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Wed, 9 Apr 2003 15:50:00 -0500

HSI - Jenny Thompson

Milky Way




Health Sciences Institute e-Alert


April 9, 2003




Dear Member,


What do cabbage, rat poison, and yogurt have in common?

Believe it or not, they're all things we eat. (Don't be

alarmed about the rat poison - there's a good explanation.)


The other thing these three items have in common is that

they're all topics that HSI members have asked about in

response to a recent e-Alert about milk ( " Skimming &

Scamming " 3/19/03).



Putting the U in cabbage



If you need calcium in your diet, put down the milk and pick

up a head of cabbage. That's the advice from a member named

T.G. who sent this e-mail:


" As a Naturopath Chiropractor of 36 year standing I have

always been against cows milk. To add to what Dr. Spreen

said that the calcium in milk is not absorbed so readily.

The calcium content in milk (especially the pasteurized

version) is hardly enough to write home about. A small cup

of threaded cabbage contains as much calcium as there is in

8 glasses of fresh full cream milk, and that is fresh from

the cow.


" On the subject of cabbage, did you know that the core of

the cabbage contains a great amount of vitamin U, which is

used to heal the intestinal tract? (Not well known fact.) It

was discovered in Rumania. I once healed a month old baby

with it. The baby had a bad case of reflux and would not

hold even Mothers milk in. I told the mother to juice

Cabbage cores and give the baby a teaspoon 4 times a day. It

stayed in and in one week the refluxes stopped and she is

now a grown up woman. Sometimes old remedies do work better

than the new. "


T.G. wasn't kidding when he said that it's not a well known

fact that vitamin U can heal the intestinal tract. When I

asked HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., about this he said

that he knew about using cabbage to calm intestinal

disturbances, but wasn't aware that vitamin U was the active



I did a little digging and here's what I found: In the early

50's, Garnet Cheney, M.D., (a clinical professor at the

University of California) successfully treated ulcer

patients with raw cabbage juice, and had particular success

in treating peptic ulcers - reporting a much faster healing

time than conventional treatments. Dr. Cheney called his

therapy vitamin u, after the " u " in ulcer. So strictly

speaking, there is no actual vitamin called vitamin U - the

active agent in cabbage that works wonders on digestion is

probably metanoic acid.



The dose is the difference



An HSI member named N.P. has this concern about a typical

ingredient in milk:


" I have tried to get people to listen to me, to no avail. I

am concerned about the vitamin D3 that is being added to our

milk supply, not only in our milk but also in baby formulas

such as Similac and Enfamil, and also in organic milk. I

researched what vitamin D3 is and found it is rat poison.

Why in the world are they adding this to our most important

of foods? "


Excellent question. But there's a good explanation. Here's

what Dr. Spreen has to say:


" Vitamin D3 is used in rat poison (or, rather, in some rat

poisons). It works by massively raising the calcium levels

in the blood stream enough to kill the rodent. You give a

ton to the animal and you seriously screw up its serum

calcium levels and it dies. An adequate dose to kill a rat,

therefore, wouldn't kill you, as you weigh so much more than

a rat. The doses added to milk, etc., are miniscule by

comparison, so milk drinking would not be a problem for that



" The reader brings up another point, one that insinuates

itself into a large (and profitable) arena for some big

corporations: the USDA has allowed the use of vitamin D3 to

be included in the definition (ITS definition, that is)

of 'organic.' This gives me another opportunity to warn

those interested in organic foods (and we all should be) to

read labels carefully, using only the well-established

definitions of 'organic' as adopted by individual states

such as California and a few others. 'Organic' by USDA

standards is in no way the same thing. "



Sorting through the dairy case



One of the most common questions I received about milk

concerned the value of organic milk. A good example is this

e-mail from Kelly:


" If we aren't supposed to drink milk or eat yogurt or limit

cheese, how or what are we supposed to eat for our protein

and for our calcium? I have started to buy Organic Milk

because I fear all the antibiotics that are in the non-Organic

milk. "


Dr. Spreen's reply:


" Your efforts to obtain organic milk, in my opinion, are

well founded (assuming you tolerate milk). Unfortunately,

you still run into the raw vs. pasteurized, homogenized

issue. I prefer both rice milk and the slightly more

expensive almond milk (coconut milk would be even better but

access tends to be somewhat limited by locale!).


" I'm not totally against some milk products that are

enzymatically converted (cheese), or processed by beneficial

bacteria (kefir, yogurt, etc.). They tend to be better

absorbed due to the 'pre-treatment.' They therefore tend to

be better tolerated, but you can still be intolerant of even

these products (and pasteurized ones are less nutritious).


" There are many sources of calcium. Think about this: How do

the cows get it to put it into their milk? Green leafy

veggies are a great source (...and now I'd add cabbage!).


" Concerning protein, the best quality protein is egg,

followed by dairy protein (casein). Soy trails this list,

though all are listed with a protein rating of '1.' That's

because the soy interests got soy rated as a '1' while the

new protein quality numbering system tops out at...you

guessed it...'1.' As I'm not against meat (though I am

against what our meat industry DOES to our meat), that's a

good source of protein if the food is well chewed and we

have sufficient acid in the stomach (another argument

against taking antacids). "



Keep 'em coming



My thanks to all of you who sent and continue to send e-

mails. Your comments and questions make it clear that every

health topic has many side-topics that provide additional

opportunities to examine the best ways to keep ourselves fit

and prevent disease. And of course, my thanks as well to Dr.

Spreen for his help with these questions and his invaluable





....and another thing


I also have Dr. Spreen to thank for sending along an article

about garlic that appeared in BioMedNet. A review of recent

studies confirms that garlic contains medically active

substances with very useful health benefits.


The Journal of Nutrition reports that garlic extract

increases cellular antioxidant enzyme levels, resulting in

the inhibition of LDL oxidation and the reduction of plasma

LDL. This adds new evidence to the theory that garlic may

be effective in helping to prevent the buildup of

cholesterol and lipid plaques on artery walls that leads to



Other recent studies demonstrate that garlic may also be a

potent cancer fighter. A report in Molecular Pharmacology,

shows that a natural compound in garlic called ajoene can

prompt apoptosis (cell death) in leukemic cells. And a study

in the journal Nutrition and Cancer concluded that another

garlic compound called allicin may inhibit the growth of

mammary and colon cancer cells.


So...be on the lookout for good cabbage and garlic recipes.


To Your Good Health,


Jenny Thompson

Health Sciences Institute




" A Natural Healing Viewpoint on Colitis, Ulcer, and Other GI

Problems " Dr. Andrew Saul, Everyday Warriors,


" Extremely Versatile Cabbage " Paulette Millis, Whole Life,


" Juice Therapy " Internet Health Library,


" Pharmacological Effects of Garlic Extract " Ruomei Qi and

Zhengang Wang, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2003,

24:62-63, BioMedNet, bmn.com


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