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Xylitol natural sweetener

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Very good article someone e-mailed me . Worth the read .



Xylitol is not only a safe, natural sweetener

without the bad side-effects of sugar and artificial

substitutes, it's also good for your teeth,

stabilizes insulin and hormone levels, and promotes

good health.




Americans have a mighty hankering for sugar. It

seems that we just can't get enough of the stuff.

On average, a half a cup of sugar is consumed per

person every day. It is estimated that the

average American eats, drinks, slurps, stirs, and

sprinkles about 150 pounds of it annually. Never in

modern history has a culture consumed so much



Sugar truly does deserve its reputation as a

" white poison " . Thinking of sugar as a food is really

a stretch of the imagination, because it is more

a chemical that is difficult for our bodies to

utilize and digest.


Humans were really not designed to eat large

amounts of sugar in whatever form it may take: white

and brown, corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose,

glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose, barley malt, honey,

rice syrup, and maple syrup. Sugar is also highly

seductive, acting like an addictive drug that

lures even the most well-intentioned person back

into its sweet clutches.


According to Chinese wisdom, sweetness is one of

the flavors necessary for maintaining balance in

the body.


[Editor's note: The concept of sweetness "

referred to here likely means alkalinity, as in the

acid-alkaline balance within the body that was a

major topic of Edgar Cayce's medical discourses while

in trance. In that respect, Cayce's wisdom would

agree with the ancient Chinese wisdom-but the

advice is actually OPPOSITE the implied conclusion.

That is, you want to eat ACIDIC things, like

citrus, to produce an alkaline REACTION in the body

to keep it slightly on the " sweet " side.


This matter has long been a subject of obvious

confusion for Cayce readers,who often " get it

backwards " until they understand the actual reactions

of body chemistry he was talking about. And that

same concept is likely what the ancient Chinese

medical wisdom meant by " sweetness " within the



But regularly eating large amounts of sugar will

cause serious harm. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia

and weight gain, leading to diabetes and obesity

in both children and adults. It leaches the body

of vital minerals and vitamins. It raises blood

pressure, triglycerides, and the bad cholesterol

(LDL), increasing the risk of heart disease. It

causes tooth decay and periodontal disease, which

leads to tooth loss and systemic infections. It

makes it difficult for a child's brain to learn,

resulting in a lack of concentration. Both children

and adults exhibit disruptive behavior, learning

disorders, and forgetfulness from sugar

consumption. It initiates auto-immune and immune

deficiency disorders such as arthritis, allergies, and

asthma. It also upsets hormonal balance and supports

the growth of cancer cells.


So what are we to do? Will our sugar cravings

always hold us hostage, or is there really a way to

lick the sugar habit successfully?



Xylitol To The Rescue!


During World War II, Finland was suffering from

an acute sugar shortage. With no domestic supply

of sugar, the Finns searched for an alternative.

It was then that the Finnish scientists

rediscovered xylitol, a low-calorie sugar made from birch

bark. It had, in fact, been known to the world of

organic chemistry since it was first manufactured

in 1891 by a German chemist.


By 1930, xylitol had been purified, but it wasn't

until World War II that the sugar shortages

forced researchers to look at alternative sweeteners.

It was only when xylitol was stabilized that it

became a viable sweetener in foods. It was also

during this time that researchers discovered

xylitol's insulin-independent nature. (It metabolizes

in the body without using insulin.)


By the 1960s, xylitol was being used in Germany,

Switzerland, the Soviet Union, and Japan as a

preferred sweetener in diabetic diets and as an

energy source for infusion therapy in patients with

impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.

Since then, many other countries, including Italy

and China, have been producing xylitol for use in

their domestic markets-and with remarkable health

benefits. It has been relatively unknown in the

U.S.A. and Australia, primarily because cheap

supplies of cane sugar made the more expensive

xylitol less economically. viable.


Xylitol is a natural substance found in fibrous

vegetables and fruit, as well as in corn cobs and

various hardwood trees like birch. It is a

natural, intermediate product which regularly occurs in

the glucose metabolism of man and other animals,

as well as in the metabolism of several plants

and micro-organisms. Xylitol is produced naturally

in our bodies; in fact, we make up to 15 grams

daily during normal metabolism.


