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Dear Group,


We have updated the links section. It is growing.


here is a list of pretty good health links.




A group for benzodiazepine education

A group for people who have taken benzodiazepines (valium, xanax, klonipin etc.)

and have been hurt by the horrible effects of these drugs.

benzo/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut ASK DR STOLL


http://askwaltstollmd.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Alive & Well AIDS


a non-profit grassroots education, support, and research organization founded by

a group of HIV positive diagnosed men and women who have learned to live in

health without AIDS drugs and without fear of illness.

http://www.aliveandwell.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Alternative Mental


Site for the Non Drug treatment of mental illness.

http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Anti-depressants - SSRI type drugs

Dangers involved with taking SSRI type drugs.

http://www.prozacspotlight.org califpacific Edit Delete Cut Australian site for


Australian site for treating cancer using B 17 and other complimentary


http://www.b17.com.au/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Autism Research Institute

Devoted to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research,

http://www.autism.com/ari/contents.html#icbr califpacific Edit Delete Cut Bad

behavior and illness caused by chemical imbalance

One man crusade. Free real, non commercial, book for all those who suffer from

biochemical imbalances

http://www.biochemimbal-behavior.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Benzo org

The mother of all benzo truth sites. Find out the real truth about all benzos

like valium, ativan, xanax, librium, klonipin etc. If you are taking a

tranquilizer or a sleeping pill, you probably are being damaged and don't know


http://www.benzo.org.uk califpacific Edit Delete Cut Bolen Report

An online report for alternative medicine news. Read it and get informed.

http://www.bolenreport.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Burzynski Clinic for

the treatment of cancer.

Dr. Burzynski uses amino acid parts to cure cancer. He has very good results.

http://www.cancermed.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Burzynski cancer support


A support site for Dr. Burzynski put up by his patients.

http://CancerBusters.Com califpacific Edit Delete Cut Campaign Against

Fraudulent Medical Research

big health related site

http://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Cancer Control


alternate cancer society and clearinghouse for information using alternate

methods since 1976

http://www.cancercontrolsociety.com/default.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Cancer Cure Website

Good non commercial site covering alternate cancer treatments

http://www.datadepo.com/cancercure/index.htm califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Cancer Victors and friends

A grass roots organization to have chapters in communities for support and

education about alternative cancer therapies.

http://www.cancervictors.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Cancer-Info

This site has a link with some good resources to fight cancer with alternative


http://www.cancer-info.com/alt-ther.htm califpacific Edit Delete Cut Citizens

for Health

Citizens for Health is the consumer voice for the natural health community

http://www.citizens.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Cure Research Foundation

began in 1976 with a special focus on cancer, and our cancer division is the

backbone of our current program. In March 2002, we decided to cover other health

disorders as well.

http://www.cancure.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Doctor Yourself Health


One of the best health and healing sites on the net. A fantastic on line library

of health conditions and cures.

http://www.doctoryourself.com califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr Edward Bach

The bach flower remedies and more.

http://www.bachcentre.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr Rath free online

videos and books.

Free on line books and videos showing research into many diseases such as

cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. very good site.

http://www.dr-rath-research.org/home/index.php califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr.

Abram Hoffer Ph.D M.D.

Dr. Hoffer's views on mental illness. Dr hoffer is a great figure in the real

findings in the treatment of mental illness.

http://www.islandnet.com/~hoffer/hofferhp.htm califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr.

Abram Hoffer Ph.D M.D.

Dr. Hoffer's views on nutrition and cancer.

http://www.islandnet.com/~hoffer/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Cathcart


Good site by Dr. Cathcart, a long time outspoken advocate of nutritional


http://www.orthomed.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Fred A. Baughman Jr.,


Exposing the Fraud of ADD and ADHD

http://www.adhdfraud.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Hugh Riordan M.D.

