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To Kim In Toronto - Migraines

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Hello Kim,


I don't have much time to post to this list, but I scan the mail. I

just enrolled in an herbal college, so I will have even less time as I

am also a full time teacher.


Your post spoke to my heart. Only someone who suffers from these

skull-crushers understands the intense pain we endure. I have had both

kinds of migraines: the wavy lights (these are no big deal to me), and

the skull-crushers where I feel like taking a gun to my head would be

the only relief; these come in clusters.


Fortunately, through trial and experimentation with herbs, I have found

help. I have suffered from these infernal things each month, like

clock-work, for over 16 years. I knew they were hormonal in nature (for

me) because I underwent a tubal ligation after my last child was born.

That is when they started. Now I am in menopause, and that intensified

the quantity and " quality " of these awful things.


So what did I do?


First, I had to play around with what herbs would help the symptoms of

pain. I found that taking 2 Valerians and 1 feverfew helped tone down

the pain. It doesn't eliminate it entirely, but I am not writhing in

pain on my bed anymore. It settled it to a level I can endure. My

migraines last for 3 days.


Next, I played around with herbs for menopause and general health.

Every day I take wild yam, raspberry, black cohosh, blue cohosh, vitex,

alfalfa, evening primrose, sarsaparilla, and a mix of cayenne and

garlic. I listen to my body and sometimes augment these things with

other things, but these are the main things I take daily.


What taking these things have done over time (a couple of years now) is

lessen the onslaught of the migraines. Since the symptoms are less

intense, the valerian and feverfew work just fine, but I must catch it

when I feel the first pangs in my head.


Also, I found out that drinking wine brings on and exacerbates a " flare "

or episode. Hot baths also do this.


When I get really bad, I take the Valerian and Feverfew AND drink herbal

tea. I raise my own herbs. I drink chamomile, catnip, and lace that

with various herbs (peppermint, passionflower, etc.) Here again, I grow

my own, so my herbs are very potent. What you purchase in the store may

vary in potency and shelf life.


My migraines were hormonally linked. I tried telling that to allopathic

doctors for 15 years, but they didn't believe it. I gave up seeing

allopathic doctors several years ago and have treated myself and my

daughter for years now -- strictly through herbs. Before herbs, I was

spending $358. in the emergency room of a hospital getting a shot for my

migraines. That was each month! Add to that, $240 for Imitrex pills!

(Every month!) So you see, I've saved a lot more than my health by

finding herbs which worked for me.


Sorry this is so long. I was so excited the first time I skipped two

months in a row without a migraine episode! When you've suffered from

them for 16 years, month after month, it was a miracle to miss an

episode. If I can help another through what I've discovered, I'm




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Oh God,


Thank you Gogi, and I have read all the posts, even

printed them. Yes, there is the hormonal aspect, but

for some strange reason after the withdrawl of real

chemicals, they have intensified. Even though the

valium was prescribed to me as a young child with

apparent hyperactivity. When I stop that for more then

20 days, the headaches intensify and are sickening and

horrific. I really would rather be dead at the time of

pain. But prior, and forever have had them post



The only thing I have to steer clear from I suppose is

the valarein. Its not so good for my liver as I am HCV



I did not know tho, that the tea would help

incorporate all the herbs...so that will help im sure.


I was thinking I had a genetic default predisposed to

that disghusting addiction which altered my balance

somehow and made things worse. I wonder how truly long

a good complete and ending withdrawl from

benzodiazapine would be. Its been 30mgs daily for 28

years. Now I have been weaning for 3 years, and off

them for a total of 20 days at a time. At most I only

order 30 per month now and for the last several months

have not been consistant with 30. Since I can now get

to 20 days.


