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The Law of Karma

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Dear Friend in Spirit,


There are many individuals who have awakened to the Law of Karma in varying degrees. Some, simply know that there are consequences to their thoughts, feelings, actions and words and through the tempering of lifetimes, now give more careful consideration to each. Others, have become more sensitive to the sacred and inviolate space of being of their neighbor and naturally give beingness to others within their life. They may not know the name of that which moves within their consciousness but nonetheless, they move to a rhythm more aligned with the movement of Divine Spirit throughout the macrocosm and of course within the microcosm that is you and I.


The Law of Karma is but the existence of the Law of Love within matter, energy, space and time. It is a self correcting and regulating law, insuring that all violations of the Law of Love remain within the individual's own microcosm as life, like the river, moves around him and eventually brings forth the exactness of a newly configured experience containing all that was within all that is and offering the individual an opportunity to address that which he imbalanced within his own world. Yet, some, irrespective of religious affiliation, have opened within themselves and have an expanded capacity to give and receive Divine Love. In truth, it is neither given nor received as Divine Love is and we are either its vehicle or suffer the wrath of karma in our lives.


Do not fear the existence of this law as the wife of the emperor did prior to the Council of Nicea where all mention of it was stripped from the Bible. Those who cower before the idea of sin, know that the unconditionality of God's Love is omnipresent and that all fear and sin are man made misunderstandings of the responsibility that each bears for all that emanates from his world. Freedom awaits each who begins the slow and unfolding process of accepting their worth and realizing that we are Soul with a body and not the other way around. Be true to Soul and thou canst not be false to any other Soul and thus remain naked before the face of God.


Now, let us touch upon another subject, one which is an even more deeply unfolded awareness of that which you call karma. Stretch yourself for a moment as you move more deeply into the realization that Soul exists because of God's Love for It. Ask yourself why you are here and move more directly into the purpose of life. I tell you of a certainty that we are here to serve God and to learn of ITS ways in order that we may eventually become ITS Coworker, a Master of our own microcosm and a coworker as well with the Light and Sound of God's Beingness or what we know of as ITS Consciousness, Divine Spirit, the essence of all that IT IS, all that IT KNOWS and all that IT BE'S.


So, you ask why karma. We were sent into these worlds to awaken to Divine Love within the unconsciousness that surrounds us. Yes, we are the instructive atoms within the Body of God whose life is given to us to assist God in exploring Divine Love. Do you see, we are the eyes and ears of God, who when awakened to our purpose become as a Window for God to observe all within ITS Worlds and as a Window through which others can look into our face and see the Face of God. Karma is not about you and I, about removing the pain of past consequences, but rather about God. Do you see? As we awaken to Divine Love within our life, God awakens to that atom within ITS World which now consciously serves it in the selfless manner in which Soul may serve God.


Those who seek to work out their karma for themselves are deluded as are the many who speak to you of healing your karma. Until you and I learn the spiritual principle whose violation created that which we call karma; until you and I can articulate this principle and surrender it as a conscious being to God; until you and I can receive from God the Divine thread of truth upon ITS great Wave of Light and Sound and as IT weaves our thread of consciousness within ITS Fabric of Being, we as well weave ITS consciousness within our own. All is mutual as the giving and receiving inherent in all of life exists between Soul and God as well. Until this can be within our own microcosm, we will wander the worlds of matter, energy, space and time, ever buffeted about by the constancy of duality and ever not knowing whether we create or dissipate karma. Lifetimes will stretch beyond measure until such time as Soul finds the One who knows, the True Master, the One who can serve It within Its own heart and who as well serves as the Living Word, the Light and Sound of God incarnate in the fullness of God Realization.


Such a One exists today as he has in an unbroken lineage of teaching Masters throughout time. Many of you, even now, remember your dreams and sense that there is something more. Some of you have seen yourself in a dream or left the body and simply know that you are more than your physical self. Some of you have awakened to the reality of your Inner Guidance, well knowing that there is that which Knows and serves all as IT serves you. Some of you hold questions within your mind, that separate you from the outer limitations of your religious teaching, yet still remain within that which teaches you of Divine Love. And some of you are seekers of a deeper truth and a greater love for God, ever yearning to drink from the Fountain of God, knowing that there is more than your mind can comprehend.


I speak to all of you for none is better than another as each Soul is equally loved by God, no matter Its religion or viewpoint of God. There is such a one existent today and I have the privilege of offering you a doorway into His House of Consciousness. Yet, I must give you freedom as that which I cannot give to my neighbor, I cannot give to myself and that which I cannot receive from God within myself, I cannot give to my neighbor. Know that you are worthy of God's Love for you are ITS creation as Soul, the very essence of IT, individualized as a particle of ITS Being. All who desire to know more may research www.eckankar.org or call 1-800-LoveGod. There are books as well available from bookstores. I find "Autobiography of a Modern Day Prophet" or "Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel" each by Harold Klemp, to be excellent beginnings.


For those of you who enjoy direct experience, there is a simple spiritual exercise that I am blessed to share with you. It is called the HU Love song to God. Any can use it irrespective of their religious teaching. One can find within the Alleluia or within the Allah Hu Allah or within the word human, the word HU. Some, refer to it as the Word and yet many do not know what that word is. Some call it AUM or similarly AMEN. Yet, those words are derived from a Plane of Being well removed from the origin of HU. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and place your attention on the area between your eyebrows at the base of your nose. Breathe deeply and relax while opening your heart to all of that which you love and for which you are grateful.


Begin on the in breath to listen to the silent voice within you in which God sings of ITS Love for Soul via the Sound or what some call the Audible Life Stream, a sound which many of you hear already in your inner ear as a flute, high pitched whine, buzzing of bees, drums, bells, running water or the sounds of the inner worlds. On the out breath, sing the HU as if you were singing of your Love for your Creator. Look for the Light within your spiritual eye, that which many of you already see as rosy red, purple, blue, gold, orange, green as a spiral of light, a ball of light, a six pointed star of light or an expanse of light within which you can see the starry sky. Continue so sing the HU as HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU for about twenty minutes. If you have an experience with the Light or Sound or a teacher appears to you or you feel movement as if you are leaving your body in a subjective or objective state, blend with it for you need not fear as you are being observed by those who await the awakening of Soul to Its spiritual heritage to roam freely within the Worlds of God.