Site for a huge orthomolecular clinic in Kansas specializing in cancer and other

hard to treat disease.

http://www.brightspot.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Joanna Budwig

Dr. Budwig on flax seed oil, omega 3s and cancer.

http://lightsv.org/bud1.htm califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Lorainne Day M.D.

site for Dr. Day M.D.

http://www.drday.com califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Mattias Rath

(co-researcher with Linus Pauling

Good web site showing studies for nutritional treatment of major diseases.

http://www.drrath.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Peter Breggin's Website

Dr. Breggins website showing the dangers of drugs for mental illness. They

actually cause mental illness. A very good site.

http://www.breggin.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Dr. Rath Speech on

Orthomolecular Medicine

healing with nutrition

http://www.drrath.com/menue/documents/uk/lecture-augsburg.html califpacific Edit

Delete Cut Dr. William D. Kelley DDS MS

Site for outspoken critic of standard cancer treatment who cured himself of

cancer. Wrote a well known book on cancer therapy.

http://www.drkelley.info/articles/archive.php?artid=269 califpacific Edit Delete

Cut Drug Awareness

The dangers about many prescription drugs for depression, etc., and their

possible horrible consequences

http://www.drugawareness.org/home.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut Enzymes and

Autism Group

Good group dealing with autism and other diseases and using enzyme therapy

enzymesandautism/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal Measure, Spoonful

DORway consists of around 800 WEB pages (approximately 12,000 printed pages) of

solid time-tested documentation that aspartame is neither a decent diet aid...

nor was it ever proven to be safe!

http://www.dorway.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Essiac Information.

Essiac for treatment of cancer.

http://www.essiacinfo.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Fighting Cancer

For cancer resources, information about cancer treatment options and cancer

patient support. Free online book by Jonathan Chamberlain

http://www.fightingcancer.com/index.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut Flax oil

for Cancer (Group)

Good group that uses flax oil to treat and control cancer

FlaxSeedOil2/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Gettingwell Group

Our group for using natural means to cure disease.

Gettingwell/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Google

Search Engine

a vey good search engine for web wide searches.

http://www.google.com califpacific Edit Delete Cut Great Plains Laboratory

The Great Plains Laboratory helps children and adults with conditions such as

autism & PDD, ADD/ADHD, Down's Syndrome with autistic-like symptoms,

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, MS or MS-like symptoms, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,

Brain Fog, Depression, Psychosis, GI disorders, and many other diseases and


http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/home.htm califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory


http://www.gsdl.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Group education of SSRI type

drugs - Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc.

Group for the education about the horrible dangers in SSRI type antidepressants

like prozac, paxil, zoloft, etc.

drugawareness/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut HIV &


Is HIV - the AIDS virus - harmless? Is AIDS not contagious?

http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut HIV & AIDS - ACT UP

San Francisco

ACT UP San Francisco

http://www.actupsf.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Healthy Child Online

Empower yourself with the information you need to make informed choices to

protect the health of your children

http://www.healthychild.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Hoxsey Treatment for


Good site for links about Hoxsey and the treatment for cancer and resources.

http://www.hoxsey.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Iatrogenic (doctor caused

disease) Web Site


http://www.iatrogenic.org/index.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut International

Advocates for Health Freedom


http://www.iahf.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Kefir Making Group

Good group for the art of making kefir, its alternative products, and their

nutritional/health giving attributes.

Kefir_making/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Kefir


Dom's Kefir site. A great site on making and using kefir.

http://users.chariot.net.au/~dna/kefirpage.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Kombucha Tea Site

Fermented Kombucha Tea Brewed with a Kombucha scoby that is a symbiosis of

beneficial bacteria and yeasts.

http://w3.trib.com/~kombu/FAQ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Linus Pauling PHD

Two time nobel winner Dr. Pauling research on vitamin C and heart disease and


http://www.paulingtherapy.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Living and Raw


About the power of the living and raw vegetarian food diet.

http://www.rawfoods.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Medical Truth Online

To Communicate truth and hope by encouraging the ill and disabled to persue

their healing through proven effective treatments, and to educate and inform the

public about the state of the medical system in the US.

http://medicaltruth.com/home.mgi califpacific Edit Delete Cut NutritionFocus

Nutrition Focus is a nutrition health and wellness portal

http://www.nutritionfocus.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Perfect Sight

