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Hi Guys need some help answering a freind.woops

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Sorry, he is stage 4 grade 4 and clear of HCV.

Obviously I need to PAY attention, to broke I guess.



--- kimintoronto2001 wrote:

> Hi guys,


> I recieved this letter on my list and wanted to know

> if you could

> help. I would like to make it as simple as possible

> in my --- or even

> your response. Patient presents Heptitis C pos.

> Middle age male.

> Stage 2 grade 2. Has done INF treatment 2 times or

> more. Failed. From

> the treatment he was left with the debilitating

> disease....Myathis

> Gravis (sp) (similar to MS) Also presents kidney

> stones and other

> health issues here that are listed. He would like to

> get off the

> pills etc and try something more natural, can you

> help him? Edited

> letter below. (name ommitted for privacy sakes, but

> you can go to my

> list.


> HepatitisC-Objective


> Thanks so much!!!!


> Kim




> I know that there have been plenty of list, posts,

> etc. regarding

> what

> vitamins and alternative treatments are good for

> HepC liver

> patients. I have

> read them all, and done additional research. Some

> seem to be

> contradictory.

> After all the bad experiences I have had with " pill

> popping " , I just

> want to

> make sure I'm heading down the right path.

> I apologize if I am asking for info that has already

> been posted, but

> I was

> wondering if someone could suggest a plain and

> simple list of

> vitamins, etc.

> that I should or should not be taking. I am looking

> for a regime

> specifically designed for a person with stage 4

> cirrhossis who is

> currently

> undetectable as far as viral load and who's liver

> enzymes are all

> normal.

> Also to be kept in mind is the fact that my calcium,

> glucose,

> potassium, and

> protein are high, as is my MCV, MCHC, Neutrophils,

> lymphocytes and


> lymphocytes.

> I am also experiencing a series of back to back

> kidney stones. The

> combination of withdrawals from the pain meds and

> all the other shit

> I was

> taking, proved to be too much combined with the

> kidney stone pain, so

> when I

> went back to the urologist today, he prescribied

> dilaudid. There was

> a time

> when I would have enjoyed the buzz, but not these

> days.

> I just want to make sure I am taking the right

> vitamins and eating

> the right

> diet. The urologist told me I didn't need to adjust

> my diet and that

> I

> didn't need vitamins. All he told me to do was

> drink cranberry

> juice. I

> seem to be able to find all the docters who either

> don't know what

> they are

> doing, or don't care..

> Anyway, any and all help would be appreciated. I am

> not looking to

> take out

> a second mortgage on the house to pay for a lot of

> expensive things I

> don't

> need...just looking for the basics that may benefit

> me.

> Thanks, as always








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