated

> > with each surgery when the oxygen got on it from having his skull

> open. I

> > had always heard that oxygen is lethal to cancer.

> >

> > Now that it's too late, I've learned that it is only the positive

> oxygen

> > ions that are harmful and the negative ones would have been

> beneficial.

> > There were just too many positive oxygen ions in the OR.

> >

> > I'm so confused, LOL,

> > Starris


> Starris,


> In order for oxygen to penetrate tumors, it must be

> converted into ozone (O3), introduced into the bloodstream where it

> converts to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that reaches the inner layers

> of the blood vessels which causes them to dilate allowing oxygen to

> pass into ischemic areas such as tumors.


> I am including a link to Oasis Hospital in Southern Ca. founded by

> Ernesto Contreras M.D where oxygenation therapy has been

> successfully used in various types of cancers. This facility boasts

> 17% to 67% success depending on the " stage " in which the treatment

> began. Allopathic medicine's success rate is only 3 to 4% if even

> that. Very informative article...




> > Extra-Corporeal Systemic Oxygenation (ESO)

> JoAnn Guest

> Oct 26, 2002 12:30 PDT


> http://www.oasisofhope.com/ohh/generalinfo/eso.htm


> Extra-Corporeal Systemic Oxygenation (ESO)

> after the initial three weeks at the


> Dr. Otto Warburg demonstrated that malignant cells proliferate in an

> anaerobic environment whereas normal cells require oxygen to

> survive.

> The solution to cancer seems simple : introduce oxygen directly to

> the

> malignant cells. If only it were that easy. Tumors have a mechanism

> that reduces the presence of oxygen within them which causes the

> cells lining the inside of blood vessels (endothelial cells) to

> release " Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor " (VEGF). VEGF stimulates

> the reproduction of blood vessels. The increase in blood vessels

> allows tumors to grow.

> As

> the number of blood vessels around tumors increase, they become

> restricted or collapsed which also makes it very difficult for

> oxygen or even cancer drugs to reach the tumor. This is the ideal

> condition for unrestricted multiplication of malignant cells.


> Many different ways have been devised to deliver oxygen to tumors.

> The

> inhalation consumption, infusion or insufflations of oxygen, ozone

> and hydrogen peroxide in liquid and gas forms have met with limited

> success.


> Mechanical delivery systems such as tubes, needles and respirators

> have

> not produced sufficient results. What has been required is a

> biochemical delivery system.


> In order for oxygen to penetrate tumors, it must be

> converted into ozone (O3), introduced into the bloodstream where it

> converts to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that reaches the inner layers

> of the blood vessels which causes them to dilate allowing oxygen to

> pass into ischemic areas such as tumors. Why not introduce O2

> instead of O3?

> O2 does not create the biochemical reaction needed. Why not infuse

> H2O2?

> The required doses of H2O2 to make the biochemical mechanism

> function

> are toxic.


> Mechanism of Action


> O3 therapy is completely non-toxic because the O3 induces the

> beneficial

> biochemical mechanism without producing and undesirable residue or

> byproduct. O3 decomposes in blood water and reacts immediately with

> several substances generating a cascade of reactive oxygen species

> such

> as H2O2 that have longer lifetimes than ozone and if unquenched

> penetrate blood cells. Owing to the fact that blood is a sort of

> universe containing so many different cells and compounds, it has

> become

> possible to understand why ozonated blood displays different

> biological

> and therapeutic activities.


> First, when H2O2 penetrates red cells and endothelial cells (the

> inner

> lining of blood vessels) it leads to 1) an increase in delivery and

> release of oxygen by hemoglobin toward the tissues (including

> tumors),

> 2) an increase in vasodilatation in ischemic areas and reduction of

> hypoxia (this means that oxygen penetrates tumors), and 3) an

> inhibition

> of the formation of new blood vessels due to the improvement of

> oxygenation of the neoplastic tissue due to ozone's action, thus

> restraining tumor growth.


> Second, when H2O2 penetrates leukocytes, it induces the production

> of a

> special type of substance called cytokines such as interferon,

> interleukin and others, which can stimulate an array of immune

> functions

> such as activation of macrophages and neutrophils which retard the

> cancer progression in immuno-depressed patients.


> Third, an exciting new aspect is that ozone, being a strong

> oxidizer,

> stimulates efficiency of antioxidant systems in the long term.

> Usually

> after six to ten sessions of introducing O3 into the bloodstream,

> cells

> begin to experience relief from oxidative stress. These findings may

> have an important practical implication because aging, chronic viral

> infections, cancer, and autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases

> are

> accompanied by a pro oxidant state with a progressive decay of

> intracellular detoxification so that the system of reduction-

> oxidation

> become unbalanced (towards oxidation).


> O3 treatment also eliminates viruses, bacteria and fungus which also

> relieves a burden from the immune system allowing for faster

> recovery

> from illness.


> Anti-tumor properties of O3 thus depend on O3 concentration and

> length

> of exposure. All these effects have an O3 dose threshold and there

> is

> also a toxicity threshold. Between the two, there is a window in

> which

> ozone could have therapeutic effects. The sudden rise of H2O2 in the

> cytoplasm must reach a certain threshold in order to activate

> biochemical pathways, and this implies that if the dose O3 is too

> low,

> no activation will ensue and only a placebo effect could take place.

> On

> the other hand, if the H2O2 level is too high owing to an

> inappropriately excessive O3 dose, the specter of oxidation and the

> damage to vital intracellular components occurs.


> Extra-Corporeal Systemic Oxygenation


> Dr. Francisco Contreras of the Oasis of Hope has been working with

> O2

> and O3 for twenty years. But until recently, he and his staff had

> not

> found a way to control the duration and saturation level of O3

> adequately in order to induce a therapeutic effect. In 1999, the

> Oasis

> of Hope began utilizing an extra corporeal loop much like that used

> for

> kidney dialysis. An O3 generator is attached to the loop and the

> flow

> rate of O3, blood saturation level and duration are monitored and

> controlled. The patient's entire blood volume is exposed to O3 for

> the

> duration that is required and the oxygen levels in the bloodstream

> may

> be increased up to 650 percent if necessary. The experience at the

> Oasis

> of Hope of introducing O3 into the bloodstream has produced

> favorable

> objective results in many patients and complete eradication of

> cancer in

> a number of patients.


> For more information please call 1-888-500-HOPE



> JoAnn Guest

> jgu-

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> " Health is not a Medical Issue "


> > -

> > " JoAnn Guest " <angelprincessjo>

> >

> >

> > > Mineral Supplements: In regards to Absorption JoAnn Guest

> > > Oct 26, 2002 09:52 PDT

> > >

> > > " JoAnn Guest " <angelpri-;

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