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James Watson Wants to Build a Better Human

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James Watson Wants to Build a Better Human


May 28, 2003Viewed on May 30, 2003


Did you have a nice DNA Day? And how was your Human Genome Month?


If you missed those Congressionally-designated celebrations last month due to

minor distractions, like a war or being laid off from your job, don't worry: The

media missed the real story anyway.


Many of the newspaper, radio and television accounts of the 50th anniversary of

the discovery of DNA's double helix, focused on the eccentric genius and

baffling charm of co-discoverer James Watson. Meanwhile, largely unnoticed,

Nobel laureate Watson, or " Honest Jim " as he likes to consider himself,

celebrated in his own way: by continuing to aggressively advance his agenda for

genetically re-engineering the human species -- even if that requires engaging

in medical experimentation that puts lives at risk.


Some observers reflexively dismiss Watson's genetic prescriptions as the

idiosyncratic ideas of a crank; wasn't that, they ask, the fellow who suggested

a genetic linkage between skin color and sex drive? Or else ascribe them to

Watson's desire to keep genetic research at the cutting edge. Yet while both of

these hypotheses could be true, they miss the more important point: James Watson

genuinely believes in a renewed eugenics, now scientifically accurate and

technically powerful, and has laid out a logical, strategic framework for moving

science and society in that direction.


Reviewing a recent biography of Watson, his former Harvard colleague Walter

Gilbert tells the story of Watson mussing up his hair and untying his shoelaces

before going into meetings with philanthropic donors. While we might still

bemuse ourselves with Watson's performance as the absent-minded professor, we

would also do well to keep a serious eye on his program for the human genetic



Gaining some insight into James Watson's genetic agenda is not really difficult

-- all we need do is read his own words. The key requisite scientific notion to

grasp is " inheritable genetic modification, " most often referred to as " germline

genetic engineering. " When genetic therapy is attempted to cure the disease of

an existing person, those genetic changes will affect only that person. But if

genetic engineering is carried out on a sperm or an egg or an embryo, that

genetic alteration will be present in every cell of that new person -- including

their " germline, " the sperm or egg cells which will then carry those modified

genes forward into all future generations.


During the 1990s, after being forced out as director of the National Institutes

of Health human genome research center, James Watson began explicitly advocating

human germline engineering. His opening rhetorical move is to demystify, or some

would say devalue, the existing human genome and the real humans that develop

from them.


" I think it's complete nonsense ... saying we're sacred and should not be

changed, " Watson railed at a 1998 UCLA conference. " Evolution can be just damn

cruel, and to say we've got a perfect genome and there's some sanctity? I'd like

to know where that idea comes from because it's utter silliness ... To try to

give it any more meaning than it deserves in some quasi-mystical way is for

Steven Spielberg or somebody like that. It's just plain aura, up in the sky -- I

mean, it's crap. "


Watson then sought to pre-empt any scientific self-doubt: " We should be proud of

what we're doing and not worry about destroying the genetic patrimony of the

world, which is awfully cruel to too many people, " he said. " We get a lot of

pleasure from helping other people. That's what we're trying to do. "


With the imperfect human genome cast as the cruel enemy and the scientist as the

savior, one might assume that Watson is merely referring to curing genetic

disorders. His recent public revelation of having a child of his own with a

serious neurological disorder resulted in much of the media reporting that

Watson's genetic engineering advocacy was motivated by this tragic personal

experience. However much that may be the case, though, Watson doesn't stop at

treating disease.


" And the other thing, because no one has the guts to say it, " Watson informed

the 1998 conferees, " if we could make better human beings by knowing how to add

genes, why shouldn't we do it? What's wrong with it? Who is telling us not to

it? "




Making " better human beings " differs from making human beings better by curing

their diseases. Making better human beings is more closely aligned with the old

eugenics vision. The previous century's eugenicists sought to breed better

humans by promoting specific types. In America, state fairs held " Fitter Family

Contests. " In Germany, they mandated specific matings. In both countries the

drive was to optimize the chances of producing the desired " Nordic "



But that was still producing progeny the old-fashioned way, with its

probabilities of failure and limitations imposed by the genetic mixture of the

two individuals involved. With the new genetic technologies, the desired breed

of better humans will be predictably engineered in your local fertility clinic.


But what exactly are Watson's eugenics intentions? How would he design better

human beings? The germ-line intervention that he and other advocates most often

mention is improvements to the immune system. There is a gene, for example,

which provides absolute resistance to the AIDS virus. If it were possible to

safely implant such a gene into an embryo, who would object? Or a gene that

similarly protected someone against SARS or an even more deadly emerging

infectious disease?


