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Alfalfa: It isn't just for horses any more!

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Alfalfa: It isn't just for horses any more!

by Rev. Dr. Lisa Waltz, ND, DD


That lovely green plant that smells so very good when freshly cut is good for

most people, too. Alfalfa has been a cultivated plant for centuries.

Originating somewhere in the Persian (Iran-Iraq-Saudi) region, its reputation as


nutritious animal fodder spread far and wide. There are wild relatives that are

found around the world, such as Medicago polymorpha and others, but it is M.

sativa that is most known, especially for medicinal use, so we will focus on

that particular plant in this article. Other names for this plant and its close

relatives are Spanish Clover, California Clover, and Lucerne.

Romans wrote of its use as early as 490 B.C. Medicago sativa was brought to

North America by colonists in the 1700's. It is grown just about all over the

world. It is prized for its high content of nutrients, protein, and especially

trace minerals. The extraordinarily tough and long taproot of this plant makes

it able to survive drought as well as utilize minerals and vitamins deep in

the soil. It is rich in the vitamins A, D, and K, and contains a high

percentage of protein. A member of the legume family, it is an herbaceous


grows about 2 to 3 feet tall depending on soil and conditions, and has bright

purple or blue flowers (although many cultivars and related species may have

yellow or whitish blooms). The seed pods corkscrew for an interesting addition


flower arrangements. It is grown also for its uses in controlling erosion and

water runoff. Because of its ability to fix nitrogen into the soil, it is a

valuable cover crop, and increases the vigor and yields of succeeding crops.

Medicinal Uses of Alfalfa

Alfalfa eliminates retained water, relieves urinary and bowel problems, and

helps in treating those recovering from narcotic and alcohol addiction. It is

also useful for rebuilding the body after serious or prolonged illness or

weakness, stimulates milk production, eases morning sickness (by helping to


the hormones), for cleansing the blood, and to lower cholesterol levels.

Alfalfa is used in treating anemia, gout, arthritis, fatigue, insomnia, kidneys,

peptic ulcers, pituitary problems, stimulating the appetite, regulating

diabetes, and for building general health. The Chinese have used alfalfa to


kidney stones for centuries. Alfalfa sprouts contain more protein than corn and

wheat, and is one of the richest sources of vitamins and trace minerals, such

as the necessary selenium, being high in vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Alfalfa in all of its forms can trigger attacks in those who suffer from

lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, so it is best to avoid this herb if you have


of these ailments. The cause is apparently one of the active constituents, an

alkaloid known as conavanine, in conjunction with the amino acid

L-canavanine, present in greatest concentration as the alfalfa is in the sprout

stage, and

lessens as the alfalfa matures. I would certainly advise anyone with lupus or

other immune-deficient diseases to avoid alfalfa sprouts, and to use the

mature form only as a mild infusion, discontinuing immediately if there is any

sort of reaction. Lupus is a disease that acts differently within each person


contracts it, so to err on the side of caution is the safest route. There are

other sprouts that are just as healthy for those of you who suffer from these

illnesses that do not contain this constituent.

There are four isoflavones in alfalfa that produce an estrogen response in

animals and humans, which can disrupt reproductive cycles when ingested in high

amounts, especially when the whole fresh plant is consumed (as with livestock

feeding). These responses do make this plant a possible choice for helping

with the problems of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

Studies have shown that this plant contains constituents that may trigger a

destruction of carcinogens built up in the liver during the digestive process.

It aids in removing toxins from the body as well as neutralizing acids, which

of course makes it an aid to digestion.

Properties and/or actions generally attributed to Alfalfa are: tonic,

anti-fungal, laxative, diuretic, detoxifier, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge,

hepato-protective, digestive, nutritive, anodyne, anti-arthritic, coagulant,


stomachic, antipyretic, alterative, and lactagogue. The seeds are considered

emmenagogue and lactogenic. The parts generally used in medicinal treatments

are the leaves and the flowers, although occasionally the seeds may be used.

After the alfalfa plant was introduced into North America, it was adapted for

use by the Natives of the land. Costanoan Indians in California used the

heated leaves of this plant for treating earaches. Navajos cultivated and

harvested this legume to feed their livestock over winter. It was also used in


in mattresses and bedding, to keep bed bugs and fleas away.

Religious Uses of Alfalfa

Alfalfa is believed to be a sign or bringer of prosperity. Placed in a small

jar and kept in a pantry or cabinet, dried alfalfa protects the home and all

who dwell within from hunger, poverty, and unhappiness. Burn alfalfa and

scatter the ashes around the property, garage, and any outbuildings to protect


Arabs held this plant sacred, and believed that it imparted the attributes of

the gods (wisdom, swiftness, stamina, etc.) to their beloved horses as they

ate it.


The Herbal Encyclopedia - A Practical Guide to the Many Uses of Herbs by Rev.

Dr. Lisa Waltz, ND; 1999-2000. Unpublished in traditional form, available as

an electronic book (ebook) from earthnow.org.

James A. Duke. 1983. Handbook of Energy Crops. Unpublished

Duke, J.A. 1981a. Handbook of legumes of world economic importance. Plenum

Press. NewYork.

Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs - Scott Cunningham. 1995 Llewellyn


The Encyclopedia of Plants - Andrew Chevalier 1996 DK Publishing, London.

Hanson, A.A., D.K. Barnes, and R.R. Hill (eds.). 1988. Alfalfa and Alfalfa

Improvement. American Society of Agronomy Monograph. 1084 pp.

Holland, Clive, Pioneer Hi-Bred. Alfalfa Management/Diagnostics Guide 1989.

43 p. Des Moines, Iowa.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James F. Balch, M.D., Phyllis A. Balch,

C.N.C., Avery Publishing Group, 1990

The Complete Medicinal Herbal, Penelope Ody, Dorling Kindersley, Inc., 1993

The New Holistic Herbal, David Hoffman, Element, Inc. 1991

The Healing Power of Herbs, Michael T. Murray, N.D. Prima Publishing, 1992,


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