I do the hot baths, hot showers, massage showers,

accupressure points and fever few. I used ginger tea

for nausea. I even steamed my face for an hour... I

stood on my head, to see if it was a blood circulation

thing. I took salt to get immediate releif and

balanced electrolytes later, but they headache



So maybe if I use proper eating protocols, like 4

weeks of veg, fruit cleanse with high alkaline, low

acidic would help rid the body of this and be a useful

profilaxis, as well as the herbal methods you have



I know I have super low estrogen. But im still regular

like a clock!! (Never drink, not even a sip or taste

and was never really a drinker)


Other symptoms of HCV include fatigue and joint pain

which I have been able thus far to successfully and by

natural means, manage, but the headaches.... I will

learn this, I will!!!


((((((((((THANK YOU))))))))))))






I can live with any other pain, and even manage it,

but the headaches are insane, crippling and

unrelentless. sweats, and nausea do accompany these

after several hours of pain.

--- Gogi <crusso wrote:

> Hello Kim,


> I don't have much time to post to this list, but I

> scan the mail. I

> just enrolled in an herbal college, so I will have

> even less time as I

> am also a full time teacher.


> Your post spoke to my heart. Only someone who

> suffers from these

> skull-crushers understands the intense pain we

> endure. I have had both

> kinds of migraines: the wavy lights (these are no

> big deal to me), and

> the skull-crushers where I feel like taking a gun to

> my head would be

> the only relief; these come in clusters.


> Fortunately, through trial and experimentation with

> herbs, I have found

> help. I have suffered from these infernal things

> each month, like

> clock-work, for over 16 years. I knew they were

> hormonal in nature (for

> me) because I underwent a tubal ligation after my

> last child was born.

> That is when they started. Now I am in menopause,

> and that intensified

> the quantity and " quality " of these awful things.


> So what did I do?


> First, I had to play around with what herbs would

> help the symptoms of

> pain. I found that taking 2 Valerians and 1

> feverfew helped tone down

> the pain. It doesn't eliminate it entirely, but I

> am not writhing in

> pain on my bed anymore. It settled it to a level I

> can endure. My

> migraines last for 3 days.


> Next, I played around with herbs for menopause and

> general health.

> Every day I take wild yam, raspberry, black cohosh,

> blue cohosh, vitex,

> alfalfa, evening primrose, sarsaparilla, and a mix

> of cayenne and

> garlic. I listen to my body and sometimes augment

> these things with

> other things, but these are the main things I take

> daily.


> What taking these things have done over time (a

> couple of years now) is

> lessen the onslaught of the migraines. Since the

> symptoms are less

> intense, the valerian and feverfew work just fine,

> but I must catch it

> when I feel the first pangs in my head.


> Also, I found out that drinking wine brings on and

> exacerbates a " flare "

> or episode. Hot baths also do this.


> When I get really bad, I take the Valerian and

> Feverfew AND drink herbal

> tea. I raise my own herbs. I drink chamomile,

> catnip, and lace that

> with various herbs (peppermint, passionflower, etc.)

> Here again, I grow

> my own, so my herbs are very potent. What you

> purchase in the store may

> vary in potency and shelf life.


> My migraines were hormonally linked. I tried

> telling that to allopathic

> doctors for 15 years, but they didn't believe it. I

> gave up seeing

> allopathic doctors several years ago and have

> treated myself and my

> daughter for years now -- strictly through herbs.

> Before herbs, I was

> spending $358. in the emergency room of a hospital

> getting a shot for my

> migraines. That was each month! Add to that, $240

> for Imitrex pills!

> (Every month!) So you see, I've saved a lot more

> than my health by

> finding herbs which worked for me.


> Sorry this is so long. I was so excited the first

> time I skipped two

> months in a row without a migraine episode! When

> you've suffered from

> them for 16 years, month after month, it was a

> miracle to miss an

> episode. If I can help another through what I've

> discovered, I'm

> thrilled.


> Gogi










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I just went to the library and looked up benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms

in the Physician's Desk Reference, under the Xanax information. There are a

wide range of withdrawal symptoms and time frames. You may be on the

extreme end, taking over 30 days to complete withdrawal. The headaches are

mentioned as a symptom for some people.


