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Lactose intolerant children should drink milk?

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Thank you for sharing this link, Dr. Bhate. I like your comment, best

doctor is mother. Maharishiji once said, " All mothers should have

ayurveda! GEt this knowledge to the mothers, and all your black holes

will be healed!!!! " He was also referring to the wisdom of practicing

Transcendental Meditation in the daily life of motherhood.


Dr. Bhate's message link, for others who have not yet followed it,

takes us to several practitioner's comments on this discussion of milk

intolerance including recent American Academy of Pediatrics comment,

the subject of this message.


Following is from Dr. Bhate's post, a very similar protocol to what I

learned using pippali instead of ginger and starting with 1/4 part

mmilk and 1 part water, gradually shifting the proportions. I had

forgotten how much of the herb was used, but it, along with boiling,

changes the digestibility of the milk. Very interesting!


I would also like to comment on his term, " crystal sugar " . This

refers to two conditions in my mind, one is the Indian " rock sugar "

which actually is very different in effect from white sugar. Comes in

small packets in Indian stores as small clear crystals maybe 1/4inch

in diameter. It is much gentler sweetness, still pitta and vata

pacifying, but does not aggravate kapha, perhaps reducing it usually?

Also, This sugar, unlike the indian jaggery, or our molasses and our

dark brown sugars rapadura and succanat, does not introduce a poor

food combining curdling influence to the milk when cooked together.

Here is one of the posts from the other discussion group.


Warm Regards;



Re: Lactose intolerant children should keep drinking milk?


There is a simple remedy for lactose intolerance. Acharyaji already

mentioned simplest possible remedy, but then some children may not

like the taste of milk so diluted, adding sugar is worse. The

proposed receipe, slightly more complex than what Acharyaji proposed,

gives taste to milk and is 101% ayurvedic.


Take 1 cup milk, 1 cup water, 1/2 tsp ginger powder mix all. Boil

slow heat till 1 cup remains. If you wish to take care of cough, cold

allergy or migraine, just add 2 pinches of turmeric powder before

boiling and in that case add some crystal sugar+cardamom when luke

warm and before drinking. If you add 1 tsp ghee and 2 pinches salt

just before drinking, it becomes dry cough cure. On the other hand

just with ginger powder added and 1 tsp castor oil (preferably at

bedtime) added it becomes arthritis, sciatica remedy. And with

crystal sugar, cardamaom it becomes insomnia remedy. Why these things

work this way explained on several articles on ayurveda.


Best doctor is mother and best dispensary is kitchen. Pediatrician

seem to be learning the things ayurveda taught milleniums ago.

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i like the recipe. what kind of milk do you use? raw?


what do you think about organic milk sold for lactose

intolerant people?

one mother i know gives it to her son.


i love this goup, it is so interesting.








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