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hehehehe---more doTERRA correspondence

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Howdy y'all,


> I would like to see some real independent testing, as I do believe they

> are setting themselves up. I would look for pesticides, phthalates and

> hydroperoxides, as well as fingerprinting.


> Robert



Actually . Robert .. Jessica .. I was chuckling while reading dang near all

of the Bovine Excrement contained in her post .. and its pretty obvious that

this lady knows little to nothing about essential oiils and probably less

about Aromatherapy .. she is simply passing along their canned pitch.

;-) Butch




> > > " They do not contain fillers or artificial ingredients that would

> dilute

> > > thier active qualities and are free of contaminants such as pesticides

> or

> > > other chemical residues. They far exceed AFNOR and ISO standards for

> > > purity. "

> > >

> >

> > Jessica Shenefield, LMBT

> > NC License #8367





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what's nice butch is that my client recognizes that as well. they've been

razzing the consultant. i'm of the school of thought that EOs shant be

taken internally so i'm nearly hyperventillating.


Jessica, NC


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Butch Owen <butchowen wrote:




> Howdy y'all,

> <snipped>


> Actually . Robert .. Jessica .. I was chuckling while reading dang near all

> of the Bovine Excrement contained in her post .. and its pretty obvious

> that

> this lady knows little to nothing about essential oiils and probably less

> about Aromatherapy .. she is simply passing along their canned pitch.

> ;-) Butch





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Ditto. Don't you think that getting their trademark is how they believe

they can avoid the normal qualifying, analysis, CO certification, etc. that

the rest of us know we need? Ponzi shuffle. Unfortunately, the gullible are

still out there.


I laughed when she mentioned the inclusion of weeds in a distillation . . .

does everyone remember some of the YL staff calling their peppermint

" weedmint " because it was so full of weeds, Gary obviously too busy building

a clinic to supervise cultivation, or too cheap to hire adequate help.

Very obviously YL is the model they are trying to emulate, and they're using

the bad stories about YL to do it.


Be Well,

Marcia Elston, Samara Botane/Nature Intelligence

http://www.wingedseed.com <http://www.wingedseed.com/>

http://www.wingedseed.blogspot.com <http://www.wingedseed.blogspot.com/>

http://www.aromaconnection.org <http://www.aromaconnection.org/>

" We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. " - Winston






ATFE [ATFE ] On Behalf Of Butch


Sunday, January 24, 2010 6:09 PM


hehehehe---more doTERRA correspondence





Howdy y'all,


> I would like to see some real independent testing, as I do believe they

> are setting themselves up. I would look for pesticides, phthalates and

> hydroperoxides, as well as fingerprinting.


> Robert



Actually . Robert .. Jessica .. I was chuckling while reading dang near all

of the Bovine Excrement contained in her post .. and its pretty obvious that

this lady knows little to nothing about essential oiils and probably less

about Aromatherapy .. she is simply passing along their canned pitch.

;-) Butch







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i've been doing some more web searching regarding doTerra to see if enough

time has passed for others to be posting bah-humbugs or anything useful. i

found their little bio about david hill to be intriguing....


> Dr. David Hill, D.C. is a pioneering expert and dynamic leader in the

> field of integrative medicine with international acknowledgements. His

> lecture, research and practice, incorporate Eastern and Western medical

> practices with emphasis on the use of essential oils. Dr. Hill has authored

> and published a number of very successful books, pamphlets and brochures and

> is a popular guest for radio and television. He maintains a high level

> profile in his field of expertise and is routinely invited to teach and work

> with other experts in academia, research and medical disciplines.


found it at http://www.doterraoil.com/drhill.html


with his " emphasis on the use of essential oils " and " high level profile in

his field of expertise " has anybody HEARD of him before or vouch for his



of course then there's this tidbit




blows pretty much any chance of credibility in my opinion.


and then there's the rebuttal to the quackreport:

http://www.therapeutic-grade.com/refs/QckRebut.pdf that states Dr. David

Hill, DC is/was the clinic administrator for the young living clinic. oy



and OMG! on http://www.therapeutic-grade.com/refs/proEndorse.html they

quote Penoel as being enthralled with YLEO!


and i have a sneaky suspicion that all of this has been covered in prior

threads in the last 20yrs and you're all sick-and-tired of it.


i think i need to just go to bed...

Jessica, NC




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LOL, it's late here in WA, so it must be way past your bedtime there



Ah yes, now it all comes together. The clinic was shut down by the state of

Utah, Gary moved to S. America and Hill had to find some way to continue the

scam. I did hear that many members of YL had formed a new company . . . this

has to be it.


