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Daily DoseFebruary 3, 2004**************************************************************The unvarnished truth about ADHD drugsYou know how I feel about ADHD. I think it's the mostover-diagnosed "disease" in the world - one that for the mostpart has been invented via the re-classification of many typesof perfectly normal behavior as abnormal. I also think it's themost egregious example out there of a malady being promoted bydrug companies in order to expand the market for their poisons.And usually, the mainstream media has been a more-than-willingaccomplice in this heartless and dangerous scam.That's why it shocked me to read in a mainstream source(CNN.com) an article about yet another downside to the stimulant drugs most commonly prescribed for children "diagnosed" withADHD. According to the article, several studies suggest thatthese controversial drugs can have a lasting and negative effect on the developing brain.Hmmm. That's encouraging, isn't it? Especially for those amongthe steadily-growing throng of youngsters "diagnosed" with ADHD(up to 5% of kids nowadays) that are PERFECTLY NORMAL - butwho've been saddled with a drug habit because their parentsaren't up to the task of parenting.The Harvard-based research featured two groups of animalsubjects, medicated at a point in their life cycles that closely approximates human adolescence. One of these groups was giventoday's most popularly prescribed ADHD drug the other a harmless placebo. Then, later in life, both groups were tested with abattery of behavioral tasks administered under stress.Not surprisingly (to me), the "drug group" test subjectsexhibited a noticeably higher degree of what's known in themental health field as "learned helplessness," a conditionmarked by symptoms of depression and a tendency to give upquickly when faced with a challenge. Other, similar researchnoted that the formerly medicated subjects responded less torewards and reacted more to stress than the drug-free controlgroup.What's this mean? It means that these studies point to thelikelihood that today's most commonly prescribed psychotropicdrugs for a largely made-up disease may in fact cause real andpermanent changes in brain chemistry that can affect a personfor the rest of his or her life - even long after they've"outgrown" ADHD. The pharmaceuticals giants would no doubt bequick to claim that findings from animal research may notcorrelate to human beings, but the question I'd ask is this:Do we really want to take that chance - especially with ourchildren? But what's really scary is that kids aren't the only ones atrisk. Keep reading... ************************************************************** ESSENTIAL DAY TO DAY HEALTHAre you paying $80 a month for vitamins? That's more thansomepay for groceries!As you probably already know, multivitamins run the gamut fromslick, TV-advertised formulas to generic, bulk retail cheapiesto $80-a-month concoctions hyped by nutrition "gurus" you'venever heard of before. Confusing, isn't it? What's missing intoday's glutted multivitamin market is a good, honest, easilyabsorbable daily formula with all the basic vitamins, minerals,and nutrients you need for day-to-day health - with a price tagthat won't induce a coronary. But such a thing simply didn'texist - until now. http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/655SUDS/W655F200/home.cfm**************************************************************To start receiving your own copy of the Daily Dose, visit:http://www.realhealthnews.com/dailydose/freecopy.htmlOr forward this e-mail to a friend so they can sign-up toreceive their own copy of the Daily Dose.**************************************************************And the "truth" as the drug-loving media would have youbelieve... In a recent edition of yet another mainstream source (USA TODAYonline), a far different picture gets painted of ADHD -this time among adults. In the December 8th article, which can only be described as a"rave review" for the drug trade, we learn that just like inchildren, ADHD affects up to 5% of American grown-ups. Buthere's the kicker: 75% or more of these unfortunate (see alsolazy, undisciplined) souls don't even know they have the"disease." This, according to "researchers" who are never actually named in the piece. Could this be because they're DRUG INDUSTRY sources,perhaps? No, not in a responsible piece of mainstream journalism - perish the thought. This incredible story even goes so far asto credit the marketing machine of the only drug company with an FDA-approved adult ADHD drug on the market (Eli Lilly and Co.)for raising "awareness" about the condition. The articlementions nothing, however, about the PROFITS these campaignshave raised... And it makes only brief mention of the fact that almost anyadult who reads the horribly misleading list of symptoms on thedrug's Web site might conclude they were afflicted with ADHDthemselves!What's even more disturbing is this: Many adults nowadays are"discovering" their affliction because of their child'sdiagnosis (or misdiagnosis, most likely). While hearing allabout the symptoms of childhood ADHD, they say to themselves"That sounds like me when I was a kid... "And viola, another drug-addicted "victim" of ADHD is born! Notbad, huh? One patient walks into the psychiatrist's office(needlessly), but two come out.As long as the mainstream media acts as nothing more than a free extension of the drug giants' marketing departments, that's theway it's going to be.Hyper about exposing the hype,William Campbell Douglass II, MD ************************************************************** THROW YOUR GLASSES AWAY FOR LIFE!In less than eight weeks you could be reading or driving without your glasses or contact lenses... and without surgery or strenuous eye exercises. Now, thanks to an exciting program developed at the internationally acclaimed Cambridge Institute for Better Vision, you may be able to discard your glasses - for life!http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/AVIS/W600F206/home.cfm**************************************************************Copyright ©1997-2003 by www.realhealthnews.com, L.L.C.The Daily Dose may not be posted on commercial sites withoutwritten permission.**************************************************************Before you hit reply to send us a question or request, pleasevisit here: http://www.realhealthnews.com/questions.shtml**************************************************************If you'd like to participate in the Dr. Douglass' Real HealthBreakthroughs Forum, search past e-letters and products oryou're a Dr. Douglass' Real Health Breakthroughs r andwould like to search past articles, visit http://www.realhealthnews.com**************************************************************To learn more about Dr. Douglass' Real Health Breakthroughs, call (203) 699-4420 or visit http://www.agora-inc.com/reports/RHB/WRHBD610/home.cfm**************************************************************Had Enough... and want to end your e-mail subscription? 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Ien in the Kootenays*************************************************"If I am not myself, who else will be?"~Henry David Thoreauhttp://businesshelpingpeople.comsee my face, read "Get Rich Slow".*************************************************

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