There is a formula called the " Drug Bomb " which you might want to check out.

It is given in a reference called " The Scientology Handbook " . It is a

mixture of several vitamins and minerals. In any event, nutrition is a key

component of a successful permanent withdrawal.


Nobody needs benzodiazepines, and they do not exist in nature. So a genetic

predisposition to being addicted to them is impossible. Of course a family

situation can cause a person to be more susceptible to any kind of drug

addiction, but that's basically a spiritual problem. As i have often

mentioned in other posts, these drugs shut down the body's production of

dopamine, and getting that back can take a very long time.


Whoever prescribed this stuff to you as a child should probably be

prosecuted for criminal negligence at the very least, but i would advocate a

charge of attempted murder against this creep. Getting this person

permanently out of your life will give you a great deal of satisfaction, if

that hasn't happened already. Hope i haven't offended you with this

statement -- sometimes i get really mad at the way people are treated by

their doctors, especially in childhood.


At 03:17 PM 1/4/02 -0800, you wrote:

>Oh God,


>Thank you Gogi, and I have read all the posts, even

>printed them. Yes, there is the hormonal aspect, but

>for some strange reason after the withdrawl of real

>chemicals, they have intensified. Even though the

>valium was prescribed to me as a young child with

>apparent hyperactivity. When I stop that for more then

>20 days, the headaches intensify and are sickening and

>horrific. I really would rather be dead at the time of

>pain. But prior, and forever have had them post



>The only thing I have to steer clear from I suppose is

>the valarein. Its not so good for my liver as I am HCV



>I did not know tho, that the tea would help

>incorporate all the herbs...so that will help im sure.


>I was thinking I had a genetic default predisposed to

>that disghusting addiction which altered my balance

>somehow and made things worse. I wonder how truly long

>a good complete and ending withdrawl from

>benzodiazapine would be. Its been 30mgs daily for 28

>years. Now I have been weaning for 3 years, and off

>them for a total of 20 days at a time. At most I only

>order 30 per month now and for the last several months

>have not been consistant with 30. Since I can now get

>to 20 days.


>I do the hot baths, hot showers, massage showers,

>accupressure points and fever few. I used ginger tea

>for nausea. I even steamed my face for an hour... I

>stood on my head, to see if it was a blood circulation

>thing. I took salt to get immediate releif and

>balanced electrolytes later, but they headache



>So maybe if I use proper eating protocols, like 4

>weeks of veg, fruit cleanse with high alkaline, low

>acidic would help rid the body of this and be a useful

>profilaxis, as well as the herbal methods you have



>I know I have super low estrogen. But im still regular

>like a clock!! (Never drink, not even a sip or taste

>and was never really a drinker)


>Other symptoms of HCV include fatigue and joint pain

>which I have been able thus far to successfully and by

>natural means, manage, but the headaches.... I will

>learn this, I will!!!


>((((((((((THANK YOU))))))))))))






>I can live with any other pain, and even manage it,

>but the headaches are insane, crippling and

>unrelentless. sweats, and nausea do accompany these

>after several hours of pain.

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Hi Kim,


The dietary cleanse certainly is a good idea. Raw, organic fruits

and veggies might do wonders. You might also want to look into the

(free) blood type diet food lists

(http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~sshapiro/ER4YT/FoodLists_TOC.html) --

they helped me so much. Food allergies can cause a lot of problems,

as Michael suggested.


> I know I have super low estrogen.


Have you had it tested? Because of polution, most women have

estrogen that is way too high, but are lacking in the progesterone to

balance it. It would be good to have a doctor check you out with the

saliva tests... might have to phone around to find a doc that can do

that -- I suspect a naturopath can.


> Other symptoms of HCV include fatigue and joint pain

> which I have been able thus far to successfully and by

> natural means, manage, but the headaches.... I will

> learn this, I will!!!


