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Fri, 2 May 2003 13:20:01 -0500

WC Douglass

SARS Scars


Daily Dose

May 2, 2003




Weapons of mass distraction...


As I'm sure you'll recall, I wrote to you just 10 days ago

about the new SARS pandemic - specifically, how to keep this

fast-moving menace at an arm's length. Since then, the

number of worldwide cases has skyrocketed to an estimated

5300, and by the time you read this, that figure could

easily have doubled...


However, I'm not writing to you today to give you an update

on the disease's death toll or to give you additional tips

for protecting yourself. I'm writing to expose another

danger that goes hand-in-hand with this viral killer. And

it's the same danger that's accompanied just about every

health crisis in the last 50 years: Misinformation.


Consider this: In a recent Washington Post article, one of

the World Health Organization's higher-ups (supposedly the

man in charge of scientific efforts against SARS) downplays

the virus' communicability - even though he can't explain

how the killer disease completely infiltrated a 33-story

Hong Kong apartment building, infecting hundreds...


One theory suggests that it traveled through sewage pipe

gasses, somehow bypassing the built-in vapor traps between

the main drain stack and the individual apartments. This is

particularly disturbing - since it more or less proves that

the virus is spread through mechanisms other than simple

person-to-person contact. But are we hearing from the WHO

about how SARS may be even more dangerous than originally

thought - and that it could be spreading right now through

the air we're breathing?


No. In fact, we're hearing just the opposite.


According to Reuters article from April 28, the WHO declared

SARS as having " peaked " on March 15th in every one of the

30+ afflicted nations except China. Yet the aforementioned

Hong Kong apartment disaster happened AFTER that date...

Which begs the question: Why would the WHO make this kind of

patently false statement?


Could it be because of pressure from various Asian

governments over SARS' massive economic impact? Might it

have something to do with the slumping Taiwan stock market,

which closed on a six-month low against the dollar last

Monday? Or maybe the Hong Kong hotel trade - which is

currently languishing in an abysmal 2% occupancy rate

because of fear of infection?


Remember, SARS is on a global rampage right now only because

the Chinese government covered up (and failed to contain)

the initial outbreak of the virus in its Guangdong province

last year. Why would they do this? To keep up the influx of

foreign monies from tourism and investment, of course. The

safety of these tourists and investors obviously didn't

matter to them at all...


The bottom line is this: Regardless of whether on not SARS

turns out to be the next " Spanish Flu " (which killed

millions and, by the way, originated in CHINA, not Spain!)

it's still a brand new killer virus that's spreading like

wildfire and has proven to be completely drug-proof - one

that has handcuffed the world health community despite their

best efforts at containment. Who knows what it will mutate

into - or what other lethal super-viruses are on the horizon?


One thing is for sure, though: When it comes to such

diseases, you can't believe everything you hear, especially

from governments - or entities claiming to be unbiased

representatives of the " global community. " These health

officials are often not so much dedicated to disease control

as they are to FEAR control...


Regardless of the cost in lives, apparently.



The question to ask at your next check up: What's up, Doc?


Is your doctor satisfied with his work?


I know what you're thinking: I'm the one with the symptoms!

Who cares if HE'S satisfied?


But your doctor's level of job satisfaction is important,

and it can affect the care you get in his office (or hers,

yes, I know). Not because a frustrated physician can't help

you, but because doctors who feel like their hands are tied -

because of HMOs guidelines, needless laws, or from a general

paranoia of repercussions - can't give you the best possible



And they KNOW IT.


Here's the proof. Recently, I read the results of a survey

that revealed a steady, rapid decline over the last few

years in the satisfaction many conventional doctors get from

their work. And SURPRISE - it's not because they don't make

enough money...


According to the survey's 12,000 respondents, it's because

they feel like they lack the independence to treat and cure

their patients in the best manner possible. What's this

mean? It means that what I've been saying all along is true:

That today's doctors have less freedom than most criminals -

they live in constant fear of ruin at the hands of an ever-

increasing bureaucratic and legal quagmire...


But as lamentable as this survey's results are, there is a

glimmer of hope contained within: The notion that

conventional MDs all across the fruited plain are growing

weary of the bloated, ineffective system of mainstream



That means there's hope that the safe, natural, drugless,

untainted-by-the-big-money-mainstream alternatives I've been

touting for years may yet become the medicine of first

choice for the physicians of tomorrow.... Hey, a man can

dream, can't he?



Watching out for the next super-bug - and cover-up,


William Campbell Douglass II, MD




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