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An Open Letter from Lorraine Day, M.D.

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Over the past three or four years, I have attempted to write a personal answer

to all who have written to me regarding their health problems. Unfortunately,

the volume of mail has gotten so large that I am unable to continue doing that

and still have time to eat and sleep. I am only one person, and there are

literally millions of sick people in this country so there's no way that I can

keep up. For the same reason, I am not able to talk with people on the phone.

There just aren't enough hours in the day. And I do not see patients. I spend my

time on radio and television, or making videos and writing books. This is the

most efficient way to reach large numbers of people.


And that's exactly why I made my videos!! Because it's impossible for me to tell

each person individually. Everything you need to know to get well is on the



Some people write to me saying " I have watched your videos and found them to be

very informative. I have breast cancer (or some other kind of cancer, or another

serious disease), what should I do? " My reply is: " The ANSWER is on the videos! "

The video " You Can't Improve on God " details the EXACT plan I used to get well

from cancer. Nothing more, nothing less. That's it! The plan is designed to be

done at home. That's the way I did it.


The plan rebuilds the immune system, the ONLY system in your body that gets you

well and keeps you well from virtually EVERY disease.


All you have to do is watch the video as many times as you need to in order to

understand the concepts, taking notes throughout the video as you watch, to get

the specifics well in mind --- and then (if that's your choice) just DO IT!




1) Watch the videos as often as necessary until you understand the concepts

regarding the factors that cause disease.


2) Take notes as you watch as though you were going to take a test on the



3) Write down the 10 steps of the health plan and specifically write down what


involved in each step and what you have to do.


4) Make out a juicing schedule.


5) Write down the specific recipes for the carrot/apple juice and the green


vegetable/apple juice.


6) Order a raw food recipe book and a cooked food recipe book (from the ordering

information given at the end of " You Can't Improve on God " or " Diseases Don't

Just Happen " ). Remember all recipes in these books are not necessarily

appropriate for a cancer patient. Choose the recipes that stay within the

nutritional guidelines as detailed on my videos.


7) Make out a daily schedule incorporating ALL ten aspects of the plan.




9) And do it ALL! That's the ONLY way to achieve success.


10) If you have questions later, watch the videos again, as often as necessary.


11) Start, one by one, ordering and reading the reference books noted at the end

of the videos " You Can't Improve on God " and " Diseases Don't Just Happen. "

Educate yourself. This will increase your commitment to getting well.


12) The book " Your Body's Many Cries for Water " is a " must-read " for everyone

who is ill with ANY disease. It's available from Rockford Press at





By the way, one question people frequently ask is " How big is a glass? "


ANSWER: When I refer to a " glass " of carrot juice or a " glass " of water, I mean

" 8 ounces. "


Look at a measuring cup in your kitchen. It says " 8 ounces. " Or maybe people

aren't cooking at home anymore since it seems the whole world is eating out at

fast food restaurants! That's, of course, one big reason why so many are so







For those who may have just been diagnosed with cancer and are wondering what

they should do, please continue reading.


Cancer is cancer! Whether it is prostate cancer, stomach cancer, brain cancer,

breast cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, leukemia (cancer of the blood) or any other

type of cancer. ALL cancer is a result of an immune system that is not working

properly. Fortunately, ALL cancer responds to rebuilding the immune system by

natural methods. The immune system CANNOT be rebuilt with drugs because ALL

drugs have side effects that eventually suppress the immune system and damage

the body even more.






If you have just been diagnosed with cancer or some other serious disease, DO

NOT BE AFRAID!! Yes, the situation is serious, but stay calm and don't let

ANYONE push you into accepting a treatment if you have not had time to

understand its potential side effects. Understand that there ARE options! Cancer

is NOT something that suddenly drops out of the sky like a big tarantula that

grabs on to your body and starts eating your flesh. It takes a very long time

for cancer to develop, one day at a time. You have time and the right to settle

down and intelligently evaluate what you are going to do. Don't be unnecessarily







Yes, it is still possible if you have enough immune system left to rebuild. Only

God knows the answer, but there is NO way to get truly well other than to

rebuild your immune system. But after having chemotherapy and/or radiation, you

must " dig out of a deeper hole " so it takes longer.






When I first started trying to get well from cancer, I used a lot of

supplements. But my tumor GREW! (See the pictures on my website!) So I stopped

ALL supplements and went completely natural -- natural food, natural juice and

pure water, plus all the other parts of the plan. You will notice on my video

" You Can't Improve on God " I do NOT include any supplements.