Such germ-line alterations are viewed cynically by Watson, though, as a means to

other ends: the wedge that will open the door to further engineering. " I think

that the acceptance of genetic enhancement, " he writes in his new book, " will

most likely come through efforts to prevent disease. "


The range of potential genetic enhancements at this point is almost entirely a

matter of speculation. But Watson is not shy about suggesting his own eugenic

targets. In a British documentary on his life and work to be broadcast in the

U.S. this fall, Watson announces that he'd like to genetically treat the 10

percent of children whom he considers " stupid " and prevent the birth of ugly

girls. " If you really are stupid, I would call that a disease, " Watson says.

Furthermore, " People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I

think it would be great. "


But Watson doesn't want to simply stop with the existing human genetic

repertoire. Remember, Watson wants to " add genes, " meaning genes from outside

the existing human gene pool. Just to make certain that I wasn't mistaken on

this, I tracked Watson down in February at the Time Magazine " Future of Life "

conference. By adding genes, were you referring to genes from other plant or

animal species or even artificial genes created in the laboratory? I asked

Watson. " Anything! " he spat back, and turned away as if the question were not

even worthy of discussion.


Don't Ask, Don't Tell


Discussion of this agenda is something Watson is not interested in conducting,

whether it's with a journalist or with Congress. " I'm afraid of asking people

what they think, " he admitted in 1998. " Don't ask Congress to approve it. Just

ask them for the money to help their constituents. That's what they want ... .

Frankly, they would care much more about having their relatives not sick than

they do about ethics and principles. We can talk principles forever, but what

the public actually wants is not to be sick. And if we help them not be sick,

they'll be on our side. "


Once again, treating genetic illness is as much a ploy as it is a therapeutic

achievement: If Watson and friends keep our DNA trains running on time, the

argument goes, then we'll let them proceed with germline genetic enhancements.


Not that Watson has ever put much stock in " ethics. " At last month's NIH

symposium honoring Watson, he was hailed for having proposed that 3 percent of

the human genome project budget be devoted to exploring the ethical, legal and

social implications of the research. No one, however, bothered to mention legal

scholar Lori Andrews' witnessing of Watson explaining his real agenda in setting

up a bioethics component of the genome project.


" I wanted a group that would talk and talk and never get anything done, " Andrews

quotes Watson as telling a meeting. " And if they did do something, I wanted them

to get it wrong. I wanted as its head Shirley Temple Black. "


Since re-engineering humans according to Watson's program arguably not only

affects all future generations but at least theoretically raises the prospects

of altering the species itself, some would claim that this is a choice for the

global village of humanity to make, not individuals or even nations. Needless to

say, this idea is repellant to Watson.


" I think it would be a complete disaster to try and get an international

agreement, " he asserted. " You end up with the lowest possible denominator.

Agreement among all the different religious groups would be impossible. About

all they'd agree upon is that they should allow us to breathe air. ... I think

our hope is to stay away from regulation and laws whenever possible. "


With the human genome, evolution, Congress, ethics and the international

community dispatched as evil or irrelevant, the remaining obstacle to Watson's

program lies within the scientific community itself: What scientist is willing

to engage in germ-line engineering experimentation?


Watson used the occasion of this 50th anniversary of the double helix discovery

to break through this barrier. In a just-published book, " DNA: The Secret of

Life, " he acknowledges the problem. " A failed germ-line experiment would be an

unthinkable catastrophe -- a human being born flawed, perhaps unimaginably so,

owing to our manipulation of his or her genes, " he writes. " The consequences

would be tragic. Not only would the affected family suffer, but all of humankind

would lose because science would be set back. "


Human guinea pigs


As with other biomedical innovations, even if germline engineering proves

successful in other primates, the same technique applied to humans would have

unknown results. That's why, Watson writes, " the start of human experimentation

will require resolute courage; the promise of enormous benefit won't be

fulfilled except through experiments that will ultimately put some lives at

risk. "


" My view, " he concludes, " is that, despite the risks, we should give serious

consideration to germ-line gene therapy. I only hope, " he plaintively appeals,

" that the many biologists who share my opinion will stand tall in the debates to

come and not be intimidated by the inevitable criticism ... If such work be

called eugenics, then I am a eugenicist. "


Rescuing the word eugenics from its pernicious past, Watson knows that

inevitably the connection with Naziism will arise. But he's well prepared for

this. " Here we must not fall into the absurd trap of being against everything

Hitler was for, " he wrote a few years ago. " Because of Hitler's use of the term

Master Race, we should not feel the need to say that we never want to use

genetics to make humans more capable than they are today. "


The technology for human germ-line genetic engineering is considered to be some

years or even decades away, though an unexpected laboratory breakthrough could

accelerate its arrival. Germ-line genetic alteration of our fellow mammal, the

mouse, is already a standard procedure in laboratories world-wide.