Although xylitol tastes and looks exactly like

sugar, that is where the similarities end. Xylitol

is really sugar's mirror image. While sugar

wreaks havoc on the body, xylitol heals and repairs.

It also builds immunity, protects against chronic

degenerative disease, and has anti-aging

benefits. Xylitol is considered a five-carbon sugar,

which means it is an antimicrobial, preventing the

growth of bacteria. While sugar is acid-forming,

xylitol is alkaline enhancing. All other forms of

sugar, including sorbitol, another popular

alternative sweetener, are six-carbon sugars, which feed

dangerous bacteria and fungi.


Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) in 1963, xylitol has no known toxic levels.

The only discomfort that some sensitive people

may notice initially when. taking large amounts is

mild diarrhea or slight cramping.


Since the body makes xylitol daily, as well as

the enzymes to break it down, any discomfort

usually disappears within a few days as the body's

enzymatic activity adjusts to a higher intake.


Xylitol has 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer

carbohydrates than sugar and is slowly absorbed and

metabolised, resulting in very negligible changes

in insulin. About one-third of the xylitol that

is consumed is absorbed in the liver. The other

two-thirds travels to the intestinal tract, where

it is broken down by gut bacteria into short-chain

fatty acids.


Xylitol looks, feels, and tastes exactly like

sugar, and leaves no unpleasant aftertaste. It is

available in many forms. In its crystalline form,

it can replace sugar in cooking, baking, or as a

sweetener for beverages. It is also included as an

ingredient in chewing gum, mints, and nasal




Xylitol And Oral Health


Tooth decay and gum disease are serious problems.

According to the American Dental Association, 75%

of American adults over the age of 35 suffer from

some form of periodontal disease.1 Needless to

say, diet plays a major role in dental heath. When

there is an excess of sugar in the diet, this

weakens the immune system and creates an acidic

environment; thus oral health suffers. The mouth is

home to over 400 strains of bacteria. Most of

these are benign, but when sugar enters the scene, it

feeds the destructive strains, allowing them to



Periodontal disease is basically caused by

bacteria. These deposits permit the growth of bacteria

that cause inflammation of the gums. The bacteria

also release minute amounts of toxins that break

down guru tissue, thereby helping the infection

to progress. Plaque is an invisible, sticky film

of saliva and food residue that constantly forms

on the teeth. Ongoing low-grade bacterial

infection also burdens the immune system.


Bacteria help to create plaque and they also

thrive within it. Unless removed, plaque formed along

the gum-line can lead to gum disease. When left

untreated, plaque at or below the gum line hardens

into tartar.

Periodontal disease takes two forms: simple gum

inflammation, called gingivitis, and a more severe

gum infection, called periodontitis, which may

lead to tooth loss and receding gums.


Gingivitis results from the build-up of plaque

and tartar which irritate the gum or periodontal

tissue. The more advanced state of gum disease,

periodontitis, occurs when inflammation of the gums

is accompanied by bone and ligament destruction.

Bleeding gums are usually the first indication

that gum disease is developing, but obvious

symptoms may not always be present.


Gum infection can also lead to other serious

health problems. It doubles the risk of stroke,

triples the risk of heart attack, increases the

incidence of premature, low-weight babies, and also

contributes to bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema.

In fact, the same bacteria that cause gum disease

end up either directly or indirectly infecting

your heart and arteries. A study conducted at the

University of Minnesota in 1998 found that rabbits

injected with tooth plaque developed blood clots

which led to heart disease. 2 It seems that the

bacteria first attack the bones and gums in the

mouth and then enter the bloodstream through small

cracks in the gums.


Eating sugar causes tooth decay by creating a

highly acidic condition in the mouth. Acidity strips

tooth enamel of minerals, causing it to weaken

and making it more vulnerable to attack by

bacteria, leading to tooth decay or demineralization.

Ordinarily, saliva bathes the mouth with an alkaline

solution that neutralizes all acidity and

actually remineralizes the teeth. Saliva also washes

away leftover bits of food and helps the digestion

process. But when saliva turns acidic because of

too many sweets, bacteria in the mouth have a

feeding frenzy. These nasty bacteria, along with

carbohydrate waste, stick to the teeth and tongue and

hold the acid close to the teeth where it eats

away enamel. Virtually whatever food you ingest,

the remaining particles become food for

plaque-producing bacteria. Using xylitol helps to raise

plaque pH, thereby reducing the time that teeth are

exposed to damaging acids, as well as starving

harmful bacteria of their food source.


