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Prevent the Diseases Which Could Rob You of Your Eye Sight

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March 19, 2003Smart PublicationsHealth & Wellness Update Dear Friends, If you

have any type of vision-impairment-including cataracts or macular

degeneration-orif you would like to prevent future vision problems, you'll find

valuable information in this issue of Smart Publications Health & Wellness

Update about how nutritional supplementation can helpsupport eye health. It

just might make the difference in whether you're able to maintain youreyesight

all your life … or lose your vision due to an age-related disease. In good

health,John MorgenthalerPrevent the Diseases Which Could Rob You of Your Eye

SightIf you were asked which sense you would regret losing the most, you'd

probably say your eyesight. Right? Vision impairment is one of the most feared

disabilities. Yet, according to the National Eye Institute, at least half of all

cases of blindness can be prevented.1 But the number of people in the U.S. who

suffer from visual impairment continues to grow at an alarming rate.

Near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism are common symptoms of living

in the twentieth century.And as we age, many of us face more serious eye

problems. Cataracts, the leading cause of blindness in the world, affects nearly

20.5 million Americans; 2.2 million have been diagnosed with glaucoma, and

another 2 million are unaware they have it; and more than 1.6 million Americans

over 60 have advanced macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness

and visual impairment in Americans over sixty. 2 The top 2 causes of serious

visual impairmentCataractsCataracts are the leading cause of decreased vision in

adults older than 65 and is the most common surgical procedure for elderly

Americans, costing Medicare about $3.5 billion per year. But you can get an

" age-related " cataract when you're in your 40s or 50s, although most likely it

will be small and not rob you of your vision. Only 15 percent of people are

affected with cataracts by age 55, but this figure jumps to 50 percent by age

75, and 90 percent by age 85. It's important to note, however, that cataracts

worsen over time … so it's never too late—or early—to try to prevent them and/or

treat them!3 What is a cataract?A cataract is an opaque spot on the lens of the

eye that you can't see through. The lens lies behind the iris and the pupil, and

works like a camera lens. It focuses light onto the retina at the back of the

eye, where an image is recorded. The lens also adjusts the eye's focus, which

allows you to see things clearly, up close, and far away.The lens is made of

mostly water and protein. But as we age, some of the protein may clump together

and start to cloud a small area of the lens. This is a cataract. Over time, the

cataract may grow larger and cloud more of the lens, making it harder to see.