The only " Supplement " that I found helpful was a whole food called Barleygreen

TM from the AIM company. It is the dried juice of the young green barley plant,

which contains the widest variety of important nutrients in the plant kingdom.






Also remember, the plan on my videos is NOT just a diet! The proper natural diet

is absolutely CRITICAL for recovery from every disease, but it is ONLY ONE part

of the ten-part plan. ALL OTHER NINE PARTS of the plan are EQUALLY IMPORTANT!! I

could not get well on the diet alone. I had to incorporate ALL ten parts of the

plan in order to get completely well.




TRUST IN GOD was also essential for my complete recovery. It's the only way to

have true peace in your life. God is the healer. He just does it through His

natural health plan, the natural things He has created for our good. He is the

ONLY one who knows exactly what is wrong with you and EXACTLY how to make you

well. And He wants to have a daily relationship with you. He will give you the

strength, courage, determination and self-discipline to follow the plan, if you

ask Him daily. Spend time with Him every day, so you can get to know Him as your

friend. Then you can trust Him with your life. Remember, " I can do all things

through Christ who strengthens me. " Phil. 4:13






People with cancer sometimes write and tell me they have lost a lot of weight.

They want to know what they should eat to gain weight. The answer is to STOP

worrying about intermediate end points such as gaining weight. You have lost

weight because YOU HAVE CANCER!!! STOP worrying about gaining weight and focus

instead on GETTING WELL! When you get well, the proper weight will return.






Remember, there is NO Quick Fix!! We make ourselves sick one day at a time by

the way we eat and the way we live. Fortunately we can reverse those factors,

but we must do it the same slow way, one day at a time! We're conditioned to

want to take a pill or a shot, get it over with right away and get on with our

life, living and eating the same way we always have. But that way of eating and

living is what has made us sick in the first place. We must change in order to

get well.


From the time I got the whole plan together as detailed on my video " You Can't

Improve on God " and began implementing it with 100% dedication, it was 18 months

until I was totally well!






Every so often I receive a letter from someone who says, " I've been following

your plan for (a certain number of) months, and I'm not getting any better. "

When I send them a short standard set of questions, it becomes apparent that

they really are NOT on the plan -- at least NOT the ENTIRE plan! Please read

" Reasons for Failure " (below) and make sure you are NOT in any of these



It IS possible to get well from cancer and other serious diseases, by rebuilding

the immune system. But the plan MUST be followed with 100% dedication, like

" Marine Training! " Cancer is serious business and you can't just " play around "


focus must be on getting well. You can NEVER take your eyes off what is trying

to kill you.




And remember, it's not just a " diet " --- It's a WAY OF LIFE!






For those who do not have cancer but have another disease or disorder, you will

see from the information about the videos on my website, the video entitled

" Diseases Don't Just Happen " covers virtually ALL types of diseases and

disorders and at the end tells you how to get well without drugs. The video " You

Can't Improve on God " gives, in detail, the entire plan necessary to rebuild the

immune system. That's the ONE system in your body that gets you well and keeps

you well from every disease!


If you are taking medications, DO NOT STOP them abruptly!! That can be very

dangerous. First start rebuilding your immune system and then after awhile, with

very few exceptions, you won't need them anymore. You can then start slowly

weaning yourself from your medications, but only under the observation of a

knowledgeable health practitioner.






If you have kidney failure or congestive heart failure you must increase your

fluids very slowly, under the care of your health practitioner. Follow the parts

of the plan that you can, and as your health improves you will be able to

incorporate more.


If you are a diabetic you should concentrate on the green leafy vegetable juices

more than the carrot at first because of the natural sugar in the carrot juice.

But you can also start with one carrot juice per day, diluted 50/50 with water,

carefully monitoring your sugar levels. As you change your diet and begin

exercising, your diabetes will improve and you will be able to slowly increase

your amount of carrot juice.






On my video " You Can't Improve on God " I interview my 85 year old mother who was

able, within 3 weeks, to get off ALL four of her high blood pressure medications

that she had been on for as long as 35 years by following this program. Many

others have done the same thing. Within four months her cholesterol dropped from

280 to 120, and her triglycerides (a measure of the fat in your blood) dropped

from 565 to 160! And within 6 months she was well from her Polymyalgia

Rheumatica (a severe autoimmune disease in the same category as Lupus and

Rheumatoid Arthritis, and usually treated with high dose prednisone) and she got

well WITHOUT ANY medication!






The complete " Whole Body " Health line consists of the " AIM GARDEN TRIO "

Ask About Health Professional Support Series: AIM Barleygreen


" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "









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