Thank you for your time and attention. I know that what is in these words is yours to do with as you will. They were freely given and as such the gift of my heart to yours. You are most welcome to contact me at drsabrown.


Much Love in Spirit,





On Behalf Of pjb12345ukMonday, April 25, 2005 5:21 PM Subject: Re: A What If for the week?

--- mmnmay be touches onThe ultimate life tool Karma therapy One of the most powerful principles for all people is to know about, karma therapy for if you understand this you can even Avoid getting health, wealth, happiness, problems Or if you currently have problems in those areas ie if you are ill, or are poor , or are unhappy, this will help you if you employ this principle preferably daily in your life.I Give you the most effective powerful tool, which I have come across to help you personally improve your life or even alleviate problems entirely. What do you think these statements mean taken out of the bible?John5:5-14 When Jesus discovered a man who had been ill for thirty eight years .On curing him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do not sin anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'This clearly indicates that by implication of his statement that this mans troubles were caused by breaking the law of karma. in other words his sinful action which he had committed earlier had caused him to become ill for over 38years!!!!!! –kind of makes you think before you do or say things to people doesn't it.Matthew 9;2 And behold they were bringing to him a paralytic, lying on a bed and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic "Take courage, my son your sins are forgiven"BUT WE ALL HAVE BEEN GIVEN A TOOL FOR TRANSFORMING OUR LIVES THAT TOOL ISGIVINGPutting something or some service into society is one of the most transforming tools with which we all benefit . The value of it is much higher than we can possibly know and it should be included as part of everyone's health , wealth, happiness program. The giver may ask how will helping others help my health or wealth or happiness ! That is a very good question, which is very worthy of a serious amount of thought. Karma is the only thing,we have found which explains the apparent randomness of the effects, which come upon people. Effects are all aspects of your health, aspects of your Wealth, Richness, all the elements which go into Happiness etc.What is karma? Put simply it is the law of cause and effect. Or put as another way as you sow so shall you reap, or what goes around comes around. What do we mean by sowing? Simply every action or deed or word you do causes an effect and every thought causes an effect. These effects which we have all caused come back to us all. at one time or another, seemingly at gods choosing or our own. So if you have sown good deeds as in helping others, being of service, giving love and Kindness for lengthy periods of time you can expect to reap those seeds. Alternatively if we have sown in the past and this could be past lifetimes other deeds and thoughts of a hurtful nature to people we can expect major problems of one nature or another to beset us. Often the previous lifetimes deeds catch up with us in this lifetime , sometimes we reap what we sow almost immediately. the timing of when we get what we have sown it seems is down to the universe it would seem. There is now even past life regression therapy used in hypnosis to treat phobias, which are not connected with this lifetime. On curing him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do not sin anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'Now we can meet our karma in two ways the first as in an eye for an eye, which means reaping in the exactly the same way as we have done. we see this method being enacted each day mostly on the news ,as calamity after calamity is portrayed to us .death, hunger, disease, torture, homelessness it is very painful to see and to feel.Or we can come under the law of grace where we can have the opportunity to transmute our karma by the giving of service to others. that means working for others - service –giving Sharing our being, our wealth, sending our thoughts, giving to charity, sharing a joke, uplifting someone, giving listening time, giving healing, giving labour, giving love, giving entertainment, giving food, giving information and a million more ways.-daily if possible. apparently we can choose which way we meet our sins from the pastThe wise among you will take the attitude of discovering the areas of service you have to make amends on before effects of ill health, or ill wealth reach you, whether it be cancer, Parkinson's, blindness, or what have you. how to discover this? Well I suggest you pray to be shown or ask the universe to reveal it to you. reveal the areas which are most suited to service Just going along in your life and living for your self and not bothering until problems come, can be very painful. It is almost like asking for trouble to come , unsure if all of this is true- then pray and asked to be shown, don't believe in anything , pray any way and ask in a sincere way. http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/seventhmoon/orion/In , "pat_honiotes" <pat_honiotes> wrote:> > > Looking for some more personal insight, personal awareness and personal > knowledge? When you have a few minutes to spend in silence…..as little > as 3 or 4…..or a much as 10 or 15………..ask yourself this question --" > What if I knew I would never be caught?" Write down what comes up for > you. How does that make you feel?> Then at another silence time ask yourself this question. "What if I > knew I would never be punished?" Write down what comes up for you. How > does that make you feel? Are your responses to the two questions > similar or different? What are the differences? > What if you really took on this exercise? It might give you an > opportunity to see a number of avenues to pursue on your > personal/spiritual growth path. > > Peace and Harmony,> Pat Honiotes> www.reclaimyourlife.com********************************************* WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH. Preventative and Curative measure to take for many ailments at:http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments_frame.htm__________-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address in an email to them:http://www./members_add _________To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to: http://www./links___________Community email addresses: Post message: Subscribe: - Un: - List owner: -owner _______Shortcut URL to this page: http://www.

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Guest guest

Hi Stephen,

thank you for sharing these words of love and wisdom with this group.

May the Blessing Be.





" people are too proud to listen, for

example, when the earth says, 'Please,

don't dirty me,' or when the animals

say, 'Please let us live too'. And so

we defile the earth and harm the animals

with the vanity that only man, of all the

creatures on this planet, can claim. "


Harold Klemp





> " DrSABrown " <DrSABrown


> " Stephen A. Brown " <DrSABrown

> The Law of Karma

>Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:26:01 -0400


>Dear Friend in Spirit,


>There are many individuals who have awakened to the Law of Karma in varying

>degrees. Some, simply know that there are consequences to their thoughts,

>feelings, actions and words and through the tempering of lifetimes, now


>more careful consideration to each. Others, have become more sensitive to

>the sacred and inviolate space of being of their neighbor and naturally


>beingness to others within their life. They may not know the name of that

>which moves within their consciousness but nonetheless, they move to a

>rhythm more aligned with the movement of Divine Spirit throughout the

>macrocosm and of course within the microcosm that is you and I.