What's HCV? Sounds like fibromyalgia, the way you're describing it.


Another thought... have you had a chiropractor adjust your back and

neck? That cured my migraines. They only come back when my C1-C2 is



I'm also wondering if a good liver cleanse might help -- but Doc's

the guru on that stuff.


Hope you get rid of those headaches soon!



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Hi Iris,


Yep, I have had the estrogen checked. I have low

estrogen and high testosterone... LOL. Don't wory.. I

still want to be a girl and look like one. haha.


Thank you for this link, its really helpful.


HCV is Hepatitis C Virus which actually causes Fibro.

If the HCV does'nt the conventional medicine will!!!


Yes, I have seen a Chiro, and continue to do so, its

wonderful while im in the office, but headache returns

shortly there after.


What are your or anyone elses thoughts on progesterone




--- iris054 <clicker wrote:

> Hi Kim,


> The dietary cleanse certainly is a good idea. Raw,

> organic fruits

> and veggies might do wonders. You might also want

> to look into the

> (free) blood type diet food lists



> --

> they helped me so much. Food allergies can cause a

> lot of problems,

> as Michael suggested.


> > I know I have super low estrogen.


> Have you had it tested? Because of polution, most

> women have

> estrogen that is way too high, but are lacking in

> the progesterone to

> balance it. It would be good to have a doctor check

> you out with the

> saliva tests... might have to phone around to find a

> doc that can do

> that -- I suspect a naturopath can.


> > Other symptoms of HCV include fatigue and joint

> pain

> > which I have been able thus far to successfully

> and by

> > natural means, manage, but the headaches.... I

> will

> > learn this, I will!!!


> What's HCV? Sounds like fibromyalgia, the way

> you're describing it.


> Another thought... have you had a chiropractor

> adjust your back and

> neck? That cured my migraines. They only come back

> when my C1-C2 is

> out.


> I'm also wondering if a good liver cleanse might

> help -- but Doc's

> the guru on that stuff.


> Hope you get rid of those headaches soon!


> Melinda







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<<Whoever prescribed this stuff to you as a child

should probably be

prosecuted for criminal negligence at the very least,

but i would advocate a

charge of attempted murder against this creep.>>


I was 11 years old and trialed on Ritalin, for

" hyperactivity " It did not work because I was not

friggen hyper, i was a kid!!!! Then they kindly

injected... YES injected me with Chloropromazine,

which was then in clinical trials. When my tongue

swelled up and I slept 19 hrs per day, seemed everyone

was quite content, but the professionals knew it was

not right...duh. So they finally caved to valium which

i suppose was the answer to everyone elses problems at

that time.


Today, I see parents handing thier kids ritalin,

atteral, antidepressants and sometimes all of the

above, and I just completely go insane. I see teachers

sending letters home to my freinds saying thier kids

are " not focused " Please...class is boring with all

the cut backs its even worse, who wants to focus with

all that snow outside.... but oh no!!! RECOMMEND some

psycho therapy and then ultimately drugs for jobs

other people fail to do.


Don't get me going on this, I get so angry. I lost

alot of my life over this crap.


In anycase, today is the present, and I love my life.

I can manage the hep c with alternatives and live well

with the condition. I intend to live a very long time



If I can manage the headaches all will be balanced.

Spirituality is with me always and I have a strong and

unwavering nondenominational belief and I believe in

all that is good.


I love what the native indians believe. Take from the

land, give to the land...take from the body, give to

the body. Suffer be none, live long. something like

that. its pretty. Matter of factly, grade 4

compisition was written on how foolish we were to take

the land from the indians, which triggered all this

doctor stuff. :(


Anyway, here I be, all is well right now, but I want

to manage or cure the headaches. Im sure the source is

all of the above. Spiritual, Addiction related, and



I will work hard tho to do whatever it takes to fix

things... Im still young!





