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:Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:03:34 GMT


ISIS Submission to GM Science Review #1



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ISIS’ Submission to GM Science Review #1

ISIS’ Reply to ACRE’s Response on Chardon LL (Revised & Updated)

7 February 2003

By Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Director, Institute of Science in Society, PO Box 32097,

London NW1 0XR, UK.


An earlier version of our paper was submitted to the GMScience Review website

(http://www.gmsciencedebate.org.uk) on Jan. 16, but we heard nothing. So, Dr. Ho

e-mailed the submission again on Jan. 24, explaining that she was asked by Chief

Scientist David King to make a contribution, and was anxious to comply.


The GM Science Review Secretariat acknowledged the contribution on January 30;

but a letter to her from Adrian Butt of the Secretariat dated February 4

rejected the contribution on grounds that she was criticising the scientists,

and asked her to resubmit a version with the introductory paragraphs edited out.


She consulted with local groups and other scientists and decided to resubmit an

edited, updated version with the following covering letter, addressed to Adrian





Dear Dr. Adrian Butt,


Thank you for your letter dated 4 February rejecting ISIS’ contribution to the

GM Science Review on grounds that " with the language that has been used in a few

places " , in particular, " the introductory paragraphs " , I have criticised not the

science but the scientists, and therefore " it fails to meet the terms of entry " .


I have consulted widely with local groups and other scientists, and they are

unanimous in their agreement over the validity of, and justification for my

remarks. In particular, my opening paragraph cites statements that were actually

made by pro-biotech scientists against a colleague who is trying to draw

attention to evidence of hazards that they have ignored. Many independent

scientists including myself have been trying to do the same, and have received

similar treatments and worse. So it is merely a case of putting the mirror back

on those who have criticised us. As to the language I used, it is far more

moderate than what has been said in print and in the popular media by a number

of scientists on the Science Review panel against some of us on many occasions.


Those whom I have consulted are strongly divided as to whether I should edit

ISIS’ contribution and re-submit. I have given the matter due consideration, and

decided to do so in the interest of getting the scientific arguments properly



But in the interest of fair play, I must transmit the request made by those I

have consulted, that members of the Science Review Panel should stop criticising

and vilifying independent scientists who challenge their pronouncement that

" there is no evidence of harm " .


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Institute of Science in Society


The full document is now posted on the GM Science website

http://www.gmsciencedebate.org.uk and also on ISIS’ website.





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