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Milk, or not?

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Emily wrote:

....I get soo confused ..One day something is good for you

and the next day something is bad...Thanks, Emily

Isn't that the truth!


Always consult the ultimate authority:

YOUR body.


Some people thrive on dairy, and some should

stay away from it.


Any alternative health authority will tell you that

there is a big difference between the

white poisoned stuff that passes for food in the

store these days, and real healthy milk.


So everyone agrees we should stop buying

supermarket milk!



There are two websites that will give you all the

pros and cons on milk.




Absolutely anything you want to know about why

not to eat milk or any dairy!


Pro milk, as long as it is raw and from grass fed





(this is one of my favorite nutrition sites)

and from there you can go to:




Play with this, and see how you and your family

feel on various food.


As for soy milk, it is a very cool energy,

just like dairy milk, and is depressing to the

thyroid gland.


It also needs a lot of processing to be

palatable. READ labels.

Is your brand GMO free? Full of corn syrup

or other sugar? And so on.


Have fun!


Ien in the Kootenays**************************************************************"The person who takes medicine must recover twice:once from the disease, and once from the medicine."~William Osler, M.D.

http://businesshelpingpeople.compersonal and business introduction page.************************************************************


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What about rice milk? Is it ok? thanks Kim




Emily wrote:

....I get soo confused ..One

day something is good for you

and the next day something is

bad...Thanks, Emily


Isn't that the truth!

Always consult the ultimate authority:

YOUR body.

Some people thrive on dairy, and some should

stay away from it.

Any alternative health authority will tell you that

there is a big difference between the

white poisoned stuff that passes for food in the

store these days, and real healthy milk.

So everyone agrees we should stop buying

supermarket milk!

There are two websites that will give you all the

pros and cons on milk.



Absolutely anything you want to know about why

not to eat milk or any dairy!

Pro milk, as long as it is raw and from grass fed




(this is one of my favorite nutrition sites)

and from there you can go to:


Play with this, and see how you and your family

feel on various food.

As for soy milk, it is a very cool energy,

just like dairy milk, and is depressing to the

thyroid gland.

It also needs a lot of processing to be

palatable. READ labels.

Is your brand GMO free? Full of corn syrup

or other sugar? And so on.

Have fun!

Ien in the Kootenays

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Rice milk is good for all blood types, especially types B and AB. It tastes good too. My favorite is Rice Dream brand.






Sunday, January 11, 2004 10:09 AM

Re: Milk, or not?

What about rice milk? Is it ok? thanks Kim

Emily wrote:...I get soo confused ..One day something is good for you and the next day something is bad...Thanks, EmilyIsn't that the truth! Always consult the ultimate authority:YOUR body. Some people thrive on dairy, and some shouldstay away from it. Any alternative health authority will tell you that there is a big difference between thewhite poisoned stuff that passes for food in the store these days, and real healthy milk. So everyone agrees we should stop buying supermarket milk! There are two websites that will give you all thepros and cons on milk. www.notmilk.com Absolutely anything you want to know about whynot to eat milk or any dairy! Pro milk, as long as it is raw and from grass fedcows: http://westonaprice.org (this is one of my favorite nutrition sites)and from there you can go to: http://realmilk.com Play with this, and see how you and your familyfeel on various food. As for soy milk, it is a very cool energy,just like dairy milk, and is depressing to thethyroid gland. It also needs a lot of processing to be palatable. READ labels.Is your brand GMO free? Full of corn syrupor other sugar? And so on. Have fun! Ien in the Kootenays********************************************* WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH. Preventative and Curative measure to take for many ailments at:http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments_frame.htm__________-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address in an email to them:http://www./members_add _________To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to: http://www./links___________Community email addresses: Post message: Subscribe: - Un: - List owner: -owner _______Shortcut URL to this page: http://www.



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