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Fw: Send-an-e-mail-to-the-codex-delegates

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This arrived earlier. News about Codex is not new, but the

little utility at URL at end makes it easy to send a letter to all

the people involved with codex.






<vita-news (AT) free--access-to-vitamins (DOT) net>


Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:05 AM




> Dear Natural Health Supporter


> Did you know that European and International legislation is

proposing to:


> ¨ Ban over 300 natural ingredients from free sale

> ¨ Restrict the dosage level of 'approved' nutrients to levels that

will render them ineffective

> ¨ Ban herbal remedies for no other reason than that they don't have

a 30 year history of use

> ¨ Ban any statements about the effectiveness of nutrients in

dealing with disease

> ¨ Give governments the right to re-classify safe and effective

natural remedies as medicines - at will


> We have to put a stop to this - here's how.


> (Please scroll down to the bottom of this mail if you are already

informed about these issues - with a few mouseclicks you can save

vitamin freedom now!)


> 2002 has seen many advances in the scientific proof of the

effectiveness of natural remedies. This year, not only have

independent, unbiased research scientists published papers that

attest to the powerful healing properties of these side effect free

natural substances, but even the pharma-infested American Medical

Association and World Health Organisation have been forced to admit

to their health-giving properties.


> This increased acceptance of natural remedies comes as a direct

result of the publication by Dr Rath of the results of his

groundbreaking research into the natural treatment of cancer earlier

this year and his continuing pioneering work in the field of

cardiovascular disease, for which he has been granted the world's

first natural therapy patents.


> On 8th March 2002, following thorough validation, Dr Rath announced

his breakthrough in the natural treatment of cancer in the world's

largest newspaper, USA Today. Within weeks, the World Health

Organisation published a report (

http://www.who.int/hpr/nutrition/ExpertConsultationGE.htm ) that

contains the following statement:


> " Nutrition is coming to the fore as a major modifiable determinant

for chronic disease, with scientific evidence increasingly supporting

the view that alterations in diet have strong effects, both negative

and positive, on health throughout life. Most importantly, dietary

adjustments can not only influence present health, but determine

whether or not an individual will develop diseases such as cancer,

cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, much later in life. "


> Throughout this year, many new studies have been published in

newspapers and magazines attesting to the efficacy of natural

remedies in the treatment of widespread diseases such as

cardiovascular disease and cancer. Perhaps the most significant

event, however, was the statement by the American Medical Association

published on 19th June 2002 (

http://jama.ama-assn.org/issues/v287n23/abs/jsr20001.html ). After

more than 20 years of flat denial and outright opposition, the AMA

finally announced that the health of every adult citizen of the

United States would benefit from the taking of a daily vitamin






> However, those of us who exercise our fundamental human right to

choose safe, effective and side effect free remedies over toxic and

sometimes life-threatening pharmaceutical drugs cannot afford to be

complacent. Yes, we have achieved some victories, but the battle

continues to rage on many different fronts.


> The European Commission, under the influence and concerted lobbying

of the pharmaceutical 'Business With Disease' is pressing forward its

legislative campaign to ban all access to natural remedies. Ignoring

over 600 million democratically registered votes in favour of natural

therapies this programme consists of:


> ¨ The Food Supplements Directive that will remove over 300

ingredients from free sale and restrict the dosage level of the

'approved' nutrients to levels that will render them mostly


> ¨ The Traditional Herbal Medicines Directive that will remove safe

and effective herbal remedies from free sale in the European Union

for no other reason than that they do not have a 30 year history of

use here, even if they have been in use successfully in non-EU

countries for that length of time or longer.

> ¨ The Health Claims Regulation that will ban any statements about

the effectiveness of nutrients in dealing with disease, except those

'pre-approved' by the European Commission that will be homogenous and

carry no real meaning.

> ¨ Amendments to the Medicines Directive that will give national

medicines agencies the right to re-classify safe and effective

nutrient remedies as medicines - at will. This right will mean that

ANY natural remedy can be removed from sale immediately, even where

the remedies are already effectively regulated under other

legislation and may have been for years. In other words, medicine law

will take precedence in health legislation.