Xylitol is a dentist's dream. It reverses all

these destructive effects of sugar on oral health.

Xylitol is non-fermentable and therefore cannot be

converted to acids by oral bacteria, thus it

helps to restore a proper alkaline/acid balance in

the mouth. This alkaline environment is

inhospitable to all the destructive bacteria, especially the

worst variety, Streptococcus mutans. It also

inhibits plaque formation.


Using xylitol right before bedtime, after

brushing and flossing, protects and heals the teeth and

gums. Unlike sugar, it can even be left on the

teeth overnight. With proper use, xylitol actually

stops the fermentation process leading to tooth

decay. Long-term use suppresses the most harmful

strains of oral bacteria, making a long-lasting

change in those bacterial communities. Xylitol even

has the ability to enhance the mineralization of

the enamel. It is most effective in treating

small decay spots. Although larger cavities won't go

away, they can harden and become less sensitive.


Consistently using small amounts of xylitol tends

to increase protective factors in saliva. Xylitol

stimulates saliva flow and helps keep salivary

minerals in a useful form. Prolonged xylitol use

increases the buffering capacity and protective

factors in saliva. Increased saliva production is

especially important for people suffering with a

dry mouth due to illness, aging, or drug



Since the oral environment becomes less acidic

with continued xylitol use, it is advisable to chew

xylitol gum or suck a xylitol mint after every

meal or after eating sweet snacks. The best news is

that studies have shown that xylitol's effect is

long-lasting and possibly even permanent.


Xylitol has recently received positive support in

the Journal Of The American Dental Association.

" Xylitol is an effective preventive agent against

dental caries... Consumption of xylitol

containing chewing gum has been demonstrated to reduce

caries in Finnish teenagers by 30-60%. Studies

conducted in Canada, Thailand, Polynesia, and Belize

have shown similar results.... " 3 A study

conducted at Harvard School of Dental Medicine concluded

that: " Xylitol can significantly decrease the

incidence of dental caries. " 4


Another unexpected benefit came from a Finnish

study which showed that children whose teeth are

colonised between 19 and 31 months of age by

Streptococcus mutans bacteria are more likely to have a

large number of cavities. Most children acquire

this bacteria from their mother's saliva through

food tasting, sharing cups, and kissing. The study

showed a dramatic 70% reduction in tooth decay

among children whose mothers chewed xylitol gum.5


Xylitol, however, isn't just for the young. In a

paper published in the Journal Of The American

Geriatrics Society, researchers tested 111 adults,

aged 60 and older, over a 12-month period. All

were frail but healthy adults. In the study, one

group of volunteers chewed no gum, a second chewed

gum containing xylitol, and a third group chewed

gum containing both xylitol and an antimicrobial.

In the two groups receiving gum, the participants

chewed two pieces for 15 minutes, two times per

day. At the end of the study, the researchers

reported that the group who received xylitol gum had

substantially lowered their risk of developing

thrush, a fungal or yeast infection that can cause

mouth soreness. (The group who received xylitol

plus the antimicrobial had equal benefits.) It had

also reduced their risk of developing angular

cheilitis, a condition in which sores develop in the

corners of the mouth. The researchers noted that

xylitol gum can provide a " real clinical benefit "

to frail, elderly people.6



Xylitol And Ear, Nose & Throat Infections


Recurring middle-ear infections pose a great

health threat to children. Tubes are often inserted

into the eardrum in children with these recurring

infections to reduce the fluid that is attempting

to wash out the infection from the middle ear.

Whil this procedure sometimes helps to reduce the

frequency of infections, it is also designed to

help with hearing.


Language, a critical part of learning, is built

by auditory input during the first two years of

life-the same period when ear infections are most

common. If this input is dampened by infection or

fluid in the middle ear during this important

period, it can cause learning problems.


One researcher demonstrated that, even when

properly treated, recurrent middle ear infections

during the first two years result in significant

impairment in reading ability up to the age of nine.7

Another study followed children longer and showed

significant learning and social problems

extending up to age eighteen.8


One of xylitol's versatile benefits is its

ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause

middle-ear infections in young children. In two

recent studies involving over 1,000 children,

xylitolflavored chewing gum was found to reduce the

incidence of middle-ear infections by 40%,

significantly decreasing ongoing middle-ear complications

and the need for antibiotics.