Good sleuthing, Jessica, now get a good night's rest. :-)








ATFE [ATFE ] On Behalf Of

Jessica Shenefield

Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:23 PM


Re: hehehehe---more doTERRA correspondence





i've been doing some more web searching regarding doTerra to see if enough

time has passed for others to be posting bah-humbugs or anything useful. i

found their little bio about david hill to be intriguing....


> Dr. David Hill, D.C. is a pioneering expert and dynamic leader in the

> field of integrative medicine with international acknowledgements. His

> lecture, research and practice, incorporate Eastern and Western medical

> practices with emphasis on the use of essential oils. Dr. Hill has


> and published a number of very successful books, pamphlets and brochures


> is a popular guest for radio and television. He maintains a high level

> profile in his field of expertise and is routinely invited to teach and


> with other experts in academia, research and medical disciplines.


found it at http://www.doterrao <http://www.doterraoil.com/drhill.html>



with his " emphasis on the use of essential oils " and " high level profile in

his field of expertise " has anybody HEARD of him before or vouch for his



of course then there's this tidbit






blows pretty much any chance of credibility in my opinion.


and then there's the rebuttal to the quackreport:

http://www.therapeu <http://www.therapeutic-grade.com/refs/QckRebut.pdf>

tic-grade.com/refs/QckRebut.pdf that states Dr. David

Hill, DC is/was the clinic administrator for the young living clinic. oy



and OMG! on http://www.therapeu


tic-grade.com/refs/proEndorse.html they

quote Penoel as being enthralled with YLEO!


and i have a sneaky suspicion that all of this has been covered in prior

threads in the last 20yrs and you're all sick-and-tired of it.


i think i need to just go to bed...

Jessica, NC



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I just went to You Tube and plugged in Dr. David Hill essential oils.

OMG you won't believe it. Now I am going to bed.


On Jan 24, 2010, at 11:23 PM, Jessica Shenefield wrote:


> i've been doing some more web searching regarding doTerra to see if

> enough

> time has passed for others to be posting bah-humbugs or anything

> useful. i

> found their little bio about david hill to be intriguing....


> > Dr. David Hill, D.C. is a pioneering expert and dynamic leader in

> the

> > field of integrative medicine with international acknowledgements.

> His

> > lecture, research and practice, incorporate Eastern and Western

> medical

> > practices with emphasis on the use of essential oils. Dr. Hill has

> authored

> > and published a number of very successful books, pamphlets and

> brochures and

> > is a popular guest for radio and television. He maintains a high

> level

> > profile in his field of expertise and is routinely invited to

> teach and work

> > with other experts in academia, research and medical disciplines.

> >

> found it at http://www.doterraoil.com/drhill.html


> with his " emphasis on the use of essential oils " and " high level

> profile in

> his field of expertise " has anybody HEARD of him before or vouch for

> his

> authenticity?


> of course then there's this tidbit




> which

> blows pretty much any chance of credibility in my opinion.


> and then there's the rebuttal to the quackreport:

> http://www.therapeutic-grade.com/refs/QckRebut.pdf that states Dr.

> David

> Hill, DC is/was the clinic administrator for the young living

> clinic. oy

> vey.


> and OMG! on http://www.therapeutic-grade.com/refs/proEndorse.html they

> quote Penoel as being enthralled with YLEO!


> and i have a sneaky suspicion that all of this has been covered in

> prior

> threads in the last 20yrs and you're all sick-and-tired of it.


> i think i need to just go to bed...

> Jessica, NC



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Teresa wrote:

I just went to You Tube and plugged in Dr. David Hill essential oils. OMG you

won't believe it.


I came across a couple, but I'm in a vortex in the sticks so IF youtube loads it

takes eons to actually view. (It's still a far cry better than dial-up).


Hope you slept well--I woke to my 8yo tattling on my 4yo (which means they were

in it together) for flooding the bathroom cabinet. Doesn't matter how early _I_

get up...they're always up before me. *sigh*


Jessica, NC

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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I didn't watch all of this, but a few things came to mind. Re: the simple

test of knowing whether you have a 'pure' essential oil (in this case,

unadulterated or not cut with a fixed oil), being a test to see if the

essential oil leaves an oily residue is simplistic and not accurate because

of many variables. I only touch on this here and more could be added. Yes,

in some cases an unadulterated essential oil will quickly evaporate and

leave no discernable trace detected by touch, nor color or only slight

color. However, there are waxes in some essential oils, especially Citrus

peel oils, and sometimes they are prevalent, especially if it's the bottom

of the barrel (gravity, folks, waxes settle). A diligent eo supplier

(especially those who bottle for the retail market) would filter the waxes

so that they are not excessive. Others made from resins (benzoin, for

instance) are sometimes thick and leave a dark smudge and smewhat oily

residue that can be felt by touch. This test could be helpful once you get

to know the various differences between essential oils and have experimented

with examining them neat (undiluted) or diluted with a carrier oil yourself,

but it is much more complicated than presented in this video.


