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reduced Zoloft dosatge

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Carla, please, please read my previous long post. Take care.


This is the way it works, you feel good, from reducing your dose; then

you have many times a normal dose downloaded from stored brain tissues

and you freak out. And you/docs think you need more. Crazy ups and

downs are the norm at unexpected times up to 6 months. Dr. Tracy's

rec you did not find for the scare perhaps, but for long term use,

take half that time up to one year to reduce your dose that gradually,

until you have other measures in place. THat means, shave a few

grains off the pill, not halF!!!!! Feel free to call, I offer a 10

minute doubter's free consult, BTW.


If you want care from a clinic which has this understanding and great

detox/cleanse tools, The Young Life Research CLinic in Utah will give

you validation to this, but I do not recommend while nursing.

http://www.younglifeclinic.com (801) 489-8650. They are using

essential oils protocols masterfully along with master cleanse guided

fasting, accupuncture, reflexology, colonics, massage, emotional

healing processes, multiple practitioners under one roof with much

experience in your regard, but no ayurveda. A week or two there in

residence is giving amazing good results with everything from long

term antidepressant use/complications to cancers, with long term

followup protocols, but then or instead I would consult Ayurveda and

plan on 1 - 2 weeks in residence doing the panchakarma therapy under

highly skilled ayurvedic physician's guidance, not just any

panchakarma clinic. Believe me, I know what I am talking about here.


Yes, there are those who I know of who make it through the first 6

months without too much boat rocking, but I wonder how much thay

aren't telling also.


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I have read all of your replies and thank you for such taking such

time with me. You are amazing and your heartfelt love shines through.


(I am up with ear infection and fussy sick baby so I thought I'd get

online and read more.)


You have so much info here for me that I will have to re-read your

posts! I will answer questions later and also have more questions for



The online group I moderate for is ppdsupportpage.com. I found your

post in the " lock box " . I asked the other mods why it was there. I

guess you posted this and needed to ask the administrator



I'm sure I can post this group on our website if you would like. You

may get many women here that have a whole host of problems and have no

idea at all about ayurvedic healing or even alternative healing. From

my experience dealing with these women, we only encourage them to seek

recovery that works for them. Most go the anti-d route. Some are

more hesitant and try suppliments and so on. These are the women that

may have an open mind to trying ayurveda. But I have nothing to say

in this regard as I have not tried it myself. I try to address those

with concerns re: natural remedies, but I feel I lack knowledge but

that it is worth exploring. My own try at natural healing was short

lived as I was in such a bad place, I really needed crisis treatment

to function and I didn't know where to turn otherwise.


It might be a good idea to post your website instead. That would give

ladies a starting point and wouldn't overload your . Just

let me know what you think.




ayurveda , " Martha Oakes " <martha@s...>


> Carla, please, please read my previous long post. Take care.


> This is the way it works, you feel good, from reducing your dose; then

> you have many times a normal dose downloaded from stored brain tissues

> and you freak out. And you/docs think you need more. Crazy ups and

> downs are the norm at unexpected times up to 6 months. Dr. Tracy's

> rec you did not find for the scare perhaps, but for long term use,

> take half that time up to one year to reduce your dose that gradually,

> until you have other measures in place. THat means, shave a few

> grains off the pill, not halF!!!!! Feel free to call, I offer a 10

> minute doubter's free consult, BTW.


> If you want care from a clinic which has this understanding and great

> detox/cleanse tools, The Young Life Research CLinic in Utah will give

> you validation to this, but I do not recommend while nursing.

> http://www.younglifeclinic.com (801) 489-8650. They are using

> essential oils protocols masterfully along with master cleanse guided

> fasting, accupuncture, reflexology, colonics, massage, emotional

> healing processes, multiple practitioners under one roof with much

> experience in your regard, but no ayurveda. A week or two there in

> residence is giving amazing good results with everything from long

> term antidepressant use/complications to cancers, with long term

> followup protocols, but then or instead I would consult Ayurveda and

> plan on 1 - 2 weeks in residence doing the panchakarma therapy under

> highly skilled ayurvedic physician's guidance, not just any

> panchakarma clinic. Believe me, I know what I am talking about here.


> Yes, there are those who I know of who make it through the first 6

> months without too much boat rocking, but I wonder how much thay

> aren't telling also.

> Martha

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I have read all your posts and re-read them. There is so much good

information that I'll most likely have to keep re-reading.


It's interesting, the Young Life Clinic. In their testemonial area

one of the Osmonds give's his experience with them. I just finished

reading Marie Osmonds story, " Behind the Smile " , her journey through

Post partum depression. The Dr. that treated her (she writes up her

idea's at length in the back of the book) sounds very much like this

same clinic's way of treatment. This book is a very good read, BTW.


I think I will be able to put a link to your website (not this group)

on our ppdsupportpage.com.


I will be ordering your book soon to look through and educate myself a



I do not have the means or money to go to the above clinic. If I won

the lotto, (or had substantial improvement in finances) I would do all

that you recomend to improve my health and overall well being. Then I

would follow through with each one of my kids.


I will have to do baby steps. I am reading, reading, reading for now.