>The Law of Karma is but the existence of the Law of Love within matter,

>energy, space and time. It is a self correcting and regulating law,


>that all violations of the Law of Love remain within the individual's own

>microcosm as life, like the river, moves around him and eventually brings

>forth the exactness of a newly configured experience containing all that


>within all that is and offering the individual an opportunity to address

>that which he imbalanced within his own world. Yet, some, irrespective of

>religious affiliation, have opened within themselves and have an expanded

>capacity to give and receive Divine Love. In truth, it is neither given nor

>received as Divine Love is and we are either its vehicle or suffer the


>of karma in our lives.


>Do not fear the existence of this law as the wife of the emperor did prior

>to the Council of Nicea where all mention of it was stripped from the


>Those who cower before the idea of sin, know that the unconditionality of

>God's Love is omnipresent and that all fear and sin are man made

>misunderstandings of the responsibility that each bears for all that

>emanates from his world. Freedom awaits each who begins the slow and

>unfolding process of accepting their worth and realizing that we are Soul

>with a body and not the other way around. Be true to Soul and thou canst


>be false to any other Soul and thus remain naked before the face of God.


>Now, let us touch upon another subject, one which is an even more deeply

>unfolded awareness of that which you call karma. Stretch yourself for a

>moment as you move more deeply into the realization that Soul exists


>of God's Love for It. Ask yourself why you are here and move more directly

>into the purpose of life. I tell you of a certainty that we are here to

>serve God and to learn of ITS ways in order that we may eventually become

>ITS Coworker, a Master of our own microcosm and a coworker as well with the

>Light and Sound of God's Beingness or what we know of as ITS Consciousness,

>Divine Spirit, the essence of all that IT IS, all that IT KNOWS and all




>So, you ask why karma. We were sent into these worlds to awaken to Divine

>Love within the unconsciousness that surrounds us. Yes, we are the

>instructive atoms within the Body of God whose life is given to us to


>God in exploring Divine Love. Do you see, we are the eyes and ears of God,

>who when awakened to our purpose become as a Window for God to observe all

>within ITS Worlds and as a Window through which others can look into our

>face and see the Face of God. Karma is not about you and I, about removing

>the pain of past consequences, but rather about God. Do you see? As we

>awaken to Divine Love within our life, God awakens to that atom within ITS

>World which now consciously serves it in the selfless manner in which Soul

>may serve God.


>Those who seek to work out their karma for themselves are deluded as are


>many who speak to you of healing your karma. Until you and I learn the

>spiritual principle whose violation created that which we call karma; until

>you and I can articulate this principle and surrender it as a conscious

>being to God; until you and I can receive from God the Divine thread of

>truth upon ITS great Wave of Light and Sound and as IT weaves our thread of

>consciousness within ITS Fabric of Being, we as well weave ITS


>within our own. All is mutual as the giving and receiving inherent in all


>life exists between Soul and God as well. Until this can be within our own

>microcosm, we will wander the worlds of matter, energy, space and time,


>buffeted about by the constancy of duality and ever not knowing whether we

>create or dissipate karma. Lifetimes will stretch beyond measure until such

>time as Soul finds the One who knows, the True Master, the One who can


>It within Its own heart and who as well serves as the Living Word, the


>and Sound of God incarnate in the fullness of God Realization.


>Such a One exists today as he has in an unbroken lineage of teaching


>throughout time. Many of you, even now, remember your dreams and sense that

>there is something more. Some of you have seen yourself in a dream or left

>the body and simply know that you are more than your physical self. Some of

>you have awakened to the reality of your Inner Guidance, well knowing that

>there is that which Knows and serves all as IT serves you. Some of you hold

>questions within your mind, that separate you from the outer limitations of

>your religious teaching, yet still remain within that which teaches you of

>Divine Love. And some of you are seekers of a deeper truth and a greater

>love for God, ever yearning to drink from the Fountain of God, knowing that

>there is more than your mind can comprehend.


>I speak to all of you for none is better than another as each Soul is

>equally loved by God, no matter Its religion or viewpoint of God. There is

>such a one existent today and I have the privilege of offering you a


>into His House of Consciousness. Yet, I must give you freedom as that which

>I cannot give to my neighbor, I cannot give to myself and that which I

>cannot receive from God within myself, I cannot give to my neighbor. Know

>that you are worthy of God's Love for you are ITS creation as Soul, the


>essence of IT, individualized as a particle of ITS Being. All who desire to

>know more may research www.eckankar.org or call 1-800-LoveGod. There are

>books as well available from bookstores. I find " Autobiography of a Modern

>Day Prophet " or " Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel " each by Harold Klemp,

>to be excellent beginnings.


>For those of you who enjoy direct experience, there is a simple spiritual

>exercise that I am blessed to share with you. It is called the HU Love song

>to God. Any can use it irrespective of their religious teaching. One can

>find within the Alleluia or within the Allah Hu Allah or within the word

>human, the word HU. Some, refer to it as the Word and yet many do not know

>what that word is. Some call it AUM or similarly AMEN. Yet, those words are

>derived from a Plane of Being well removed from the origin of HU. Sit

>comfortably, close your eyes and place your attention on the area between

>your eyebrows at the base of your nose. Breathe deeply and relax while

>opening your heart to all of that which you love and for which you are



>Begin on the in breath to listen to the silent voice within you in which


>sings of ITS Love for Soul via the Sound or what some call the Audible Life

>Stream, a sound which many of you hear already in your inner ear as a


>high pitched whine, buzzing of bees, drums, bells, running water or the

>sounds of the inner worlds. On the out breath, sing the HU as if you were

>singing of your Love for your Creator. Look for the Light within your

>spiritual eye, that which many of you already see as rosy red, purple,


>gold, orange, green as a spiral of light, a ball of light, a six pointed

>star of light or an expanse of light within which you can see the starry

>sky. Continue so sing the HU as


>for about twenty minutes. If you have an experience with the Light or Sound

>or a teacher appears to you or you feel movement as if you are leaving your

>body in a subjective or objective state, blend with it for you need not


>as you are being observed by those who await the awakening of Soul to Its

>spiritual heritage to roam freely within the Worlds of God.


