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What if we lose a plant that cures Cancer!

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What if we lose a plant that cures Cancer!


We hear this from those that deplore the loss of Forests-----


But what does it mean, what good is a plant if the established powers will

never let a plant be used to cure Cancer?


For a realistic viewpoint go to

http://curezone.org/art/read.asp?ID=91 & db=5 & C0=779 and read the Article by

Kenny Ausubel, " Tikkun Magazine. " June 12, 2001


Excerpt: " There is another cancer war -- against

" unproven " alternative cancer. "



" In February 2001, a federal government-sponsored report under the auspices

of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was published finding " noteworthy

cases of survival " among cancer patients using the Hoxsey herbal treatment.

After seventy-five years, Uncle Sam is finally giving a state nod to what is

arguably the most notorious alternative cancer therapy in American history. "


If you have Cancer this is a most interesting read!



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To add to that, Anyone wanting to learn about cancer need only go to

our links page and there are many many links for cancer treatment.


I do not say which is best, that is for the individual to decide.


There are links for Hoxsey, Essiac, Flax OIl, Cantron, Gerson, and

many others.


A common link for most of the plant based cures is the page that I

posted a while back describing the mechanism using the cancer cells

affinity for sugars and their ability to take up more than the

surrounding cells.


These plant based medicines use the plants natural sugars locked in

with a toxic substance that is usually relatively harmless in this

natural stste, but when opened in the presence of an enzyme and

sulphur are unlocked inside the cancer cell and it explodes literally.


This has been known for many many years. Some of these plants have

been used to treat cancer for thousands of years.


Why hasn't this been known? Well you are going to have to educate

yourself some on that point. Use the same links page on our site.


The war against cancer will it's trillions of dollars spent wasn't

exactly what the average person envisioned or thinks.


The large bulk of that money was not spent on basic research. In fact

almost none of it was. Almost all of the research dollars went to

research which patentable drugs could be made and marketed to treat

the disease, not for basic research to stop the disease by knowing

exactley what the cause and what needed to be done to halt it.


That is what happens with almost all diseases in our society. They

are " researching " saleable products really, not disease. It should be

called the product research industry not health research.


I am pretty sure that most of the causes ( for most disease)are known

anyway, otherwise they wouldn't know the processes or pathways to

make a chemical to suppress the symptoms.


Kinda makes the tobacco thing aand the Enron thing look like small

potatoes, huh?


just my 2 cents,








Gettingwell , " Lorenzo " <lorenzo1@w...> wrote:

> What if we lose a plant that cures Cancer!


> We hear this from those that deplore the loss of Forests-----


> But what does it mean, what good is a plant if the established

powers will

> never let a plant be used to cure Cancer?


> For a realistic viewpoint go to

> http://curezone.org/art/read.asp?ID=91 & db=5 & C0=779 and read the

Article by

> Kenny Ausubel, " Tikkun Magazine. " June 12, 2001


> Excerpt: " There is another cancer war -- against

> " unproven " alternative cancer. "



> " In February 2001, a federal government-sponsored report under the


> of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was published

finding " noteworthy

> cases of survival " among cancer patients using the Hoxsey herbal


> After seventy-five years, Uncle Sam is finally giving a state nod

to what is

> arguably the most notorious alternative cancer therapy in American

history. "


> If you have Cancer this is a most interesting read!


> Lorenzo.

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