4The haze can vary in size, density, and location, which means its effect on

your vision will also vary. At first, many people experience an overall

reduction in their vision; they may need more light to read by, or may have

difficulty reading street signs while driving. A cataract can also affect depth

perception, which is particularly dangerous for the elderly who are more prone

to falling.5 Common Symptoms of Cataracts include:• Cloudy, fuzzy, foggy, or

filmy vision• Changes in the way you see colors• Problems driving at night

because headlights seem too bright• Problems with glare from lamps or the sun•

Frequent changes in your eyeglass prescription• Double vision• Better near

vision (temporarily in farsighted people only)Note: These symptoms also can be

signs of other eye problems.What causes cataracts?Researchers suspect there are

several causes:• free radicals—natural byproducts of metabolism—are highly

reactive chemicals that cause oxidation, which in turn causes aging• physical

injury to the vertebrae or neck, or any stress which reduces eye movement and

increases muscle tension• toxins, pharmaceutical drugs, and smoking• diabetes

(high levels of sugar in the blood contribute to cataract formation, so it's not

surprising that diabetics are 3-4 times more likely to have cataracts.)• the

protein in the lens changes from the wear and tear it takes over the years, and

hardens and loses its ability to focus 6,7 According to the National Eye

Institute, at least half of all cases of blindness can be prevented. What

nutrients help prevent and treat cataracts? N-acetyl carnosine eye drops, (see

NAC eye drops: An important new discovery in the treatment and prevention of

cataracts.)? ginkgo biloba, taurine, vitamin E, vitamin A, carotenoids, grape

seed extract, green tea extact, ginkgo biloba extract, lutein, zeaxanthin,

lycopene Macular DegenerationMacular Degeneration (AMD, Age-related macular

degeneration) is most common in people over 50, but can appear as early as age

40. As life expectancy increases, the disease is becoming a significant problem

with thousands of people being diagnosed each year. Millions of American seniors

experience blurred or distorted vision from macular degeneration, which can put

an end to activities such as reading and driving. In fact, age-related macular

degeneration (AMD) affects one in three people over the age of 75 and is the

leading cause of irreversible blindness among adults. What is the macula?The

macula—about the size of a pencil eraser—is a tiny, yellowish area near the

center of the retina that allows you to clearly distinguish fine detail.What is

macular degeneration (AMD)?Macular degeneration is the slow deterioration of the

cells in the macula, which affects your central vision, the vision you use for

reading, writing, driving, and identifying faces. In some people, AMD advances

so slowly that it will have little effect on their vision as they age. But in

others, the disease progresses faster and may lead to a loss of vision in one or

both eyes.Cataracts worsen over time … so it's never too late—or early—to try to

prevent them and/or treat themCommon symptoms of AMD include:• Normally straight

objects appear bent or wavy• A dark, bland or blurry spot appears in the center

of your vision• When you cover one eye, the object you're looking at changes

size or colorWhat causes macular degeneration?There are two kinds, the dry type

and the wet type: 90 percent of people have the dry type, in which small, yellow

spots called drusen form underneath the macula. Scientists are still not sure

what causes dry AMD. Studies suggest that an area of the retina becomes

diseased, leading to the slow breakdown of the light-sensing cells in the macula

and a gradual loss of central vision. Dry macular degeneration can progress to

the second, more severe type called wet macular degeneration.Although only 10

percent of all people with AMD have the wet type, it accounts for 90 percent of

all blindness from the disease. As dry AMD worsens, new blood vessels may begin

to grow and cause " wet " AMD. These new blood vessels tend to be very fragile,

and they often leak blood and fluid under the macula, which further deteriorates

the macula, causing rapid and severe vision loss.8What nutrients help protect

and heal AMD?* Lutein, zexanthin, carotenoids, beta carotene, lycopene,

astaxanthin, vitamin E, gingko biloba extract Are you at risk for Cataracts &

Macular Degeneration?Cataracts• Age is a high risk factor• Extensive exposure to

UV radiation or infrared light• Medications such as steroids, various injuries,

and disease• Vitamin, mineral and protein imbalances 9Macular Degeneration• Age

is the greatest risk factor. Everyone develops AMD somewhat. In normal

individuals, the macula begins to deteriorate from youth through 30.

Deterioration accelerates after 50; by age 65, the incidence of AMD increases to

30% for those over 75.• People with drusen (yellow spots) on the retina are at

risk• People with AMD in one eye are at high risk for AMD in the other eye

(within 4 years of developing it in one eye, 23 percent develop it in the other

eye)• People with the dry form of AMD are at risk for developing the wet form

(see " what causes macular degeneration? " )• Light-eyed people• Women tend to be

at greater risk for AMD than men.• Smoking increases the risk of AMD.•

Genetics—Those with immediate family members who have AMD are at a higher risk

of developing the disease.• People with atherosclerosis and hypertension•

Nutritional deficiencies 10 Proper nutrition and dietary supplements make a

world of differenceThe good news is that cataracts, macular degeneration and

other vision problems can often be prevented, stopped, or slowed down with

appropriate diet, supplements and lifestyle changes. And if you think you get

all the nutrients you need through your diet, and or multivitamin, think again.

There are very specific nutrients proven to support eye health that you may be

missing because you're not eating enough of the foods that contain them … or

which may not be included in your multi. It's impossible to fit every proven

nutrient in one supplement, and it's difficult to obtain all the carotenoids and

other nutrients we need though our food. In addition, " Our eyes are very complex

organs and require an extremely high proportion of nutrients to maintain their

proper function, " writes Jeffrey R. Anshel, O.D. in Smart Medicine for your Eyes

(Avery, 1999). According to Anshel, even though the brain and visual system make

up only two percent of our body weight, they use up to 25 percent of our

nutritional intake. Thus, it's easy to see (no pun intended) that if our

nutrient levels are deficient, the strength and elasticity of eye tissues may be

compromised, which may result in poor vision and other problems.The good news is

that cataracts, macular degeneration and other vision problems can often be

prevented, stopped or slowed down with appropriate diet, supplements and

lifestyle changes. What can you do to protect your vision?Studies have shown

that the early detection and treatment of eye disease, before it causes major

vision loss, is the best way to control the disease. So, if you fall into one of

the high-risk groups for any of the age-related diseases we discussed, please

make sure to have your eyes examined thoroughly every two years by an eye care

professional and protect your eyes with nutrients proven to support eye

health.10 Important nutrients for healthy eyes1. Lutein 2. Zeaxanthin 3.

Lycopene 4. Astaxanthin 5. Palm Oil Carotenoids (alpha and beta carotene)6.