>Thank you for your time and attention. I know that what is in these words


>yours to do with as you will. They were freely given and as such the gift


>my heart to yours. You are most welcome to contact me at drsabrown.


>Much Love in Spirit,




> _____



> On Behalf Of pjb12345uk

>Monday, April 25, 2005 5:21 PM


> Re: A What If for the week?





>--- mmn

>may be touches on

>The ultimate life tool Karma therapy

>One of the most powerful principles for all people is to know

>about, karma therapy for if you understand this you can even Avoid

>getting health, wealth, happiness, problems Or if you currently have

>problems in those areas ie if you are ill, or are poor , or are

>unhappy, this will help you if you employ this principle preferably

>daily in your life.

>I Give you the most effective powerful tool, which I have come

>across to help you personally improve your life or even alleviate

>problems entirely. What do you think these statements mean taken

>out of the bible?

>John5:5-14 When Jesus discovered a man who had been ill for thirty

>eight years .

>On curing him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do

>not sin anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'

>This clearly indicates that by implication of his statement that

>this mans troubles were caused by breaking the law of karma. in

>other words his sinful action which he had committed earlier had

>caused him to become ill for over 38years!!!!!! -kind of makes you

>think before you do or say things to people doesn't it.

>Matthew 9;2 And behold they were bringing to him a paralytic, lying

>on a bed and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic " Take

>courage, my son your sins are forgiven "




>Putting something or some service into society is one of the most

>transforming tools with which we all benefit . The value of it is

>much higher than we can possibly know and it should be included as

>part of everyone's health , wealth, happiness program. The giver may

>ask how will helping others help my health or wealth or happiness !

>That is a very good question, which is very worthy of a serious

>amount of thought.


>Karma is the only thing,we have found which explains the apparent

>randomness of the effects, which come upon people. Effects are all

>aspects of your health, aspects of your Wealth, Richness, all the

>elements which go into Happiness etc.

>What is karma? Put simply it is the law of cause and effect. Or put

>as another way as you sow so shall you reap, or what goes around

>comes around. What do we mean by sowing? Simply every action or deed

>or word you do causes an effect and every thought causes an effect.

>These effects which we have all caused come back to us all. at one

>time or another, seemingly at gods choosing or our own.

>So if you have sown good deeds as in helping others, being of

>service, giving love and Kindness for lengthy periods of time you

>can expect to reap those seeds. Alternatively if we have sown in the

>past and this could be past lifetimes other deeds and thoughts of a

>hurtful nature to people we can expect major problems of one nature

>or another to beset us. Often the previous lifetimes deeds catch up

>with us in this lifetime , sometimes we reap what we sow almost

>immediately. the timing of when we get what we have sown it seems is

>down to the universe it would seem.

>There is now even past life regression therapy used in hypnosis to

>treat phobias, which are not connected with this lifetime. On curing

>him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do not sin

>anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'

>Now we can meet our karma in two ways the first as in an eye for an

>eye, which means reaping in the exactly the same way as we have

>done. we see this method being enacted each day mostly on the

>news ,as calamity after calamity is portrayed to us .death, hunger,

>disease, torture, homelessness it is very painful to see and to feel.

>Or we can come under the law of grace where we can have the

>opportunity to transmute our karma by the giving of service to

>others. that means working for others - service -giving Sharing our

>being, our wealth, sending our thoughts, giving to charity, sharing

>a joke, uplifting someone, giving listening time, giving healing,

>giving labour, giving love, giving entertainment, giving food,

>giving information and a million more ways.-daily if possible.

>apparently we can choose which way we meet our sins from the past

>The wise among you will take the attitude of discovering the areas

>of service you have to make amends on before effects of ill health,

>or ill wealth reach you, whether it be cancer, Parkinson's,

>blindness, or what have you. how to discover this? Well I suggest

>you pray to be shown or ask the universe to reveal it to you. reveal

>the areas which are most suited to service Just going along in your

>life and living for your self and not bothering until problems come,

>can be very painful. It is almost like asking for trouble to come ,

>unsure if all of this is true- then pray and asked to be shown,

>don't believe in anything , pray any way and ask in a sincere








>In , " pat_honiotes "

><pat_honiotes> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Looking for some more personal insight, personal awareness and


> > knowledge? When you have a few minutes to spend in silence...as


> > as 3 or 4...or a much as 10 or 15.....ask yourself this question --

> "

> > What if I knew I would never be caught? " Write down what comes up


> > you. How does that make you feel?

> > Then at another silence time ask yourself this question. " What

>if I

> > knew I would never be punished? " Write down what comes up for

>you. How

> > does that make you feel? Are your responses to the two questions

> > similar or different? What are the differences?

> > What if you really took on this exercise? It might give you an

> > opportunity to see a number of avenues to pursue on your

> > personal/spiritual growth path.

> >

> > Peace and Harmony,

> > Pat Honiotes

> > www.reclaimyourlife.com










>WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-


>HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH. Preventative and

>Curative measure to take for many ailments at:




>-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address


>an email to them:




>To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to:






> Post message:

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> List owner: -owner


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> _____



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Guest guest

You are most welcome Maria. It is always a great privilege to meet another

whose soil is fertile and whose heart is open. We are but the pitcher whose

outflow is but the grace through which the ocean pours itself into the cup

of our neighbor. We cannot be other than that which flows through us in

service to our neighbor and thus to God.


Much Love in Spirit,






On Behalf Of Hank & Maria


Saturday, April 30, 2005 7:18 AM


RE: The Law of Karma


Hi Stephen,

thank you for sharing these words of love and wisdom with this group.

May the Blessing Be.