Regularly washing the nose with a spray

containing xylitol decreases the number of harmful

bacteria and stimulates normal defensive washing of this

area. A clean nose reduces problems with

allergies and asthma that originate from nasal irritants

and pollutants.


Current research shows how bacteria attach to

cells in the body, causing infection. Some sugars

like xylitol are known to be able to interfere with

this binding, blocking the attachment of the

major infection-causing bacteria that live in the

nose. Dr. Lon Jones, a physician in Plainsview,

Texas, reported that the use of a xylitol nasal spray

in his practice prevented 93% of ear infections

and resulted in comparable reductions in sinus

infections, allergies, and asthma.9


Xylitol has been shown to be effective in

inhibiting Candida Albicans, a serious systemic yeast

problem, and other harmful gut bacteria including

H. Pylori, implicated in periodontal disease, bad

breath, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and even

stomach cancer.



Xylitol And Osteoporosis


Another exciting benefit from xylitol is its role

in reversing bone loss. Studies in Finland found

that xylitol maintained bone density in rats that

had their ovaries removed. Without ovaries,

estrogen levels plummeted and so did the bone density

in rats that were not given xylitol. However, in

the rats that had ovaries removed and were given

xylitol, bone density actually increased.10

Another study showed that xylitol was effective in

decreasing age-related bone loss in older male rats

by 10%. 11


In an unprecedented action, the Finnish

researchers made bold recommendations for human

application of their studies. They suggested that an

effective human dose would be about 40 grams daily. The

scientists speculated that xylitol's bone

density-enhancing properties are due to its ability to

promote intestinal absorption of calcium.

Including xylitol in one's diet is certainly an enjoyable

way to reap the benefits of greater bone density,

along with other health benefits.



Xylitol And Insulin Resistance, Diabetes

Hypertension, And Hormonal Imbalances


Consuming sugar and other refined carbohydrates

results in the rapid release of glucose, or blood

sugar. In response, the pancreas secretes insulin

to usher glucose into the cells, where it is

burned for energy. Excess glucose stresses the

system, and over time the cells become less responsive

to insulin. This condition, known as insulin

resistance, is a huge health problem and it is

estimated to affect half the American population.

Insulin resistance is associated with abnormalities in

cholesterol and triglyceride levels,

hypertension, increased risk of heart disease, and diabetes.


The dramatic rise in type-2 diabetes since the

mid-1900s directly coincides with our increased

consumption of sugar. One long-term study of more

than 65,000 women demonstrated that a high-sugar,

low-fibre diet increased the risk of type-2

diabetes by 250%. Another recent study found that

excessive intake of sugar was the single most

important dietary risk factor for heart disease in women

and for men. It has been estimated that sugar

intake may account for more than 150,000 premature

deaths from heart disease in the United States

each year.12


Xylitol has been demonstrated in repeated

clinical studies to be very slowly metabolised. In fact,

on the glycemic index, which measures how quickly

foods enter the bloodstream, sugar is rated at

100 and xylitol at just seven! Xylitol is a natural

insulin stabilizer, therefore it causes none of

the abrupt rises and falls that occur with sugar.

In fact, it actually helps in stopping sugar and

carbohydrate cravings. Foods sweetened with

xylitol will not raise insulin levels. This makes it a

perfect sweetener for people with diabetes as

well as those wanting to lose weight. There is a

growing consensus amongst anti-aging researchers

that maintaining low insulin levels is a key to a

successful anti-aging program.


