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" Andrew Saul, PhD "

DOCTOR YOURSELF Newsletter (Vol. 3, No 14) June 5, 2003

Wed, 28 May 2003 22:59:27 -0400



To for free: dynews- )


" We're all ignorant, just on different subjects. " (Will Rogers)


The DOCTOR YOURSELF NEWSLETTER (Vol. 3, No 14) June 5, 2003


" Free of charge, free of advertising, and free of the A.M.A. "


Written and copyright 2003 by Andrew Saul, PhD, of

http://www.doctoryourself.com , a free online library of over 350 natural

healing articles with nearly 4,000 scientific references.




" I'm all right now, but you should have seen me last week. " (Rodney



You can feel it coming: the blahs, the dull headache, the achy body, the

achy-breaky heart, the weakness, the get up and go that got up and went.

Maybe you feel a chill or sneeze a few times. It is often called " the

malaise " of approaching, encroaching illness. When you detect it, it is time

to do three things:


First, you can thank your body for working correctly. Symptoms are hardly an

unmitigated delight, but they are as valuable as stop signs or pain

receptors. Just as we need to know when we are sitting on a hot stove, we

also need to know when our resistance is down and sickness is imminent. Pay

attention. It is advance notice and should be heeded.


Second, the moment you feel the malaise, you should take a teaspoon or two

of vitamin C powder. It is easily buffered with a meal, snack or

calcium-magnesium tablet. Even unbuffered, a good strong solution of

ascorbic acid is no more acidic than Coca Cola.




A good rule of thumb: " Vitamin C should be given while the doctor ponders

the diagnosis. " (Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P.)


Third, get out your juicer and use it. Begin a juice fast (along with

vitamin C saturation) and you may see malaise's taillights quickly departing

down the track.








Constantine Hering (1800-1880) formulated a Law of Cure which states that

all healing begins from the head down, from within out, and in the reverse

order that symptoms originally appeared. This concept, originally a

homeopathic one, has several practical applications:


1) Feeling better is a most important step in getting better. That is not as

thin a statement as it may first seem. You can very often see recovery in a

patient's face and attitude long before tests and technology confirm it. A

healing state of mind is as least as important as juicing, eating right and

taking vitamins, and those three are extraordinarily important. When I juice

fast during sickness, I " feel " great even though I know I am sick. That's an

odd thought, but then, why NOT feel good why you are sick? And when, at the

first blush of physiological trouble, I take a ton of vitamin C, I feel

great immediately and the sickness does not even get a chance to start.








2) With well-established chronic diseases, one cannot expect a wham-bam

overnight cure. In chronic illness, cure tends to be more of a process than

an event. " Healing from within out " is a rough guideline that means that

deeper symptoms may clear up before all externally obvious symptoms go away.

You might feel better before you look better. But feeling good (sleeping

well, pain relief, mental disposition) for me remains a primary goal (See

Number 1, above). Many naturopaths feel that outwardly-directed symptoms

such as skin outbreaks, temporary diarrhea, and mucus expectoration are

evidence of beneficial body cleansing, and therefore good signs of recovery.

For example, " productive " coughs are positively welcome in long-term smokers

who have finally kicked the habit. (More on smoking further below, and at


http://www.doctoryourself.com/tobacco.html )


3) Hering's " reverse order " healing postulate is like employment seniority

at a layoff-happy factory: last hired, first fired. Oldest health problems

take the longest time for resolution. That is logical. Patients get

impatient. That is inevitable. What to do? Face facts: if you have a

lifetime of lousy eating and years of bad health habits behind you, what do

you expect? Doesn't it figure that it may take some months to tidy (or is

the word " excavate " ?) the mess in your own personally cluttered anatomical





The way out is to change your life.




Do not chase symptoms. During instrument pilot training, I was taught " don't

chase the needle. " If you do, you will fly your airplane all over the place.

Same with an obsession over symptoms. If you wander about after every

symptom, you will likely spend your life lost in the pharmaceutical aisles.

(These are not to be confused with the Pharmaceutical Isles, which are

believed by some to be located somewhere in the South Pacific.)


Respect symptoms, yes indeed. See them for what they are: lifestyle

indicators. But in the end, the way to eliminate symptoms is to end their

fundamental, underlying cause: change what's wrong in your life. Drop your

bad habits, and drop your excuses for keeping them.



Instead, eat right, exercise, juice vegetables, and take your vitamins.






The rest is just a matter of details. Even the most conservative medical and

dietetic professionals will admit that at least two-thirds of all illness is

caused by poor health behaviors. I think it is far higher.




