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Crosspost on Dr. John Lee, Bone loss & Estrogen

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Dr. John Lee has stated in his book

(don't have the name of it at hand) that, as is said in your post,

estogen slows the rate of bone density *loss*, but that it also

allows the bones to become *porus*.


He explains the process very convincingly as he has seen it

in his 25+ years of practice.


Then he goes on to state that natural progesterone increases bone

density in all women he has treated over

the years.

He suggests that any woman going through menopause be

using a natural progestorone cream.


He also states that ALL female

related issues from endodemtrisis, fibroids, adnomyotosis, pms,

irregular periods...all of it is due to unopposed

estrogen...meaning a lack of correct amounts of progesterone to

oppose estrogen.

He says the vast majority of women have more

estrogen in thier fat cells as we grow older then our bodies

produced when we were younger, so his premise is that very few of

us need additional estrogen as we reach menopause.


I, however an exception to that. In 1997 I had a fibroid tumor the

size of a medium cantelope. The MD, however was not positive it

was a fibroid even tho all tests indicated it was...reason--I have

not uterus or ovaries and it is supposed to be impossible to grow a

fibroid with no uterus. At the time on was on pharmecuetical HRT.

I began studying hormones at that time as the tumor grew back

to nearly the same size within 4 weeks of it's initial



The MDs answer was to boost my estrogen. What

finally has been found, for me, after these past few years is

that, yes, my progesterone levels were low and cream helped

that, but one of the three components to estrogen, the one

that is supposed to be at 60%, I only had 5/10% in my body.


So I needed some estrogens too. I believe that Dr. John Lee's

information is correct for the vast majority of women, but there are

some of us who need estogens too. HOWEVER....natural plant derived

estogens are closer to what our body recognises as our own than is

the chemically synthisized pharmeceuticals our MDs prescribe.


I hope this info is of some value to someone out there. It's been a

very long trip for me, but I'm finally seeing the LIGHT at the end of

the tunnel of sleepless, sweaty nights and tired hot flashing days.


I'm really pleased to see that boron was a componant you mentioned

with calcium as I recently learned that calcium cannot be properly

abosorbed without it.



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