--- Michael Riversong <rivedu wrote:

> I just went to the library and looked up

> benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms

> in the Physician's Desk Reference, under the Xanax

> information. There are a

> wide range of withdrawal symptoms and time frames.

> You may be on the

> extreme end, taking over 30 days to complete

> withdrawal. The headaches are

> mentioned as a symptom for some people.


> There is a formula called the " Drug Bomb " which you

> might want to check out.

> It is given in a reference called " The Scientology

> Handbook " . It is a

> mixture of several vitamins and minerals. In any

> event, nutrition is a key

> component of a successful permanent withdrawal.


> Nobody needs benzodiazepines, and they do not exist

> in nature. So a genetic

> predisposition to being addicted to them is

> impossible. Of course a family

> situation can cause a person to be more susceptible

> to any kind of drug

> addiction, but that's basically a spiritual problem.

> As i have often

> mentioned in other posts, these drugs shut down the

> body's production of

> dopamine, and getting that back can take a very long

> time.


> Whoever prescribed this stuff to you as a child

> should probably be

> prosecuted for criminal negligence at the very

> least, but i would advocate a

> charge of attempted murder against this creep.

> Getting this person

> permanently out of your life will give you a great

> deal of satisfaction, if

> that hasn't happened already. Hope i haven't

> offended you with this

> statement -- sometimes i get really mad at the way

> people are treated by

> their doctors, especially in childhood.


> At 03:17 PM 1/4/02 -0800, you wrote:

> >Oh God,

> >

> >Thank you Gogi, and I have read all the posts, even

> >printed them. Yes, there is the hormonal aspect,

> but

> >for some strange reason after the withdrawl of real

> >chemicals, they have intensified. Even though the

> >valium was prescribed to me as a young child with

> >apparent hyperactivity. When I stop that for more

> then

> >20 days, the headaches intensify and are sickening

> and

> >horrific. I really would rather be dead at the time

> of

> >pain. But prior, and forever have had them post

> >cyclic.

> >

> >The only thing I have to steer clear from I suppose

> is

> >the valarein. Its not so good for my liver as I am


> >pos.

> >

> >I did not know tho, that the tea would help

> >incorporate all the herbs...so that will help im

> sure.

> >

> >I was thinking I had a genetic default predisposed

> to

> >that disghusting addiction which altered my balance

> >somehow and made things worse. I wonder how truly

> long

> >a good complete and ending withdrawl from

> >benzodiazapine would be. Its been 30mgs daily for

> 28

> >years. Now I have been weaning for 3 years, and off

> >them for a total of 20 days at a time. At most I

> only

> >order 30 per month now and for the last several

> months

> >have not been consistant with 30. Since I can now

> get

> >to 20 days.

> >

> >I do the hot baths, hot showers, massage showers,

> >accupressure points and fever few. I used ginger

> tea

> >for nausea. I even steamed my face for an hour... I

> >stood on my head, to see if it was a blood

> circulation

> >thing. I took salt to get immediate releif and

> >balanced electrolytes later, but they headache

> >returns.

> >

> >So maybe if I use proper eating protocols, like 4

> >weeks of veg, fruit cleanse with high alkaline, low

> >acidic would help rid the body of this and be a

> useful

> >profilaxis, as well as the herbal methods you have

> >mentioned.

> >

> >I know I have super low estrogen. But im still

> regular

> >like a clock!! (Never drink, not even a sip or

> taste

> >and was never really a drinker)

> >

> >Other symptoms of HCV include fatigue and joint

> pain

> >which I have been able thus far to successfully and

> by

> >natural means, manage, but the headaches.... I will

> >learn this, I will!!!

> >

> >((((((((((THANK YOU))))))))))))

> >

> >Support,

> >

> >Kim

> >

> >I can live with any other pain, and even manage it,

> >but the headaches are insane, crippling and

> >unrelentless. sweats, and nausea do accompany these

> >after several hours of pain.







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