Most people who write to me are understandably but narrowly focused on the

particular symptoms of " their illness. " They commonly want to know " what

vitamin should I take " for this or for that. It doesn't work like that,

all-purpose megadoses of vitamin C notwithstanding.






The way out is to overhaul your way of life.


If you are not interested in doing that, you are subscribing to the wrong



Only living bodies have symptoms. Where there are symptoms, there is life.

While there is life, there is hope. And something you can do about it.








Life may be work, but consider the alternative.




" Can I use V-8 along with fresh juices? I really love it and it's so

convenient. "


In order for them to have any shelf life at all, canned or jarred food

products are necessarily processed with heat, and their food value is

proportionally diminished. Fresh and raw is best, but as prepacked

supermarket choices, V-8 is clearly the leader of the juice pack. (Did you

get that?) No-salt or low-salt varieties would be preferable, but even

regular V-8 is quite nutritious and admittedly very handy, especially for

travelling. If you are spending a weekend with your outlaws, er, inlaws,

canned or bottled 100% veggie juice is a practical compromise.

(Nutritionally speaking, " V-8 Splash " is a waste of money.) If you are

spending a week with your relatives, take your juicer. If you are spending

more than a week, eat a lot of cashews and take your niacin.









The good news is towards the end of this article. But first, a moment for

some initial familiarization. . . and in this subject area, there are quite

a few initials to become familiar with. According to the Motor Neuron

Disease Association ( http://www.mndassociation.org ),


" In most cases of MND, degeneration of both the upper and lower motor

neurons occurs. This condition is called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

(ALS). . . (W)hen the muscles involved in speech and swallowing are solely

affected, (it is called) Progressive Bulbar Palsy (PBP). There are also less

common forms in which a more selective degeneration of either the upper

motor neurons (such as Primary Lateral Sclerosis, PLS) or lower motor

neurons (such as Progressive Muscular Atrophy, PMA) is observed. "


The conventional-therapy outlook is not good. According to the Association,

" In most cases MND is steadily progressive and an average course is two to

five years. However, the progression of the disease is variable and a small

number of people with MND have lived for ten years or more. . . The cause of

MND is not yet known. "



I am neither a neurologist nor am I a physician. I am, however, a firm

believer in the words of vitamin pioneer Roger J. Williams, PhD:


" When in doubt, try nutrition first. "


No know cause and no known cure? Try nutrition. Makes sense to me. And the

prospects for the MND patient fairly soar upon learning that Frederick R.

Klenner, M.D., quoted earlier in this newsletter, had successfully employed

megavitamin therapy for multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, and, more

specifically on topic, AMS.


Here is a summary of his treatment.


Vitamin B-1 (Thiamin) 1,500 to 4,000 milligrams (mg) per day, orally and by



Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) 250 to 1,000 mg/day


Vitamin B-3 (Niacin) 500 mg up to many thousands of milligrams daily, enough

to cause repeated, warm-feeling vasodilation ( " flushing " ).


Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) 300 to 800 mg/day.


Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin) 1,000 micrograms (mcg) three times a week by



Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 10,000 - 20,000 mg/day


Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) 800 to 1,600 International Units (IU) per day


(All the above doses need to be divided up throughout the day.)


Dr. Klenner also prescribed a number of other nutrients, including:


Choline, 1,000 to 2,000 mg/day,


Magnesium, 300 to 1,200 milligrams/day in divided doses


Zinc, 60 mg/day


Calcium, lecithin, folic acid, linoleic and linolenic acids, and a daily

multivitamin-multimineral tablet supplement are also recommended.


Why such a large variety of nutrients? Because there is no such thing as

monotherapy with nutrition. " One drug, one disease " is a failed legend of

the drug doctor. All vitamins are important. Which wheel on your car can you

do without? Which wing on an airplane can you afford to leave behind?


Why large quantities of nutrients? Because that's what does the job. You

don't take the amount that you think should work; you take the amount that

gets results. The first rule of building a brick wall is that you have got

to have enough bricks. A sick body has exaggeratedly high needs for many

vitamins. You can either meet that need, or fret about why you didn't.


And what if someone has MS, or MG, or MND, or ALS, or PBP, or PLS, or PMA? I

am not suggesting that they are all the same illness, but I submit that they

all have a common basis: unacknowledged, untreated long-term vitamin

dependency. Therefore, they all may benefit from Klenner's approach.


The doctor's treatment protocol is fully described on pages 42-53 of

" Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, " edited by Lendon Smith, M.D.. This

remarkably short (68 page) booklet may be difficult to find; try an Internet

search or an interlibrary loan.


