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Eclub <Eclub wrote: " Eclub "


EBlast from Phillip Day: The Facts on Diabetes

Thu, 10 Apr 2003 17:39:09 +0100




CTM Disease Profile: Diabetes mellitus (type 2)




Description: One of the fastest growing diseases in the western world, the

condition of diabetes type 2 occurs when the body’s cells become resistant to

the pancreatic hormone insulin, resulting in sugars not becoming oxidised to

produce energy. Symptoms include thirst, loss of weight and the excessive

production of urine. Hyperglycaemia, or an over-accumulation of glucose in the

blood (unregulated by insulin), can lead to diabetic coma.




Phillip Day: Sugars contained in natural, whole foods are easily metabolised by

the body. Nature has ensured that fructose, for instance, obtained when we

consume fruits, has the necessary vitamins and minerals accompanying it to allow

this type of simple monosaccharide sugar to enter the bloodstream and become

directly metabolised by our bodies for energy. Vitamins and minerals, which

accompany fructose, are essential for these complete assimilation and conversion

processes to occur.




The problems with diabetes can begin with how our bodies process foods that

break down into another vital sugar – glucose. Refined sugar, or sucrose,

hydrolyses into glucose and fructose after consumption. Fructose, as previously

mentioned, is metabolised directly to produce energy. Abrupt intakes of glucose

into the bloodstream however provoke a massive secretion of insulin, the

pancreatic hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels and storing

excess glucose as fat. The result of this over-production of insulin is a sudden

drop in blood sugar, which, as I discuss in The Mind Game, can bring on mood

changes and behavioural upsets.




Now we have low blood sugar, we can get that wobbly sensation and become growly.

What are we craving? Sugar! So, in go the doughnuts, Twinkies, Ding-Dongs and

Bear Claws; up go the blood sugar levels again; out squirts all that insulin to

regulate the glucose, and down come those blood sugar levels again with a thump.

This spiky, chaotic pattern of blood sugar in the body will eventually cause our

cells to become resistant to all that insulin, resulting in the condition of

type 2 diabetes.




Sucrose and massive insulin secretions have long been known to cause type 2

diabetes. This condition usually occurs in adults, who have had years of food

abuse to render their cells insulin-resistant. Type 2 can be controlled with a

combination of diet and exercise. People with the condition not only lose their

sensitivity to insulin, which regulates the build-up of blood sugar, but this

repeated overload of insulin and glucose can lead to an increase in systolic

blood pressure, fainting and diabetic coma.




Excessive consumption of refined, high-glycaemic carbohydrates, including items

like white bread, white flour, chocolate, sweets, pastries, white rice,

breakfast cereals, as well as alcohol drinks, especially wine and beer, will all

yield excessive sugars into the bloodstream with the predictable, aforementioned

insulin effects.




Another problem is physical and emotional stress. This triggers what is known as

Fight or Flight Syndrome. When we become agitated, stressed or physically

threatened, the body prepares for combat or flight by generating powerful shots

of adrenalin. This provokes the releasing of stored glucose into the bloodstream

for energy to fuel explosive physical action. This in turn causes a surge of

insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Notice how, in previous eras, the

Fight/Flight response would resolve itself with explosive physical action

(either Fight or Flight!), which in turn would burn up the sugars.




What about today? When we are stressed with money, relationships, hardships or

work pressures, or simply getting our kicks watching the FA Cup or playing video

games, this Fight/Flight response still occurs and may endure for days or weeks.

Consequently, the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas in today’s

stressful sugar-laden environment is substantially higher. This excess energy

does not tend to discharge itself through physical action. The results of this

insulin response also can be diabetes.




Dr Joseph Mercola clarifies type 2 diabetes:




“The overall concept of insulin for Type 2 diabetes is absurd and makes

absolutely no sense if one understands the way the body is designed to work.

However, since nearly all traditional physicians don't comprehend basic human

physiology with respect to diet and health, it is not surprising that they could

come up with the prescription for disaster of giving someone who is already

overloaded with insulin more of what caused the problem.




The main reason most adult onset (type 2) diabetics have diabetes is that they

have too much insulin. This is usually a result of having too many grains. The

solution in nearly all of these individuals is to consume a proper low grain

[gluten] diet and to exercise one hour per day.” (www.mercola.com)




Those with type 2 diabetes would do well to change their diets to incorporate

high-fibre vegetables, pulses, legumes and nuts, avoiding traditional western

processed foods (processed meats and dairy products), especially the

high-glycaemic carbohydrates, such as grain products, bread, pasta, pastries,

alcohol (beer and wine) and excessive amounts of potatoes, all of which yield

glucose as they break down. Water only should be drunk – 4 pints or two litres a

day. Small amounts of low-glycaemic fruits, such as pears and apples are OK,

along with their seeds.




For the full facts on diabetes, how to avoid it, and what to do if you have it,

please obtain the following resources from the Credence global bookstore:




Health Wars

Food for Thought

The Mind Game






or call your local office:




Credence UK & HQ: (01622) 832386


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Credence Other Zones: +44 1622 832386





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