Grape Seed Extract 7. Ginkgo Biloba Extract 8. Green Tea Extract 9. Taurine 10.

Gamma tocopherol and vitamin E Lutein and zeaxanthin: nature's colorful

antioxidantsLutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants in the carotenoid family—a

group of naturally occurring, fat-soluble pigments found in plants—that play a

key role in our the health of our eyes. Carotenoids are the red, orange and

yellow plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vivid colors. All

fruits and vegetables contain varying concentrations of carotenoids. But their

colors are often covered up by green chlorophyll contained in the plant. Lutein

is found in spinach, kale, collard greens, romaine lettuce, leeks, peas, egg

yolks, tomatoes, carrots, marigold flowers, and fruits. Zeaxanthin is found in

corn, kale, mustard greens, spinach, egg yolk, orange peppers, collard greens,

lycii berry fruit, green algae spirulina and other types of commercially

produced algae.Lutein and zeaxanthin accumulate in the macula, the prominent,

bright yellow spot in the center of the retina that allows you to clearly

distinguish fine detail. " Drugs and surgery do not correct or eliminate the

causes of (eye) disease, which are often individual and multifactorial. " Glen

Swartwout, O.D.Powerful vision protectorsOf the 600 carotenoids found in nature,

zeaxanthin and lutein are concentrated in the macula, the central part of the

retina that allows you to clearly distinguish fine detail.11 The concentration

of zeaxanthin in the center of the macula is about 85 times greater than its

concentration in the periphery. Consequently, many researchers believe

zeaxanthin and lutein may be a potent protectant against macular

degeneration,12-17 and may retard aging of the lens in preventing cataracts from

forming18,19. Lutein is also dispersed throughout the entire retina and acts as

a filter to protect the macula from potentially damaging forms of light. In

fact, one study has shown that 60-year-olds with normal levels of zeaxanthin and

lutein in their retinas exhibit the visual sensitivity of 20-year-olds!20 Lutein

and zeaxanthin supplementation diminishes eye health risksWhile a deficiency has

not been identified, people who eat more lutein and zeaxanthin-containing foods

are at lower risk of macular degeneration21 and cataracts.22-25Research shows,

however, that most people don't come close to eating the amount of fruits and

vegetables needed to meet recommended daily dosage levels, and a poor diet can

dramatically lower the amounts of these vital compounds in our bodies. That's

why supplementation with lutein and zeaxanthin is so important! Unfortunately,

while lutein has become a household word since its introduction as a dietary

supplement, most products contain only lutein and NO zeaxanthin. Lutein is

important for eye health, but that’s not the whole story. Zeaxanthin is more

highly concentrated than lutein, in the most light-sensitive center of the

macula. It is also a more powerful protector from light damage than lutein.

Because zeaxanthin has emerged as a vital protective eye carotenoid, and high

doses of lutein may actually impair zeaxanthin uptake into the eyes, a

well-designed eye supplement should contain lutein AND significant amounts of

zeaxanthin.Lycopene Recent epidemiological studies have suggested that the

consumption of tomatoes and tomato-based food products reduce the risk of

prostate cancer in humans. This protective effect has been attributed to

carotenoids, which are one of the major classes of phytochemicals in this fruit.

The most abundant carotenoid in tomato is lycopene, followed by phytoene,

phytofluene, zeta-carotene, gamma-carotene, beta-carotene, neurosporene, and

lutein. Studies have shown that people with a low dietary intake of lycopene

have twice the risk of macular degeneration.26Lycopene and other carotenoids,

including beta-carotene, may also play an important role in the prevention of

age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and other blinding disorders. In

one study, lycopene and a wide range of dietary carotenoids were detected in

high concentrations in ciliary body and retinal pigment epithelium, which leads

researchers to believe that lycopene and other carotenoids, like lutein and

zeaxanthin, may play a role in the prevention of age-related macular

degeneration, cataracts, and other blinding disorders.27Astaxanthin Astaxanthin

is a red-orange carotenoid found in algae. It accumulates in the tissues of

salmon, trout and shrimp, and other pink seafood giving these fish their pink

hue. It's closely related to carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin.

Unfortunately, most people consume very little of this powerful antioxidant

carotenoid because it is not found in vegetables.One of the key features of

astaxanthin is its unique antioxidant functions not shared by other dietary

carotenoids, especially in relation to preventing light and UV damage.