> Even more serious is the work of the joint UN Food & Agriculture

Organisation/World Health Organisation's Codex Alimentarius Committee

( http://www.codexalimentarius.net/ ). Codex intends to apply rules

similar to those of the EU in respect of vitamin and mineral

supplements (restriction of dosage levels to ineffective amounts) in

all UN member states worldwide. Whilst the Codex rules are designed

as regulations for member states to follow, the consequences of

non-compliance are so aggressive (trade sanctions, credit

restrictions and trade embargoes) that all UN member states are

likely to follow them to the letter, making Codex rules often more

effective than national laws. The Codex Commission's next meeting to

further these aims and thereby protect the financial markets of the

pharmaceutical industry to whom they are in thrall, takes place from

4th to 8th November this year behind the barbed-wire fences of the

BgVV (Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and

Veterinary Medicine) building in Berlin.


> Thanks to your fantastic support last year in both the email

campaign and at the protest meeting in Berlin, the Codex Commission

was forced to suspend action on their plans to ban vitamins and

minerals worldwide. However, these plans are back on the agenda again

this year and Codex is taking no chances. Two very large,

pharmaceutical industry financed studies have been published this

year, promoting more drug use and rubbishing natural remedies. Both

studies ( http://www.ctsu.ox.ac.uk/~hps/ and

http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/health/story.jsp?story=341747 )

state that statins are 'the new aspirin' and should be taken by many

more people than they currently are and the earlier study came to the

conclusion that 'vitamins are useless' in treating disease. The

pharmaceutical industry's friends in the media made sure that these

reports received far more prominent coverage than anything about the

real health effects of natural remedies and consequently, the casual

observer could be forgiven for thinking that statins work and

vitamins don't. Shame the media forgot to mention that statins kill

people and that, if more and more people take them, more and more

people will die. Still, think of the profits for the

pharma-cartel.and the advertising revenue for the media.


> This campaign to promote killer drugs at the expense of life-saving

natural remedies received further support from the World Health

Organisation last week. Its World Health Report 2002 (advance details

available at: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/releases/pr83/en/ ) will

repeat the dogma that statins are the key to the future health and

happiness of the world's populations - but will not mention the fact

that they cause muscle wasting diseases, liver damage and death.

After all, they don't want to upset their friends in the

pharma-cartel do they?


> So, friends and supporters, the time is here once again for you to

'man the barricades!' As more and more people around the world start

to use safe, effective and side effect free natural remedies that

become a vital part of their personal healthcare regime - and stop

using so many pharmaceutical drugs - the financial interests of the

'Business With Disease' dictates that the industry try to protect

itself from this threat to its markets. It does this by influencing

policy-makers around the world to enact legislation that will both

ban natural remedies for all time and further support the sales of

pharmaceutical drugs. The killing fields thus get bigger and bigger

and extend into ever more countries.


> We have to put a stop to this.


> You can help to do this in two ways.


> Firstly, by writing a personal letter to all Codex delegates



> ¨ The immediate withdrawal of all rules/legislation that in any way

affects the free sale of natural remedies anywhere in the world

> ¨ The introduction of rules/legislation that actively promotes the

widespread use of natural therapies in the public health programmes

of all UN member countries

> ¨ The immediate removal of any rules/legislation from the statute

books that promotes the use of pharmaceutical drugs where a safer and

more effective natural remedy is available (for example in treating

high blood pressure, cardio-vascular disease or cancer)



> The website http://www.dr-rath-foundation.org offers a 115kb

program for download that will enable you to send your personal

letter as an email to all Members of the Codex Alimentarius

Commission. It just takes a few mouse clicks to do that!

> Secondly, by registering to attend our anti-Codex congress in

Berlin on 2nd November and our protest gathering outside the BgVV

building on 4th November.


> As someone who values their fundamental human right to make a free

choice about how they look after their own health, you owe it to

yourself and your family to protect that right by writing these

letters now - and by forwarding this email to all the names in your

email address book so that they can do the same.


> Thanks for your support.


> See you in Berlin - Make Health Not War!

> --

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