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Medical/Pharmacuetical Industry Disease Progress

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Dear Group,


I posted a few articles about the profitability of illness and

medical treatments, and the poor records of the estabished industry

of results in the cases of cancer treatment.


What makes you think that it is any better in most other diseases



Heart disease is pretty big business, Despite all of the ads, public

relations propaganda, government support, etc. Heart disease is

skyrocketing, except for those who supplement with large (relative to

what they want you to take) amounts of nutrients.


Arthritus. diabetis, autism, ADD, AIDS, Vaccines, the list goes on

and on. These diseases make money for a large segment of industry.

Anyone with even one eye open cannot miss what has transpired in the

last 50 years in health care.


It is the unrivaled winner as a growth industry. It is now one of

our major industries. But it doesn't " cure " hardly anything, but does

have a lot of expensive treatments to drain the dollars into that



These same treatments in themselves cause much other illness. It then

becomes a medical monetary circle. More treatment, more income, more

illness, more treatment, more income, more illness, etc. No wonder

there aren't many cures, but the industry has been booming for 50+

years now.


To is very important to protect that cash cow, to all of those

interests. Along comes a few people who say that vitamins are good

for you. Even neccessary for life. (60 to 80 years ago).


And herbs. Gee, they say that most of these gentle nontoxic

substances have been used beneficially for hundreds or in some

cases, thousands of years with little or no toxicity.


The massive machinery of those vested interests is not going to stand

by, and let something like truth stand in the way of profits. So we

get... Wow, watch out for these dangerous substances like vitamins.

Yea, and those herbs are real killers too... Yes, potential killers

to the bottom line in the industry.


Do you really think in those instances that all of those interests

WANT to cure cancer, heart disease, etc., etc., etc..


Do you think that they want the health of the population to be GOOD,

by taking vitamins, or using hrebs for treatment or support.


They actively try and stamp those things out whenever and wherever

they can. That is the biggest proof of all to determine what the

game is all about, who plays it, and why. Those in the industry and

those in government and all of that money involved.


This list is about natural alternatives for getting well, or

attaining real health.


The allopathic/pharmacuetical medical establishment dominates our

societies almost completely. This a very little corner where I try to

keep that influence out. They have billions, we don't. we are

insignifigant. But, they have the world of medicine as we know it.

All the alternate has is a few people who are still talking. That is

why we do not allow a discussion on pharmacuetical or allopathic

methods here.


This list was set up to discuss alternatives, not the relative merits

of one one vs. the other.


The majority of allopathic doctors or others who have a vested

interest, do not want to hear anything bad about established

medicine. They also don't want to hear anything possibly good about a

natural alternative. That is, till one of their family or themselves

gets sick and wants something for themselves personally vs. what

they do for a living. Then they seem to be more open minded all of a



I am all for people receiveing allopathic treatments if that is what

they want. Some of them are beneficial and at this time necessary.


But to go along with that, I am also for the education of everyone so

they can make an informed choice when they have one.


But, the main thing that I believe in is the right to have something

other than the proscribed profit driven one, demanded by the

establishment, which may be worse for me that the original complaint.


I want to refuse to allow my health, and the health of my family, to

be used just to further someone's economic interests.


Part of the answer to those problems are information and self



I get complaints constantly from members about my posts. I am not

fair to doctors. I am not fair to business. I am not fair to

politicians. I am on one side or the other politically, etc.


If that is what you think. I could care less. What I really am for is

the people who are seeking alternate health information to have the

right to that information and the right to almost ANY treatment that

THEY want, not what someone else wants for them.


One other thing, I recieive compplaints is about the type of

publications that I find information in. It source isn't mainstream

enough for them.


I take the information from wherever I can find it, which usually

means the alternative press. May be you didn't know this was

considered an alternative group?????? or an alternative subject???


Instead of harrangueing ME about that, why aren't you using your

energy to bug the establishment to print it in their papers and on TV.


Seems to me that you have the situation mixed up with your own

personal brand of politics being more important that truth on health.


just my 2 cents,



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