" people are too proud to listen, for

example, when the earth says, 'Please,

don't dirty me,' or when the animals

say, 'Please let us live too'. And so

we defile the earth and harm the animals with the vanity that only man, of

all the creatures on this planet, can claim. "


Harold Klemp





> " DrSABrown " <DrSABrown


> " Stephen A. Brown " <DrSABrown

> The Law of Karma

>Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:26:01 -0400


>Dear Friend in Spirit,


>There are many individuals who have awakened to the Law of Karma in

>varying degrees. Some, simply know that there are consequences to their

>thoughts, feelings, actions and words and through the tempering of

>lifetimes, now give more careful consideration to each. Others, have

>become more sensitive to the sacred and inviolate space of being of

>their neighbor and naturally give beingness to others within their

>life. They may not know the name of that which moves within their

>consciousness but nonetheless, they move to a rhythm more aligned with

>the movement of Divine Spirit throughout the macrocosm and of course

>within the microcosm that is you and I.


>The Law of Karma is but the existence of the Law of Love within matter,

>energy, space and time. It is a self correcting and regulating law,

>insuring that all violations of the Law of Love remain within the

>individual's own microcosm as life, like the river, moves around him

>and eventually brings forth the exactness of a newly configured

>experience containing all that was within all that is and offering the

>individual an opportunity to address that which he imbalanced within

>his own world. Yet, some, irrespective of religious affiliation, have

>opened within themselves and have an expanded capacity to give and

>receive Divine Love. In truth, it is neither given nor received as

>Divine Love is and we are either its vehicle or suffer the wrath of

>karma in our lives.


>Do not fear the existence of this law as the wife of the emperor did

>prior to the Council of Nicea where all mention of it was stripped from

>the Bible.

>Those who cower before the idea of sin, know that the unconditionality

>of God's Love is omnipresent and that all fear and sin are man made

>misunderstandings of the responsibility that each bears for all that

>emanates from his world. Freedom awaits each who begins the slow and

>unfolding process of accepting their worth and realizing that we are

>Soul with a body and not the other way around. Be true to Soul and thou

>canst not be false to any other Soul and thus remain naked before the

>face of God.


>Now, let us touch upon another subject, one which is an even more

>deeply unfolded awareness of that which you call karma. Stretch

>yourself for a moment as you move more deeply into the realization that

>Soul exists because of God's Love for It. Ask yourself why you are here

>and move more directly into the purpose of life. I tell you of a

>certainty that we are here to serve God and to learn of ITS ways in

>order that we may eventually become ITS Coworker, a Master of our own

>microcosm and a coworker as well with the Light and Sound of God's

>Beingness or what we know of as ITS Consciousness, Divine Spirit, the

>essence of all that IT IS, all that IT KNOWS and all that IT BE'S.


>So, you ask why karma. We were sent into these worlds to awaken to

>Divine Love within the unconsciousness that surrounds us. Yes, we are

>the instructive atoms within the Body of God whose life is given to us

>to assist God in exploring Divine Love. Do you see, we are the eyes and

>ears of God, who when awakened to our purpose become as a Window for

>God to observe all within ITS Worlds and as a Window through which

>others can look into our face and see the Face of God. Karma is not

>about you and I, about removing the pain of past consequences, but

>rather about God. Do you see? As we awaken to Divine Love within our

>life, God awakens to that atom within ITS World which now consciously

>serves it in the selfless manner in which Soul may serve God.


>Those who seek to work out their karma for themselves are deluded as

>are the many who speak to you of healing your karma. Until you and I

>learn the spiritual principle whose violation created that which we

>call karma; until you and I can articulate this principle and surrender

>it as a conscious being to God; until you and I can receive from God

>the Divine thread of truth upon ITS great Wave of Light and Sound and

>as IT weaves our thread of consciousness within ITS Fabric of Being, we

>as well weave ITS consciousness within our own. All is mutual as the

>giving and receiving inherent in all of life exists between Soul and

>God as well. Until this can be within our own microcosm, we will wander

>the worlds of matter, energy, space and time, ever buffeted about by

>the constancy of duality and ever not knowing whether we create or

>dissipate karma. Lifetimes will stretch beyond measure until such time

>as Soul finds the One who knows, the True Master, the One who can serve

>It within Its own heart and who as well serves as the Living Word, the

>Light and Sound of God incarnate in the fullness of God Realization.


>Such a One exists today as he has in an unbroken lineage of teaching

>Masters throughout time. Many of you, even now, remember your dreams

>and sense that there is something more. Some of you have seen yourself

>in a dream or left the body and simply know that you are more than your

>physical self. Some of you have awakened to the reality of your Inner

>Guidance, well knowing that there is that which Knows and serves all as

>IT serves you. Some of you hold questions within your mind, that

>separate you from the outer limitations of your religious teaching, yet

>still remain within that which teaches you of Divine Love. And some of

>you are seekers of a deeper truth and a greater love for God, ever

>yearning to drink from the Fountain of God, knowing that there is more

>than your mind can comprehend.


>I speak to all of you for none is better than another as each Soul is

>equally loved by God, no matter Its religion or viewpoint of God. There

>is such a one existent today and I have the privilege of offering you a

>doorway into His House of Consciousness. Yet, I must give you freedom

>as that which I cannot give to my neighbor, I cannot give to myself and

>that which I cannot receive from God within myself, I cannot give to my

>neighbor. Know that you are worthy of God's Love for you are ITS

>creation as Soul, the very essence of IT, individualized as a particle

>of ITS Being. All who desire to know more may research www.eckankar.org

>or call 1-800-LoveGod. There are books as well available from

>bookstores. I find " Autobiography of a Modern Day Prophet " or " Past

>Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel " each by Harold Klemp, to be excellent



>For those of you who enjoy direct experience, there is a simple

>spiritual exercise that I am blessed to share with you. It is called

>the HU Love song to God. Any can use it irrespective of their religious

>teaching. One can find within the Alleluia or within the Allah Hu Allah

>or within the word human, the word HU. Some, refer to it as the Word

>and yet many do not know what that word is. Some call it AUM or

>similarly AMEN. Yet, those words are derived from a Plane of Being well

>removed from the origin of HU. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and

>place your attention on the area between your eyebrows at the base of

>your nose. Breathe deeply and relax while opening your heart to all of

>that which you love and for which you are grateful.