I will see how our new insurance works next month. If I can, I may

go to Seattle at Bastyr and try out the Ayurveda Dr.s there. They

also have a sliding scale for low income.


We used to see a Western Tibetin Dr. on Orcas Island (in the San Juan

Islands http://www.gojiberry.com/pages/research3.html He read pulses

and treated with whole herbs and herbal pills. I went to him when I

was diagnosed with thyroid disorder (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). My

husband also had a huge allergic type blow out from touching chemicals

at his work and did a detox program through him. But we had to take a

long ferry ride (although very nice!) was really expensive so we

didn't follow up with him for long. Money seems always an issue as I

am a stay at home mom and my husband never has very well paying jobs.


I am looking into possibly applying for a grant to futher my education.


I have to agree that my panic was only " triggered " by the baby's

crying. I realize that my body was then crying out for help and I

felt from the very begining that my body was out of balance. That was

what I intuitively knew.


Also, I do believe in reincarnation. I have a copy of Paramahansa

Yogananda's books " Man's Eternal Quest " and " Autobiography of a Yogi " .

I have read more of the first book and tried to get into reading the

autobiography and ended up putting it down. I may try reading these

once again. What do you think of his teachings?


I will look further into Dr. Tracy's website and get her audio tape to

learn more. I will not wean off my current dose until I have a system

of support in place. (never want to get back to that Hellish past!!!)


Thank you again for all of your time. You are an angel!!!




ayurveda , " Martha Oakes " <martha@s...>


> Carla, please, please read my previous long post. Take care.


> This is the way it works, you feel good, from reducing your dose; then

> you have many times a normal dose downloaded from stored brain tissues

> and you freak out. And you/docs think you need more. Crazy ups and

> downs are the norm at unexpected times up to 6 months. Dr. Tracy's

> rec you did not find for the scare perhaps, but for long term use,

> take half that time up to one year to reduce your dose that gradually,

> until you have other measures in place. THat means, shave a few

> grains off the pill, not halF!!!!! Feel free to call, I offer a 10

> minute doubter's free consult, BTW.


> If you want care from a clinic which has this understanding and great

> detox/cleanse tools, The Young Life Research CLinic in Utah will give

> you validation to this, but I do not recommend while nursing.

> http://www.younglifeclinic.com (801) 489-8650. They are using

> essential oils protocols masterfully along with master cleanse guided

> fasting, accupuncture, reflexology, colonics, massage, emotional

> healing processes, multiple practitioners under one roof with much

> experience in your regard, but no ayurveda. A week or two there in

> residence is giving amazing good results with everything from long

> term antidepressant use/complications to cancers, with long term

> followup protocols, but then or instead I would consult Ayurveda and

> plan on 1 - 2 weeks in residence doing the panchakarma therapy under

> highly skilled ayurvedic physician's guidance, not just any

> panchakarma clinic. Believe me, I know what I am talking about here.


> Yes, there are those who I know of who make it through the first 6

> months without too much boat rocking, but I wonder how much thay

> aren't telling also.

> Martha

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Hi Carla;

I'm saying YEA to what I'm hearing! Like it says in the Bible, ASK,

and YE SHALL RECEIVE " I find this soo true - we keep asking, with

good intent, and the answers come. And thank Divine Intelligence for

creating so many ways to find and restore balance! By the way, one of

the many ways to restore balance after high VATA aggravators such as

childbearing is repitition, so reread is totally part of the

process... Aside from the nature also of being exposed (only with

written words here) to lots of new perspectives.


I wonder what percent of the movie stars having babies have PPD?!

Probably very high ...


Thanks for making the link. When you get your copy of my handbook,

look at the dietary recommendations and then give me a call, ok? MOst

likely they will be similar to your needs now, with some variations.

Hashimotos is did I say? a classic extended vata imbalance of low agni

high ama and chronic depletions.


Ahh, the lotto. Wishing all of us good fortune there. By the way, use

of the essential oil blend called Abundance by Young Living has given

excellent results - a drop topically on the throat, one or two times

daily cheap medicine for adjusting our inner process which can invite

more abundance into our life. Chiropracter friend in Boulder

discovered if she diffused it when client flow was down, she had to

quit after a couple days, too much business!


I have heard of this Doctor on Orcas Island, a friend of mine knows

him well and I hear also he is very good.


Good luck on your grant. One of my students paid for her education

with me through a grant.


Re Paramahansa Yogananda - I think many of us have read at least one

of his books. It is inspiring view into much greater possiblities for

human experience, and some idea of pathways. As far as serving you in

your personal growty ... I know they use good breath techniques and

yoga and so on, and always got good energy from the folks I met on

that path. When asked, I recommend taking personal meditation

instructon in the lineage/teaching of a living master, such as

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, Guru Mai, and there are

others. And I recommend making sure before you start that the

meditation will be effortless, not a technique of concentration or

contemplation. Appropriate style of Yoga and breath exercises make a

tremendous difference in the experience in the practice, and of course

medical conditions/health will influence the experience, but unless

you are under psychiatric care, you should be able to begin and enjoy.


Many Blessings;


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