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Yummy is yuck: Detergent, chemicals in sweets

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“Dudh se hi mava tayyar hota hai, aur mava se hi saari mithayi banti hai. Dudh se itna mava tayar nahi hota, to mava jo hai jaada powder se tayyar hota hai,” he said. (Sweets are made of mawa but we don’t get enough mawa, so we use powder instead. In fact, most sweets are made of powder than mawa.)



“I have been in this business for some 15 years, so I would say no sweet is safe to eat,” he says. “We use detergents and chemicals in sweets—things which are dangerous to even touch are put in milk.”

Interesting video to watch at: http://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http://static.ibnlive.com/pix/sitepix/11_2007/milk_adulteration248.jpg & imgrefurl=http://ibnlive.in.com/news/yummy-is-yuck-detergent-chemicals-in-diwali-sweets/51900-3.html & h=178 & w=248 & sz=15 & tbnid=K7f0ZEiZsasn4M: & tbnh=80 & tbnw=111 & prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmilk%2Badulteration & hl=en & usg=__DdnkeY3dzigORQUIHC5hWW_IBUw= & ei=rwUMS5jFH4KGkAW2rZGFBA & sa=X & oi=image_result & resnum=2 & ct=image & ved=0CAkQ9QEwAQ 

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