Smith, Lendon H. Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical

Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D. Forward written by Linus Pauling.

Portland, OR: Life Sciences Press, 1988. ISBN 0-943685-01-X. Reprinted 1991,

ISBN 0-943685-13-3




" Harmful effects have been mistakenly attributed to vitamin C, including

hypoglycemia, rebound scurvy, infertility, mutagenesis, and destruction of

vitamin B(12). Health professionals should recognize that vitamin C does not

produce these effects. " [M. Levine, et al, JAMA, April 21, 1999. Vol 281, No

15, p 1419]




" All drug doctors are quacks. "

(Benjamin Franklin)


ONCE UPON A TIME there was a young couple with two children in diapers.

Across the hall from their ground-floor apartment lived a pharmaceutical

salesman. He was a nice young fellow, quiet and easy to talk to. Since he

was obviously single, the couple asked him over for some home-cooked meals

now and again, and they all became good acquaintances.


The pharmaceutical salesman, also called a " detail man " in the profession,

was on the road a lot, and not home to receive the many shipments that his

employer sent him. Most of these were cases of drug samples to give away to

physicians to promote the latest and greatest medicine of the month. Large

trailer trucks would somehow negotiate their way through the narrow

apartment complex access roads, twist their way around cars in the parking

lot, and back up to the apartment building. Up went the back of the truck

and off came boxes and boxes of drug samples, addressed to the man who was

rarely home. Did the truckers go away with the cargo undelivered? Not

likely, when there was a stay-at-home mother with two toddlers next door.

Again and again they would knock on her door, explain that the delivery was

for 5-B across the hall, and ask her to sign for the shipment. She figured,

why not? and in good faith, she signed for handtrucks loaded with cases of

prescription chemicals. Sometimes they left them in the unlocked apartment

hall closet outside her door. Sometimes it was full, so they left the big

cartons stacked in her living room, as the kids toddled around.


Ah, you are way ahead of me. This is no fable; it's a true story from when I

was young and (more) foolish and, well, much more trusting.


You know, if some military supplies mail-order warehouse delivered a few

crates of guns and ammunition like this, there would be a public outcry fed

by impassioned " 60 Minutes " reports. The legal drug pushers get away with



" Oh, lighten up, mate! " you may be thinking, or, at this point, typing into

your Outlook Express window. " Don't be so hard on the pharmaceutical people.

Be sure to mention all the good they've done. "


Why? Precisely where is my moral obligation to do so, in a world dominated

by a medical-industrial complex holding a trillion dollar monopoly that by

financial comparison makes Microsoft look like a lemonade stand?


There are a couple of hundred thousand drugs on the market, yet the World

Health Organization itself admits that about two hundred would be enough to

cover all the bases. The extra tens of thousands are money-makers, pure and

simple. You will find very few negative effects from vitamins in the

Physicians' Desk Reference, but you will see column after column and page

after page of side effects, contraindications and warnings for drugs.


It needs to be said: The medical emperor is stark naked.


It needs to be said: There is a safer, nutritional alternative for most

drugs, and the research work has already been done.


For my most frequently recommended books (complete with short reviews):






(Note: I do not carry these nor any other books for sale. I also do not

provide recommendations as to where you may obtain them. That is what

http://www.google.com searches are for.)


For especially valuable scientific papers and additional book references:


http://www.doctoryourself.com/bibliography.html , or if you are in a hurry,

start with






" It may...be that fluoridation of drinking water does not have a strong

protective effect against early childhood caries, " reports dentist Howard

Pollick, University of California, and colleagues, in the Winter 2003

Journal of Public Health Dentistry (1).


The dental profession promises steep cavity declines in populations who

drink water with fluoride added, especially in poor children who risk

decayed baby teeth. But, Pollick, a staunch fluoridation proponent and

co-chariman of the California Fluoridation Task Force, found that poor

children had the most cavities regardless of fluoridation status.


A majority of Asian-American children that Pollick and his research team

studied lived in areas with fluoridated water; yet they suffered with the

highest prevalence and the greatest amount of cavities.


Pollick's team studied 2,520 California preschool children as part of the

California Oral Health Needs Assessment of Children Study which convinced

California legislators to mandate fluoridation statewide in 1995 (2). " Our

analysis did not appear to be affected by whether or not children lived in

an area with fluoridated water, " they reported.


