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Facts about the FDA, the AMA, ADA.

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Facts about the FDA, the AMA, ADA.

" The sincerest motives of the medical PROFESSION are derailed by the greed and

power of the medical INDUSTRY. "



The Medical System in the USA is guilty of deception, fraud, murder, and

cover-ups. But this does not mean the entire system is useless. Rarely is

anything bad w/o some good. An MD's skills are wonderfully used when they can

save lives from accidents, gunshots, birth defects, and such. If you are ever

shot or injured, the first place you want to go is the Emergency Room, staffed

with well-trained, competent surgeons! It is not this area of medicine that is

the problem. It is the area of treating illness or diseases where the problem

exists, and the problem lies mainly with the system's control over what options

the MD's have available.



For example: if you are ever diagnosed with cancer, you need to know that your

MD or Oncologist is legally forbidden from curing your cancer. Their hands are

tied by the FDA and AMA, who have used their power to pass legislation

forbidding any licensed MD from treating cancer with anything other than

treatments that have never proven to work - surgery, radiation, and


" The thing that bugs me is that people think the Food and Drug Administration is

protecting them -- it isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks

it's doing are as different as night and day. " --Dr. Herbert L. Ley, former

Commissioner of the FDA

Did you know? The average lifespan of the average American is 75 years, while

the average lifespan of your MD is 58 years! Following your doctor's advice can

cost you 17 years of your life (if you're lucky)!! Is there something our

Doctor's are not being taught?

In spite of our supposedly superior medical technology, the USA is #1 in the

world in degenerative disease and the 20th in life expectancy. - World Health


" Heart disease, cancer, stroke are the top 3 killers in our country [Despite the

fact that all 3 of these diseases have been curable for decades]. The 4th major

killer in the US is prescription drugs. " - USA Today

Did you know that each of these diseases was cured over 20 years ago: diabetes,

heart disease, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis,

ulcers and others? Yes, each of these diseases has been cured - in animals, not

in people! Why not in us? Could there be something veterinarians know that our

doctors are not allowed to tell us?

Any treatment that you can obtain and self-administer threatens to remove your

doctor from the treatment program. Although your doctor may not object to this,

the American Medical Association (AMA) is strongly opposed to such a trend. For

this reason theAmerican Medical Associationhas pushed for legislation to prevent

the public from ever being exposed to alternatives.

The term conspiracy has become extremely unfashionable. It is popular to label

anyone who points out a conspiracy as paranoid. This reaction is so prevalent

that we have developed into a society of closed minds. Open up a bit and

consider what powerful drug companies have accomplished after decades of a

Congress for sale. The legislation that the Pharma-Cartel companies have managed

to get passed has a real effect on anyone who becomes sick.


(For a full explanation and analysis of this issue, visit Quack Pot Watch and

find out how you can protect your freedom of choice in health care. Don't let

someone else's greed rob YOU of YOUR health!)

(Medical professionals kill over 300,000 patients a year as a result of medical

negligence! - USA Today, 1/13/91)

Table of Contents


The state of Modern Medicine

Editorial Opinion


FDA's Agenda

FDA to shutdown Medical Freedom websites

FDA becomes " partner " of the pharmaceutical industry. - LA Times

True origin of AIDS/HIV

More on the Gov't Lab Origin of Aids

Gov't AIDS lab flowchart

Polluted Polio Vaccine

Your right to refuse Vaccinations

Numerous links related to vaccinations

Letter to AMA by Matthias Rath, MD

" Doctors Are the Third Leading Cause of Death In the US

Parents fight FDA to save Son's life


Is US Health Really the Best in the World? ÀBarbara Starfield, MD, MPH

12,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery, 7000 deaths/year from medication

errors in hospitals, 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals, 80,000

deaths/year from nosocomial infections in hospitals, 106,000 deaths/year from

nonerror, adverse effects of medications. These total to 225,000 deaths per year

from iatrogenic causes. Three caveats should be noted. First, most of the data

are derived from studies in hospitalized patients. Second, these estimates are

for deaths only and do not include adverse effects that are associated with

disability or discomfort. Third, the estimates of death due to error are lower

than those in the IOM report. If the higher estimates are used, the deaths due

to iatrogenic causes would range from 230,000 to 284,000. In any case, 225,000

deaths per year constitutes the third leading cause of death in the United

States, after deaths from heart disease and


" It used to be that drug companies simply gave grants to academic medical

centres for the use of their clinical researchers to do a study and that was it.

It was at arm's length. The researcher did a study and he or she published the

results, whatever those results would be. Now, it's very, very different. The

drug companies increasingly design the studies. They keep the data. They don't

even let the researchers see the data. They analyse the data. They decide

whether they're going to even publish the data at the end of it. They sign

contracts with researchers and with academic medical centres saying that they

don't get to publish their work unless they get permission from the drug

company.ÀÀ So, you can see that the distortion starts even before publication.

ItÀ starts in determining what's going to be published and what isn't going toÀ

be published. This is no longer arm's length. It's treating the researchers and

the academic medical centres as though they were hired guns or technicians or

something. They just do the work. And the drug company will decide what the data

show, what the conclusions are and whether it will even be published. " ------Dr

Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine


" By the time it was pulled from the market, the FDA had received reports of 24

deaths of children under age 6 who were given Propulsid. By then the drug had

generated U.S. sales of $2.5 billion for Johnson & Johnson Co. " - LA Times Read

about the " new " FDA. "


Did God " bless us " with doctor's as some religious people believe? And how

should we pray for sick loved one's who are hospitalized or under a doctor's


Pray that they will find the truth and seek help outside the mainstream

treatments if you really want these people to recover and live. If we are going

to pray for " the doctors to have wisdom " we need to pray they will be willing to

put their license on the line and treat the patient with something that really

works!! Contrary to some beliefs, God did not give us doctors to heal and cure

us anymore than He gave us auto mechanics to fix our cars!! They are both

technicians trained to do their work, while subject to the same limitations of

educational bias, profit-motive, and obsolete knowledge. The difference is that

a bad mechanic may ruin your car, but an uninformed doctor can kill you - they

are the 3rd leading cause of death In the US!!

What's the answer to the FDA/AMA Pharma-Cartel's tight grip around the throat of

the medical industry? Give Almighty God complete control of our individual lives

- then, we will begin to know the truth; the truth will set us free; and we will

have His wisdom about our health, etc. It is NOT His will that our lives be cut

short by disease, nor that greedy evil men be allowed to triumph.




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The book Osler's Web also has a lot of good info on how the CDC is

NOT safeguarding our health.


I'm to the point where whenever I hear the CDC is on something, I

automatically think, " Oh, no. Those poor people putting their trust

in the CDC and expecting the CDC to help them. "


I was living in AZ when the huanta virua first began to surface in

the desert southwest. If the CDC had listened to the Navaho elders,

the riddle of the " new " , deadly malady that rapidly was killing

anyone who contacted it would have been solved long before it was.

After some newspapers carried what the Navaho elders were saying, the

CDC finally paid attention and identified the vector and the

contagion. Naturally the CDC tried to take total credit when the

crucial clues had been provided by the elders. Clues that the CDC had

disregarded to begin with.



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