Harnessing a natural process known as " homologous recombination, " scientists are

able to target specific genes in order to turn them on or off. Francis Collins,

director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, openly worries that

when this technique advances so as to be reliable and efficient in humans,

" there will be those arguing that it is time for us to take charge of our own

evolution. " Of course, this is precisely what James Watson is arguing we should



Scientists choose sides


As with most other developments in the life sciences, three camps have formed

over the germ-line issue: those who join Watson's choir in favor of germline

engineering, those who adamantly oppose any germline interventions, and those

who believe that there may be instances in which germline engineering is

justified and should be managed under some regulatory regime.


The Watsonians include Princeton biologist Lee Silver and University of

Manchester bioethicist John Harris. Professor Harris, author of the book

" Wonderwoman and Superman, " responded to an email query that he does " not think

there are any principled objections to germ line therapy or alterations. " The

only question for him, as for Watson, " is the level of risk of things going

wrong set against the benefits. "


While this group believes that the best social protection is keeping the

government away from any involvement in the genetic decision-making, biologist

Silver is famous for forecasting that the social result will be a

genetically-enhanced class of the " GenRich " dominating the world. He and fellow

Princeton physicist Freeman Dyson concur in believing that the ultimate

development will be a number of distinct human species.


Such visions have helped ignite an opposition movement, which opposes any

germ-line intervention as the means to assure that no such social scenario can

ever come into creation. United with religious and social conservatives who

oppose any manipulation of the embryo, these opponents are receiving a hearing

of their views under a Bush administration with a president's bioethics council

headed by Leon Kass. Progressive activists such as Judy Norsigian of the Boston

Women's Health Collective and environmental writer Bill McKibben have been

prominent in urging a ban on cloning, as this technology is viewed as another

technique that would enable a genetically-modified human future.


Their arguments are both principled and pragmatic. As a principle, they resist a

biotechnology that would deepen existing social chasms or further undermine

human identity and meaning. As a practical matter, they believe there are

existing alternatives to germ-line engineering that can achieve any prospective

therapeutic goals.


Even University of Texas health law professor John Robertson, well-known for his

advocacy of free choice in utilizing reproductive technologies, " doesn't see a

strong case for doing " germ-line. Since germ-line would likely require the

creation of multiple embryos, Robertson believes that the existing technique of

Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) can be used to screen out embryos with

the genetic problem. " It's hard to see that the benefits of it are going to be

so strong that they would outweigh or justify the risk of having severely

affected offspring, " he said in an interview.


But there are cases in which even PGD would not work, as when both parents are

carriers of a gene mutation which can cause serious disease. There also will be

instances, says Georgetown University bioethicist LeRoy Walters, in which

parents for religious reasons do want to destroy an unwanted embryo. Walters

also cites the " functioning of the human immune system so that fewer people

would have allergies or autoimmune disease " as an example where germline

intervention may be desirable and perhaps necessary.


In this, he represents the pragmatic approach, saying " let's take each case and

look at it on its merits and try to balance benefits and harms on the basis of

the best evidence we have from preclinical studies. " But Walters admits to worry

about social justice, about " the distribution of such an intervention and trying

to avoid exacerbating the gap between the best off and the least well off in

society. " For this and other reasons, he favors regulation of germline rather

than either an open door or a ban.


Walter's view is the dominant one in scientific and biomedical circles. In the

fall of 2000, the American Association for the Advancement of Science issued the

report of an expert working group on the subject calling for regulation of

germline genetic experiments and technologies by " a public body...assigned

responsibility to monitor and oversee research and developments " in the area.

Still, the AAAS report is concerned not only about the safety issues, but that

germline genetic engineering has " the potential to bring about not only a

medical, but also a social revolution, for they offer us the power to mold our

children in a variety of novel ways. "


While the federal government currently does not fund research which involves

human germline genetic engineering, neither is there any U.S. law forbidding it

in the private sector. Almost every effort at instituting regulatory oversight

in the life sciences has met stiff resistance, based on arguments that it would

interfere with individual liberty or impede scientific advances and economic

growth in the biotechnology sector. As a result, today there is no regulation of

genetic testing or of the fertility industry.


Those who oppose germline engineering on principle oppose a regulatory regime

which would make case by case judgments. For them, the question is not a matter

of cases, but what kind of world we want to live in.


Whether that opposition or even any regulatory scheme can withstand the genetic

enticements offered by James Watson is the story the human species will be

living through in the years to come.


Ralph Brave is a freelance science who has been covering developments in the

life sciences since 1996. His work has appeared in The Nation, Salon, the

Washington Post among other publications.




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