Second, a test of purity does not include being able to put undiluted

essential oils directly on your skin. Most experienced or trained in the

use of essential oils will prefer diluted use for a variety of reasons that

I won't get into here. All essential oils are very concentrated chemicals

and some are even caustic when applied directly to the skin. Spill an

essential oil on your favorite finished wood furniture and observe. I don't

say this to scare you, but working with diluted essential oils is always

best for the beginner. Unless you are diffusing in which case you never want

to place diluted essential oils in a nebulizer.


Third, lavender (and he doesn't even specify which one) is not a first

choice in the medical community as being a good oil to specifically reduce

tumors. There are many other plant extracts (cumin being the most looked at

now) that offer more promise, and maybe lavender is used in combination, but

it is not a big gun for cancer or tumors. Lavandula angustifolia or

Lavandula vera are best known for their high ester content, which makes them

most valuable as calming and soothing agents, addressing inflammation.


Just a bit off the top of my head and based on my personal

education/experience. Keep learning and explore cautiously, get more than

one opinion from those you trust before you try something.


Be Well,

Marcia Elston, Samara Botane/Nature Intelligence

http://www.wingedseed.com <http://www.wingedseed.com/>

http://www.wingedseed.blogspot.com <http://www.wingedseed.blogspot.com/>

http://www.aromaconnection.org <http://www.aromaconnection.org/>

" We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. " - Winston








ATFE [ATFE ] On Behalf Of

Jessica Shenefield

Monday, January 25, 2010 8:16 AM


Re: hehehehe---more doTERRA correspondence





oy vey....http: <vey....



not doterra or yl (at least up front) but it's still info that doesn't jive

with MY understanding of things.


Jessica, NC



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I didn't get to the lavender for cancer part, but your off-the-top-of-the-head

is what my initial reaction was as well (hence the oy vey missuse).....and you

communicated it so much better than I could have, and with more substance!


I met with my client today. We had a good time chatting and they queried

further about the Dr. Hill connection and YL. I was reminded of Martin's

compilation of discussions from the prior e-list so passed on his site as well.

They're intending to send that link as well as the information regarding Dr.

Hill being the YLRC clinic administrator and now the chief medical advisor for

doterra, and does the consultant REALLY want to be associated with a company

that has such mired ethics?


Will keep y'all posted on the progress of that convo as I receive updates. In

the meantime, I'm curious to seek out when the clinic was closed. Might start

that quest after dinner. *grin*


As always, I'm VERY appreciative of y'alls insight and collective knowledge!!

Jessica, NC

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®



" Marcia Elston " <Marcia

Mon, 25 Jan 2010 14:01:26


RE: hehehehe---more doTERRA correspondence


I didn't watch all of this, but a few things came to mind. Re: the simple

test of knowing whether you have a 'pure' essential oil (in this case,

unadulterated or not cut with a fixed oil), being a test to see if the

essential oil leaves an oily residue is simplistic and not accurate because

of many variables. I only touch on this here and more could be added. Yes,

in some cases an unadulterated essential oil will quickly evaporate and

leave no discernable trace detected by touch, nor color or only slight

color. However, there are waxes in some essential oils, especially Citrus

peel oils, and sometimes they are prevalent, especially if it's the bottom

of the barrel (gravity, folks, waxes settle). A diligent eo supplier

(especially those who bottle for the retail market) would filter the waxes

so that they are not excessive. Others made from resins (benzoin, for

instance) are sometimes thick and leave a dark smudge and smewhat oily

residue that can be felt by touch. This test could be helpful once you get

to know the various differences between essential oils and have experimented

with examining them neat (undiluted) or diluted with a carrier oil yourself,

but it is much more complicated than presented in this video.


Second, a test of purity does not include being able to put undiluted

essential oils directly on your skin. Most experienced or trained in the

use of essential oils will prefer diluted use for a variety of reasons that

I won't get into here. All essential oils are very concentrated chemicals

and some are even caustic when applied directly to the skin. Spill an

essential oil on your favorite finished wood furniture and observe. I don't

say this to scare you, but working with diluted essential oils is always

best for the beginner. Unless you are diffusing in which case you never want

to place diluted essential oils in a nebulizer.


Third, lavender (and he doesn't even specify which one) is not a first

choice in the medical community as being a good oil to specifically reduce

tumors. There are many other plant extracts (cumin being the most looked at

now) that offer more promise, and maybe lavender is used in combination, but

it is not a big gun for cancer or tumors. Lavandula angustifolia or

Lavandula vera are best known for their high ester content, which makes them

most valuable as calming and soothing agents, addressing inflammation.