Without Glasses

The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses

http://www.iblindness.org/books/bates/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Pharmacuetical drugs

Page by Dr. M. Rath about the drug industry


califpacific Edit Delete Cut Price-Pottenger Nutritional Foundation.


http://www.price-pottenger.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Prostate Cancer


Prostate Cancer Cured When traditional methods failed, Flaxseed Oil suceeded

http://home.usit.net/~spinner/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Prostate Health


Welcome to the Internet's most comprehensive resource for avoiding and curing

prostate cancer and other prostate problems with proven non-invasive means.

http://www.prostate90.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Prozac Truth

site about the dangers of SSRI type antidepressants like Prozac, Paxil, Effexor

and others.

http://www.prozactruth.com califpacific Edit Delete Cut Quit Paxil, Prozac and

other SSRI type antidepressants safely before you are damaged

SSRI drugs covered. Quitting safely. Dangers involed with taking these type


http://www.quitpaxil.org califpacific Edit Delete Cut Red Flags Weekly

The mission of redflagsweekly.com is to probe health and medical scientific

issues in a manner that one rarely encounters in mainstream news reports. If you

want to know, read the truth here.

http://www.redflagsweekly.com/index.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut Rene

Cassie and Essiac History

Site for the history of Rene Cassie, and Essiac for cancer treatment

http://www.essiacinfo.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Roger J. Williams PHD.

Pioneer in Biochemistry, Nutrition, Biochemical Individuality, and Public


http://www.cm.utexas.edu/williams/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut SAY NO TO


This site contains more than 600 modern drugs that are likely to be prescribed

by our orthodox medical doctors along-side the usually low-cost, non-toxic, and

often more effective orthomolecular alternatives

http://www.internetwks.com/saynotodrugs/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut SSRI

research -

about SSRI type drugs like Prozac, Paxil, etc.

ssri-research califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Shirley's Wellness Cafe

This free educational web site is dedicated to help promote self care using

natural nontoxic means,

http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Stephan

Edelson M. D.

Site for Edelson Clinic in Atlanta, Ga

http://www.ephca.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut The Gerson Institute

Gerson Institute for cancer treatment. Following principles of Dr Max Gerson who

had success with nutritional approaches to curing cancer.

http://www.gerson.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut The Nutrition Reporter

Reports vitamin and mineral therapies.

http://www.thenutritionreporter.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut The

Paleolithic Diet Page

The Paleolithic Diet Page What the Hunter/Gatherers Ate

http://www.panix.com/~paleodiet/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut The Townsend

Letter For Doctors And Patients.

We are the doctors and patients who are “in the trenches”, dealing with symptoms

and disease using alternative medicine. We share stories and information about

the good, the bad and the unworkable parts of alternative medicine.

http://www.townsendletter.com/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Truth about Prozac,

Paxil and other serotonin type drugs.

A group for those who have been damaged by the very real dangers of serotonin

type drugs. ie. Antidepressants, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and others..

prozactruth/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Udo

Erasmus on oils and fats,

Researching the effects of fats and oils on human health

http://www.udoerasmus.com./ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Vaccinations Website

Outspoken critic of vaccines

http://www.whale.to/vaccines.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut Vegetarian Pages

the premier website for vegetarian information

http://www.veg.org/veg/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Vitamin C Foundation.

Study of vitamin C and it's many uses for health.

http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Vitamin C Site

a vey good site for coverage of vitamin C

http://www.cforyourself.com califpacific Edit Delete Cut WHALE

Whale health site.

http://www.whale.to/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut Wobe Mugos Enzymes

Enzymes for Treatment of Cancer And Other Disease

http://www.mucos.cz/eng/ califpacific Edit Delete Cut World Without Cancer

Site presenting Laetril and Vitamin B-17 information

http://www.worldwithoutcancer.org.uk/research.html califpacific Edit Delete Cut

Search Engine

Although search is available from this page (and all pages of sites)

it is included here to help you find it easier.




Gettingwell- / Vitamins, Herbs, Aminos, etc.


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Or, go to our group site: Gettingwell





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