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Thu, 10 Apr 2003 15:10:03 -0500

HSI - Jenny Thompson

Just For The Poison Of It




Health Sciences Institute e-Alert


April 10, 2003




Dear Reader,


The study of Parkinson's disease may have just taken an

important leap forward with a new study that reveals a clue

as to exactly who may be most at risk to develop this

extremely debilitating disorder.


But whether you're in a Parkinson's high-risk group or not,

there's one very common food additive you need to be aware

of that may intensify the symptoms of Parkinson's while

causing a wide variety of neurological problems for those

who don't have the disease.



Variation on a gene



Could an inherited defect in cell mitochondria (an important

energy producing component of the cell) make people more

vulnerable to Parkinson's disease? This is the question

researchers at the Duke University Medical School asked when

they designed their study, which they say is the first to

recognize genetic risk factors for Parkinson's.


As reported in this month's issue of the American Journal of

Human Genetics, the Duke researchers examined 9 well-

understood gene variations in 609 Parkinson's patients and

340 control subjects that showed no signs of the disease.

One gene variation, called " J hapologroup, " was found to be

much more common in subjects that didn't have the disease.

Furthermore, the variation was more common for those in

groups (such as Caucasian females) that tend to have a lower

incidence of Parkinson's. Their conclusion: The inherited J

haplogroup gene variation would appear to be protective

against the cell mitochondria defect that's typical of

Parkinson's patients.


Although encouraged by their breakthrough, the researchers

noted that because all of their subjects were Caucasian,

additional biochemical and genetic studies will be needed on

a wider variety of ethnic groups to fully understand exactly

how the J haplogroup variant manages to protect cell




Not created Equal



In a Duke University press release, the lead author of the

Duke study, Jeffery Vance, M.D., discussed the difficulties

of researching a disease as complex as Parkinson's, which is

caused by both genetic and environmental factors.


Dr. Vance didn't go on to name what those environmental

factors might be, but studies have shown that pesticides may

be a very likely cause, as well as possible toxins in

processed foods. And according to a growing body of

evidence, the primary toxin among food sources is the

popular sugar-substitute aspartame - better known by its

brand names: Equal and Nutra-sweet.


In an e-Alert I sent you last month ( " Choose Your Poison "

3/6/03) I told you how aspartame has been shown to make the

unpleasant symptoms of Parkinson's even more severe for

those who have the disease. That of course is bad enough,

but it seems that aspartame can also trigger reactions in

otherwise healthy people. In some cases these reactions

mimic the symptoms of Parkinson's, as well as multiple

sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and fibromyaliga, to name

just a few.



Raging hormones



In 1994 the Department of Health and Human Services released

a list of more than 60 reported adverse reactions to

aspartame, including: chest pains, asthma, arthritis,

migraine headaches, insomnia, seizures, tremors, vertigo,

and weight gain.


The surprising item on that list is " weight gain, " given the

fact that aspartame is the sweetener used in most diet

sodas. In fact, according to one study, aspartame may

actually STIMULATE appetite, prompting cravings for calorie-

rich carbohydrates.


But weight gain is nothing compared to some of the horror

stories out there.


On an HSI Forum thread titled " Fear The Turtle, " a member

named John shares some of the details of how a steady intake

of diet soda prompted a debilitating hormonal reaction to

aspartame. The details are no less than tragic, although

John was fortunate enough to discover the source of his

physical and neurological disorders in time to take the

necessary action to nurse himself back to relative good

health. I say " relative " because apparently he will never

fully return to the robust health he once enjoyed.


John's story is fascinating, and you can read the full

account of his case history (along with several others) on a

web site called " Aspartame Poisoning Information Site "




Poison by the liter



The cause of most or possibly all of these adverse aspartame

reactions is methanol. When aspartame is combined with the

enzyme chymotrypsin in the small intestine, methanol is

released and breaks down into formaldehyde, a potent

neurotoxin. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

considers methanol to be a " cumulative poison " and

recommends a safe consumption of no more than 7.8 mg per

day. If you drink a one-liter beverage containing aspartame,

you ingest 7 times that amount - about 56 mg of methanol!


But it gets even worse. Because if the product containing

aspartame is heated to a temperature above 86 degrees

Fahrenheit, " free methanol " is created, speeding up the

absorption of methanol, and magnifying the effects of the

neurotoxins. Nevertheless, in 1993 the FDA approved the use

of aspartame in food items such as gelatin desserts that

require heating well over the 86 degree range.


The result? People are hurting - people like John, whose

life will never be the same. According to the FDA's Adverse

Reaction Monitoring System, approximately 75 percent of all

complaints received about food additives are aspartame

related. That's right: 3 out of every 4! And yet the FDA

still refuses to acknowledge the evidence that aspartame is

essentially poison.


You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind

blows, and you don't need a federal agency to state the

obvious: Don't drink the aspartame.




....and another thing


Is cabbage beautiful? To a nutritionist it is. Not quite as

glamorous as the tomato or as elegant as the carrot, cabbage

is, nevertheless, nutritionally gorgeous.


In yesterday's e-Alert I told you about the interesting

misconception of " vitamin U. " That was the name given to the

juice of cabbage cores - a treatment that's reported to

quickly heal various stomach ulcers. And although vitamin U

(from the " u " in " ulcer " ) has not been formally recognized,

there's no question about the high nutritional value of



One of the cruciferous cousins in the vegetable family,

cabbage has an excellent ratio of calories to nutrients -

that is: low in calories, high in nutrients. With good

amounts of vitamins C, A, and B6, cabbage is also an

excellent source of calcium (as an HSI member pointed out

yesterday), phosphorus, and choline, which helps maintain

the neurotransmitters that support memory.


Cabbage also contains three important phytochemicals (plant

chemicals that assist in disease prevention): sulforaphane,

indoles, and phenolic acids, all of which are believed to

help impede the production of cancer cells, as well as

decrease inflammation.


If there's a health drawback to cabbage, it would be the

remote chance that it could inhibit your body's utilization

of iodine - a potential problem for those with abnormal

thyroid function. But this would only be a concern if you

were eating an excessive amount of raw cabbage.


So the next time you cruise past the vegetable stalls, don't

let those flashier veggies distract you from the lowly, but

oh, so nutritious cabbage.


To Your Good Health,


Jenny Thompson

Health Sciences Institute




" Genetic Risk Factor for Parkinson's Disease Discovered "

Richard Puff, Duke Medical News, 4/4/03, dukemednews.org

" Mitochondrial Polymorphisms Significantly Reduce the Risk

of Parkinson Disease " American Journal of Human Genetics,

72:804-811, 2003, journals.uchicago.edu/ajhg

" Aspartame - Avoid It " Dr. Joseph Mercola, mercola.com

" Menthanol - AKA Wood Alcohol or Poison - 10% of Aspartame "

Dr. Joseph Mercola, mercola.com

" Reported Aspartame Toxicity Effects " Holistic Healing Web

Page, holisticmed.com

" Extremely Versatile Cabbage " Paulette Millis, Whole Life,



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