>Begin on the in breath to listen to the silent voice within you in

>which God sings of ITS Love for Soul via the Sound or what some call

>the Audible Life Stream, a sound which many of you hear already in your

>inner ear as a flute, high pitched whine, buzzing of bees, drums,

>bells, running water or the sounds of the inner worlds. On the out

>breath, sing the HU as if you were singing of your Love for your

>Creator. Look for the Light within your spiritual eye, that which many

>of you already see as rosy red, purple, blue, gold, orange, green as a

>spiral of light, a ball of light, a six pointed star of light or an

>expanse of light within which you can see the starry sky. Continue so


>for about twenty minutes. If you have an experience with the Light or

>Sound or a teacher appears to you or you feel movement as if you are

>leaving your body in a subjective or objective state, blend with it for

>you need not fear as you are being observed by those who await the

>awakening of Soul to Its spiritual heritage to roam freely within the

>Worlds of God.


>Thank you for your time and attention. I know that what is in these

>words is yours to do with as you will. They were freely given and as

>such the gift of my heart to yours. You are most welcome to contact me

>at drsabrown.


>Much Love in Spirit,




> _____



> On Behalf Of pjb12345uk

>Monday, April 25, 2005 5:21 PM


> Re: A What If for the week?





>--- mmn

>may be touches on

>The ultimate life tool Karma therapy

>One of the most powerful principles for all people is to know about,

>karma therapy for if you understand this you can even Avoid getting

>health, wealth, happiness, problems Or if you currently have problems

>in those areas ie if you are ill, or are poor , or are unhappy, this

>will help you if you employ this principle preferably daily in your


>I Give you the most effective powerful tool, which I have come across

>to help you personally improve your life or even alleviate problems

>entirely. What do you think these statements mean taken out of the


>John5:5-14 When Jesus discovered a man who had been ill for thirty

>eight years .

>On curing him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do

>not sin anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'

>This clearly indicates that by implication of his statement that this

>mans troubles were caused by breaking the law of karma. in other words

>his sinful action which he had committed earlier had caused him to

>become ill for over 38years!!!!!! -kind of makes you think before you

>do or say things to people doesn't it.

>Matthew 9;2 And behold they were bringing to him a paralytic, lying on

>a bed and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic " Take courage,

>my son your sins are forgiven "


>IS GIVING Putting something or some service into society is one of the

>most transforming tools with which we all benefit . The value of it is

>much higher than we can possibly know and it should be included as part

>of everyone's health , wealth, happiness program. The giver may ask how

>will helping others help my health or wealth or happiness !

>That is a very good question, which is very worthy of a serious amount

>of thought.


>Karma is the only thing,we have found which explains the apparent

>randomness of the effects, which come upon people. Effects are all

>aspects of your health, aspects of your Wealth, Richness, all the

>elements which go into Happiness etc.

>What is karma? Put simply it is the law of cause and effect. Or put as

>another way as you sow so shall you reap, or what goes around comes

>around. What do we mean by sowing? Simply every action or deed or word

>you do causes an effect and every thought causes an effect.

>These effects which we have all caused come back to us all. at one

>time or another, seemingly at gods choosing or our own.

>So if you have sown good deeds as in helping others, being of service,

>giving love and Kindness for lengthy periods of time you can expect to

>reap those seeds. Alternatively if we have sown in the past and this

>could be past lifetimes other deeds and thoughts of a hurtful nature

>to people we can expect major problems of one nature or another to

>beset us. Often the previous lifetimes deeds catch up with us in this

>lifetime , sometimes we reap what we sow almost immediately. the timing

>of when we get what we have sown it seems is down to the universe it

>would seem.

>There is now even past life regression therapy used in hypnosis to

>treat phobias, which are not connected with this lifetime. On curing

>him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do not sin

>anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'

>Now we can meet our karma in two ways the first as in an eye for an

>eye, which means reaping in the exactly the same way as we have done.

>we see this method being enacted each day mostly on the news ,as

>calamity after calamity is portrayed to us .death, hunger, disease,

>torture, homelessness it is very painful to see and to feel.

>Or we can come under the law of grace where we can have the

>opportunity to transmute our karma by the giving of service to

>others. that means working for others - service -giving Sharing our

>being, our wealth, sending our thoughts, giving to charity, sharing a

>joke, uplifting someone, giving listening time, giving healing, giving

>labour, giving love, giving entertainment, giving food, giving

>information and a million more ways.-daily if possible.

>apparently we can choose which way we meet our sins from the past The

>wise among you will take the attitude of discovering the areas of

>service you have to make amends on before effects of ill health, or ill

>wealth reach you, whether it be cancer, Parkinson's, blindness, or

>what have you. how to discover this? Well I suggest you pray to be

>shown or ask the universe to reveal it to you. reveal the areas which

>are most suited to service Just going along in your life and living for

>your self and not bothering until problems come, can be very painful.

>It is almost like asking for trouble to come , unsure if all of this

>is true- then pray and asked to be shown, don't believe in anything ,

>pray any way and ask in a sincere way.







>In , " pat_honiotes "

><pat_honiotes> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Looking for some more personal insight, personal awareness and


> > knowledge? When you have a few minutes to spend in silence...as


> > as 3 or 4...or a much as 10 or 15.....ask yourself this question --

> "

> > What if I knew I would never be caught? " Write down what comes up


> > you. How does that make you feel?

> > Then at another silence time ask yourself this question. " What

>if I

> > knew I would never be punished? " Write down what comes up for

>you. How

> > does that make you feel? Are your responses to the two questions

> > similar or different? What are the differences?

> > What if you really took on this exercise? It might give you an

> > opportunity to see a number of avenues to pursue on your

> > personal/spiritual growth path.

> >

> > Peace and Harmony,

> > Pat Honiotes

> > www.reclaimyourlife.com










>WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-


>HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH. Preventative

>and Curative measure to take for many ailments at:




>-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this

>address in an email to them:




>To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to:






> Post message:

> Subscribe: -

> Un: -

> List owner: -owner


>Shortcut URL to this page:

> http://www.