Just a bit off the top of my head and based on my personal

education/experience. Keep learning and explore cautiously, get more than

one opinion from those you trust before you try something.


Be Well,

Marcia Elston, Samara Botane/Nature Intelligence

http://www.wingedseed.com <http://www.wingedseed.com/>

http://www.wingedseed.blogspot.com <http://www.wingedseed.blogspot.com/>

http://www.aromaconnection.org <http://www.aromaconnection.org/>

" We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. " - Winston








ATFE [ATFE ] On Behalf Of

Jessica Shenefield

Monday, January 25, 2010 8:16 AM


Re: hehehehe---more doTERRA correspondence





oy vey....http: <vey....



not doterra or yl (at least up front) but it's still info that doesn't jive

with MY understanding of things.


Jessica, NC



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>That's why so many of the oils you see on the market can say they are 100%

organic and can call themselves certified and pure. An oil only needs to contain

5-10% PURE oil, to be called organic and pure.<


Well that's not true!


" The National Organic Program (NOP) develops, implements, and administers

national production, handling, and labeling standards for organic agricultural

products. The NOP also accredits the certifying agents (foreign and domestic)

who inspect organic production and handling operations to certify that they meet

USDA standards. "


I think they are confusing the lack of regulations for products, such as

cosmetics, with the regulations that do exist for agricultural products. And an

EO is an agricultural product, so unless they are certified under the NOP, they

are mislabeled if they call themselves organic.



> So there are no oils out in the market that can say they are as

pure---100% pure oil--- as doTERRA.>




> doTERRA uses mass spectrometry and gas chromatography testing to make sure

each oil is pure and contains every one of the constituents it should have. No

other company does this.

> > And it's done in a third party laborator<


Also crazy-talk!



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> of course then there's this tidbit




> which blows pretty much any chance of credibility in my opinion.<


You may have just solved a mystery I was trying to solve! I am the moderator of

a discussion group on Aromatherapy and Herbs (very hobbiest level, it's on the

fiber arts social networking site, called Ravelry). Anyway, this month we are

discussing Lavender. One person posted that Dr. Oz (who many know from his many

visits to the Martha Stewart show) said; " put a couple drops of lavender

essential oil into your ear to help remove ear wax. "


I thought the person who wrote that mis-heard what he said, and I have been

unable to find a reference for this information on his website. But now I am

thinking he just might have learned what he knows about essential oils from a

Young Living follower! After all, he is a cardiac surgeon, and certainly didn't

learn about EOs in Medical School!


I always respected him before but he is fading fast if this story is true. I

have a friend who is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine who attended a heart

transplant operation, then held the old heart in his hand, and it started to

beat and vibrate...which is supposedly the reason Dr. Oz started to believe in

Chi and energy medicine. My daughter and husband get energy treatments from this

guy and they say the effects are amazing. I've gone to him for acupuncture but

I don't feel the energy during his energy work, much to my frustration!




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I didn't know Oz was on Martha also. I knew he was affiliated with Oprah (which

drops credibility for me personally--between Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz the world

is....well.... um, yeah.).


Jessica, NC

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®



" SUSAN " <sueapito

Sat, 30 Jan 2010 15:26:52


Re: hehehehe---more doTERRA correspondence


> of course then there's this tidbit




> which blows pretty much any chance of credibility in my opinion.<


You may have just solved a mystery I was trying to solve! I am the moderator of

a discussion group on Aromatherapy and Herbs (very hobbiest level, it's on the

fiber arts social networking site, called Ravelry). Anyway, this month we are

discussing Lavender. One person posted that Dr. Oz (who many know from his many

visits to the Martha Stewart show) said; " put a couple drops of lavender

essential oil into your ear to help remove ear wax. "


I thought the person who wrote that mis-heard what he said, and I have been

unable to find a reference for this information on his website. But now I am

thinking he just might have learned what he knows about essential oils from a

Young Living follower! After all, he is a cardiac surgeon, and certainly didn't

learn about EOs in Medical School!


I always respected him before but he is fading fast if this story is true. I

have a friend who is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine who attended a heart

transplant operation, then held the old heart in his hand, and it started to

beat and vibrate...which is supposedly the reason Dr. Oz started to believe in

Chi and energy medicine. My daughter and husband get energy treatments from this

guy and they say the effects are amazing. I've gone to him for acupuncture but

I don't feel the energy during his energy work, much to my frustration!









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> I didn't know Oz was on Martha also. I knew he was affiliated with Oprah

(which drops credibility for me personally--between Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz the

world is....well.... um, yeah.).<


Oh shoot...it was Oprah, not Martha. Although he's been on Martha at least

once, I saw Martha and was thinking Oprah. It still sounds like Young Living

style EO use though!

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