Insulin resistance also plays a significant role

in hormonal imbalances, including those that lead

to breast cancer. High insulin levels increase

the production of estrogens, leading to an

estrogen-dominant condition, and also interfere with

healthy ovarian function. Insulin resistance is a

major cause of a growing hormonal problem called

polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS causes the

ovaries to become anovulatory, which means that

the normal cyclic production of estrogen followed

by progesterone either ceases or becomes

dysfunctional. Insulin stimulates the ovaries to produce

predominantly male hormones, which, in

combination with higher insulin and glucose levels,

increase weight gain around the waist-a body type that

is a risk factor for breast cancer. Signs that the

body is being exposed to higher levels of the

male hormones include acne, loss of head hair, and

an increase in body hair. Lowering insulin levels

is crucial for not only treating PCOS but also

resolving most other hormonal imbalances, including

those leading to breast cancer.13


Dr. John Lee, author of What Your Doctor May Not

Tell You About Breast Cancer, explains the

connection between insulin resistance and breast



" Overeating junk food makes you fat. Increased

body fat and lack of exercise lead to insulin

resistance. Insulin resistance leads to further

craving of sugary carbohydrates to generate energy for

the body. More insulin is released in response to

increased carbohydrate intake, leading to more

weight gain. More fat leads to more estrogens,

which, in turn, lead to earlier breast development

and menstruation. Earlier onset of menstruation

leads to more ovulatory cycles and a greater

lifetime exposure to estrogens without adequate

progesterone. A greater lifetime exposure to estrogens

increases breast cancer risk.


" Simultaneously, increased consumption of simple

carbohydrates, coupled with insulin resistance,

leads to polycystic ovaries and lack of ovulation

during menstrual cycles, resulting in excess

production of androgens and estrogens, along with

inadequate production of progesterone. Excessive

estrogen production in the absence of progesterone

production leads to estrogen dominance and

increased breast cancer risk. Use of contraceptive

hormones increases insulin resistance, exacerbating

all the above problems. " 14


Using xylitol instead of sugar, as well as

reducing intake of high-glycemic, refined carbohydrate

foods, helps to lower the risk not only of PCOS

but also of ovarian cysts, fibroids,

endometriosis, PMS, hot flashes, weight gain, and depression.



The Safer Sweetener


Increased sugar consumption has bedeviled Western

cultures with more and more health problems, many

of which are putting an enormous strain on

healthcare systems. Finally, there is an answer to our

collective prayers for something truly healthy

that can also satisfy our sweet tooth. Over 1,500

scientific studies have found that the more you

use xylitol, the more you can eliminate sugar

cravings, reduce insulin levels, and alkalinize your

body. It's a great aid on the way to good health

and long life.


Imagine never having to feel those twinges of

guilt when you bite into a xylitol-sweetened

brownie. Or how about increasing your bone density while

enjoying your favorite hot drink with two

spoonfuls of xylitol crystals, or knowing that

xylitol-sweetened chewing gum is preventing cavities and

gum disease?


With xylitol, you can now have your sweet tooth

and treat it, too!





1. Zeines, Victor, DDS, MS, FAGD. Healthy Mouth,

Healthy Body. Kensington Publishing Corporation,

2000, p. 55.


2. ibid., p. 29.


3. Beiswanger, BB, Boneta AE, Mau MS, Katz BP,

Proskin HM, Stookey GK. The effect of chewing

sugar-free gum after meals on clinical caries

incidence. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 1998;129:1623-6.


4. Hayes, Catherine, DMD; DMSc. The effect of

non-cariogenic sweeteners on the prevention of

dental caries: A review of evidence. Harvard School Of

Dental Medicine. See the


Internet website.


5. How Xylitol-containing Products Affect

Cariogenic Bacteria. J. Am. Dent. Assoc., April 2000.


6. J. Am. Geriatrics Soc. 2002;50. See the

www.globalaging.org/health/world/medgum.htm Internet



7. Luotonen M, Uhari M, Aitola, L et a1.

Recurrent otitis media during infancy and linguistic

skills at the age of nine years. Pediatr Infect. J.



8. Bennett KE, Haggard MP, Silva PA, Stewart IA.

Behavior and development effects of otitis media

with effusion into the teens. Arch. Dis. Child

2601 Aug;85(2):91-5.


9. See www.nasal-xylitol.com Internet website.


10. Svanberg M; Mattila P, Knuttila M. Dietary

xylitol retards the ovariectomyinduced increase of

bone turnover in rats. Calcif. Tissue Int.



11. Mattila P, Svanberg, M, Knuttila, M.

Increased bone volume and bone mineral content in

xylitol-fed aged rats. Gerontology 2001;47:300-305.


12. Carbohydrates: The Good, the Bad, and the

Ugly. Dr. James Whittaker Newsletter, vol. 13, no.

4, April 2000.


13. John, Lee MD. What Your Doctor May Not Tell

You About Breast Cancer. Warner Books, 2002, p.



14. ibid, p. 62.

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