> _____



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Guest guest

--- hi you said

Do not fear the existence of this law as the wife of the emperor did

prior to the Council of Nicea where all mention of it was stripped

from the Bible


can you show me where i might find more on this

pIn , " DrSABrown " <DrSABrown@a...>


> Dear Friend in Spirit,


> There are many individuals who have awakened to the Law of Karma

in varying

> degrees. Some, simply know that there are consequences to their


> feelings, actions and words and through the tempering of

lifetimes, now give

> more careful consideration to each. Others, have become more

sensitive to

> the sacred and inviolate space of being of their neighbor and

naturally give

> beingness to others within their life. They may not know the name

of that

> which moves within their consciousness but nonetheless, they move

to a

> rhythm more aligned with the movement of Divine Spirit throughout


> macrocosm and of course within the microcosm that is you and I.


> The Law of Karma is but the existence of the Law of Love within


> energy, space and time. It is a self correcting and regulating

law, insuring

> that all violations of the Law of Love remain within the

individual's own

> microcosm as life, like the river, moves around him and eventually


> forth the exactness of a newly configured experience containing

all that was

> within all that is and offering the individual an opportunity to


> that which he imbalanced within his own world. Yet, some,

irrespective of

> religious affiliation, have opened within themselves and have an


> capacity to give and receive Divine Love. In truth, it is neither

given nor

> received as Divine Love is and we are either its vehicle or suffer

the wrath

> of karma in our lives.


> Do not fear the existence of this law as the wife of the emperor

did prior

> to the Council of Nicea where all mention of it was stripped from

the Bible.

> Those who cower before the idea of sin, know that the

unconditionality of

> God's Love is omnipresent and that all fear and sin are man made

> misunderstandings of the responsibility that each bears for all


> emanates from his world. Freedom awaits each who begins the slow


> unfolding process of accepting their worth and realizing that we

are Soul

> with a body and not the other way around. Be true to Soul and thou

canst not

> be false to any other Soul and thus remain naked before the face

of God.


> Now, let us touch upon another subject, one which is an even more


> unfolded awareness of that which you call karma. Stretch yourself

for a

> moment as you move more deeply into the realization that Soul

exists because

> of God's Love for It. Ask yourself why you are here and move more


> into the purpose of life. I tell you of a certainty that we are

here to

> serve God and to learn of ITS ways in order that we may eventually


> ITS Coworker, a Master of our own microcosm and a coworker as well

with the

> Light and Sound of God's Beingness or what we know of as ITS


> Divine Spirit, the essence of all that IT IS, all that IT KNOWS

and all that

> IT BE'S.


> So, you ask why karma. We were sent into these worlds to awaken to


> Love within the unconsciousness that surrounds us. Yes, we are the

> instructive atoms within the Body of God whose life is given to us

to assist

> God in exploring Divine Love. Do you see, we are the eyes and ears

of God,

> who when awakened to our purpose become as a Window for God to

observe all

> within ITS Worlds and as a Window through which others can look

into our

> face and see the Face of God. Karma is not about you and I, about


> the pain of past consequences, but rather about God. Do you see?

As we

> awaken to Divine Love within our life, God awakens to that atom

within ITS

> World which now consciously serves it in the selfless manner in

which Soul

> may serve God.


> Those who seek to work out their karma for themselves are deluded

as are the

> many who speak to you of healing your karma. Until you and I learn


> spiritual principle whose violation created that which we call

karma; until

> you and I can articulate this principle and surrender it as a


> being to God; until you and I can receive from God the Divine

thread of

> truth upon ITS great Wave of Light and Sound and as IT weaves our

thread of

> consciousness within ITS Fabric of Being, we as well weave ITS


> within our own. All is mutual as the giving and receiving inherent

in all of

> life exists between Soul and God as well. Until this can be within

our own

> microcosm, we will wander the worlds of matter, energy, space and

time, ever

> buffeted about by the constancy of duality and ever not knowing

whether we

> create or dissipate karma. Lifetimes will stretch beyond measure

until such

> time as Soul finds the One who knows, the True Master, the One who

can serve

> It within Its own heart and who as well serves as the Living Word,

the Light

> and Sound of God incarnate in the fullness of God Realization.


> Such a One exists today as he has in an unbroken lineage of

teaching Masters

> throughout time. Many of you, even now, remember your dreams and

sense that

> there is something more. Some of you have seen yourself in a dream

or left

> the body and simply know that you are more than your physical

self. Some of

> you have awakened to the reality of your Inner Guidance, well

knowing that

> there is that which Knows and serves all as IT serves you. Some of

you hold

> questions within your mind, that separate you from the outer

limitations of

> your religious teaching, yet still remain within that which

teaches you of

> Divine Love. And some of you are seekers of a deeper truth and a


> love for God, ever yearning to drink from the Fountain of God,

knowing that

> there is more than your mind can comprehend.


> I speak to all of you for none is better than another as each Soul


> equally loved by God, no matter Its religion or viewpoint of God.

There is

> such a one existent today and I have the privilege of offering you

a doorway

> into His House of Consciousness. Yet, I must give you freedom as

that which

> I cannot give to my neighbor, I cannot give to myself and that

which I

> cannot receive from God within myself, I cannot give to my

neighbor. Know

> that you are worthy of God's Love for you are ITS creation as

Soul, the very

> essence of IT, individualized as a particle of ITS Being. All who

desire to

> know more may research www.eckankar.org or call 1-800-LoveGod.

There are

> books as well available from bookstores. I find " Autobiography of

a Modern

> Day Prophet " or " Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel " each by

Harold Klemp,

> to be excellent beginnings.


> For those of you who enjoy direct experience, there is a simple


> exercise that I am blessed to share with you. It is called the HU

Love song

> to God. Any can use it irrespective of their religious teaching.

One can

> find within the Alleluia or within the Allah Hu Allah or within

the word

> human, the word HU. Some, refer to it as the Word and yet many do

not know

> what that word is. Some call it AUM or similarly AMEN. Yet, those

words are

> derived from a Plane of Being well removed from the origin of HU.


> comfortably, close your eyes and place your attention on the area


> your eyebrows at the base of your nose. Breathe deeply and relax


> opening your heart to all of that which you love and for which you


> grateful.