A study of 1,230 Head Start children aged 3-5 years in Arkansas, Louisiana,

New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas found that, when the data were looked at

separately in rural and non-rural children, there was no difference in

cavity rates between optimally and non-fluoridated areas, reports Pollick

and colleagues.


Low-income children consume the poorest diets, and are generally deficient

in nutrients, such as tooth-essential calcium (3). Another study shows

calcium, not fluoride, supplements reduce cavities (4). Federal surveys

identify low calcium intake as a public health concern; 53% of 2-5 year-olds

consume inadequate calcium (5).


" Tooth decay is another symptom of low-income and/or poor diet, and is not a

fluoride deficiency, " says attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State

Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation. " Tooth decay is a disease of poverty.

Feed these children; don't fluoridate them, " says Beeber.


SOURCE: NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc., PO Box 263, Old

Bethpage, NY 11804




Email address: nyscof





Fluoride Action Network




(1) " The Association of Early Childhood Caries and Race/Ethnicity among

California Preschool Children, " Shiboski, Gansky, Ramos-Gomez, Ngo, Isman,

Pollick, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Winter 2003, pages 38-46.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_ui

ds=12597584 & dopt=Abstract



(2) http://www.nofluoride.com/needs_assessment.htm



(3) http://www.centeronhunger.org/pubs/obesity.html



(4) http://www.fluoride.org.uk/papers/teotia.htm



(5) http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/foodreview/jan1996/frjan96c.pdf



(If the links do not all come through on your email, please try typing them

in manually, or go to the site's main page without the extension and search

from there.)




The greatest cause of disease and death in every developed country and most

developing countries is tobacco addiction. The World Health Organization

estimates that tobacco addiction kills 5 million people worldwide each year,

including more than 400,000 Americans.


In effort to combat this worldwide plague, the World Health Organization

(made up of 192 member countries) voted unanimously last week to urge

countries to eliminate tobacco advertising, establish bigger/stronger

warning labels, raise cigarette prices, and adopt smokefree workplace laws.


France recently announced that it is raising cigarette prices by 25% and

will continue to do so until prices reach 7 euros ($8.40) per pack.

Currently, cigarettes cost about 4 euros ($4.80) per pack. The last price

hike resulted in a 10% decline in youth smoking. In addition, new cigarette

warning labels have gone into effect in Europe covering 1/3 of both the

front and back of a pack of cigarettes. Canada and Brazil have strong

picture based warning labels.


In the U.S., four entire states-- CA, DE, NY, and CT-- have gone totally

smokefree (including restaurants, bars, and casinos). Hundreds of cities

have also gone totally smokefree, including four of the most popular tourist

destinations-- New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and San Francisco.


Although there is much to be done, it is obvious that the world is taking

action to prevent another generation of tobacco addiction and disease. Five

million deaths a year are simply too much to ignore.


Joseph W. Cherner

SmokeFree Educational Services, Inc.



(If you would like to help prevent another generation of tobacco addiction

and disease, go to


www.SmokefreeAir.org and send a smokefree EZ-letter to a key decision maker.

SmokeFree is an all-volunteer organization.)


Privacy Statement:


We do not sell, and we do not share, our mailing list or your email address

with anyone. We never send out advertisements of any kind. You may notice

that there is no advertising at http://doctoryourself.com and no advertising

in this newsletter. We have no financial connection with the supplement

industry. We do not sell vitamins or other health products, except for Dr.

Saul's books, which help fund these free public services.


Persons interested in my book PAPERBACK CLINIC: A Simplified Manual of

Natural Therapeutics, may obtain it directly from me at 8 Van Buren Street,

Holley, NY 14470, USA for $34.00 postpaid in the USA; US $39.00 to Canada,

and US $50.00 airmail to all other countries. I will be happy to autograph

your copy if you so request with your order.


FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL to this newsletter are available with a blank

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AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This newsletter is not in any way offered as

prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or

physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program

necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one

should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from

a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision.


" DOCTOR YOURSELF " " DoctorYourself.com " and " Doctor Yourself Newsletter " are

service marks of Andrew W. Saul. All rights reserved.


Copyright c 2003 and prior years Andrew W. Saul drsaul

Permission to reproduce single copies of this newsletter FOR NON-COMMERCIAL,

PERSONAL USE ONLY is hereby granted providing no alteration of content is

made and authorship credit is given. Additional single copies will be sent

by postal mail to a practitioner or patient, free of charge, upon receipt of

a self addressed envelope with THREE first-class stamps on it (offer good in

the USA only), to Number 8 Van Buren Street, Holley, NY 14470 USA Telephone

(585) 638-5357.











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