Astaxanthin has only recently been available as a dietary supplement, and is

quite expensive. However, there is good preliminary evidence that it is a very

worthwhile addition to our normal array of dietary carotenoids, especially for

eye health. Vitamin A and its precursor beta-caroteneVitamin A and its precursor

beta-carotene are especially important for eye health. Beta-carotene nourishes

the eye's rod and cone photoreceptors and is related to retina and macular

functioning because it provides day, night and sharp central vision, and may

also act as a light filter for the eyes, protecting against photooxidation of

the lens.28Also, the National Eye Institute Age-Related Eye Disease Study (see

" The Role of Nutrition in Eye Disease Prevention " ) found that supplementation

with 400 IU of vitamin E, 500 mg vitamin C, 15 mg beta-carotene and 80 mg zinc

oxide slows the progression of macular degeneration by about 25 percent.Grape

seed extractGrape seed extract contains proanthocyanidins, a powerful class of

antioxidants that is very effective at protecting the body from the damaging

effects of free radicals. Proanthocyanidins have improved aspects of vision

(visual performance in the dark and after exposure to glare) in healthy

people.29,30 Although little is known of the effect of proanthocyanidins on

cataract formation, a study in which rats were fed grape seed extract (GSE)

showed that the proanthocyanidins and their antioxidant metabolites prevented

the progression of cataract formation, when compared to the group that didn't

receive the GSE.31Ginkgo biloba extractGinkgo biloba extract has antioxidant

activity, improves arterial blood flow, and enhances cellular metabolism. It

also has antiaging properties, which may prevent degenerative changes in the

eye. Several studies have indicated that Ginkgo may have a significant

therapeutic value in cases of retinal damage 32,33,34, and that it can be used

successfully and safely to protect the eye from cataracts, macular degeneration,

and glaucoma.According to Robert Ritch, M.D. Chief of Glaucoma Service, Surgeon, and Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology, New York Eye and Ear

Infirmary, New York Medical College, " Ginkgo biloba extract is freely available

and has several biological actions which combine to make it a potentially

important agent in the treatment of glaucoma: improvement of central and

peripheral blood flow, reduction of vasospasm, reduction of serum viscosity,

antioxidant activity, platelet activating factor inhibitory activity, inhibition

of apoptosis, and inhibition of excitotoxicity. The effect of Ginkgo biloba

extract as a potential antiglaucoma therapy deserves intensive scrutiny. " 35In an

experiment with laboratory rats in which cataracts were induced, treatment with

Ginkgo biloba extract was found to significantly retard the progression of lens

opacification (cloudiness). 36In a double-blind trial involving 99 patients with

dry senile macular degeneration, the visual acuity in the group of patients

treated with Ginkgo biloba extract was significantly improved. The results

demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of Ginkgo biloba extract in patients with

senile, dry macular degeneration, with obvious benefits in every-day

life.37Green tea extractGreen tea extract has been used throughout Asia for

thousands of years to promote longevity, improve mental functions, and prevent

disease. But it is only within the past twenty years or so that green tea has

become a popular healing tonic in the West. As a result of both historical

accounts and current research, tea has gone from a simple beverage to a

functional food with ample evidence of its health promoting properties. For

instance, we now know, thanks to scientific studies, that antioxidants in green

tea help protect against free radical damage, and specifically possesses

anti-cataract potential.38 It has also been found to protect against UV

radiation.39TaurineTaurine is an amino acid, and an important antioxidant for

the regeneration of worn out tissues of the visual system. High amounts of

taurine are found in the retina of the eye—especially in the photoreceptor

cells—where it protects cells from ultraviolet damage, and is important for the

maintenance of vision.40 But taurine decreases with age, and deficiencies of

taurine are known to cause retinal lesions and visual deterioration, which can

be reversed with dietary taurine supplementation. For more information about

taurine, visit this website: http://hfn-usa.com/articles/021206taurine.htmlGamma

tocopherol and vitamin EGamma tocopherol and vitamin E have been shown to reduce

cataract risk by up to 56 percent, whereas a low level increases cataract risk

and increases photooxidation.41For more information about vitamin E and

tocopherols, visit this website: http://hfn-usa.com/articles/030220.htmlAlso,

the National Eye Institute Age-Related Eye Disease Study (see " The Role of

Nutrition in Eye Disease Prevention " ) found that supplementation with 400 IU of

vitamin E, 500 mg vitamin C, 15 mg beta-carotene and 80 mg zinc oxide slows the

progression of macular degeneration by about 25 percent. " Who would believe that

so small a space could contain the images of all the universe? " Leonardo da

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