> Begin on the in breath to listen to the silent voice within you in

which God

> sings of ITS Love for Soul via the Sound or what some call the

Audible Life

> Stream, a sound which many of you hear already in your inner ear

as a flute,

> high pitched whine, buzzing of bees, drums, bells, running water

or the

> sounds of the inner worlds. On the out breath, sing the HU as if

you were

> singing of your Love for your Creator. Look for the Light within


> spiritual eye, that which many of you already see as rosy red,

purple, blue,

> gold, orange, green as a spiral of light, a ball of light, a six


> star of light or an expanse of light within which you can see the


> sky. Continue so sing the HU as


> for about twenty minutes. If you have an experience with the Light

or Sound

> or a teacher appears to you or you feel movement as if you are

leaving your

> body in a subjective or objective state, blend with it for you

need not fear

> as you are being observed by those who await the awakening of Soul

to Its

> spiritual heritage to roam freely within the Worlds of God.


> Thank you for your time and attention. I know that what is in

these words is

> yours to do with as you will. They were freely given and as such

the gift of

> my heart to yours. You are most welcome to contact me at



> Much Love in Spirit,


> Stephen


> _____



> On Behalf Of pjb12345uk

> Monday, April 25, 2005 5:21 PM


> Re: A What If for the week?





> --- mmn

> may be touches on

> The ultimate life tool Karma therapy

> One of the most powerful principles for all people is to know

> about, karma therapy for if you understand this you can even Avoid

> getting health, wealth, happiness, problems Or if you currently


> problems in those areas ie if you are ill, or are poor , or are

> unhappy, this will help you if you employ this principle


> daily in your life.

> I Give you the most effective powerful tool, which I have come

> across to help you personally improve your life or even


> problems entirely. What do you think these statements mean taken

> out of the bible?

> John5:5-14 When Jesus discovered a man who had been ill for thirty

> eight years .

> On curing him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well;


> not sin anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'

> This clearly indicates that by implication of his statement that

> this mans troubles were caused by breaking the law of karma. in

> other words his sinful action which he had committed earlier had

> caused him to become ill for over 38years!!!!!! -kind of makes you

> think before you do or say things to people doesn't it.

> Matthew 9;2 And behold they were bringing to him a paralytic,


> on a bed and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic " Take

> courage, my son your sins are forgiven "




> Putting something or some service into society is one of the most

> transforming tools with which we all benefit . The value of it is

> much higher than we can possibly know and it should be included as

> part of everyone's health , wealth, happiness program. The giver


> ask how will helping others help my health or wealth or

happiness !

> That is a very good question, which is very worthy of a serious

> amount of thought.


> Karma is the only thing,we have found which explains the apparent

> randomness of the effects, which come upon people. Effects are all

> aspects of your health, aspects of your Wealth, Richness, all


> elements which go into Happiness etc.

> What is karma? Put simply it is the law of cause and effect. Or


> as another way as you sow so shall you reap, or what goes around

> comes around. What do we mean by sowing? Simply every action or


> or word you do causes an effect and every thought causes an


> These effects which we have all caused come back to us all. at


> time or another, seemingly at gods choosing or our own.

> So if you have sown good deeds as in helping others, being of

> service, giving love and Kindness for lengthy periods of time you

> can expect to reap those seeds. Alternatively if we have sown in


> past and this could be past lifetimes other deeds and thoughts of


> hurtful nature to people we can expect major problems of one


> or another to beset us. Often the previous lifetimes deeds catch


> with us in this lifetime , sometimes we reap what we sow almost

> immediately. the timing of when we get what we have sown it seems


> down to the universe it would seem.

> There is now even past life regression therapy used in hypnosis to

> treat phobias, which are not connected with this lifetime. On


> him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do not sin

> anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'

> Now we can meet our karma in two ways the first as in an eye for


> eye, which means reaping in the exactly the same way as we have

> done. we see this method being enacted each day mostly on the

> news ,as calamity after calamity is portrayed to us .death,


> disease, torture, homelessness it is very painful to see and to


> Or we can come under the law of grace where we can have the

> opportunity to transmute our karma by the giving of service


> others. that means working for others - service -giving Sharing


> being, our wealth, sending our thoughts, giving to charity,


> a joke, uplifting someone, giving listening time, giving healing,

> giving labour, giving love, giving entertainment, giving food,

> giving information and a million more ways.-daily if possible.

> apparently we can choose which way we meet our sins from the past

> The wise among you will take the attitude of discovering the areas

> of service you have to make amends on before effects of ill


> or ill wealth reach you, whether it be cancer, Parkinson's,

> blindness, or what have you. how to discover this? Well I suggest

> you pray to be shown or ask the universe to reveal it to you.


> the areas which are most suited to service Just going along in


> life and living for your self and not bothering until problems


> can be very painful. It is almost like asking for trouble to

come ,

> unsure if all of this is true- then pray and asked to be shown,

> don't believe in anything , pray any way and ask in a sincere

> way.

> http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/seventhmoon/orion/






> In , " pat_honiotes "

> <pat_honiotes> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Looking for some more personal insight, personal awareness and

> personal

> > knowledge? When you have a few minutes to spend in silence...as

> little

> > as 3 or 4...or a much as 10 or 15.....ask yourself this

question --

> "

> > What if I knew I would never be caught? " Write down what comes


> for

> > you. How does that make you feel?

> > Then at another silence time ask yourself this question. " What

> if I

> > knew I would never be punished? " Write down what comes up for

> you. How

> > does that make you feel? Are your responses to the two


> > similar or different? What are the differences?

> > What if you really took on this exercise? It might give you an

> > opportunity to see a number of avenues to pursue on your

> > personal/spiritual growth path.

> >

> > Peace and Harmony,

> > Pat Honiotes

> > www.reclaimyourlife.com




> WWW.PEACEFULMIND.COM Sponsors Alternative Answers-


> HEALING NATURALLY- this is the premise of HOLISTIC HEALTH.

Preventative and

> Curative measure to take for many ailments at:

> http://www.peacefulmind.com/ailments_frame.htm

> __________


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> ___________


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