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January 28, 2003


Craig Denega, B.A., L.M.T.



Dear friends of animals, people who have friends with animals, and anyone

contacted by fortuitous mistake,


Thank you so kindly for your offer and support! For those of you not familiar

with the issue, look at the " Dear Pet People " note below, and pass it on to

anyone who might be affected if it does not/will not apply to you.


We at The AHAA are scrambling and getting all of our ducks in a row, and I

should have some more details by the end of the week. I just got back after 2

days and I've got 75 e-mail offers of help! We just found out about this a week

or so ago at most, so we are not quite 'up to speed'... We anticipated this, and

it is one of our reasons for being, but it happened really quickly, once it



Also, BE ADVISED THIS IS NOT A STATE BILL... yet. If we can stop it here, we

won't have to beat it back state by state, later. If we don't.......


I WILL get back to you shortly. Meanwhile, I'll paste and splice some letters

I've written ( & have been sent to me) in the last week so you can get an idea

where " we are " , and the quality and variety of the people involved in this noble

effort. (Talk amongst yourselves and your associates). You may have seen some of

it before, but excuse the dupes & and redundancies.


Feel free to plagiarize freely, and pass on this information far and wide. Send

it to anyone who works with or has any pet. I guess we'll have to get a database

- sign-up sheet -or list - together on our web site so we can keep track of who

wants to " be in charge " of what and in what city / state they live, so when we

come do up with a final 'boilerplate' letter, forms, petition, and finished plan

we can disseminate it as widely as possible. Tentatively if we can get it out to

our volunteers and members by Feb. 10, Everyone will have 3 weeks to pass it far

and wide and send it back to US for formal presentation to the AVMA.


Otherwise these things have gotten " Lost in the mail " . The last time they tried

this, locally a Lady named Lynn H. collected 750 signatures and sent them in one

packet. The AVMA said they never got them. She collected 350 NEW ones and sent

them certified. They didn't get them either. That's why we don't think it is a

good idea to have individuals send the AVMA their letters directly. As an added

benefit, we will be arranging for the press to witness the event. That way there

can be no 'funny' stuff.


By the way, until the database gets up, what city/state are you in? I need some

idea of what resources are available. _I_ couldn't be happier at the response..

or busier. I start teaching the new semester Tomorrow (Equine Massage &

Therapy) at Delaware Valley College, will and have to take a short break (day or

two) to get all the material ready for class. This will affect my students too,

and may even inspire a class project.


Thanks again,


Craig Denega, B.A., L.M.T.






Dear " Pet People " ,


Please take a moment to review the NEW (for this year) revised and improved (?!)

" Proposed " (National) Veterinary Practice Act. I think you will find that your

freedom to practice or choose your animal practitioner is about to become

SEVERELY limited!


Even though they had 2,500 letters AGAINST the last revision, they act as though

it was approved by everyone and now (having claimed that ground) go on from that

supposition. Please see my testimony against that earlier bill in Pa., that was

instrumental in derailing it in 1999. Notice that they have not addressed any of

the objections brought up in the testimony, then or now. Instead the AVMA has

just reasserted its " right " to decide for the welfare of every animal in the

world. This time they seem to have the wording down, and whatever 'loopholes'

that may have been perceived in the last proposal are now being securely welded

shut. I have taken the liberty of accenting in bold those sentences which will

have the most impact on those people who are not licensed veterinarians, might

ever try to help any animal out of their suffering, and have the audacity to

accept any compensation for their labors.


ALL is NOT lost IF we can work together. A vehicle has been assembled to respond

to this challenge to our rights. It is called; The Ancient Healing Arts

Association. One could say it " takes money to STOP money " and who has more than

the drug companies and Dvm, MD, & VMD's? With just a little help from each of

you that feel outrage at the thought of such a money/power grab going

unchallenged and unanswered, we may be able to stop it. Why allow people to get

thrown in JAIL for helping animals when something as simple as this bill will



If you are a practitioner (animal or human) you can get liability insurance

through AHAA, and know that a portion of your dues goes to try to stop such

assaults on the healing arts. If you have animals, work with them or just love

them from afar, your contribution to The AHAA will save them from what would be

the only two remaining options: Drugs (up to and including 'being put to sleep')

or surgery. Don't let animals be 'put down' just because their 'condition'

cannot be treated by current 'veterinary practices " , or doesn't fit within their

medical model. You literally can't afford to let this bill pass in its present

form. Brought to you by the people at: The Ancient Healing Arts Association. We

need your help to stop this, NOW.


" Freedom is the state of exemption from the power or control of another " .- Noah






My Friend, Jean Townsend received the following note from a vet:QUOTE:HI and

thank you for this info. I did not know about the AVMA proposals but was aware

of the AVCA lawsuit with NC chiropractor. The practice of animal chiropractic

and acupuncture, herbal, homeopathic treatments has always been under scrutiny

and a heavily waged battleground with the AVMA. They have at least recognised

some of the modalities as " valid " but we are still not safe as far as I am

concerned. Also the availability of many nutriceuticals such as

glucosamine/chondroitin is under the gun and could be unavailable in the future

depending on the FDA final rulings. The NC lawsuit is not the first of its kind.

Since animal chiropractic has been available it has been a target, with many

valid points and problems the AVCA has been trying to iron out for a long time.

A couple of veterinarians have been arrested for it as well due to state

legalese. Actually the chiropractors who are certified in animal chiropractic

are quite good- after all they have the physical touch and experience. It is

where the continuum of health care comes in that gets all the flack. The public

does need to be protected from the quacks. They are out there and so I hope the

final rulings can accommodate the best of all worlds.Meanwhile, I am always

looking over my shoulder and making SURE to " cover myself " and leave no western

medical option stone unturned for the clients I see with holistic medicine.

AHHHHH, had no idea all the shaky ground i would be standing on 2 years



Sent to and Forwarded by Jean Townsend - Johns Island, SC -- with permission



If anyone needs any more " Material " and " Talking Points " , you can look at

these links below..... http://www.ancienthealingarts.org/political-action.htm



Thanks again,



AND, if any of you would like to contribute whatever else, to this 'cause',

I'm sure we could put it to good use right about now...

Or, do you know of any large corporations with big bucks? (BESIDES drug and

medical, I would guess) :-)






ã Copyright 1995-2003 Helen L. McKinnon



Gettingwell- / Vitamins, Herbs, Aminos, etc.


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